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University of the People

BUS 5112-01 Marketing Management –


Date: 26 June, 2023

Writing Assignment Unit-2

Using a product (goods or services) and the information from the readings, create a model of buyer
behavior for the product. Next, create a model for an organizational buyer vs. an individual

Product: Smartphones

Model of Buyer Behavior for Individual Consumer:

1. Need Recognition: The individual consumer recognizes the need for a new smartphone due to
various reasons such as outdated technology, desire for advanced features, or a broken/damaged

2. Information Search: The consumer gathers information about different smartphone brands,
models, features, and prices. They may use online research, read reviews, seek recommendations
from friends or family, visit retail stores, or compare specifications on websites.

3. Evaluation of Alternatives: The consumer evaluates different smartphones based on their desired
features, price, brand reputation, durability, camera quality, battery life, operating system, and
other factors. They may create a shortlist of potential options.

4. Purchase Decision: The consumer makes a purchase decision based on their evaluation of
alternatives. Factors influencing the decision may include price, perceived value, brand loyalty,
promotions or discounts, availability, and personal preferences.

5. Purchase: The consumer completes the purchase either online or at a physical store, considering
factors like convenience, payment options, delivery or pick-up, and after-sales service.

6. Post-Purchase Evaluation: After using the smartphone, the consumer assesses whether it meets
their expectations in terms of performance, features, reliability, and user experience. This
evaluation influences their future decisions and brand loyalty.

Model of Buyer Behavior for Organizational Buyer:

1. Need Recognition: The organization identifies the need for new smartphones due to factors like
outdated technology, increased workforce, expansion, or improved productivity.

2. Specification Development: The organization defines specific requirements for smartphones,

considering factors such as operating system compatibility, security features, network
compatibility, battery life, device management capabilities, cost, and bulk purchase

3. Supplier Search: The organization conducts a supplier search to identify potential smartphone
manufacturers or distributors. They may gather information through online research, industry
contacts, trade shows, or request for proposals (RFPs).

4. Proposal Evaluation and Selection: The organization evaluates proposals from different
suppliers based on factors like price, quality, warranty, customization options, delivery terms,
volume discounts, after-sales service, and the supplier's reputation.

5. Negotiation and Contracting: The organization negotiates pricing, terms, and conditions with
the selected supplier, aiming to secure favorable pricing, volume discounts, warranty coverage,
and any additional services or support required.

6. Purchase: The organization places the order with the selected supplier, considering factors like
logistics, payment terms, delivery schedules, and any required customization or configuration.

7. Post-Purchase Evaluation: After implementing the smartphones, the organization assesses their
performance, reliability, user satisfaction, and alignment with the specified requirements. This
evaluation influences future purchasing decisions and supplier relationships.

It's important to note that buyer behavior models can vary depending on the product, market
conditions, and individual circumstances. The above models provide a general framework for
understanding buyer behavior but may not cover all possible scenarios.

In conclusion, the models of buyer behavior for individual consumers and organizational buyers
in the context of smartphones provide valuable insights into the decision-making processes of these
two distinct buyer types.

For individual consumers, the process begins with the recognition of a need for a new smartphone,
followed by thorough information search and evaluation of various alternatives. Factors such as
desired features, price, brand reputation, and personal preferences influence their purchase
decision. The actual purchase takes place considering factors like convenience, payment options,
and after-sales service. Post-purchase evaluation plays a crucial role in shaping future decisions
and brand loyalty.
On the other hand, organizational buyers follow a more structured approach. The need for
smartphones is recognized based on organizational requirements, and specifications are developed
considering factors like compatibility, security features, and cost. A supplier search is conducted,
followed by proposal evaluation and selection based on criteria such as price, quality, warranty,
and supplier reputation. Negotiation and contracting aim to secure favorable terms, and the
purchase is made with considerations for logistics, customization, and payment terms. Post-
purchase evaluation focuses on performance, user satisfaction, and alignment with specified
requirements, influencing future purchasing decisions and supplier relationships.

These models highlight the importance of understanding the specific needs, preferences, and
decision-making processes of both individual consumers and organizational buyers when
marketing and selling smartphones. By tailoring strategies to address their unique considerations,
such as features, price, brand reputation, and after-sales service for consumers, or specifications,
supplier evaluations, and customization options for organizations, businesses can effectively target
and cater to their respective buyer segments.

It is crucial to keep in mind that buyer behavior can vary across individuals and organizations, and
these models provide a general framework that should be adapted and refined based on specific
market conditions, product characteristics, and buyer insights.

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