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Lekcja 1

Lekcja po polsku – wytyczne dotyczące zaliczenia przedmiotu

Można dostać 50 punktów:

 10 punktów za raport
 10 punktów za prezentację
 10 punktów za słuchanie (przygotować słuchanke)
o Zadanie naprawdę i fałsz
o Szczegółowe pytania
o Dwa ćwiczenia na słownictwo (wypełnianie luk, synonimy albo antonimy)
 20 punktów za pisanie testu ujednoliconego ☹ (druga połowa maja, składa się z raportu,
korespondencji handlowej – 60 minut)

Egzamin końcowy (suma punktów z semestru + test ustny)

 Autoprezentacja na temat zainteresowań związanych ze studiami – 10 punktów

 20 punktów z poprzedniego testu
 Losowanie zagadnienia (jednego) z semestru 1,2 i 4 – 20 punktów

Prezentacja: 11 Marca – Market Structure and competition


Homework 1

Complaints consider a variety of things like quantity or quality of delivered goods, faulty packaging or
various delays. In every case the seller suffers the most because these problems may lead to a loss of
a customer. A complain should be send within a certain period of time and should be prepared with

1. Express regret and the need to complain.

2. Give all the necessary details : for example order number, date of delivery etc.
3. Describe the nature of the problem and how the thing can be made right


1. Consignment – wysyłka
2. Credit note – nota kredytowa ( pisemny dokument wystawiony przez wierzyciela informujący
dłużnika o umorzeniu określonej należności)
3. Assurance – zapewnienie
4. Breakages – stłuczenia
5. Discrepancy - rozbieżność
6. Diminish – zmniejszyć


1. Because onlye people can have responsibilities not companies, which means that if a
company focuses on its responsibilities it wont me successful
2. They are the owners of the business to which he has direct responsibilities to.
3. They lower the profits and reduces returns to stockholders because the executive is spending
their employers money not according to his interest.
4. They are undemocratic because business are taking on the tasks of the government
5. Making as much money as possible is their only wish
6. They are employees, suppliers customers and the local community as well as the

Homework 2

1. The replies to complaints should always be courteous and express regret.

2. If the complain is justified, you should explain what are you going in order to eliminate the
problem in near future. The client isn’t interested in the origin of the problem so you
shouldn’t explain it.
3. Inform the client if the complain has been accepted and what actions have been taken to
make it right.
4. Never shift responsibility and try to suggest a solution which will satisfy both parties.
5. The response should end with an apology and an assurance that the relations between
parties remain intact.


 Courteous - uprzejmy
 Unfounded -bezpodstawny
 Antagonise – zrażać
 Ill-feelings – bad blood – złe stosunki
 Assurance – zapewnienie
 Consignment - wysyłka/dostawa
 Forwarded – przesłane
 At once – od razu
 Despatch – wysyłka
 Forwarder – spedytor
 Deducted – odjęta/potrącona
 Freight charges – koszty transportu
 Shortage – deficyt, niedobór
 Concession – benefit przyznany
 To lodge – złożyć
 B/L – bill of lading – morski list przewozowy
 To submit – złożyć

Homework 3:

1. We have received yours complaint considering the inadequate colour of the bathroom tiles.
2. We have thoroughly studied your claim and decided to dispatch our representative to you in
order to make repairs
3. We would like to apologize for the inadequate labelling of the package shipped, which led to
delay in delivery
4. We have accepted your complaint and we have ordered the Financial Department to issue a
credit note for the amount of 250 GBP
5. We have passed this cased to the manufacturer, who will call on you directly
6. While studying the case of two missing packages, we have stated that they were shipped to
the wrong address
7. We were astonished by your claim considering bad quality of our meat products
8. Unfortunately we will be unable to consider your claim if we do not receive the necessary
9. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this matter
10. We will do our best in order to avoid similar mistakes in the future

Homework 4:

Listening 1:

1. Perspective of an early stage company provides us with an interesting view on almost any
industry. Their view is much mor innovative, they look at the old structure and think about
changing it, what gives an opportunity to be successful for this company
2. Cisco, eBay ,Google and Microsoft
3. He means that some industries are constantly changing and evolving thanks to the new

Watch the video above and answer the questions below.

1. What is agglomeration? – It is the tendency of economic activity to gather or cluster or clump


2. Why do clusters arise? - Clusters mean that well educated people are able to learn form each
other. It very important because the highly educated workforce is of high importance when it comes
to high tech companies.

3. Why are high tech clusters located mostly in big cities? – Because people there are better
educated than average and this sort of environment stimulates the creativity and learning abilities.

4. How do big cities facilitate the development of clusters? – they provide new means of
transportation, infrastructure, funding and land.

5. What are the benefits of clusters? – Workers living in these clusters are more productive and learn

6. What are the negative implications of clusters? – home prizes raise, higher commute times,
sometimes it is not worth to work in such cluster because of living costs and time wasted.

Homework 25.03.

Listening 1:
1. In America, Route 128 around Boston and Silicon Valley
2. Aviv, Cambridge, Oxford and London
3. They all evolved around Universities because there are many intelligent, high skilled people.
They can innovate and push the boundaries.
4. They need new skills and the best way tot do this is to talk with other people and learn form

Listening 2:

1. He describes the programmmers from eastern Europe. These people had no access to latest
hardware and the best education. They had to find creative ways to find solutions and thrive
in a place with limited resources.
2. They can work with very limited resources and
3. they do not change like programmers in the west

Listening 5:

1. China, Brazil and India.

2. Increasingly well educated people (education abroad, then back to the country), they see the
business opportunities in their own country,

Homework 31.03.

Listening 1:

1. Antitrust authority
2. Cases are referred to them when, the mergers might have damaging effect on the
competition In a particular market or in markets in general
3. One company becomes more and more successful , there might be a danger that they could
just buy over every other company In the market.
4. They say that the competition Is an essential part of the system and to keeping their
business efficient and innovative
5. .
a. Free market attitude – that in the market there are many companies and that they
are able to compete with each other in various ways in order to be more successful
b. Competition regime – it is a structure of a competition in a certain country
c. A necessary check and balance – there has to be a some kind of an authority which
oversees the market in order to balance it
d. Over – interventionist – when governments influence on the market is to big

Listening 2:

1. .
2. .
a. Player – participant
b. A handful – a bunch
c. – lions share - A significant part/share
3. .
a. Natural monopolies - A natural monopoly is a monopoly in an industry in which high
infrastructural costs and other barriers to entry relative to the size of the market give
the largest supplier in an industry, often the first supplier in a market, an
overwhelming advantage over potential competitors.
b. Utilities - Utility, in economics, refers to the usefulness or enjoyment a consumer can
get from a service or good
c. Groceries - food and other goods sold in a grocery store or at a supermarket

Listening 3:

1. A
2. Offices of fair trading, European Competition Commission
3. For Price fixing

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