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Seven ways students can contribute to sustainable development

1. Make wise use of recycling bins.

2. Don't waste food.
3. Resell and buy in a sustainable manner.
4. Digital is also an option.
5. Water Stations around the campus.
6. Plant trees around you.
7. Use cycles:

Q) What is the role of students in promoting sustainable development?

Ans: Students act sustainably in their daily lives to foster environmental consciousness
and lifelong learning in their classroom by practicing these major principles as: Connect
and develop respect towards Nature.
Q) What are four ways to achieve sustainable development?
Ans: Providing access to clean drinking water and nutritious food. Protecting the
environment from damage due to human activities. Planning smart infrastructure so that
the population can be managed properly. Responsible use of information technology to
support sustainable development.
How do you promote sustainability in the classroom?
Here are a few activities you can incorporate into students' day-to-day schedules:
1. Reduce the use of resources. ...
2. Reuse every possible resource. ...
3. Recycle everything you can. ...
4. Install a school garden. ...
5. Create an in-school compost bin. ...
6. Get parents and the neighbourhood involved.

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