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Jennifer the firefighter

Đọc từ:
1. firefighter /ˈfaɪərfaɪtər/: lính cứu hỏa
2. lift weights /lɪft weɪt/: nâng tạ
3. muscle /ˈmʌsl/: cơ bắp

4. daughter /ˈdɔːtər/: con gái

5. female /ˈfiːmeɪl/: giới tính nữ

6. work hard /wɜːrk/: làm việc chăm chỉ

7. muscle /ˈmʌsl/: cơ bắp

8. strong /strɔːŋ/: khỏe mạnh
9. save lives / seɪv laɪvz/: cứu mạng người
10. married /ˈmærid: đã kết hôn
11. husband /ˈhʌzbənd/: chồng

12. proud of /praʊd/: tự hào về

13. wife /waɪf/: vợ

Đọc bài:
Jennifer Smith is a firefighter.
She is one of the first female firefighters.
Jennifer works hard every day.
Jennifer exercises every day.
She lifts weights.
She wants her muscles to be very strong.
She saves people's lives every day.
She is very strong.
Jennifer is married.
Her husband is a school teacher.
Jennifer's husband is proud of her.
Jennifer is a mother.
She has two daughters.
Jennifer's daughters are proud of her too.
Jennifer is happy being a firefighter.
Jennifer is happy being a wife.
Jennifer is happy being a mother.

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