Reflection at Curved Mirrors

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Date a Page| R 7 | Sorne_herms:= , __[$]| Luminous objects: : | | Lol the objets that amit __Itght_of Ahefr_oudn_are Known 2s | luminous _Objechs. For ege- Sun, Stars_,Aorch Nght_@ke, [ ly be a= Non-lurlinous Objects:- The _Objetis which db _not__emit_[Ght_of thefr_omn are know =n_@8_npn-Luminous objects. For eft moon, urcod, tesater, planet ¢ orc ]|| Transparent Objects The Objects which: allow Wight —ahveugh them are_lenown as PA] tranalucent_ objects rans parent__Objects., Fey_#.4:- “ir, clean water, glass ,dinrend, ete be qe objects which allow tight Ae 6 partielly from _one_ | Side_te__another ave _nown as Arondlucent objets. Kor e.g. = | Rerotened Paper, _puliite plastic, ee. ‘ [3] _Chnaw _ Diets Mat | s 2 by the objects whitch donot Allow light _ao_pass tethroujh, cthen ve Known ag Opaque ebjecds. Kor ode A Cancel —||-6all, tweoden door, dark _ plastic thick cCurtdin, ope, ie _Revergibilly_of _LtShe- annua Su = La, When allt ftnal_patb_of_the_tght Ae — L aie ; $s_ reverted then R_redraces tt origina nha pet: “This phinemenen $8 Yaauin fot Ss, 2 yevedil5 Sty of Tight . / i | a Ye ae anata Rees oo S| tho_tnefdent ray, the refleded ray and lhe _neceal_ak Abe gt Of Snefdence _all_tfe_p dhe Siume_fSlane-_ the angle of -netdence (2nd angle of reglecionCe) are Gal ist. _ |_A normally _facident ray en_a Surfaces reflected bad “along the Same ___inttta poth_of Snetdence. Obfed_Afshance_ ‘and Tage distance ee + Lol the dlshance_of — Obftct from the _efinar Sc Cabted Obfect distance. _ gts denoted_by ‘ut. : a La simflany, Abe —déshance of SriSe. fiom the_nnror fs: Gted, Tmnage distance: 14. fe denoted by “V'. ___— in ct : . * ‘i 1 Rab Zoe TEX] al SQN Zo or plane Mite. "\ RK 4 Tee | a a ana ae - para ad C Fig Tage formed by a plone mirror _—— Fig! Real image for Vidual_ebfers Fra: Virtual mage for Real_object ___ Fe] _Roul_Ima§e__and__Virtual_Tma§fo:-_ b = [ Real _fmage Virtual fmade_ 29-45 fonda Wy athe actual [3S THs formed by dhe viral fotersectfon of reflected _ om yafre| be 2) TM Can be _dbtained on_che_| Le teen (\* ) This fhverted wet. dhe Hintersectio ays. > St Card be Obtained on she _ Séteon nf _reFlecked_or_refiattel | Tt is eteck wort. dhe_objecs | Obfech. cee _ ae b atrror ty indicat ; Reflection at Curved _Mtrrore A_mifrror__shore _repleeding, Surface _% Curwed % Called a. Carved Ond Curved Surface may be either Cancavi, Convenor _# by Spherical. Mirrors: 4 dhe _refleching Aurface of 2 : Spherical glass | the mivrar $6 Called __spheri dal__mirror. —__ o ° r Tt Ss_of duo _duypess-— Gn b | Concave _biteror $2 || qhe ghertdal_rnfiror_wohoe reflecting Surface He Cain be : Way, se_callad Concave _rafrrot. Kocal_engthif) of Concave tain, fs aken_postne( ss). Thts_raianr_{8 “algo_called_Converig wine feuse paral _rayé_of ght inclderk_om_it_Comvange ot a i ter reflection from it - Real fmag¢ %¢ obtained by Centar | irror I ma 7 F Fp a E a : on Erg: Re(ecion Shxwwgh Concave ratyror Convex piivrorss 3 Us| athe Spherical -rfrror whose _reflectiag Surface 8 _Curying | Outward _7$ -Calted Convex __rirror, Focal__length(f) 04. Conver __ mitror_fs taken negative ve. qhis_rafiuor_ is _also Called diverging ritrror because paralleL._rays of Night ‘incident _on it_diverge _ And__hence Appear to_Converge aba point after reflection from tk. Virtual_Tmage_ 4s ~ obbained by Cenvex_mftror. : | [serns “n_Spherical_rifrrors:-__* Fase] ~~ J Sy pete — by] the_offective—eicth of 2 _ => vfew- — |i, = a OF oS ea N \ —2 a —__YMding oth: ser Ly any oy ett or uw ve AG = Ae [os Age] wf wy TwF EN : Pl Re kgh| ght ch fs entrror By formula. y op Be aby For ConCave minor => eve ee — =) | - For Conver sifiror <> ~ve tae) SSSr pS Apeu Tepe f | | I I. iAps-V ¢ 2 Te a Gam I eta jet T lal poe deep a, > att enddh—"f po Le, Fi be the sig IF — tne formed by —th cro, an tn_above_fPdun, - Sap A Nap AARP: tr A Apafk A [4 AB. AP= vg | AB “ae AR dor, A vt ff ty No, A'S ee A MA AS 4o, AW = A y em eqn 2631 7 my EM —|—_sv= —svtf SAG 2 Ne [Ce ABENN] fF | “ab EN or, ~Vf= = wet auf lox wy 2 vf + ue —t he apeture_of the_wfnar,_DRidin§_bomh_ Sides a fs Tae i Hes veil og WV = uw ~ Wh uk wf “we | olye_e pie, EN FP tts a fl "TEP v2 — aft 7 v adh % Mor fvmla, ‘tit Convex _Mérror (Virtual Tmaga):— a 2 ae co — PH Boe en _ lpn ; po Ei Midual_fmage (tine? by convex vaferor = 4 us tmslden,_an ofed_M is flatd_perpendclar_to ake Principal arts of Cones rifizor of fotal _tengah Algo Le, RE be dho "Seal tua) formed by the _yafitror._dhen, a . Ae. _Fp~ Ap —___|Iin_elove_ Sidure,_aplsp va aby | or, ABP 14 Ag! Ae AY sf 5 AR AR wT gy, AB =f _ ANS, __| From e4Xi) Inddih; ARSE AMNE LS VA ~ fay $08) a —| 40s NWN ” EW OVE = wyeuf 2 Ab ale Ps Awe wt] on, uv = ved uf ——iiy AR fyi Diving lath _staes_o¢ cat by uv LO, UW WE uf df the Operture_of che rfreor | ayy we ie don Small. then_potnt HN fee | Sx ~ =, 2) —t Ney _¢lote do Pie katackp | [fw —| — abv Lk 25 wlio fom ARS Ep | JF ae 2 tolllsvar magnification te defined: 26 dhe_avio.of the Siatf image 4. Ea om Va dhe _Stz0_of Obsece OR, é 3 * * Sneat ob cntin 15 defined ms dhe «ratio of Fmage Aiflance ay once, Tt $s denoted by "rn! th Object t Vv ie m6 there, T= image hefht(e), _ = Image distance O= Oeel belsht (Guy & us Ober dima, Whee shid we Sy for - Saving, ly using Concave mirra® Keeping, face nearer Ahan dhe otis of wi be wnaantfved and I We should Shay Concave _evftror = 0 thot the Ymafe gn Sect whith makes WS Confertalle Ae Seor uy. face Date | eenles Pagel ~~ ~ Gg. [Row SLE) At_what aii zary_obfect. br Saeed | ¥_front_oF a: _Concave__rvfvroy__of radius” ox. ped 044m So_that_zin_Breck Smnaby or. mnasphfication 2 by hhh produce? lt! - - Solution’ __o. x Her, In a_Zondave,_evitrov. IR=O4m m2, V's nvbative dur to > wreck Sage _|| theo, — $e f= Dele pam — Arn 23 — — O_o B=} [EH 3Y A x Now, + Foaey OZ wd bed => 58 $(2-3) > sued =p urouss 0,2 u ou “Thus: Objic_s bes. plaeed nus 194m. mfr om en SS 6. (TEED) Ap role 4m Gn lord %5 Bk old nip pal _|axts_ oF a Gna it OK! foeal._Length_tm. The erd pe he pole nearer dhe aftrror 95 om. Som it-Find a image ox dhe. ole. a Pei Gubs~ Lf =A v9, _ aren a Uram, ve? ae pele a Fe a See ede es Petey — [gle — |= |p a oi) a. a Sa ase tee |S 26 =e Se tte aie me) [este 4 a Fs ia nett 3 ve Mi , oes acid his Sian of ayes 019 rt —_ y f) x | im | Boe ae obidtued eau 2:—_C l-t= 3.0 | Here NOW, G | An pred Smiage, three Aines_she Siro onCAve_mnfirror_ oF radfye tL position oF dht_Qlifeg. oN — > ——~ [ny uevabure3¢_Co-. What %. ‘ Ba * 3 MU te is” — momar s ‘ethus, Db 2 pus 42 mJ ae ck fs de im_far-fsoe de rifrror, | ons] o_O o¥ Gory Died tp 2m bathe %6 placed fyp__ vx _nrror__ OF fotal (ngth 40 fm | ytont ¥ | gad the! abs chs Bot tort she mnivror: eRad he __ —olgtihe og the” tafe ui Highie Pela 4 220d, USgd om Te?! _|| Now. qhe rs NV ne i o UG. [fF uy or, ft. OF, EF An Ww oy = or ee wh +, HD, oS > fre Aw en Yo 2 3 60 80 A a 7s w HaBght of fmage e __— 3 Ne “ge in D.faem_of am. $4 [ - ae “Gu (2055 ENO. Ae _ = alculate the» focal_Length “of a Concave retiror_ whey —an_obfed placed aa dislane® of 4o_ Om. makes “frerage Paunt Alene a }per, usdptm, TO => [m=3) —the_Size_ oe the objeck._ Crom 23) vet We know): me => a= V_ i= sp [weho era] sb a 4 at fete ae we = AD “AD F256 => [fs20erm hus, —docal< Lengo Abe _Coneave fron Ts _20 da. yee Pa _jprarer_tnd boring . 225 cm, he [Hoss Go] A wonre_ Sen % plated _ clog, dhe wee Convex ___mitrroy 0 _¥deal_Loaglh 250m, Hs xt_a__Afslane_o¥ Som, Calculate dhe Eze of thr “entage — Yornmy.d OOF. ‘SCAN _____ fw bag) ae ET OS ew v' -_——1 5 Te 1% i Sap -fowiy 73 cot | ee ee “AS Ini 242 ime + Ou 3F | ON Ee Ape a or ety Sat ig AS > [ra 4% on) 1S 150 Bes 46 F Thu, Sor ov Sirndige "Ts 46 tom te =)" i | 8 | pes i Tsp fais] A Convex —evfrror wlth ay oy 2 Cana Fmd a eal J0-Cn. from poe, | Explatye it fs Possible aid. Ying —— _[e fp ie pyech ov favurted. PoIoem T=20 tM ri | =>[f= 15 ¢m L ~ Then 4 [whee othr Conversiag_vays of. Light 2) we Tndidint, mag formed a Va fone he

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