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= > ol pexeenTnenT eV 1p find the value of v for different values of w in Dad Oe tog by plting aps between (f)'v [APPARATUS needle and a ha mete sale, Merl movement, mirror hy an 2 coneayg and v (ip) vty Mu ayy Ny older, es Ping, thy THEORY De art te ote ‘ distance w and j aaa MABE dita i thy epee f-= ase Sip conventions used the object distance and stance and the ee . object pin at a distance le of th ‘will appear to be enla sa age tn pation of ec BY AOR TT Groen Se mat ant ae eee re Bi Bs Bi 4 5. 6 PRACTICAL PHYSICS: eae along Yass pot «graph The gra row aie 04 aban angle of 4S° (2 Y" OA) m terme wo ane The coordinates of A are (-2/,~2,) Hence weveR=2/ Teed we dRetopel J= 7R=70B=5 0D [Remember c RESULT ocalength ofthe given mirror fom os 1s 2 gaph = om PRECAUTIONS 1. The tps of the needles Je of the mirror should be at the same height. 2. The uprights should 3, Parallax should be removed from tip t0 8p. performed in a 4. The eye should be 5, The experiment + Convert wand in ? in metre. Using suitable by le but aris, The graph willbe a eo scales, represent | straight line, " ‘Theline AB makes < 45° with both the aes as CA POCTIMERES Draw OP making an angle of Draw PR L OY and P EXPERIMENT A lens. oo qo find the focal length of a convex mirror using a conver TeR5, ‘eae ‘convex lens, conevex having lateral movement, From {ve graph + Convert and in mete Using ube but ental els, represent, 4 Ag X’and } along Y-axis. The graph willbe straight line with Z OAB = 2 OBA = 45% We have = dyand= Ltn ha f= dyeim= nm RESULT length of the given convex tens from, PRECAUTIONS 1 The tips of the needles and the optical centre of the ens should be atthe same height 2. The uprights should be vertical, 3. Parallax should be removed from tip to tip. ‘4. The eve should be atleast 30cm from the image needle. 5. The experiment should be performed in a wellit room. PROCEDURE. 1. Find the rough focal length ofthe given convex lens 2 Mount the object heights such that the same horizon A Regp the object pin between f and 2 F of the lens, Adjust the peetlly and the Mirror ay is 10 poarallas between the tip of the object needle and its inverted image ch 4 Note the positions of the object (O), the lens (L) and the mirror (P) S Remove the mirror and keep another needle C on the same side as the Mirtor, Aq yUst 98 to remove the paralas between image of O and the needle C. Record hie th , Positign, SS, & Repeat the above steps 3 to 5 and record at least six different observations, cn * Vind the index correction between mirror and image needle as explained is Ex OBSERVATIONS Length of the knitting needle x= Observed distance between mirror and image needle y = Index correction between P and C = (x= y) = + Pt No. gy cm Mean R +Mean corrected focal length, f= & RESULT Focal length of the convex mirror = PRECAUTIONS 1. The tips of the needles and the centre of the lens and the Pole of the mirror should be at same hegh The parallax should be removed from tip to tip. The distance between the lens and the mirror should be small While adjusting the image needle, the lens and the object needle should not be disturbed. ‘The index correction should be carefully recorded and applied. ‘The focal length of the lens should be more than the focal length of the convex mirror. YR wp 2 ro PRACTICAL PH SS XII a prime! vent ow ex lens % Sate acd place wna Oot cltance Of PIC oe ES tenet mmm m8. yee ween image needle I ane verted image of O- | ApPARATUS Pe hung nectar cence 8 ee oo THEORY app is he mage ofthe cbt '0 formed Dy sa | ets as convex Tes Bt he image of five different obser | pingrRaM | Index correction ee io. wen 5. No. Position of u= Od Eve) | y= OF Eve) a | Conrecied | Observed | Corrected | vem) | (em) | Cem) fem) | | : | : 5 °. 6 1 Mean f= anon RESULT “The focal lengh ofthe concave Tens = PRECAUTIONS 3, The image formed should not 4, Parallax should be remove care 5, The index correction should be carefully determined and taken into account reaction nwvsies—ouss x1 EE 78.5 A T determine the angle of mini imum deviation for a gi plotting & graph between the angle of incidence and angle Sane ee APPARATUS Glass prisny drawing board, pins, dr wing, pins, white paper sheet, pencil, metre scale and protractor. THEORY The path of a light ray through a glass prism is o Sans th shown, Due to refraction, the ray bends towards the ee an through at angle 8, called the angle of deviation, For a prism, 5 depends on i and varies gs shown in the graph, For small values of angle of incidence i, the angle of deviation 6 is large. AS # os, 8 first decreases to 5, (the f mini jncreases, § first decreases to 5, (the angle of minimum deviation) and thereafter it again increases. = Angle of deviation (6) ~< —e Angle of incidence (i) Gi) The refractive index of the material of the prism is given by in") Ty ee sin a PROCEDURE 1. Fica white paper on a drawing board and draw a line XY parallel to the length of the paper slightly above half of the paper. Take a point Q on XY and draw QN 1 XY. 2. Draw the incident ray PQ making an angle of 30° with the normal QN. Pp (iid) 2. Now, plac the prism ABC onthe paper such tat the side AB coincides with XY assy the boundary ofthe prism using astarp pencil 4. Fito pins P and P, on the incident ry PQ, at least 8 em apart 5. Now se the images of P and P through the face AC ofthe prism. Fx pins P, and P, ont such that the fet ofthese pins appear tobe inthe same linea the images of pins Pa 6, Remove pins Py and P, one by one, and encircle the pin pricks and mark them as P, ang i ig The pins should be smooth cored 5 The ieee te performed in a well it oom 7, Remove the prism. Join P, and P,and extend the lin to meet extended line PQ at V. The ine ni 6, The experimen! , Pyis the emergent Y 8. Record the angle of deviation 8 ie, ZTVS. [Fi 8 Reet the aor ps fo vals of nl sy 25,4 and mein pexpeRIMEnT ALY ‘correspondi les of deviat a irate diagram for ea le of incidence. i we ce a 7 aa wo determine the refractive index of the material of 3 3 ope, i Gee cs, ee. in: OBSERVATIONS ‘APPARATUS Fe SN. ‘Angle of Incidence (@ ‘Angle of Deviation @) ‘Glas sab, travelling 1 or THEORY a = | Due tothe phenomenon of a as | gh a glass slab (or any 0 ‘ | erased oY. The op s | the et depth XZ. The E shi given by CGreph = lot the graph taking ange of incidence / log the Xavi nd he and the comaponding angle of deviation 8 long the Yn The shape of he graphs x sow nthe fie Od ag eg rae PROCEDURE A CUCSTIONS) 4, Place the travelling microscope From graph a= ‘Angle of prism A = 8 the angle of incidence increases the angle of devia m value (called the angle of minimum de Mean y= BBS, etc index fhe mater f he sab = PRECAUTIONS 1 Te micume shoud te clly focused ae eaeieeeee mae ey 1 rection t0 avoid backstsh eco 3. The ack and pinion arrangement should not be disturbed dui " eet ra heen Mi ‘ ‘The partes ‘used should be very fine. The experiment should be performed in a well-lit room, 7 Sod mftatve index of Ud by using concave mime, APPARATUS PRACTICAL PHYSICS—CLASS XII «The refracti approximately w according to Cauchy's ¢ AM te. are constants fo} medium 46, Does the WPrLeT ve Ihdex ot the material 19. What is the wavelength range of visi ‘of slab depend on its thickness ? light ? Ans, 4000A to 754 Ans. No to 75004, 47, What is dispersion of 20. What should be the value of dispersive power of (i) material of prism, Iris the phenomenon into its constituent colours through a transparent refracting medium. ) material of lens 7 | Ans. Material of prism should have high Dispersion occurs because the speed of | dispersive power and material of lens propagation of light in a medium lens should have low dispersive depends on its frequency. | power. To draw the I-V characteristic curve of a pn junction diode in forward bias and reverse bias and to determine its static and dynamic resistances. APPARATUS ‘The pn junction characteristic apparatus or a semiconductor diode, a three volt battery, a potential divider arrangement, a voltmeter (0-3 V range), an ammeter (0 ~ 100 mA range), a one-way key, connecting wires. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM oO av 5 PRACTICAL PHYSICS—CLASS XIT Gas a eon Capertee cs eed tee Te cre! ince cap ceca eto: Te a the lonvar ie Voltage t Te eet spt The lord restate pm jrction i sppetfonard ptt. V ‘atic vesitace, R= a “Tre saeco px pcos sid to be dynamic if measures the ratio of thy oma w be exept angi the foward caren peng yc estar, = ae a is memo s. “ I tr ne ce The ppc ces high restanc wen is reverse biased. ‘The voltage at which the caret stars to increase a aLierepeeeae. ee ‘Example : For operating point P the static resistance is qh 221. so. For dynamic resistance around own, The dynamic resistance is equal fo the point P take two points A and B ne AV _ 07-060 _005V BI ~ (75=10mA~75mA "The smaller the value of this difficulty a tangent is drawn to the curv =. oN _ 07-0) ssa a = ma Iealmot the some value a obtained sing V/A E A sess xi 41 Al, the close is the exact value of dynamic resistance. To cirawvent The tangent meets at C. The dynamic For the given px junction, ‘Static resistance = ohm Dynamic msitance= ohn PRECAUTIONS 1 All comectons should be nest and tight 2 The ends he comeing wires svt be ceaed with sand paper before making conn, 3. The curent should be passed for minimum possible time. ee 4 Te free ape poet hd not be very larg ast may damage the pr jc ‘Te draw the IY characteristics of the given zener diode in reverse bias, For mre arturacersic we rove the tril ofthe ode and use mice enmens The sven caret ay be TBA at 2 wolage of SV. The sac resistance i then SY. xn pa ~™ 2. This i, (Gate Bagh. The severe bas carve fs anos horizon current t diode has zene | __ Vis desired to be 15 V- The js 20 V. Given zener 3 Asst the 4 ony incase he poten ference acs te diode in small steps and recor reading and the curent + Atacersin penal diferenc ass the diode, there i a sudden increase inthe reve ‘To wlge at which this happens i the reverse breakdown voltage of the diode, ake called 2ener voltage ‘6 Plots graph between reverse voltage (V) along Xaxis and the reverse curent ‘OBSERVATIONS ned with a sand-paper. Least count of micrvammeter = WA ero exer in mice aI = ans BA Id be connected tothe p-terminal and positive to the Leas count of volmeter = V eee. id the multi-range ammeter in series. ‘To study the characteristics of a common emitter npn or pnp transistor and to find out the values of current and voltage gains. alled the input mracTcaL puvsies—coass xt EE AC current gain = f= Shengetnsastorsument Al, change in bse cument pases eacwws [ew Purana ia | \ | | | | Rates of Yoliges V, and Vie Insert the keys K, and K, Bre an ieresse the volage V, applied tothe buen fil the value ofthe current shows CALCULATIONS. 1. Calculation of input resistance (R) Plot a graph between base voltage V, and base current for fie values of V,to get differen np ‘characteristic curves. ae Ri = Jope” at, ze w ‘The input resistance ofthe transistor atthe pont P, =~ O7SV and Vo=— vols: Adjust base voltage Vy, 0 tht ~~ PRACTICAL PHYSICS—CLASS XII

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