Cell Observation & Microscope

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1) The flat and overlapping arrangement of onion cells and skin cells is beneficial because it allows for
the cells to fit together tightly, creating a strong barrier that can protect the organism from physical
damage and environmental stressors. Additionally, the overlapping arrangement of the cells creates a
waterproof layer that helps to keep moisture in and prevent water loss.

2) The chloroplast performs photosynthesis, which is the process of converting light energy into chemical
energy stored in the bonds of sugar molecules.

3) Having plants like Elodea in a fish aquarium is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to
maintain water quality by absorbing nitrates and other pollutants from the water. This helps to keep the
water clean and healthy for the fish. Secondly, Elodea provides oxygen to the water, which is essential for
the fish to breathe. Lastly, Elodea provides a natural habitat for the fish to hide and explore, which helps
to reduce stress levels and promote healthy growth.

4) Onions grow in the ground, typically in a sunny location. Onions do not have any chloroplasts because
they are not photosynthetic, meaning they do not produce their own food from light energy like other
plants do. Onions obtain their energy from the breakdown of stored carbohydrates.

5) The main difference between an elodea cell and a cheek cell is that an elodea cell is a plant cell, while
a cheek cell is an animal cell. Plant cells have a rigid cell wall made of cellulose, while animal cells do
not. Plant cells also have chloroplasts and a large central vacuole, which are both absent in animal cells.
Additionally, plant cells generally have a larger surface area to volume ratio than animal cells.


7) The cell wall is made up of a variety of molecules, including peptidoglycan (a polymer of amino acids
and sugars), cellulose, and other polysaccharides. These molecules are resistant to breakdown, so they
remain even after the cells are dead.

8) polysaccharides.

9) Low power

10) When first viewing an object under the microscope, it is best to use the lowest power available
because it provides the widest field of view. This allows you to see a larger area of the specimen at once,
making it easier to locate and identify specific features. Additionally, using a lower power will reduce the
risk of damaging delicate specimens and can help you determine if higher powers are necessary.

11) Red blood cells are shaped like a biconcave disc, which helps them to better perform their function of
transporting oxygen throughout the body. This shape gives them a large surface area for gas exchange,
allowing them to carry more oxygen molecules. The concave shape also helps to increase their flexibility,
allowing them to squeeze through small capillaries and transport oxygen to all parts of the body.

6) The relationship between what you see through the eyepiece and what you see on the stage is
that the image you see through the eyepiece is magnified and is a representation of what is
actually on the stage. The eyepiece is used to magnify the specimen on the stage, so that it can be
viewed in greater detail. The magnification of the eyepiece can be adjusted to provide a clearer
view of the specimen.

7) The image will move in the opposite direction of the slide. This is because the image is
inverted when viewed through the eyepiece. Therefore, as you move the slide to the upper right
area of the stage, the image will move to the lower left area of the field of view.

8) The image will move to the right and up. This is because the stage is set up on a coordinate
system, and when you move the slide to the lower left side of the stage, the image will move in
the opposite direction along the same axis.


10) When the diaphragm is moved, the light intensity changes. As the diaphragm is moved
closer to the stage, the light intensity increases, and as it is moved away from the stage, the light
intensity decreases. This is because the diaphragm acts as a shutter, controlling how much light
is allowed to pass through it. The closer it is to the stage, the more light is allowed to pass
through, and vice versa.


3) The total magnification of a compound microscope is determined by multiplying the

magnification of the eyepiece lens by the magnification of the objective lens.


1. Never hold the microscope by the piece. Support the stand and hold the arm when carrying the
instrument around.

Always grip the microscope by the arm and put your hand beneath its base.

2. The light microscope is also called the compound microscope because it is composed of
multiple lenses that work together to magnify objects. The first lens is a low-power objective
lens that magnifies the image, and the second lens is a high-power ocular lens that magnifies the
image even further. This combination of lenses is what gives the light microscope its
"compound" name.
3. Reversed and inverted means that the image seen under the light microscope appears upside
down and backwards. This is due to the way light passes through the microscope's lenses. The
light rays pass through the objective lens, then through the ocular lens, and then to the eye. The
light rays are then inverted and reversed in order to focus on the specimen.

4. Centering the specimen in the field of view on low power allows for the user to have a better
view of the specimen when going to high power. This is because when looking through the
microscope, the field of view is larger on low power and it is easier to center the specimen in the
field of view. Once centered, the user can switch to high power and have a better view of the
specimen as it is already centered in the field of view.

5. To calculate the low power magnification of this microscope, we need to use the formula:

Total magnification = Magnification of the objective lens x Magnification of the eyepiece

For low power, we will use the 10X objective lens. So, plugging in the values we have:

Total magnification = 10X x 20X

Total magnification = 200X

Therefore, the low power magnification of this microscope is 200X.

The high-power magnification of a microscope is calculated by multiplying the magnification of

the ocular lens (eyepiece) with the magnification of the objective lens being used

Given that the ocular lens has a magnification of 20X, and the objective lenses have
magnifications of 10X and 43X respectively, we can calculate the high-power magnification as

High-power magnification =

Magnification of ocular lens x Magnification of objective lens

High-power magnification = 20X X 43X (using the highest magnification objective)

High-power magnification = 860X

Therefore, the high-power magnification of this microscope is 860X.

Formula: High-power magnification = Magnification of ocular lens x Magnification of objective


1.With your scissors cut out the letter "e" from the newspaper.

2.Place it on the glass slide so as to look like (e).

3.Cover it with a clean cover slip. See the figure below.

7. Field of View

When increasing the power of the compound microscope, the field of view will decrease. This is
because the higher the power, the closer the lens must be to the specimen, which reduces the
amount of light passing through it and thus reduces the field of view.

8. Increase the amount of light: When switching from low to high power, the user may need to
increase the amount of light to compensate for the reduced field of view. This can be done by
increasing the intensity of the light source or by using additional light sources such as a
fiberoptic ring illuminator.

9. Under low power, the user should begin by focusing the microscope on the specimen using the
coarse focus knob. The user should then switch to high power and use the fine focus knob to
bring the specimen into focus. The user should also adjust the light source for optimal viewing
and keep the diaphragm open for maximum light. Under high power, the user should begin by
focusing the microscope on the specimen using the fine focus knob. The user should then adjust
the light source for optimal viewing and close the diaphragm to reduce glare and prevent damage
to the specimen.

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