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signed in London on the 9th of May 1906, whereby the 1894

Madrid, Marshal Prim, chief promoter of his candidature, was

conduction. A. P. Laurie has determined the electromotive

occupying a seat in parliament. He was elected for Launceston

1534 and 1542 this seaman, a native of St Malo, explored the

under Johan Heinrich Lips (1758-1817) and Karl Ernst Hess, at

but was not incorporated until 1835, when it was named in

survive severe cold when of short duration, but it cannot be

Trojan war and the house of Pelops. The national history,

columns. A pavilion projects into the court at each

and to enforce the celibacy of the clergy. His election, which

excavations on the Acropolis at Athens, terminated in 1888,

climbers in the Alps---the ``Climbers' Guides'' series,

succeeded him, and Abernethy was elected assistant-surgeon in

tower stands, but the ground-plan was excavated in 1884 and

pseudo-parenchymatous axis. In Cutleria the laminated thallus

while the former weighs about 79 lb and the latter 162 lb per

the symbols of the god. Culture of the Mayan transitional peoples

Sudan, and the Ba-Hima, &c., of the Victoria Nyanza, Libyan

"ninety-day gunboats." Special reversible paddle steamers

follows, therefore, except for mechanical losses, that one

them have the same force as though issued by the secretary.

exchange for France's acknowledgment of the Mbomu river as his

result of the possession of India, British officials exercised

enacted by each legislature, and are commonly revised every

395. A sect of Abelitae, who seem to have lived in North

Anglian Danes, to conquer England. Alfred, 893 (894), took up

in fact to all cases in which substances can be made to mix in

8150 ft., the latter limit on the north and west, consists of
atmosphere. It was then discharged through the regenerator,

restricted to what is more accurately called atmospheric

also a separate chapter-house, which is wanting at St Gall.

in parliament for the former borough of Amersham. The town

und ihre Anpassung an dieselben (1881). (H. V. K.)

Austria such a special commission was established by royal

the title of Augustus might ravage and ruin the countries

sierra, cannot be kept up in the Fungas, as these half-warm

The obligations on the one side and the other may be defined

and the association has lost nothing, as the men were very

Among insects the most numerous and useful is the bee, honey

1903 952,868,801 58,222,061

treason of General Benedict Arnold (q.v.), and the consequent

``adventitious wrappages,'' as being extrinsic, superadded

as the Smithfield Cattle and Sheep Society, the title being

excrescences of like appearance, as for the tufts on the heads

declined. The most common adulterant of the more valuable

recorded temperatures from about -55 deg. to 77 deg. F.; at Port

Egypt. After much indecisive fighting, Ali found his position

masterpieces except public buildings, and; that the private

by riveting together two grids and filling the intervening space

state, its natural productions, its topography, geography and

of which the first session was held on the 1st of October,

blossoms in which red is very prevalent. Of the grasses of

small, bald, &c. (see Sweet's History of English Sounds,

coronation of Maximilian II. took place at Frankfort-on-Main,

fell into the hands of Spain. By the treaty of Versailles,

Topographie des alten Alexandria (1872). (D. G. H.)

an ascent on the 11th of August, but was unable to keep his

was first printed, for though the oldest known edition (a

import (amongst them Rameses as king making offerings to

and various other bibliographies in titles mentioned below,

weight is provided with a sharp tongue of metal in order that

without making the surrender of the churches. The day

much-needed reform to the class to which he belonged. The

UPper Greensand in the Cenomanian. The English practice

Dome du Gouter . . . . . 14,210 Tete Blanche. . . . . . . . . 12,304

this trade by the discovery of the Cape route to India; the

rising ground at the end of a bay which is separated from the

See George Tate, The History of the Borough,

The general laws of heredity and variation have been proved

feel himself strong enough, after a few preliminary minor

Mountain on the 14th and Kenesaw on the 27th, both actions

Pasture (1903), and The Bride of the Mistleloe (1909.)

altar was in the centre of the court of the tabernacle, of

to his appeals for a General Council. Alexander, although

through the duties connected with naval gunnery, formerly in

features of interest, and cannot fail to retain its importance

(1832), are merely new names for de Blainville's Ornithoides

the home-made and home-cooked food. Manufacturers of many

Ferdinand II. the previous year), he induced the latter by

mountains. In character the Afridi has obtained an evil name

secretaries, the president of the supreme court of justice

thereof; (2) where the food or drug is a proprietary medicine,

accordance with the Cistercian rule, is very low. The windows

which had figured in the diplomatic correspondence, and had

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