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06-26 13:27:09.

208 1299 1299 D CompatConfig: Adding:
06-26 13:27:09.537 1299 1299 I _V_CgrpController: initialize isSupported=true
06-26 13:27:16.537 1299 1617 V ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent
{ flg=0x44000010 (has extras) } ordered=false
userid=-1 ,pid=1299 ,pkg=android
06-26 13:27:22.387 1299 1442 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 537ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
06-26 13:27:23.537 1299 1421 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
06-26 13:27:24.537 2028 2071 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
06-26 13:27:25.537 1299 1700 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-26 13:27:26.537 1754 2187 D _V_ANRMonitor: Main looper busy for 3000ms
06-26 13:27:35.537 1299 1414 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-26 13:27:43.537 1299 1415 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ } U=0: not found
06-26 13:27:54.046 1299 1537 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload uid 10173, isRmsPreload = false,
keepQuiet =false
06-26 13:27:54.053 1299 1537 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=1299,
06-26 13:27:54.056 1299 1537 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: false,
06-26 13:27:54.068 1299 1537 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10173; state: DISABLED
06-26 13:27:54.068 1299 1537 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10173; state: DISABLED
06-26 13:27:54.069 1299 1537 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10173; state: DISABLED
06-26 13:27:54.072 1299 1537 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10173; state: DISABLED
06-26 13:35:06.537 1299 2915 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{48395a8 system/1000 ImpFg #1004} whose proc state 4 is better than
process ProcessState{b9018c1} proc state 7 (137
06-26 13:47:22.174 1299 1743 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemChangeThread
currentLcm = 3536; targetLcm = 3641; pemLcm = 3537; step = 1; gap = 22
06-26 13:47:22.174 1299 1743 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getMonotonicBrightness
mActualLcm = 3536, mTargetLcm = 3641, tempPemLcm = 3537, pemLcm = 3537
06-26 13:47:22.174 1299 1743 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemBrightness originBr
= 0.6709203; mInvisibleBright = 0.6709203; mActualLcm = 3537; mTargetLcm = 3641;
mPemScale = 0.9; mApparentBrightness = 1.0, mActualLcm 3537
06-26 13:47:22.174 1299 1743 I _V_VivoLcmBrightnessManager: DisplayToken
android.os.BinderProxy@b550eaf, setLcmBacklight lcmFloat = 0.8637363, brightness =
3537, useSurfaceControl status false
06-26 13:47:22.175 1299 1743 D _V_VivoLcmSre: onBrightnessChanged brightness=3537
06-26 13:47:22.175 1299 1743 I _V_VivoLightsService: lcmFloat = 0.8637363;
setBrightness = 3537
06-26 13:47:22.175 1299 1417 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vivo_lcm_brightness value:3537 pkg:android userId:0
06-26 13:47:22.179 1299 1420 D _V_VivoLocalDisplayAdapter: display Info =
DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": uniqueId="local:0", 720 x 1600, modeId 1,
defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=720, height=1600, fps=60.0,
alternativeRefreshRates=[]}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities
HdrCapabilities{mSupportedHdrTypes=[], mMaxLuminance=500.0,
mMaxAverageLuminance=500.0, mMinLuminance=0.0}, allmSupported false,
gameContentTypeSupported false, density 300, 269.21 x 269.21 dpi, appVsyncOff
2400001, presDeadline 28600000, cutout DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 44 - 0, 0)
waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(270, 0 - 450, 44), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -90,0 L -30,44 L 30,44 L 90,0 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type INTERNAL, address {port=0},
deviceProductInfo null, state ON, frameRateOverride , brightnessMinimum 0.0,
brightnessMaximum 1.0, brightnessDefault 0.4, roundedCorners
RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)},
RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85, center=Point(635, 85)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85, center=Point(635, 1515)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85, center=Point(85, 1515)}]},
06-26 13:47:22.196 1299 1743 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemChangeThread
currentLcm = 3537; targetLcm = 3641; pemLcm = 3538; step = 1; gap = 22
06-26 13:47:22.196 1299 1743 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getMonotonicBrightness
mActualLcm = 3537, mTargetLcm = 3641, tempPemLcm = 3538, pemLcm = 3538
06-26 13:48:18.205 1299 6537 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting newState:1
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10144 callingPid:3877
06-26 13:48:18.370 1299 6537 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10144 callingPid:3877
06-26 13:48:23.436 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-26 13:48:23.563 1299 6537 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ flg=0x10 (has extras) }
06-26 13:48:24.771 1299 6537 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ flg=0x10 (has extras) }
06-26 13:48:24.772 1299 6537 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ flg=0x10 (has extras) }
06-26 13:48:24.786 1299 6537 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ flg=0x10 (has extras) }
06-26 13:52:26.300 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 13:55:07.589 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 13:55:09.153 1299 6537 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-26 13:55:09.211 1299 6537 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-26 13:55:10.528 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 14:06:00.669 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 14:24:26.430 1299 6537 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-26 14:32:10.234 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 14:40:35.537 1299 3618 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-26 14:42:10.109 1299 6537 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-26 14:42:21.111 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 14:50:11.882 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 15:03:44.168 1299 6537 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-26 15:14:34.537 1299 22233 I Telecom : IncomingCallFilterGraph: Filter done, result: [Allow, logged, notified].:
06-26 18:16:32.514 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 18:16:32.537 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 18:22:19.537 1299 1473 I _V_DisplayPowerState: colorfade judge brightness
brightness: 0.6117637
06-26 18:22:19.537 1299 1299 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
06-26 18:26:11.598 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 19:02:56.175 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 19:20:52.307 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 19:31:57.383 1299 6537 E ClipboardService: Denying clipboard access to
com.transsion.phoenix, application is not in focus nor is it a system service for
user 0
06-26 19:53:44.228 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 19:54:14.513 1299 6537 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-26 19:55:21.595 1299 6537 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-26 19:57:51.702 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 20:43:29.998 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 20:49:30.128 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 20:51:00.579 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 20:51:06.131 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 20:52:14.906 5375 5394 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
06-26 20:54:01.824 5375 5394 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
06-26 20:56:17.861 5375 5392 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
06-26 20:57:16.465 5375 5394 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
06-26 20:57:48.763 5375 5420 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
06-26 21:01:59.030 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 21:02:15.427 5375 5420 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
06-26 21:23:26.463 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 21:31:53.226 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 21:39:23.224 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 21:41:40.199 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 21:41:40.606 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 21:42:43.997 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 21:42:45.409 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 21:53:07.537 1299 1299 I Telecom : eo: Package com.whatsapp.w4b is not
tracked.: SSH.oR@ACI
06-26 22:22:48.046 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 22:23:17.546 1299 6537 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-26 22:24:03.622 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 22:24:05.150 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 22:24:10.132 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 22:24:29.929 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 22:24:31.226 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 22:24:40.537 1299 2232 E InputMethodManagerService:
SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE is ignored because there is no focused view that
also returns true from View#onCheckIsTextEditor()
06-26 22:24:40.537 1299 2232 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 22:24:47.193 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 22:24:49.381 1299 6537 E InputMethodManagerService:
SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE is ignored because there is no focused view that
also returns true from View#onCheckIsTextEditor()
06-26 22:24:49.381 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 22:25:56.573 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 22:27:31.648 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-26 22:39:29.532 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 04:07:31.537 1299 1889 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
06-27 06:17:57.209 1299 6537 D _V_VivoWidgetAppControllx: mWidgetStartSwitch is
06-27 06:17:57.663 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:17:57.698 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:17:59.580 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:01.497 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:02.122 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:02.995 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:03.692 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:03.891 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:04.168 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:04.408 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:04.570 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:04.653 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:04.874 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:04.932 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:05.617 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:05.648 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:05.891 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:06.175 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:06.996 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:07.132 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:07.249 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:08.539 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:08.556 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:08.582 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:10.910 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:11.052 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:11.133 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:11.388 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:12.086 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:12.104 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:12.197 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:12.541 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:12.574 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:12.975 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:13.522 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:13.572 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:13.628 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:13.896 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:13.996 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:14.751 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:14.765 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:14.834 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:15.853 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:15.869 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:21.385 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:22.095 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:22.377 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:22.829 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:23.713 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:24.412 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:25.039 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:27.526 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:27.662 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:27.677 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:27.751 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:27.782 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:28.581 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:29.367 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:30.802 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:30.871 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:30.877 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:18:31.008 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 06:22:10.355 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 06:32:52.445 1299 1299 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 06:33:03.949 586 27202 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: startOutput() output 13,
stream 1, session 6537
06-27 06:33:04.017 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 06:33:04.017 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 06:33:04.017 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 06:33:11.537 557 618 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
06-27 06:33:11.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:56063, idx:3
06-27 06:33:14.841 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 06:33:14.841 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 06:33:14.841 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 06:33:30.908 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56128, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:33:30.908 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56148
06-27 06:33:30.911 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56148,
06-27 06:33:31.018 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:33:31.076 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:33:32.285 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56155,
06-27 06:33:32.384 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56148, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:33:32.385 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56156
06-27 06:33:32.385 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56156,
06-27 06:33:32.529 1299 6537 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-27 06:33:41.542 6108 6146 E SQLiteDatabase: at X.2l8.A03(:443537)
06-27 06:33:41.676 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 06:33:41.680 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 06:33:41.683 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 06:33:41.688 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 06:33:41.691 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 06:33:41.693 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 06:33:41.744 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.whatsapp
06-27 06:33:41.779 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 06:33:41.779 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 06:33:41.779 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 06:33:41.971 6108 6147 E SQLiteDatabase: at X.2l8.A03(:443537)
06-27 06:33:42.605 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 06:33:42.615 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 06:33:42.823 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56179, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:33:42.824 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56180
06-27 06:33:42.826 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56180,
06-27 06:33:43.163 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56182,
06-27 06:33:44.420 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 06:33:45.186 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56184, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:33:45.199 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56185
06-27 06:33:53.881 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56213, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:33:53.882 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56219
06-27 06:33:58.370 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 06:33:58.370 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 06:33:58.370 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 06:34:00.078 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56261,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:00.079 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56265
06-27 06:34:00.079 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56265,
06-27 06:34:00.117 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56260, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:00.118 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56266
06-27 06:34:01.797 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56251, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:01.798 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56267
06-27 06:34:01.799 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56267,
06-27 06:34:01.884 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56268,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:01.884 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56269
06-27 06:34:01.885 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56269,
06-27 06:34:02.033 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56267, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:02.034 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56270
06-27 06:34:02.035 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56270,
06-27 06:34:02.238 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56272,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:02.239 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56274
06-27 06:34:02.239 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56274,
06-27 06:34:02.273 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56274,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:02.274 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56275
06-27 06:34:02.275 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56275,
06-27 06:34:02.370 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56273, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:02.371 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56276
06-27 06:34:02.372 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56276,
06-27 06:34:02.433 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56277,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:02.434 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56278
06-27 06:34:02.532 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56278,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:02.533 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56280
06-27 06:34:02.533 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56280,
06-27 06:34:02.735 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56279, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:02.736 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56282
06-27 06:34:02.737 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56282,
06-27 06:34:02.739 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56283,
06-27 06:34:02.756 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56284,
06-27 06:34:03.322 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56282, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:03.323 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56285
06-27 06:34:03.324 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56285,
06-27 06:34:03.325 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56284,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:03.325 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56286
06-27 06:34:03.326 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56286,
06-27 06:34:03.382 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56286,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:03.383 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56287
06-27 06:34:03.383 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56287,
06-27 06:34:03.514 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56285, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:03.515 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56288
06-27 06:34:03.516 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56288,
06-27 06:34:04.031 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56289,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:04.032 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56291
06-27 06:34:04.131 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56291,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:04.132 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56293
06-27 06:34:04.307 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56293,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:04.307 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56295
06-27 06:34:04.308 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56295,
06-27 06:34:04.405 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56294, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:04.405 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56296
06-27 06:34:04.406 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56296,
06-27 06:34:04.788 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56297,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:04.789 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56298
06-27 06:34:04.789 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56298,
06-27 06:34:04.886 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56296, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:04.887 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56299
06-27 06:34:04.887 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56299,
06-27 06:34:05.749 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56301, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:05.749 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56302
06-27 06:34:05.750 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56302,
06-27 06:34:06.250 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56302, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:06.251 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56303
06-27 06:34:06.251 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56303,
06-27 06:34:07.260 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56308,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:07.262 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56310
06-27 06:34:07.262 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56310,
06-27 06:34:07.755 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56311,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:07.756 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56313
06-27 06:34:07.756 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56313,
06-27 06:34:07.953 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56313,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:07.955 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56314
06-27 06:34:07.955 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56314,
06-27 06:34:08.384 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56315,
06-27 06:34:08.386 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56316,
06-27 06:34:08.819 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56316,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:08.820 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56318
06-27 06:34:08.820 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56318,
06-27 06:34:08.918 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56317, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:08.919 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56319
06-27 06:34:08.920 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56319,
06-27 06:34:08.922 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56320,
06-27 06:34:09.176 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56321,
06-27 06:34:09.495 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56319, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:09.496 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56322
06-27 06:34:09.496 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56322,
06-27 06:34:10.123 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56323,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:10.124 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56325
06-27 06:34:10.125 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56325,
06-27 06:34:10.564 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56324, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:10.564 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56326
06-27 06:34:10.565 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56326,
06-27 06:34:13.321 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56348,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:13.321 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56353
06-27 06:34:13.322 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56353,
06-27 06:34:13.767 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56356,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:13.768 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56357
06-27 06:34:13.768 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56357,
06-27 06:34:14.065 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56357,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:14.065 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56359
06-27 06:34:14.066 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56359,
06-27 06:34:14.713 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56365,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:14.716 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56366
06-27 06:34:14.718 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56366,
06-27 06:34:16.501 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56375, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:16.501 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56380
06-27 06:34:16.502 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56380,
06-27 06:34:18.677 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 06:34:20.850 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56399, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:20.851 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56403
06-27 06:34:20.853 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56403,
06-27 06:34:21.432 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56403, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:21.434 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56404
06-27 06:34:21.436 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56404,
06-27 06:34:22.985 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56435,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:22.986 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56435
06-27 06:34:23.242 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56437,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:23.243 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56440
06-27 06:34:23.244 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56440,
06-27 06:34:23.432 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56443,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:23.436 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56444
06-27 06:34:29.526 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 06:34:29.742 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56469,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:29.742 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56485
06-27 06:34:29.743 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56485,
06-27 06:34:29.776 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56488,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:29.778 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56489
06-27 06:34:29.778 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56489,
06-27 06:34:30.138 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56491,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:30.138 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56494
06-27 06:34:30.139 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56494,
06-27 06:34:30.396 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56497,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:30.399 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56498
06-27 06:34:30.400 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56498,
06-27 06:34:33.819 1299 2232 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56537
06-27 06:34:33.819 1299 2232 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56537,
06-27 06:34:33.974 1299 2232 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56537,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:2232
06-27 06:34:36.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [fpsgo_noctrl_render_thread] -6155,
06-27 06:34:36.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PE] system_server update cmd:2000300
06-27 06:34:36.537 1299 3615 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56557,
06-27 06:34:36.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:56557, idx:2
06-27 06:34:37.101 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56569,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:37.102 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56573
06-27 06:34:37.102 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56573,
06-27 06:34:38.678 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56570, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:38.679 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56574
06-27 06:34:38.679 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56574,
06-27 06:34:38.857 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56575,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:38.858 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56576
06-27 06:34:39.251 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56576,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:39.252 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56578
06-27 06:34:39.253 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56578,
06-27 06:34:39.265 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56578,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:39.266 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56579
06-27 06:34:39.267 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56579,
06-27 06:34:39.717 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56584,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:39.717 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56589
06-27 06:34:39.717 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56589,
06-27 06:34:40.537 1299 1640 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56603
06-27 06:34:42.683 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56606, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:42.684 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56630
06-27 06:34:42.684 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56630,
06-27 06:34:42.936 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56630, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:42.936 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56633
06-27 06:34:42.937 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56633,
06-27 06:34:43.497 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56633, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:43.499 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56634
06-27 06:34:43.501 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56634,
06-27 06:34:43.873 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56634, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:43.875 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56635
06-27 06:34:43.876 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56635,
06-27 06:34:44.047 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56635, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:44.049 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56636
06-27 06:34:44.050 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56636,
06-27 06:34:46.755 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56655,
06-27 06:34:47.036 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56648, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:47.036 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56656
06-27 06:34:47.037 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56656,
06-27 06:34:47.779 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56656, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:47.781 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56660
06-27 06:34:47.784 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56660,
06-27 06:34:51.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:56692, idx:2
06-27 06:34:51.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [notify_targetFPS_pid] 6155,
06-27 06:34:51.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PD] system_server update ONESHOT
cmd:2000200 param:6155
06-27 06:34:51.857 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56694,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:51.862 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56697
06-27 06:34:51.959 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56697,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:34:51.959 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56700
06-27 06:34:51.961 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56700,
06-27 06:35:13.656 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56736, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:35:13.659 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:56738
06-27 06:35:13.659 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56738,
06-27 06:35:15.301 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 06:35:15.301 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 06:35:15.301 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 06:35:20.615 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 06:35:20.615 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 06:35:20.615 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 06:35:20.683 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 06:36:36.537 1299 4160 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:56878,
06-27 06:38:45.146 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.156 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.166 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.176 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.186 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.197 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.207 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.216 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.227 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.237 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.248 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.258 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.269 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.280 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.291 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.302 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.315 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:38:45.740 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:39:19.593 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 06:45:17.127 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 06:45:17.127 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 06:45:17.127 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 06:52:41.022 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 06:52:41.023 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 06:52:41.024 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 06:53:49.416 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:57137, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:53:49.420 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57138
06-27 06:55:23.404 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 06:55:47.692 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:57142,
06-27 06:56:13.653 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:56759, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:56:13.674 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57146
06-27 06:56:17.700 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:57164,
06-27 06:56:18.216 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:57164, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:56:18.217 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57166
06-27 06:56:18.617 1299 6537 E CameraService_proxy: Top task with package name: not found!
06-27 06:56:24.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:57202, idx:0
06-27 06:56:26.798 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 06:56:27.010 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 06:56:27.087 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 06:56:27.087 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 06:56:27.087 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 06:56:27.503 537 635 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xb7c8bab8
06-27 06:56:27.537 586 875 W APM::AudioPolicyEngine/ProductStrategy:
getVolumeGroupForStreamType: no volume group for AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT, using
06-27 06:56:27.537 586 875 D _V_AudioPolicyManagerCustomImpl:
+computeGainTableCustomVolume volume 1.000000 stream 12, index 10
06-27 06:56:27.537 586 875 D _V_AudioPolicyManagerCustomImpl: -
computeGainTableCustomVolume stream 12 fix 1.0
06-27 06:56:27.537 586 875 D _V_AudioPolicyManagerCustomImpl:
+computeGainTableCustomVolume volume 1.000000 stream 2, index 5
06-27 06:56:27.537 586 875 D _V_AudioPolicyManagerCustomImpl: -
computeGainTableCustomVolume customGain 0xb3, sceneIndex 0, volume 0.112202 stream
2, index 5, gainDevice 2, device 0x2 [3/0x2/15]
06-27 06:56:27.537 586 875 D _V_AudioPolicyManagerCustomImpl:
+computeGainTableCustomVolume volume 1.000000 stream 1, index 5
06-27 06:56:27.641 537 635 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 3, devices 0x2, index 15, mode 0x0, gainDevice 0x2
06-27 06:56:27.641 537 635 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
10, spkAnaType = 3
06-27 06:56:27.641 537 635 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
3, device= 2, index= f
06-27 06:56:29.537 1299 2914 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 06:56:30.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:57254, idx:-1
06-27 06:56:39.895 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 06:56:39.895 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 06:56:39.895 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 06:56:45.750 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:57328,
06-27 06:56:49.320 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:57332, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:56:49.322 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57333
06-27 06:56:49.818 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:57333, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:56:49.821 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57334
06-27 06:56:50.852 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:57335, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:56:50.855 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57336
06-27 06:56:50.856 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:57336,
06-27 06:56:54.927 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:57342, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:56:54.931 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57343
06-27 06:56:58.509 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:57348,
06-27 06:57:00.034 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:57350, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:57:00.038 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57351
06-27 06:57:00.537 1299 3617 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57353
06-27 06:57:11.537 596 701 E RenderEngine: cache insert a buffer with not
renderable! 0
06-27 06:57:13.797 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:57396,
06-27 06:57:14.189 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 06:57:14.255 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 06:57:14.255 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 06:57:14.255 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 06:57:17.330 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 06:58:35.657 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:57422, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 06:58:35.658 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57426
06-27 06:58:35.659 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:57426,
06-27 06:58:44.537 1299 2069 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:57511,
06-27 06:58:46.801 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 07:00:25.377 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:57537 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:57537
06-27 07:00:25.378 1299 1512 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:57537
06-27 07:00:25.379 1299 3617 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:57537,
06-27 07:00:25.381 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:57537, idx:0
06-27 07:01:00.204 1299 4551 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:57537, dur:0,
num:2, tid:4551
06-27 07:01:16.537 1909 2108 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
06-27 07:01:46.329 1299 1299 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 07:01:55.773 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 07:05:24.435 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 07:06:28.066 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:06:28.066 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:06:28.066 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:06:43.245 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 07:06:50.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:57742, idx:1
06-27 07:06:50.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: 1157: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 1138000
-1 1218000 -1
06-27 07:06:55.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:57762, idx:-1
06-27 07:07:10.276 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:07:10.276 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:07:10.276 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:07:25.366 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:07:25.366 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:07:25.366 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:07:25.537 586 875 I _V_APM_AudioPolicyManager:
[MTK_APM_Route]setOutputDevices() prevDevice {type:0x2,@:}
06-27 07:07:36.008 6108 6146 E SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting transferred=0
media_job_uuid=20d94bd6-8f13-4b44-bda9-ff3ab8e8dbf6 transcoded=0 gif_attribution=0
first_scan_length=0 direct_path=/v/t62.7161-
thumbnail_height_width_ratio=1.7777778 is_animated_sticker=0
file_hash=Dqj8ajjmKh6hv4nIg3Sn6TCj0D72J1QupJe4vzB9S00= file_path=null file_size=0
partial_media_hash=null face_x=0 face_y=0 height=1024 trim_to=0
media_key_timestamp=1687844961000 message_url=
h6A1NZ3oXRKiDXlyfPlaOy3zS9bx5riQVmBV0mnUg&oe=64C1E0F2&mms3=true media_caption=null
trim_from=0 mime_type=video/mp4 partial_media_enc_hash=null width=576
original_file_hash=null has_streaming_sidecar=1 autotransfer_retry_enabled=1
media_upload_handle=null message_row_id=818 multicast_id=null
enc_file_hash=TrgFvrd1sRMDb29AAH7nelV8Wb4sTrxBddSUPon01WY= mute_video=0
page_count=0 first_scan_sidecar=null suspicious_content=0 file_length=2777082
media_name=null media_duration=30 chat_row_id=52 media_key=[B@a0a3d8e
06-27 07:07:45.791 6108 6146 E SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting transferred=1
media_job_uuid=20d94bd6-8f13-4b44-bda9-ff3ab8e8dbf6 transcoded=0 gif_attribution=0
first_scan_length=0 direct_path=/v/t62.7161-
thumbnail_height_width_ratio=1.7777778 is_animated_sticker=0
file_path=Media/.Statuses/1feafb58467447019552afff2812a658.mp4 file_size=2777082
partial_media_hash=null face_x=0 face_y=0 height=1024 trim_to=0
media_key_timestamp=1687844961000 message_url=
h6A1NZ3oXRKiDXlyfPlaOy3zS9bx5riQVmBV0mnUg&oe=64C1E0F2&mms3=true media_caption=null
trim_from=0 mime_type=video/mp4 partial_media_enc_hash=null width=576
original_file_hash=null has_streaming_sidecar=1 autotransfer_retry_enabled=1
media_upload_handle=null message_row_id=818 multicast_id=null
enc_file_hash=TrgFvrd1sRMDb29AAH7nelV8Wb4sTrxBddSUPon01WY= mute_video=0
page_count=0 first_scan_sidecar=null suspicious_content=0 file_length=2777082
media_name=null media_duration=30 chat_row_id=52 media_key=[B@a0a3d8e
06-27 07:07:54.276 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 07:08:19.144 6108 6146 E SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting transferred=1
media_job_uuid=27f75c99-c3af-4971-af6d-76a519f9b087 transcoded=0 gif_attribution=0
first_scan_length=6036 direct_path=/v/t62.7118-
thumbnail_height_width_ratio=1.7846154 is_animated_sticker=0
file_path=Media/.Statuses/fb83a64d4501403aabf9dc07c2c00900.jpg file_size=96861
partial_media_hash=FmbS81GLK2ALivdGuPDUPXjXSVVNdPaBMaKDIaPsMtY= face_x=0 face_y=0
height=1080 trim_to=0 media_key_timestamp=1687842315000
media_caption=null trim_from=0 mime_type=image/jpeg partial_media_enc_hash=null
width=608 original_file_hash=null has_streaming_sidecar=1
autotransfer_retry_enabled=1 media_upload_handle=null message_row_id=814
multicast_id=null enc_file_hash=11p2n1z7Hhx6+pVlHW1+0IKPW8FiBBRfnkX4jfLJOyk=
mute_video=0 page_count=0 first_scan_sidecar=[B@71c6163 suspicious_content=0
file_length=96861 media_name=null media_duration=0 chat_row_id=52
06-27 07:08:19.182 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:08:19.183 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:08:19.183 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:08:35.254 1299 1552 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66537
strType=android.sensor.window_orientation delay:66667 maxLatency:0 by: class$AccelSensorJudge num: 4
06-27 07:08:35.799 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:08:35.799 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:08:35.799 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:08:37.303 1299 1552 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66537
strType=android.sensor.window_orientation delay:66667 maxLatency:0 by: class$AccelSensorJudge num: 4
06-27 07:08:38.516 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:08:38.516 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:08:38.517 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:08:41.170 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:08:41.170 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:08:41.170 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:08:43.537 1299 1414 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.DATA_STALL_STATUS from system pkg
06-27 07:08:43.537 1299 1414 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:08:43.537 1299 1414 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:08:43.537 1299 1414 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:08:43.537 1299 1414 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:08:43.537 1299 1414 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:08:43.537 1299 1414 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:08:43.537 1299 1414 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:08:43.537 1299 1414 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:08:43.537 1299 1414 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:08:43.537 1299 1414 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:08:46.063 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:08:46.063 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:08:46.063 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:09:05.530 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 07:09:19.095 1299 1552 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66537
strType=android.sensor.window_orientation delay:66667 maxLatency:0 by: class$AccelSensorJudge num: 4
06-27 07:09:19.463 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:09:19.463 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:09:19.463 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:09:21.537 596 701 E RenderEngine: cache insert a buffer with not
renderable! 0
06-27 07:09:57.133 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:09:57.133 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:09:57.133 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:10:09.811 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:10:09.811 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:10:09.811 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:10:24.500 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 07:10:44.817 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:10:44.817 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:10:44.817 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:10:53.537 544 18475 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:11:06.537 544 18694 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:11:13.537 1299 3618 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58209, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3618
06-27 07:11:25.537 544 18694 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:11:59.537 544 18694 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:12:54.537 544 18694 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:13:06.537 544 18694 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:13:11.537 544 18694 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:13:21.537 544 18712 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:14:24.537 544 18712 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:14:31.537 544 18712 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:15:05.537 544 18712 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:15:09.537 544 18712 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:16:08.537 557 618 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
06-27 07:16:08.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:58310, idx:2
06-27 07:16:26.537 544 18532 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:16:30.537 544 18532 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:17:19.537 544 18532 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:17:52.537 544 18532 E [DEBUG]
06-27 07:17:54.270 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:17:54.270 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:17:54.271 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:18:10.537 402 402 E lowmemorykiller: control data socket write failed;
06-27 07:18:12.188 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58397,
06-27 07:18:15.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:58414 hint:25
pid:557 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:58414
06-27 07:18:17.699 1299 1552 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66537
strType=android.sensor.window_orientation delay:66667 maxLatency:0 by: class$AccelSensorJudge num: 4
06-27 07:18:18.537 1909 2050 E _V_ProxCoverNoticeService: watch view is null, no
need to update minimum
06-27 07:18:19.418 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:18:19.418 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:18:19.419 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:18:25.537 557 605 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(18997) : 60 => -1
06-27 07:18:25.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],,
state:5, pid:18997, uid:10145, fps:-1
06-27 07:18:26.537 557 605 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(18997) : -1 => 90
06-27 07:18:26.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],,
state:5, pid:18997, uid:10145, fps:90
06-27 07:18:27.537 557 605 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(18997) : 90 => -1
06-27 07:18:28.537 557 605 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(2252) : -1 => 60
06-27 07:18:30.924 1299 1552 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66537
strType=android.sensor.window_orientation delay:66667 maxLatency:0 by: class$AccelSensorJudge num: 4
06-27 07:18:33.319 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:18:33.319 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:18:33.319 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:18:43.865 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:18:43.866 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:18:43.866 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:18:44.712 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:18:44.713 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:18:44.713 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:18:54.390 1299 1513 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58537
06-27 07:18:54.390 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:58537 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:58537
06-27 07:18:54.392 1299 1513 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58537,
06-27 07:18:54.393 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:58537, idx:0
06-27 07:18:55.537 586 1637 D APM_AudioPolicyManager:
[MTK_APM_Route]setPhoneState() state 2
06-27 07:18:55.611 537 20485 E AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: Error:
Speech_MD_USAGE invalid value
06-27 07:18:55.677 537 20485 E BWC : open soc:interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 07:18:55.677 537 20485 E BWC : open interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 07:18:56.320 1299 3616 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58537, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3616
06-27 07:19:02.891 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 07:19:03.504 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 07:19:03.697 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58585, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:19:03.699 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58586
06-27 07:19:04.515 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58587, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:19:04.517 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58590
06-27 07:19:04.518 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58590,
06-27 07:19:04.547 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 07:19:04.551 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58580, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:19:04.552 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58592
06-27 07:19:04.692 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 07:19:04.695 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 07:19:04.708 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 07:19:04.812 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 07:19:04.825 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 07:19:07.769 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 07:19:08.603 537 4967 E BWC : open soc:interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 07:19:08.604 537 4967 E BWC : open interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 07:19:08.604 537 4967 E AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: Error:
Speech_MD_USAGE invalid value
06-27 07:19:08.656 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:19:08.656 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:19:08.657 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:19:08.876 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 4
06-27 07:19:11.531 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.transsion.phoenix
06-27 07:19:16.859 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58617, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:19:16.860 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58628
06-27 07:19:16.861 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58628,
06-27 07:19:17.138 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58628, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:19:17.139 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58631
06-27 07:19:17.140 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58631,
06-27 07:19:30.935 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast from system pkg
06-27 07:19:30.935 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:19:30.935 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:19:30.935 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:19:30.935 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:19:30.935 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:19:30.935 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:19:30.935 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:19:30.935 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:19:30.935 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:19:30.935 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:19:31.695 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58666,
06-27 07:19:32.043 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58660, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:19:32.044 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58667
06-27 07:19:32.046 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58667,
06-27 07:19:32.048 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58667, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:19:32.050 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58668
06-27 07:19:32.051 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58668,
06-27 07:19:32.621 1299 6537 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-27 07:19:32.816 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58668, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:19:32.817 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58673
06-27 07:19:32.818 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58673,
06-27 07:19:33.149 1299 6537 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-27 07:19:36.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: 1157: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
06-27 07:19:36.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PE] (more)
/proc/perfmgr/boost_ctrl/eas_ctrl/perf_prefer_idle set +prefix:3 1;
06-27 07:19:36.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1157 update cmd:1408300, param:0
06-27 07:19:37.341 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58633, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:19:37.341 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58698
06-27 07:19:37.342 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58698,
06-27 07:19:38.301 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58688, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:19:38.301 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58702
06-27 07:19:38.302 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58702,
06-27 07:19:42.513 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58714, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:19:42.514 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58723
06-27 07:20:03.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:58796, idx:0
06-27 07:20:07.672 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58811, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:20:07.673 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58818
06-27 07:20:07.866 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58816, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:20:07.867 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58819
06-27 07:20:07.868 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58819,
06-27 07:20:08.507 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:20:08.507 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:20:08.507 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:20:10.072 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58823, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:20:10.074 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58825
06-27 07:20:10.075 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58825,
06-27 07:20:13.938 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58835, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:20:13.939 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:58837
06-27 07:20:13.940 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:58837,
06-27 07:20:14.276 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 07:20:15.000 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:20:15.000 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:20:15.000 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:20:25.365 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 07:20:34.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:58901
hint:1159 pid:579 duration:400 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:58901
06-27 07:20:41.314 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:20:41.314 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:20:41.314 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:20:50.424 537 635 E AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: Error:
Speech_MD_USAGE invalid value
06-27 07:20:50.479 537 635 E BWC : open soc:interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 07:20:50.479 537 635 E BWC : open interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 07:21:21.028 537 26728 E BWC : open soc:interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 07:21:21.029 537 26728 E BWC : open interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 07:21:21.029 537 26728 E AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: Error:
Speech_MD_USAGE invalid value
06-27 07:21:21.049 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:21:21.049 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:21:21.050 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:21:22.828 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59145,
06-27 07:21:23.673 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:21:23.673 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:21:23.673 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:21:26.537 1299 10516 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59164, dur:0,
num:2, tid:10516
06-27 07:21:27.537 1299 3618 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 07:21:28.132 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:21:28.132 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:21:28.132 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:21:43.029 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:21:43.029 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:21:43.029 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:21:43.098 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59268, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:21:43.100 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59269
06-27 07:21:43.599 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59277,
06-27 07:21:44.718 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59279, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:21:44.719 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59289
06-27 07:21:44.720 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59289,
06-27 07:21:44.752 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59278, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:21:44.754 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59290
06-27 07:21:45.851 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59292, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:21:45.852 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59298
06-27 07:21:45.853 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59298,
06-27 07:21:47.759 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59309,
06-27 07:21:47.797 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59303, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:21:47.798 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59310
06-27 07:21:47.798 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59310,
06-27 07:21:48.198 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 07:21:48.949 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:21:48.949 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:21:48.949 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:22:00.189 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59312, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:22:00.191 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59313
06-27 07:22:00.192 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59313,
06-27 07:22:20.471 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:22:20.474 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:22:20.475 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:22:24.937 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:22:24.937 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:22:24.937 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:22:25.201 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59321, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:22:25.202 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59323
06-27 07:22:25.202 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59323,
06-27 07:22:27.365 1299 6537 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-27 07:22:27.519 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59291, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:22:27.520 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59329
06-27 07:22:36.945 537 635 E AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: Error:
Speech_MD_USAGE invalid value
06-27 07:22:37.011 537 635 E BWC : open soc:interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 07:22:37.011 537 635 E BWC : open interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 07:22:40.537 1299 4551 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 07:22:42.851 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 07:22:43.126 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59410,
06-27 07:22:43.977 537 635 E BWC : open soc:interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 07:22:43.977 537 635 E BWC : open interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 07:22:43.979 537 635 E AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: Error:
Speech_MD_USAGE invalid value
06-27 07:22:43.995 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:22:43.995 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:22:43.995 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:22:45.480 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59418,
06-27 07:22:45.851 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59416, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:22:45.852 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59419
06-27 07:22:45.853 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59419,
06-27 07:22:47.537 544 21582 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_GET
failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
06-27 07:22:49.335 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59426,
06-27 07:22:49.370 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59417, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:22:49.372 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59427
06-27 07:22:49.374 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59427,
06-27 07:22:49.990 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59427, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:22:49.991 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59428
06-27 07:22:54.061 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59445,
06-27 07:22:54.216 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59445, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:22:54.217 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59446
06-27 07:22:54.353 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59446, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:22:54.353 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59447
06-27 07:22:54.354 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59447,
06-27 07:22:54.457 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59447, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:22:54.458 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59448
06-27 07:22:54.459 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59448,
06-27 07:22:54.717 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59448, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:22:54.718 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59449
06-27 07:22:54.719 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59449,
06-27 07:22:54.961 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
android.vivolog.action.EXCEPTION from system pkg
06-27 07:22:54.961 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:22:54.961 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:22:54.961 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:22:54.961 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:22:54.961 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:22:54.961 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:22:54.961 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:22:54.961 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:22:54.961 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:22:54.961 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:22:55.147 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59449, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:22:55.149 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59450
06-27 07:22:55.150 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59450,
06-27 07:22:55.388 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59450, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:22:55.389 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59451
06-27 07:22:55.390 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59451,
06-27 07:22:58.483 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:22:58.484 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:22:58.484 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:23:00.895 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:23:00.895 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:23:00.895 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:23:01.965 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58762, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:23:01.965 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59472
06-27 07:23:02.132 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.whatsapp.w4b
06-27 07:23:03.659 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:23:03.659 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:23:03.659 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:23:18.283 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59482, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:23:18.284 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59485
06-27 07:23:19.532 20466 20512 E SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting transferred=1
media_job_uuid=f44e5992-d1a0-4cf5-818e-d714e3cb1333 transcoded=0 gif_attribution=0
first_scan_length=6036 direct_path=/v/t62.7118-
thumbnail_height_width_ratio=1.7846154 is_animated_sticker=0
file_path=Media/.Statuses/6020d1445591457ebfea436d49a47503.jpg file_size=96861
partial_media_hash=FmbS81GLK2ALivdGuPDUPXjXSVVNdPaBMaKDIaPsMtY= face_x=0 face_y=0
height=1080 trim_to=0 media_key_timestamp=1687842315000
media_caption=null trim_from=0 mime_type=image/jpeg partial_media_enc_hash=null
width=608 original_file_hash=null has_streaming_sidecar=1
autotransfer_retry_enabled=1 media_upload_handle=null message_row_id=2404
multicast_id=null enc_file_hash=11p2n1z7Hhx6+pVlHW1+0IKPW8FiBBRfnkX4jfLJOyk=
mute_video=0 page_count=0 first_scan_sidecar=[B@64222a6 suspicious_content=0
file_length=96861 media_name=null media_duration=0 chat_row_id=38
06-27 07:23:20.949 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast from system pkg
06-27 07:23:20.949 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:23:20.949 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:20.949 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:20.949 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:20.949 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:20.949 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:23:20.949 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:23:20.949 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:20.949 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:20.949 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:21.340 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.whatsapp.w4b
06-27 07:23:21.386 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:23:21.386 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:23:21.387 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:23:32.426 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59496,
06-27 07:23:32.832 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59496, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:23:32.833 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59497
06-27 07:23:42.481 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59509, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:23:42.483 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59511
06-27 07:23:45.057 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.PRIVACY_APP_STATE_CHANGE from system pkg
06-27 07:23:45.057 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:23:45.057 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:45.057 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:45.057 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:45.057 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:45.057 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:23:45.057 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:23:45.057 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:45.057 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:45.057 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:23:49.355 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59264,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:23:49.357 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59513
06-27 07:23:49.359 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59513,
06-27 07:23:51.537 586 15176 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts
mAvailableInputDevices 0x80000004 , 0x80000040 , 0x80000080 , 0x80000100 ,
0x80002000 , 0x90000000
06-27 07:23:51.537 586 15015 E _V_FeatureManager: erro!!,gFeatureNotifyCallback =
06-27 07:23:51.537 586 15015 E _V_FeatureManager: erro!!,gFeatureNotifyCallback =
06-27 07:23:51.573 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:23:51.573 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:23:51.574 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:23:52.388 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59515,
06-27 07:24:00.161 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:59517, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:24:00.162 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:59518
06-27 07:24:00.164 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:59518,
06-27 07:24:08.202 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:24:08.202 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:24:08.202 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:24:12.883 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:24:12.888 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:24:12.888 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:24:17.049 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.whatsapp.w4b
06-27 07:24:18.993 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:59537 hint:25
pid:557 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:59537
06-27 07:24:19.095 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:59537, idx:0
06-27 07:24:26.642 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:24:26.643 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:24:26.643 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:25:05.606 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:25:05.606 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:25:05.606 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:25:17.594 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:25:17.594 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:25:17.594 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:25:43.716 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:25:43.716 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:25:43.716 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:25:47.767 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:25:47.767 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:25:47.767 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:26:01.012 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:26:01.014 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:26:01.015 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:26:08.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:59726, idx:-1
06-27 07:26:25.116 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:26:25.116 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:26:25.116 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:26:31.455 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:26:31.455 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:26:31.455 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:26:45.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:59941, idx:-1
06-27 07:26:50.241 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:26:50.241 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:26:50.241 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:26:58.199 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:26:58.199 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:26:58.199 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:27:21.596 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:58609, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:27:21.597 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60021
06-27 07:27:21.598 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60021,
06-27 07:27:48.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:9 hdl:60116
hint:1160 pid:579 duration:500 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:60116
06-27 07:27:54.785 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60162, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:27:54.786 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60169
06-27 07:27:54.787 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60169,
06-27 07:27:55.445 23431 23821 E chromium: []
Could not get file info for
/data/user/0/ Cache/Code
06-27 07:28:02.497 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:28:02.497 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:28:02.497 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:28:06.316 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60204,
06-27 07:28:06.617 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60204, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:06.618 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60205
06-27 07:28:06.619 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60205,
06-27 07:28:08.703 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60208, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:08.705 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60209
06-27 07:28:08.706 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60209,
06-27 07:28:09.727 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60214,
06-27 07:28:23.856 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.DATA_STALL_STATUS from system pkg
06-27 07:28:23.856 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:28:23.856 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:28:23.856 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:28:23.856 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:28:23.856 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:28:23.856 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:28:23.856 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:28:23.856 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:28:23.856 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:28:23.856 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:28:24.346 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60227, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:24.348 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60228
06-27 07:28:24.349 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60228,
06-27 07:28:24.828 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60228, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:24.829 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60229
06-27 07:28:24.830 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60229,
06-27 07:28:25.328 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60229, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:25.329 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60230
06-27 07:28:25.330 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60230,
06-27 07:28:26.237 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60230, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:26.238 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60231
06-27 07:28:26.239 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60231,
06-27 07:28:26.537 579 24187 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60234,
06-27 07:28:27.350 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60235,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:27.351 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60240
06-27 07:28:27.352 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60240,
06-27 07:28:30.389 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60242,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:30.390 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60253
06-27 07:28:30.392 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60253,
06-27 07:28:30.576 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60252, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:30.577 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60254
06-27 07:28:30.578 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60254,
06-27 07:28:31.504 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60256,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:31.506 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60262
06-27 07:28:31.508 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60262,
06-27 07:28:31.657 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60261, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:31.658 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60266
06-27 07:28:31.659 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60266,
06-27 07:28:32.202 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60270,
06-27 07:28:33.771 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60262,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:33.771 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60277
06-27 07:28:33.772 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60277,
06-27 07:28:34.311 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60273, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:34.312 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60280
06-27 07:28:34.313 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60280,
06-27 07:28:35.100 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60280, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:35.102 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60283
06-27 07:28:35.104 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60283,
06-27 07:28:40.893 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60283, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:40.894 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60284
06-27 07:28:40.895 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60284,
06-27 07:28:41.308 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60284, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:41.308 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60285
06-27 07:28:41.309 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60285,
06-27 07:28:41.493 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60285, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:41.494 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60286
06-27 07:28:41.494 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60286,
06-27 07:28:41.991 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60286, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:41.992 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60287
06-27 07:28:41.993 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60287,
06-27 07:28:42.181 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60287, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:42.181 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60288
06-27 07:28:42.182 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60288,
06-27 07:28:42.352 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60288, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:42.355 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60289
06-27 07:28:42.356 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60289,
06-27 07:28:47.362 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:28:47.362 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:28:50.196 1299 6537 E ClipboardService: Denying clipboard access to, application is not in focus nor is it a system service for
user 0
06-27 07:28:50.209 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 07:28:54.537 1299 2232 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60332,
06-27 07:28:55.468 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:28:55.469 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:28:58.911 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60363, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:28:58.912 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60364
06-27 07:28:59.026 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 07:28:59.974 1299 6537 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ flg=0x2010 (has
extras) } on bgKeyApp queue
06-27 07:28:59.983 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 07:29:00.021 1299 6537 D _V_VivoNetworkWatchlistServiceImpl:
VivoNetworkFuseTracker not init yet
06-27 07:29:00.225 1299 6537 D _V_VivoNetworkWatchlistServiceImpl:
VivoNetworkFuseTracker not init yet
06-27 07:29:00.302 1299 6537 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker:
requestedCommunicationDevice, device: null mode owner pid: 0
06-27 07:29:00.302 1299 6537 D _V_AS.AudioDeviceBroker: Do not indicate BT SCO
selection if SCO is requested but SCO is not ON
06-27 07:29:00.401 1299 6537 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker:
requestedCommunicationDevice, device: null mode owner pid: 0
06-27 07:29:00.401 1299 6537 D _V_AS.AudioDeviceBroker: Do not indicate BT SCO
selection if SCO is requested but SCO is not ON
06-27 07:29:00.402 1299 6537 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0,caller:android
06-27 07:29:00.402 1299 6537 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:2
06-27 07:29:00.408 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60346, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:29:00.409 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60367
06-27 07:29:01.067 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60373,
06-27 07:29:01.503 1299 6537 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker:
requestedCommunicationDevice, device: null mode owner pid: 0
06-27 07:29:01.503 1299 6537 D _V_AS.AudioDeviceBroker: Do not indicate BT SCO
selection if SCO is requested but SCO is not ON
06-27 07:29:02.339 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60375, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:29:02.340 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60376
06-27 07:29:02.341 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60376,
06-27 07:29:02.350 1299 6537 D _V_VivoNetworkWatchlistServiceImpl:
VivoNetworkFuseTracker not init yet
06-27 07:29:02.372 1299 6537 D _V_VivoNetworkWatchlistServiceImpl:
VivoNetworkFuseTracker not init yet
06-27 07:29:02.647 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60376, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:29:02.648 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60377
06-27 07:29:02.648 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60377,
06-27 07:29:02.722 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 07:29:02.747 1299 6537 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
06-27 07:29:02.897 1299 6537 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker:
requestedCommunicationDevice, device: null mode owner pid: 0
06-27 07:29:02.897 1299 6537 D _V_AS.AudioDeviceBroker: Do not indicate BT SCO
selection if SCO is requested but SCO is not ON
06-27 07:29:02.907 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60377, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:29:02.909 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60381
06-27 07:29:03.345 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60381, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:29:03.346 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60383
06-27 07:29:03.347 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60383,
06-27 07:29:03.378 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60384,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:29:03.380 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60385
06-27 07:29:03.381 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60385,
06-27 07:29:04.656 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60390, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:29:04.658 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60391
06-27 07:29:04.658 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60391,
06-27 07:29:14.822 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60413, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:29:14.822 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60431
06-27 07:29:14.823 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60431,
06-27 07:29:15.233 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60434,
06-27 07:29:15.476 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60431, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:29:15.478 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60435
06-27 07:29:15.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PE] (more)
/proc/perfmgr/boost_ctrl/eas_ctrl/perf_prefer_idle set +prefix:3 1;
06-27 07:29:15.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1157 update cmd:1408300, param:0
06-27 07:29:17.833 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60447,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:29:17.834 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60451
06-27 07:29:17.835 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60451,
06-27 07:29:29.172 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60373, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:29:29.174 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60465
06-27 07:29:32.259 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60469,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:29:32.260 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60479
06-27 07:29:32.261 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60479,
06-27 07:29:32.915 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60478, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:29:32.916 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60480
06-27 07:29:32.918 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60480,
06-27 07:29:33.117 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.DATA_STALL_STATUS from system pkg
06-27 07:29:33.117 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:29:33.117 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:29:33.117 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:29:33.117 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:29:33.117 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:29:33.117 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:29:33.117 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:29:33.117 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:29:33.117 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:29:33.117 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:30:10.990 1299 1889 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60537
06-27 07:30:10.990 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:60537 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:60537
06-27 07:30:10.991 1299 1889 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60537,
06-27 07:30:10.991 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:60537, idx:2
06-27 07:30:11.490 1299 1889 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60537, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1889
06-27 07:30:32.881 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60591,
06-27 07:30:33.184 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60585, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:30:33.185 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60592
06-27 07:30:33.186 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60592,
06-27 07:30:33.499 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60592, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:30:33.500 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60593
06-27 07:30:33.501 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60593,
06-27 07:30:33.752 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60593, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:30:33.753 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60595
06-27 07:30:33.755 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60595,
06-27 07:30:38.537 1299 2671 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60612,
06-27 07:30:48.832 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60630, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:30:48.833 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60634
06-27 07:30:48.834 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60634,
06-27 07:31:25.978 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60779, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:31:25.979 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60787
06-27 07:31:25.979 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60787,
06-27 07:31:27.843 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:31:27.843 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:31:27.843 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:31:55.840 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60914, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:31:55.841 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60916
06-27 07:31:55.842 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60916,
06-27 07:32:02.269 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60933,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:02.270 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60936
06-27 07:32:02.271 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60936,
06-27 07:32:03.144 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60935, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:03.145 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60938
06-27 07:32:03.146 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60938,
06-27 07:32:06.820 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.DATA_STALL_STATUS from system pkg
06-27 07:32:06.820 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:32:06.820 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:06.820 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:06.820 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:06.820 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:06.820 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:32:06.820 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:32:06.820 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:06.820 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:06.820 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:07.647 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60941, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:07.648 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60942
06-27 07:32:07.648 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60942,
06-27 07:32:08.575 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60942, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:08.576 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60943
06-27 07:32:08.577 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60943,
06-27 07:32:09.457 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60927, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:09.459 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60949
06-27 07:32:09.780 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60943, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:09.781 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60951
06-27 07:32:09.782 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60951,
06-27 07:32:09.840 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.DATA_STALL_STATUS from system pkg
06-27 07:32:09.840 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:32:09.840 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:09.840 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:09.840 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:09.840 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:09.840 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:32:09.840 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:32:09.840 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:09.840 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:09.840 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:10.148 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60951, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:10.149 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60952
06-27 07:32:10.152 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60952,
06-27 07:32:10.713 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60952, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:10.715 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60953
06-27 07:32:10.716 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60953,
06-27 07:32:13.408 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60966, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:13.409 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60968
06-27 07:32:13.410 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60968,
06-27 07:32:13.937 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60968, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:13.939 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60969
06-27 07:32:13.940 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60969,
06-27 07:32:15.573 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60969, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:15.573 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60970
06-27 07:32:15.574 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60970,
06-27 07:32:17.209 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60976, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:17.210 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60978
06-27 07:32:17.211 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60978,
06-27 07:32:17.367 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60978, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:17.368 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60979
06-27 07:32:17.370 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60979,
06-27 07:32:18.999 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60983, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:19.000 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60986
06-27 07:32:19.000 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60986,
06-27 07:32:19.615 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60986, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:19.617 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60987
06-27 07:32:19.618 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60987,
06-27 07:32:20.546 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:60988,
06-27 07:32:20.818 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:60988, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:20.819 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:60989
06-27 07:32:35.297 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61040, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:35.299 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61044
06-27 07:32:35.302 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61044,
06-27 07:32:36.045 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61048,
06-27 07:32:36.247 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61048, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:36.250 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61049
06-27 07:32:36.251 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61049,
06-27 07:32:36.257 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61046, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:36.258 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61050
06-27 07:32:36.259 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61050,
06-27 07:32:36.450 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61049, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:36.451 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61051
06-27 07:32:36.665 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61052,
06-27 07:32:36.735 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61050, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:36.736 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61053
06-27 07:32:36.736 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61053,
06-27 07:32:43.584 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61097,
06-27 07:32:44.857 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61101, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:44.858 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61104
06-27 07:32:48.744 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61127,
06-27 07:32:49.248 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61129,
06-27 07:32:49.265 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61130,
06-27 07:32:49.295 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 4
06-27 07:32:49.435 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61130, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:49.436 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61131
06-27 07:32:49.440 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61131,
06-27 07:32:49.536 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.PRIVACY_APP_STATE_CHANGE from system pkg
06-27 07:32:49.536 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:32:49.536 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:49.536 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:49.536 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:49.536 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:49.536 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:32:49.536 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:32:49.536 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:49.536 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:49.536 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:32:50.536 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:32:50.538 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:32:56.179 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 07:32:57.730 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61184, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:32:57.732 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61186
06-27 07:32:57.732 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61186,
06-27 07:32:58.729 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:32:58.729 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:32:58.729 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:33:07.537 586 11161 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: getNewOutputDevices
selected devices {type:0x2,@:}, mPhoneState 0
06-27 07:33:07.634 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:33:07.634 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:33:07.634 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:33:12.332 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:33:12.333 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:33:39.188 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:33:39.188 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:33:39.189 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:34:01.560 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:34:01.560 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:34:01.560 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:34:02.537 596 701 E RenderEngine: cache insert a buffer with not
renderable! 0
06-27 07:34:08.568 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:61537 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:3000 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:61537
06-27 07:34:08.569 1299 2069 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61537
06-27 07:34:08.569 1299 3616 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61537,
06-27 07:34:08.570 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:61537, idx:0
06-27 07:34:09.097 1299 3616 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61537,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:3616
06-27 07:34:23.417 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:34:23.417 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:34:23.418 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:35:00.180 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61768, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:00.182 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61794
06-27 07:35:00.184 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61794,
06-27 07:35:00.877 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61795, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:00.878 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61807
06-27 07:35:00.878 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61807,
06-27 07:35:07.001 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61847,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:07.002 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61847
06-27 07:35:16.850 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:35:16.850 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:35:16.851 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:35:23.275 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61900,
06-27 07:35:23.771 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61900, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:23.772 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61901
06-27 07:35:24.282 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61904,
06-27 07:35:24.642 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61903, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:24.643 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61906
06-27 07:35:24.644 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61906,
06-27 07:35:24.660 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61904, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:24.664 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61907
06-27 07:35:25.140 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61906, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:25.142 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61909
06-27 07:35:27.618 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61921, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:27.618 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61924
06-27 07:35:27.910 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61925,
06-27 07:35:27.997 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:35:27.998 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:35:27.998 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:35:28.253 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61925, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:28.254 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61926
06-27 07:35:28.413 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61930,
06-27 07:35:28.925 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61934,
06-27 07:35:28.982 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61848,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:28.982 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61937
06-27 07:35:28.983 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61937,
06-27 07:35:29.111 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61765, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:29.112 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61938
06-27 07:35:29.536 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61941,
06-27 07:35:29.537 1299 2232 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61941
06-27 07:35:30.512 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61950,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:30.512 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61954
06-27 07:35:30.513 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61954,
06-27 07:35:30.580 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61954,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:30.581 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61957
06-27 07:35:30.581 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61957,
06-27 07:35:30.583 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61958,
06-27 07:35:30.890 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61958,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:30.891 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61959
06-27 07:35:31.642 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:61960, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:31.642 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:61962
06-27 07:35:31.643 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:61962,
06-27 07:35:33.279 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:35:33.279 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:35:33.279 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:35:50.445 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62064, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:35:50.446 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62065
06-27 07:36:07.423 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:36:07.423 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:36:07.423 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:36:08.014 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62158, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:36:08.015 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62159
06-27 07:36:08.287 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62159, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:36:08.288 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62160
06-27 07:36:08.789 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62161,
06-27 07:36:09.285 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62161, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:36:09.288 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62162
06-27 07:36:09.289 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62162,
06-27 07:36:10.581 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62135, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:36:10.583 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62170
06-27 07:36:13.980 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62194,
06-27 07:36:25.537 1299 4445 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62254
06-27 07:36:25.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:62254 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:62254
06-27 07:36:30.525 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62281,
06-27 07:36:30.834 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:36:30.834 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:36:30.834 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:36:31.026 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62283,
06-27 07:36:32.537 1299 2671 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62287
06-27 07:36:34.962 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62296,
06-27 07:36:39.623 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:36:39.623 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:36:39.623 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:36:41.182 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62309, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:36:41.183 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62319
06-27 07:36:41.352 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62318, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:36:41.353 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62320
06-27 07:36:41.726 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62321,
06-27 07:36:42.236 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62322,
06-27 07:36:42.629 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62323,
06-27 07:36:42.730 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62322, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:36:42.731 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62324
06-27 07:36:43.232 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62325,
06-27 07:36:43.731 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62326,
06-27 07:36:44.238 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62327,
06-27 07:36:44.733 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62328,
06-27 07:36:48.257 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62335,
06-27 07:36:57.267 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62377,
06-27 07:36:57.409 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62378,
06-27 07:36:58.278 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62380,
06-27 07:36:59.385 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 07:36:59.604 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:36:59.604 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:36:59.604 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:36:59.774 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62382, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:36:59.775 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62383
06-27 07:36:59.794 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62384,
06-27 07:37:00.147 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62385,
06-27 07:37:01.914 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62393, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:37:01.916 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62395
06-27 07:37:02.494 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62401,
06-27 07:37:03.148 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62403, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:37:03.151 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62404
06-27 07:37:06.277 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62425,
06-27 07:37:20.141 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62446, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:37:20.142 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62452
06-27 07:37:20.142 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62452,
06-27 07:37:20.652 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62458,
06-27 07:37:21.594 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62432, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:37:21.595 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62460
06-27 07:37:21.595 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62460,
06-27 07:37:21.698 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62459, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:37:21.700 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62461
06-27 07:37:24.004 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62463, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:37:24.005 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62466
06-27 07:37:24.007 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62466,
06-27 07:38:00.166 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62491,
06-27 07:38:00.173 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62491, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:38:00.174 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62492
06-27 07:38:03.252 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 07:38:03.357 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.PRIVACY_APP_STATE_CHANGE from system pkg
06-27 07:38:03.357 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:38:03.357 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:38:03.357 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:38:03.357 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:38:03.357 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:38:03.357 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:38:03.357 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:38:03.357 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:38:03.357 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:38:03.357 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:38:03.516 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62493,
06-27 07:38:03.794 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62495,
06-27 07:38:03.846 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62496,
06-27 07:38:09.580 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62494, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:38:09.582 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62497
06-27 07:38:10.433 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62495, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:38:10.435 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62498
06-27 07:38:15.291 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62514, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:38:15.292 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62517
06-27 07:38:15.293 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62517,
06-27 07:38:19.605 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62531, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:38:19.606 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62533
06-27 07:38:19.606 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62533,
06-27 07:38:20.259 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62536, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:38:20.260 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62537
06-27 07:38:20.260 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:62537 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:62537
06-27 07:38:20.261 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62537,
06-27 07:38:20.262 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:62537, idx:0
06-27 07:38:20.914 1299 8447 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62537, dur:0,
num:2, tid:8447
06-27 07:38:21.860 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62544,
06-27 07:38:22.135 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 07:38:22.370 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62546, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:38:22.374 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62548
06-27 07:38:22.562 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62547, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:38:22.563 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62551
06-27 07:38:22.693 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:38:22.694 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:38:22.694 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:38:33.265 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:38:33.265 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:38:33.265 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:38:36.025 579 27537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62633,
06-27 07:39:03.221 586 15015 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: startOutput() output 21,
stream 3, session 7537
06-27 07:40:13.592 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:40:13.592 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:40:15.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:62854, idx:-1
06-27 07:40:16.380 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 07:40:26.612 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 07:40:33.246 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:40:33.247 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:40:33.247 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:40:34.594 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system pkg
06-27 07:40:34.594 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:40:34.594 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.594 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.594 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.594 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.594 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:40:34.594 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:40:34.594 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.594 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.594 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.595 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system pkg
06-27 07:40:34.595 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:40:34.595 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.595 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.595 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.595 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.595 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:40:34.595 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:40:34.595 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.595 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.595 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:40:34.678 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62913, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:40:34.678 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62924
06-27 07:40:34.680 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62924,
06-27 07:40:34.683 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62925,
06-27 07:40:35.555 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62927,
06-27 07:40:36.702 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62931, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:40:36.705 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62933
06-27 07:40:36.708 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62933,
06-27 07:40:37.424 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62927, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:40:37.425 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62936
06-27 07:40:37.426 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62936,
06-27 07:40:47.944 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62988, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:40:47.946 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62989
06-27 07:40:51.869 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63008, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:40:51.870 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63011
06-27 07:40:51.993 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63012,
06-27 07:40:52.182 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63012, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:40:52.183 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63013
06-27 07:40:52.397 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:40:52.397 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:40:52.397 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:40:52.578 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63015,
06-27 07:40:53.379 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63023,
06-27 07:40:58.560 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63050, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:40:58.561 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63052
06-27 07:40:58.580 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63053,
06-27 07:40:59.022 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63049, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:40:59.024 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63054
06-27 07:40:59.025 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63054,
06-27 07:40:59.057 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63052, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:40:59.059 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63055
06-27 07:40:59.593 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63058,
06-27 07:41:00.078 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63057, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:41:00.080 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63059
06-27 07:41:00.166 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63054, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:41:00.167 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63060
06-27 07:41:00.729 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 07:41:00.877 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63063, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:41:00.878 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63065
06-27 07:41:00.879 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63065,
06-27 07:41:01.191 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63062, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:41:01.192 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63066
06-27 07:41:01.265 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:41:01.265 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:41:01.265 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:41:01.329 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63067,
06-27 07:41:01.713 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63068,
06-27 07:41:01.831 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63068, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:41:01.832 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63069
06-27 07:41:02.326 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63069, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:41:02.328 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63070
06-27 07:41:03.741 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast from system pkg
06-27 07:41:03.741 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:41:03.741 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:41:03.741 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:41:03.741 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:41:03.741 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:41:03.741 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:41:03.741 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:41:03.741 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:41:03.741 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:41:03.741 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:41:29.537 23431 23864 E IMGSRV : :981: HWPerfSetSurfaceInfo: Cannot write
HWPerf Surface Parameters. Max RTS IDs (8) reached.
06-27 07:41:29.537 23431 23864 E IMGSRV : :981: HWPerfSetSurfaceInfo: Cannot write
HWPerf Surface Parameters. Max RTS IDs (8) reached.
06-27 07:41:33.687 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:41:33.687 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:41:33.687 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:42:10.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:63223, idx:0
06-27 07:42:10.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:0
06-27 07:42:47.714 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63376, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:42:47.715 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63395
06-27 07:42:54.117 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 07:43:13.501 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63489,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:43:13.503 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63493
06-27 07:43:13.503 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63493,
06-27 07:43:14.206 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63492, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:43:14.207 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63494
06-27 07:43:14.209 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63494,
06-27 07:43:19.761 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63504,
06-27 07:43:20.277 1299 6537 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
06-27 07:43:20.412 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63508,
06-27 07:43:20.426 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system pkg
06-27 07:43:20.426 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:43:20.426 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.426 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.426 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.426 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.426 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:43:20.426 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:43:20.426 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.426 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.426 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.427 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system pkg
06-27 07:43:20.427 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:43:20.427 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.427 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.427 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.427 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.427 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:43:20.427 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:43:20.427 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.427 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.427 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:43:20.531 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63504, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:43:20.532 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63511
06-27 07:43:20.533 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63511,
06-27 07:43:20.876 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63511, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:43:20.877 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63512
06-27 07:43:20.878 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63512,
06-27 07:43:23.832 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:63523, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:43:23.833 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:63529
06-27 07:43:23.834 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63529,
06-27 07:43:24.767 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:63537
hint:1157 pid:579 duration:80 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:63537
06-27 07:43:24.847 557 618 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
06-27 07:43:24.847 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:63537, idx:1
06-27 07:43:24.867 579 28484 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63537,
06-27 07:43:24.868 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:63537, idx:-1
06-27 07:43:26.357 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:43:26.358 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:44:25.537 579 28843 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63786,
06-27 07:44:29.012 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 07:44:29.096 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63817,
06-27 07:44:36.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:63831 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:63831
06-27 07:44:36.537 1299 1640 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63831,
06-27 07:44:36.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:63831, idx:4
06-27 07:44:57.537 1299 5695 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63947,
06-27 07:45:16.062 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:45:16.062 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:45:16.062 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:45:37.537 1299 4551 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:64075,
06-27 07:47:38.748 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:47:38.748 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:47:38.748 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:47:41.311 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:47:41.311 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:47:41.311 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:48:03.311 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:48:03.312 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:48:10.904 1299 4265 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:64537
06-27 07:48:10.904 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:5 hdl:64537 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:64537
06-27 07:48:10.905 1299 3615 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:64537,
06-27 07:48:10.906 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:64537, idx:5
06-27 07:48:11.462 1299 1640 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:64537, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1640
06-27 07:48:53.763 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:48:53.763 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:48:53.763 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:49:42.016 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:49:42.016 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:49:42.016 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:49:49.450 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:49:49.459 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:51:03.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:65242
hint:1157 pid:579 duration:80 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:65242
06-27 07:51:07.726 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:51:07.726 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:51:07.726 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:51:10.242 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:51:10.242 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:51:13.734 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65325, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:51:13.737 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65328
06-27 07:51:13.738 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65328,
06-27 07:51:13.885 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65329,
06-27 07:51:14.129 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65328, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:51:14.130 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65330
06-27 07:51:14.131 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65330,
06-27 07:51:15.692 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65299, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:51:15.693 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65338
06-27 07:51:17.306 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65354,
06-27 07:51:19.369 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:65370
hint:1157 pid:579 duration:80 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:65370
06-27 07:51:19.449 557 618 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
06-27 07:51:19.449 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65370, idx:1
06-27 07:51:19.467 579 30652 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65370,
06-27 07:51:19.468 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65370, idx:-1
06-27 07:51:19.475 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:65371 hint:25
pid:557 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:65371
06-27 07:51:19.582 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:65372
hint:1157 pid:579 duration:80 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:65372
06-27 07:51:19.585 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:65373
hint:1173 pid:579 duration:0 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:65373
06-27 07:51:19.663 557 618 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
06-27 07:51:19.664 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65372, idx:0
06-27 07:51:19.683 579 30653 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65372,
06-27 07:51:19.684 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65372, idx:-1
06-27 07:51:19.819 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65371, idx:1
06-27 07:51:19.821 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:65374
hint:1155 pid:579 duration:347 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:65374
06-27 07:51:19.822 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:65375
hint:1157 pid:579 duration:80 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:65375
06-27 07:51:19.823 579 579 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65373, tid:579
06-27 07:51:19.824 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65373, idx:2
06-27 07:51:19.902 557 618 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
06-27 07:51:19.903 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65375, idx:1
06-27 07:51:19.923 579 30656 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65375,
06-27 07:51:19.924 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65375, idx:-1
06-27 07:51:20.021 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:65376 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:65376
06-27 07:51:20.022 1299 8447 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65376
06-27 07:51:20.022 1299 8447 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65376,
06-27 07:51:20.023 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65376, idx:1
06-27 07:51:20.168 557 618 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
06-27 07:51:20.168 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65374, idx:0
06-27 07:51:20.189 579 30655 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65374,
06-27 07:51:20.190 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65374, idx:-1
06-27 07:51:20.217 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:65377 hint:25
pid:557 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:65377
06-27 07:51:20.218 579 579 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65374, tid:579
06-27 07:51:20.219 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65374, idx:-1
06-27 07:51:20.266 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65377, idx:0
06-27 07:51:20.269 579 579 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65378
06-27 07:51:20.269 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:65378 hint:-1
pid:579 duration:500 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:65378
06-27 07:51:20.382 1299 5695 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65376, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5695
06-27 07:51:20.383 1299 5695 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65379
06-27 07:51:20.383 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:65379 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:65379
06-27 07:51:20.384 1299 1889 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65379,
06-27 07:51:20.385 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65379, idx:1
06-27 07:51:20.591 1299 1889 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65379, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1889
06-27 07:51:20.771 557 618 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
06-27 07:51:20.771 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65378, idx:0
06-27 07:51:20.790 579 30657 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65378,
06-27 07:51:20.790 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65378, idx:-1
06-27 07:51:21.855 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 07:51:21.932 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65397,
06-27 07:51:22.152 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65398,
06-27 07:51:25.793 579 579 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65378,
dur:500, num:24, tid:579
06-27 07:51:33.537 29467 30579 E FA-SVC : Session engagement user property is in
the bundle without session ID. appId:
06-27 07:51:49.062 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:65537 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:65537
06-27 07:51:49.062 1299 1700 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65537
06-27 07:51:49.063 1299 1700 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65537,
06-27 07:51:49.064 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65537, idx:0
06-27 07:51:50.095 1299 4160 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65537, dur:0,
num:2, tid:4160
06-27 07:52:28.082 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65674, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:52:28.082 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65679
06-27 07:52:28.140 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65680,
06-27 07:52:28.238 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65680, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:52:28.239 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65681
06-27 07:52:30.305 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65683, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:52:30.307 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65684
06-27 07:52:32.836 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65687,
06-27 07:52:34.073 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65688, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:52:34.074 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65689
06-27 07:52:34.537 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65200,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:52:34.540 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65693
06-27 07:52:35.275 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65689, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:52:35.276 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65696
06-27 07:52:35.277 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65696,
06-27 07:52:36.919 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65705,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:52:36.920 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65708
06-27 07:52:36.920 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65708,
06-27 07:52:38.112 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65718,
06-27 07:52:38.523 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65706, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:52:38.523 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65719
06-27 07:52:38.524 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65708,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:52:38.527 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65720
06-27 07:53:33.537 1299 10516 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65793,
06-27 07:54:05.537 516 857 E libnetd_resolv: QUERY_RESOLV_NETID
command.uid:10199, nid:0
06-27 07:54:14.303 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:54:14.303 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:54:14.303 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:54:25.537 544 31395 E VDO_LOG : GetDecoderAPI hWrapper 0xb2ce4810
06-27 07:54:25.537 544 31395 E VDO_LOG : @@ dlopen CODEC_DEC_VP9 +
06-27 07:54:27.537 544 31395 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 07:54:27.537 544 31395 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 07:55:13.227 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66026,
06-27 07:55:13.688 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66026, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:55:13.689 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66027
06-27 07:55:13.793 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast from system pkg
06-27 07:55:13.793 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 07:55:13.793 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:55:13.793 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:55:13.793 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:55:13.793 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:55:13.793 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 07:55:13.793 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 07:55:13.793 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:55:13.793 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:55:13.793 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 07:55:16.270 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66032,
06-27 07:55:39.414 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:55:39.414 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:55:39.415 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:56:13.942 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66085, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:56:13.943 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66086
06-27 07:56:13.945 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66086,
06-27 07:56:29.631 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:56:29.631 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:56:29.631 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:56:36.537 544 31569 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 07:56:46.136 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66098, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:56:46.137 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66099
06-27 07:56:46.138 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66099,
06-27 07:57:05.331 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:57:05.332 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:57:05.332 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:57:16.765 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66121, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:57:16.766 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66128
06-27 07:57:35.573 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66118, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:57:35.574 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66205
06-27 07:57:35.574 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66205,
06-27 07:57:35.696 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66204, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:57:35.697 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66206
06-27 07:57:35.698 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66206,
06-27 07:57:42.472 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66221,
06-27 07:57:46.646 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:57:46.646 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:57:51.000 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66271, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:57:51.001 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66286
06-27 07:57:51.001 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66286,
06-27 07:57:51.568 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66277, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:57:51.569 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66291
06-27 07:57:51.569 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66291,
06-27 07:57:51.984 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66293,
06-27 07:57:51.987 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66294,
06-27 07:58:08.041 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:58:08.042 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:58:08.042 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:58:17.174 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:58:17.174 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:58:17.174 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:58:21.662 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66462, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:58:21.664 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66469
06-27 07:58:30.973 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:58:30.973 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:58:30.973 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:58:33.537 586 1524 E _V_FeatureManager: erro!!,gFeatureNotifyCallback =
06-27 07:58:35.132 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66515,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 07:58:35.137 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66517
06-27 07:58:36.923 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:58:36.924 23431 23431 E libEGL : validate_display:537 error 3008
06-27 07:58:38.728 1299 1700 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66537
06-27 07:58:38.729 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:66537 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:66537
06-27 07:58:38.729 1299 3615 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66537,
06-27 07:58:38.730 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66537, idx:0
06-27 07:58:38.903 1299 2929 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66537, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2929
06-27 07:58:40.210 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:58:40.210 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:58:40.210 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:58:51.695 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 07:58:51.695 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 07:58:51.696 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 07:59:32.537 544 32689 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 07:59:32.537 544 32689 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 07:59:55.537 544 32689 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 07:59:55.537 544 32689 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 08:00:58.537 544 32689 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 08:00:58.537 544 32689 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 08:01:24.537 557 618 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
06-27 08:01:24.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66776, idx:1
06-27 08:01:26.537 544 32689 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 08:01:26.537 544 32689 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 08:01:36.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PD] (more)
/proc/perfmgr/boost_ctrl/eas_ctrl/perf_prefer_idle set +prefix:3 0;
06-27 08:01:36.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
06-27 08:01:43.537 544 32689 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 08:01:43.537 544 32689 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 08:01:56.537 544 32689 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 08:02:03.537 544 32689 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 08:02:03.537 544 32689 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 08:02:07.537 23431 32687 E BufferQueueProducer: [ImageReader-1x1f23u256m2-
23431-11](id:5b870000002d,api:3,p:23431,c:23431) detachBuffer: slot 47 is not owned
by the producer (state = FREE)
06-27 08:02:30.852 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:02:30.852 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:02:30.852 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:02:39.537 544 1125 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 08:02:50.331 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:02:50.331 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:02:50.331 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:03:12.333 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67177,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:03:12.334 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67183
06-27 08:03:12.848 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67178, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:03:12.848 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67188
06-27 08:03:12.849 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67188,
06-27 08:03:21.549 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67202,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:03:21.550 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67206
06-27 08:03:21.551 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67206,
06-27 08:03:22.201 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67205, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:03:22.202 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67207
06-27 08:03:22.204 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67207,
06-27 08:03:30.189 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67226,
06-27 08:03:30.626 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:03:30.626 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:03:30.627 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:03:30.905 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67226, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:03:30.906 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67227
06-27 08:04:06.895 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.DATA_STALL_STATUS from system pkg
06-27 08:04:06.895 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 08:04:06.895 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:06.895 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:06.895 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:06.895 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:06.895 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 08:04:06.895 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 08:04:06.895 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:06.895 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:06.895 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:40.072 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.DATA_STALL_STATUS from system pkg
06-27 08:04:40.072 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 08:04:40.072 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:40.072 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:40.072 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:40.072 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:40.072 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 08:04:40.072 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 08:04:40.072 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:40.072 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:40.072 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:46.858 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67254, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:04:46.859 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67256
06-27 08:04:46.860 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67256,
06-27 08:04:49.119 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.DATA_STALL_STATUS from system pkg
06-27 08:04:49.119 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 08:04:49.119 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:49.119 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:49.119 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:49.119 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:49.119 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 08:04:49.119 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 08:04:49.119 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:49.119 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:49.119 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:04:50.870 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67256, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:04:50.871 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67257
06-27 08:04:50.872 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67257,
06-27 08:05:45.710 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:05:45.710 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:05:45.710 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:05:59.537 586 11161 D _V_APM_AudioPolicyManager: uid 10199 is inList 0,
mA2dpPlayList is ,outputDevice is {type:0x2,@:}, avaibledevice
06-27 08:05:59.587 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:05:59.587 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:05:59.588 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:06:16.513 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.DATA_STALL_STATUS from system pkg
06-27 08:06:16.513 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 08:06:16.513 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:16.513 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:16.513 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:16.513 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:16.513 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 08:06:16.513 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 08:06:16.513 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:16.513 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:16.513 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:17.004 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67350, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:06:17.005 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67358
06-27 08:06:17.006 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67358,
06-27 08:06:17.007 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67352,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:06:17.008 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67359
06-27 08:06:17.009 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67359,
06-27 08:06:17.660 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67358, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:06:17.665 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67360
06-27 08:06:17.667 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67360,
06-27 08:06:18.081 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67359,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:06:18.081 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67362
06-27 08:06:18.082 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67362,
06-27 08:06:18.759 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67362,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:06:18.760 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67369
06-27 08:06:18.761 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67369,
06-27 08:06:19.413 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67368, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:06:19.415 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67370
06-27 08:06:19.416 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67370,
06-27 08:06:24.620 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67377, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:06:24.621 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67380
06-27 08:06:24.622 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67380,
06-27 08:06:24.627 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67381,
06-27 08:06:24.869 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67380, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:06:24.870 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67382
06-27 08:06:24.871 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67382,
06-27 08:06:25.006 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67382, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:06:25.007 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67383
06-27 08:06:25.008 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67383,
06-27 08:06:25.886 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:06:25.886 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:06:25.886 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:06:34.609 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.DATA_STALL_STATUS from system pkg
06-27 08:06:34.609 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 08:06:34.609 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:34.609 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:34.609 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:34.609 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:34.609 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 08:06:34.609 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 08:06:34.609 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:34.609 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:34.609 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:34.634 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67398,
06-27 08:06:43.773 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67429,
06-27 08:06:45.857 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67423, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:06:45.859 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67433
06-27 08:06:45.860 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67433,
06-27 08:06:48.166 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:06:48.166 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:06:48.166 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:06:58.740 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.DATA_STALL_STATUS from system pkg
06-27 08:06:58.740 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 08:06:58.740 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:58.740 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:58.740 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:58.740 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:58.740 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 08:06:58.740 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 08:06:58.740 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:58.740 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:06:58.740 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:07:02.038 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67437, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:07:02.039 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67438
06-27 08:07:02.040 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67438,
06-27 08:07:26.537 544 2500 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 08:07:41.537 544 2500 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 08:07:41.537 544 2500 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 08:08:03.307 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 08:08:03.537 544 2500 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 08:08:13.537 544 2500 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 08:08:13.537 544 2500 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 08:08:14.537 544 2500 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 08:08:14.537 544 2500 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 08:08:16.123 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67468, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:08:16.127 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67469
06-27 08:08:18.537 544 2500 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
06-27 08:08:18.537 544 2500 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 08:08:31.629 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67472,
06-27 08:08:31.740 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67473,
06-27 08:08:31.873 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67156, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:08:31.874 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67474
06-27 08:08:31.875 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67474,
06-27 08:08:33.793 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67479, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:08:33.794 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67480
06-27 08:08:33.795 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67480,
06-27 08:08:34.018 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67480, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:08:34.019 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67481
06-27 08:08:34.021 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67481,
06-27 08:08:44.792 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67498,
06-27 08:08:58.105 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:08:58.105 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:08:58.105 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:09:03.537 23431 23864 E IMGSRV : :981: HWPerfSetSurfaceInfo: Cannot write
HWPerf Surface Parameters. Max RTS IDs (8) reached.
06-27 08:09:21.254 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:09:21.255 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:09:21.256 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:09:33.665 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67537 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67537
06-27 08:09:33.667 1299 1889 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67537
06-27 08:09:33.673 1299 2929 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67537,
06-27 08:09:33.675 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67537, idx:0
06-27 08:09:34.078 1299 1889 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67537, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1889
06-27 08:10:55.161 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:10:55.161 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:10:55.161 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:11:28.862 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67604, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:11:28.866 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67605
06-27 08:11:28.867 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67605,
06-27 08:11:47.984 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67612,
06-27 08:12:10.517 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67623,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:12:10.521 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67637
06-27 08:12:10.522 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67637,
06-27 08:12:10.543 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67628, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:12:10.545 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67640
06-27 08:12:17.560 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67644, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:12:17.561 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67645
06-27 08:12:17.562 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67645,
06-27 08:12:21.439 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.DATA_STALL_STATUS from system pkg
06-27 08:12:21.439 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 08:12:21.439 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:12:21.439 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:12:21.439 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:12:21.439 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:12:21.439 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 08:12:21.439 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 08:12:21.439 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:12:21.439 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:12:21.439 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:12:21.549 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67657, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:12:21.550 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67658
06-27 08:12:21.551 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67658,
06-27 08:12:23.874 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67659, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:12:23.875 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67660
06-27 08:12:23.876 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67660,
06-27 08:12:35.392 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:12:35.392 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:12:35.392 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:13:06.240 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67681,
06-27 08:13:16.290 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67705,
06-27 08:13:31.952 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67709,
06-27 08:13:35.973 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67710, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:13:35.974 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67711
06-27 08:13:35.975 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67711,
06-27 08:13:50.563 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:13:50.563 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:13:50.563 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:13:56.199 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67725, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:13:56.201 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67744
06-27 08:13:56.203 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67729,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:13:56.207 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67745
06-27 08:13:56.209 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67745,
06-27 08:13:56.301 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67744, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:13:56.303 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67746
06-27 08:13:59.227 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:13:59.227 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:13:59.227 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:14:03.537 544 3246 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
06-27 08:14:22.973 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67756, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:14:22.974 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67757
06-27 08:15:12.687 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67776, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:15:12.688 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67786
06-27 08:15:12.821 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67786, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:15:12.822 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67787
06-27 08:15:20.526 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67826, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:15:20.529 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67837
06-27 08:15:20.536 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67837,
06-27 08:15:24.259 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67852, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:15:24.259 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67858
06-27 08:15:24.260 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67858,
06-27 08:15:29.401 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67898, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:15:29.402 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67904
06-27 08:15:29.402 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67904,
06-27 08:15:31.475 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 08:15:31.482 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 08:15:31.819 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67922,
06-27 08:15:31.828 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:15:31.829 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:15:31.829 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:15:32.225 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67922, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:15:32.226 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67926
06-27 08:15:32.228 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67926,
06-27 08:15:40.414 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67968, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:15:40.416 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67974
06-27 08:16:23.407 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:16:23.407 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:16:23.407 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:16:33.537 1299 1690 E AS.AudioService: adjustStreamVolume() safe volume
index = 110
06-27 08:16:53.226 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:16:53.226 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:16:53.226 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:16:53.233 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 08:16:53.256 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 08:16:55.423 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:68116, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:16:55.424 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:68117
06-27 08:16:55.429 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:68118,
06-27 08:16:55.485 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:68109, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:16:55.485 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:68119
06-27 08:16:55.922 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:68117, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:16:55.924 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:68122
06-27 08:16:57.454 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:68131,
06-27 08:16:57.809 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:68099, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:16:57.810 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:68132
06-27 08:16:57.810 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:68132,
06-27 08:16:57.954 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:68131, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:16:57.956 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:68133
06-27 08:16:58.083 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:68134,
06-27 08:17:00.182 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:68119, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:17:00.183 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:68151
06-27 08:17:32.889 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:68230, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:17:32.890 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:68231
06-27 08:17:33.566 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:68143, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:17:33.567 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:68233
06-27 08:18:08.875 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 08:20:29.301 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 08:20:29.304 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 08:21:08.300 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:68281,
06-27 08:21:11.773 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:21:11.773 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:21:11.773 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:21:14.783 1299 1552 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66537
strType=android.sensor.window_orientation delay:66667 maxLatency:0 by: class$AccelSensorJudge num: 4
06-27 08:22:59.138 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 08:22:59.524 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 08:22:59.537 1299 1889 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:68476
06-27 08:22:59.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:68476 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:68476
06-27 08:22:59.641 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:22:59.641 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:22:59.641 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:23:01.780 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 08:27:16.879 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 08:42:33.115 1299 5695 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:68537
06-27 08:42:33.116 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:68537 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:68537
06-27 08:42:33.116 1299 1889 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:68537,
06-27 08:42:33.117 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:68537, idx:0
06-27 08:42:46.701 1299 1889 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:68537, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1889
06-27 08:43:34.537 962 1025 E anc_faceid: [m_external_handler]
[t_unexpected]failed face detector
06-27 08:43:41.455 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:43:41.455 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:43:41.455 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:43:41.867 537 537 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xbecd5850
06-27 08:43:42.000 537 537 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 3, devices 0x2, index 15, mode 0x0, gainDevice 0x2
06-27 08:43:42.000 537 537 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
10, spkAnaType = 3
06-27 08:43:42.000 537 537 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
3, device= 2, index= f
06-27 08:44:46.986 1299 1552 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66537
strType=android.sensor.window_orientation delay:66667 maxLatency:0 by: class$AccelSensorJudge num: 4
06-27 08:44:48.947 1299 1552 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66537
strType=android.sensor.window_orientation delay:66667 maxLatency:0 by: class$AccelSensorJudge num: 4
06-27 08:45:11.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:68771, idx:0
06-27 08:45:27.606 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:45:27.606 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:45:27.606 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:45:29.987 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 08:45:30.600 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 08:45:47.398 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:45:47.398 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:45:47.398 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:46:02.841 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:46:02.841 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:46:02.841 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:46:12.202 1299 1552 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66537
strType=android.sensor.window_orientation delay:66667 maxLatency:0 by: class$AccelSensorJudge num: 4
06-27 08:46:15.721 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:46:15.721 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:46:15.721 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:46:23.594 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:46:23.594 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:46:23.594 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:46:26.999 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:46:27.000 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:46:27.000 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:47:41.232 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:69537
hint:1155 pid:579 duration:1965 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:69537
06-27 08:47:41.892 579 579 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:69537, tid:579
06-27 08:47:41.893 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69537, idx:0
06-27 08:47:58.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69627, idx:0
06-27 08:47:58.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:0
06-27 08:48:02.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:69671
hint:1155 pid:579 duration:391 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:69671
06-27 08:48:02.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
06-27 08:48:02.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
06-27 08:48:02.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
06-27 08:48:02.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
06-27 08:48:31.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69900, idx:0
06-27 08:49:22.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:70305 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:70305
06-27 08:49:22.537 1299 3616 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:70305,
06-27 08:49:38.537 1299 3615 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:70373,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:3615
06-27 08:49:39.537 1299 1888 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:70391,
06-27 08:49:39.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:70391, idx:1
06-27 08:50:01.537 557 618 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
06-27 08:50:01.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:70509, idx:2
06-27 08:50:13.342 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:70537 hint:25
pid:557 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:70537
06-27 08:50:13.351 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:50:13.351 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:50:13.351 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:50:13.375 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:70537, idx:0
06-27 08:50:37.658 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:50:37.658 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:50:37.659 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:50:40.537 557 605 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(10472) : 60 => -1
06-27 08:50:40.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState]
act:com.gvapps.lovequotesmessages.activities.SplashScreenActivity, state:5,
pid:10472, uid:10200, fps:-1
06-27 08:50:42.537 557 605 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(2252) : -1 => 60
06-27 08:50:56.353 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:50:56.353 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:50:56.354 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:51:10.266 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:51:10.266 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:51:10.266 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:51:37.537 1299 1513 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:70822, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1513
06-27 08:51:38.338 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:51:38.339 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:51:38.339 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:51:40.981 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:51:40.981 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:51:40.981 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:51:45.093 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:51:45.093 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:51:45.093 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:52:17.657 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:52:17.658 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:52:17.659 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:52:51.000 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:52:51.000 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:52:51.000 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:53:06.079 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:53:06.079 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:53:06.079 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:53:14.451 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:53:14.451 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:53:14.451 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:53:53.237 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:53:53.238 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:53:53.238 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:54:08.039 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:54:08.039 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:54:08.039 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:54:35.914 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:54:35.914 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:54:35.914 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:55:07.190 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:55:07.190 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:55:07.190 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:55:39.852 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:71537
hint:1157 pid:579 duration:80 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:71537
06-27 08:55:39.933 557 618 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
06-27 08:55:39.933 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:71537, idx:1
06-27 08:55:39.952 579 12111 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:71537,
06-27 08:55:39.953 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:71537, idx:-1
06-27 08:55:42.338 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:55:42.338 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:55:42.338 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:55:58.900 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:55:58.901 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:55:58.901 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:56:19.537 1299 1888 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:71751, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1888
06-27 08:56:19.537 1299 1888 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:71752
06-27 08:56:30.171 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:56:30.171 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:56:30.171 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:56:36.537 1299 2069 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:71761, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2069
06-27 08:57:21.024 579 12537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:72115,
06-27 08:58:16.517 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 08:58:16.518 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 08:58:16.518 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 08:58:18.437 1299 1552 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66537
strType=android.sensor.window_orientation delay:66667 maxLatency:0 by: class$AccelSensorJudge num: 4
06-27 08:58:31.537 557 618 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
06-27 08:58:31.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:72367, idx:1
06-27 08:58:32.537 12165 12400 E ironSourceSDK: INTERNAL: b - Failed to send
events. Saving them back to storage.
06-27 08:58:39.864 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast from system pkg
06-27 08:58:39.864 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 08:58:39.864 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:39.864 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:39.864 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:39.864 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:39.864 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 08:58:39.864 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 08:58:39.864 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:39.864 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:39.864 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.707 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system pkg
06-27 08:58:40.707 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 08:58:40.707 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.707 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.707 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.707 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.707 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 08:58:40.707 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 08:58:40.707 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.707 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.707 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.708 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system pkg
06-27 08:58:40.708 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 08:58:40.708 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.708 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.708 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.708 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.708 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 08:58:40.708 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 08:58:40.708 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.708 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:40.708 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 08:58:44.793 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 08:58:45.756 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:72439, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:58:45.757 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:72453
06-27 08:58:46.344 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:72453, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 08:58:46.344 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:72459
06-27 08:58:46.345 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:72459,
06-27 08:59:11.246 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:2 hdl:72537
hint:1173 pid:579 duration:0 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:72537
06-27 08:59:11.489 579 579 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:72537, tid:579
06-27 08:59:11.490 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:72537, idx:2
06-27 08:59:13.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:1
06-27 08:59:13.537 579 579 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:72547, tid:579
06-27 08:59:54.537 13358 13358 E ThemeUtils: View class
androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatCheckBox is an AppCompat widget that can only be
used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
06-27 09:00:05.217 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 4
06-27 09:00:05.619 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 09:00:05.619 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 09:00:05.619 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 09:00:08.537 1909 2108 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
06-27 09:00:08.537 570 570 E VivoSensorTest: VivoSensorTest bbk_em_sensor_main:
ID 0x21 arg1 1 arg2 0 arg3 0
06-27 09:00:08.537 570 570 E _V_VivoSensorTest: bbk_em_sensor_main start
06-27 09:01:23.537 516 857 E libnetd_resolv: QUERY_RESOLV_NETID
command.uid:10144, nid:0
06-27 09:03:01.981 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 09:20:32.445 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 09:21:51.821 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:72760, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 09:21:51.822 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:72804
06-27 09:21:51.824 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:72804,
06-27 09:21:51.827 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:72764, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 09:21:51.829 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:72805
06-27 09:21:54.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:1
06-27 09:21:56.828 1299 6537 E CameraService_proxy: Top task with package name: not found!
06-27 09:21:56.964 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 09:21:56.979 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 09:21:57.557 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:72843,
06-27 09:21:57.578 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 09:21:57.679 1299 6537 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is
06-27 09:21:57.809 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:72804, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 09:21:57.811 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:72849
06-27 09:22:02.835 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:72851, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 09:22:02.836 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:72874
06-27 09:22:03.417 1299 6537 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 09:22:03.904 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 09:22:03.904 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 09:22:03.904 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 09:22:04.441 537 26728 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 3, devices 0x2, index 15, mode 0x0, gainDevice 0x2
06-27 09:22:04.442 537 26728 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
10, spkAnaType = 3
06-27 09:22:04.442 537 26728 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
3, device= 2, index= f
06-27 09:22:05.976 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:72900,
06-27 09:22:06.044 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:72903,
06-27 09:22:06.085 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system pkg
06-27 09:22:06.085 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 09:22:06.085 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:06.085 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:06.085 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:06.085 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:06.085 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 09:22:06.085 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 09:22:06.085 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:06.085 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:06.085 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:06.086 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system pkg
06-27 09:22:06.086 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
06-27 09:22:06.086 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:06.086 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:06.086 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:06.086 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:06.086 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
06-27 09:22:06.086 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
06-27 09:22:06.086 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:06.086 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:06.086 1299 6537 E ActivityManager: at
06-27 09:22:09.609 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:72912, dur:0,
num:2, tid:6537
06-27 09:22:09.610 1299 6537 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:72915
06-27 09:22:20.486 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 09:22:20.486 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 09:22:20.486 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 09:22:58.919 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 09:22:58.919 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 09:22:58.919 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 09:23:02.673 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 09:23:03.299 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 09:23:03.299 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 09:23:03.299 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 09:23:08.793 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 09:23:08.794 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 09:23:08.796 537 6863 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 09:23:12.320 16122 16156 E SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting transferred=1
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media_caption=null trim_from=0 mime_type=video/mp4 partial_media_enc_hash=null
width=576 original_file_hash=null has_streaming_sidecar=1
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06-27 09:23:21.457 579 16537 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:73164,
06-27 09:23:29.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:73184, idx:-1
06-27 09:23:42.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:73250, idx:1
06-27 09:24:04.537 596 701 E RenderEngine: cache insert a buffer with not
renderable! 0
06-27 09:24:27.537 1299 1640 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:73442, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1640
06-27 09:24:42.120 1299 1889 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:73537
06-27 09:24:42.122 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:73537 hint:-1
pid:1299 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:73537
06-27 09:24:42.123 1299 1889 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:73537,
06-27 09:24:42.125 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:73537, idx:0
06-27 09:24:44.249 1299 1889 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:73537, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1889
06-27 09:24:46.537 1299 1640 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:73485, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1640
06-27 09:24:55.537 1299 10516 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
06-27 09:25:05.404 537 26728 E AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: Error:
Speech_MD_USAGE invalid value
06-27 09:25:05.497 537 26728 E BWC : open soc:interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 09:25:05.498 537 26728 E BWC : open interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 09:25:12.472 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 09:25:12.984 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 09:25:14.193 1299 6537 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
06-27 09:25:14.868 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 09:25:15.950 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 09:25:17.663 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 09:25:24.826 537 4967 E BWC : open soc:interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 09:25:24.827 537 4967 E BWC : open interconnect mtk_mmqos_scen
failed.:No such file or directory
06-27 09:25:24.827 537 4967 E AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: Error:
Speech_MD_USAGE invalid value
06-27 09:25:24.861 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 09:25:24.861 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 09:25:24.862 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 09:25:32.938 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 09:26:17.132 1299 1299 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl num: 5
06-27 09:27:00.904 15367 15379 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
06-27 09:27:02.971 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 09:27:02.971 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 09:27:02.971 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 09:27:33.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:74037, idx:0
06-27 09:27:48.119 537 3438 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
06-27 09:27:48.119 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
06-27 09:27:48.121 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
06-27 09:27:48.121 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
06-27 09:27:48.121 537 3438 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
06-27 09:28:03.038 1299 1543 E ActivityManager: at$DeliveryTracker.deliverLocked(AlarmMan
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: perfUserScnCheckAll
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: perfScnDumpAll cmd:0
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: ========================
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: 1155 - freq:2301000, 2301000, HL:-1,
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: 1155 - freq:1800000, 1800000, HL:-1,
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: 1155 - gpu freq min:-1, max:-1,
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: 1155 cmd:1000000, param:0
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: 1155 cmd:1404300, param:1
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: 1155 cmd:1408300, param:0
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: 1155 cmd:1000000 param:0
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfScnDumpAll] scn:293
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: com.whatsapp - freq:-1, -1, HL:-1, -1
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: com.whatsapp - freq:-1, -1, HL:-1, -1
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: com.whatsapp - gpu freq min:-1, max:-
1, scn_action:2
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: com.whatsapp cmd:3408000, param:0
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: com.whatsapp cmd:3408100,
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: com.whatsapp cmd:3408200, param:1
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: com.whatsapp cmd:2004000, param:0
06-27 09:28:49.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: ========================
06-27 09:28:54.537 1299 1414 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:74453,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:1414
06-27 09:29:02.205 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:74537 hint:25
pid:557 duration:10000 lock_user:mtkpower@1.0-se => ret_hdl:74537
06-27 09:29:02.350 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:74537, idx:1
06-27 09:29:05.537 1299 1415 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:74577
06-27 09:29:17.537 579 579 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:74641, tid:579
06-27 09:29:17.537 557 618 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:74641, idx:3
06-27 09:29:28.537 1299 1414 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:74727,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:1414
06-27 09:29:28.537 1299 1414 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:74727
06-27 09:29:43.537 16122 16122 I XDR::VRT: sc is not valid!

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