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Horizontal and vertical variation in the spatial distribution of soil properties results from the
interaction of soil formation and management factors (Reichardt et al., 1986; Guimaraes et al.,
2001; Cavalcante et al., 2007). Thus, even in pedologically homogeneous areas – with the same
geomorphological surface, material of origin and climate – changes in soil use and management
may lead to spatial variation in soil properties. Nowadays, knowledge on the variability of soil
properties is considered a basic principle for a localized management in precision agriculture for
areas at any scale (Grego & Vieira, 2005). Characterizing the spatial variability of the soil
chemical properties, particularly in cultivated areas, provides relevant information for a more
rational soil use and management (Montezano et al., 2006). Such studies gain particular
importance in the case of mapping changes caused by different management methods (Carvalho
et al., 1998; Carvalho et al., 2002). In such cases, characterizing the spatial variation of soil
properties makes it possible to define differentiated management areas, which may increase the
efficiency of fertilizer use and sampling schemes. Geostatistics has been used as an important
and efficient strategic tool to characterize spatial variability for detailed soil analysis and
description (Grego & Vieira, 2005; Silva et al., 2007).

2.1. Problem statement

Crop production in Malawi as a nation is declining in regardless of fertilizer input because of
poor understanding of soil fertility. Mainly due to the fact that many farmers do not know spatial
variation of chemical and physical properties of soils in their fields, as such these farmers
uniformly apply fertilizer in their fields. But uniform fertilizer application may not be
economical in circumstances where fertility gradient across the field/site is not uniform. Hence
there is a need to assess the variation of nutrients across the field as well as down the soil profile
(in the horizons).
2.2. Justification
This research is very crucial in as far as agriculture is concerned at Mpira watershed because if the spatial
variation of soil fertility (thus micronutrients context for example) of this area is known, fertilizer
recommendations could be made for each specific site/field in a given area. As this will reduce
unnecessary use of fertilizers and will enhance farm income.

. Research objectives
2.3.1. Main objective

To determine spatial variation of

2.3.2. Specific objectives

 To determine spatial variation of across the research farm

 To determine the spatial variation of in contrasting horizons
Ho: There are no spatial variations of

Ho: There is no variations of contrasting horizons

Materials and methods

Study area

4.2.1. Sample collection
Firstly the field of approximately 17 hectors was divided into sample grids of 50 meters by 50
meters, thus in every hector 4 sample grids were created. Then in each sample grid soil samples
were collected within the grid consisting 5 cores and composited to one sample at 10 foot radius,
GPS coordinates were recorded for each sample grid. Soil samples were collected at a depth of 0
– 20 cm and 20 – 40cm, top and sub respectively. A total of 130 sample were collected 65 top
and 65 sub. Then the samples air dried the taken to the lab for analysis.


Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cl and Mo

Solutions will be prepared using Mehlich-3 extracts (Mehlich 1984). Approximately 2.5g of the
soil sample will be weighed and transferred into a centrifuge tube. Then Mehlich-3 extract will
be added. For 5 min the tubes will be shacked and centrifuged. After centrifuging the samples
will be filtered and 0.5 ml of the extract will be pipetted into tube. Then 19.5ml of strontium
chloride will be added. Finally, the sample extract (20ml) will be read on the AAS.

Boron extraction
Distilled water will be mixed with 2.35g calcium chloride(0.02M) then 1000ppm B solution will
be made by dissolving 1.430g of boric acid (H 3BO) in 250 ml distilled water. 1.00 ml of this
solution will be distilled to 50ml in polypropylene centrifuge tube to make a solution of 2.00ppm
B. this will be made fresh

Standards will be made by placing 40ml of 0.02ml of the solution and 2.0ppm B solution will be
added and mixed well. 20g of soil will be weighed into a plastic sandwich bag. 40ml of 0.02M
CaCl2 (solution) will be added and mixed in the bag

Water bath will be prepared of at least 5litres on a hot plate which will be boiling vigorously. 5
samples will be placed in the boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Samples will then be removed
and cooled for 5 minutes. 50ml will be filtered into centrifuge tubes.

340ml of acetic acid (CH3COOH) will be added into polyethylene container and slowly 370ml of
25% ammonium solution will be added, then 15g of EDTA disodium salt will be added.

2.0g of ascorbic acid will be dissolved in 100ml water. 0.90g azomethene-h will be added and
stored in refrigerator

8ml of extract from sample or standard will be pipetted into 20ml glass vial. 14ml of buffer
solution with 100ml of azomethene-H reagent will be mixed. 240ml of this mixture will be added
to each sample or standard. The ph should be 5.05 – 3.15, if not the ph of the buffer solution will
be adjusted. For 30minutes it will be allowed to develop color and the color intensity will be read
on a spectrophotometer at 420nm.

Data collection

 The concentration of different micronutrients in the samples

Data analysis
The collected data will be subjected to geo-statistical methods using ARC-GIS software
Results and discussion



GUIMARAES, G.L.; SOUZA, Z.M.; SILVA, M.L.S.; CAMPOS, D.T.S.; CARVALHO, M.P. & PEREIRA, G.T. Variabilidade espacial de
atributos físicos em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico sob semeadura direta em Selvíria (MS). R. Bras. Ci. Solo, 25:699-707, 2001.

g (h) =
2N (h)
[z (xi) 􀀀 z (xi+h)]2

Table 2. Calculated semi-variograms properties of soil factors for the subsoil

Soil properties model Range Nugget Sill Nugget/sill Spatial

OM 0.12 0.31 0.76 40.7895 moderate

pH 57 0.05 70 0.07143 strong

Sand 0.07 30 56 53.5714 moderate

Silt 0.04 0 6.6 0 strong

Clay 0.08 21 35 60 moderate

Table 3. Calculated semi-variograms properties of soil properties for the top soil
Soil properties model Range Nugget Sill Nugget/sill Spatial
(%) dependence
OM 3.7 0.27 4.9 5.51024

pH 0.12 0.05 0.07 71.4286

Sand 0.08 24 51 47.0588

Silt 0.79 3.1 6.1 50.8197

Clay 0.08 20 37 54.0541

Nugget values present undetectable experimental errors, field variation within the minimum
sampling space, and inherent variability (Wang. Et.al.,2009) In this study, nugget values were
lowest for PH (0.05) and highest for sand (24) in the topsoil on the other hand it was lowest for
silt (0), and highest for sand (30) in the subsoil. These positive values suggested a positive
nugget effect, a sampling error, or random and inherent variability of soil P H, OM, Sand, Silt and
Clay. Sill values represent total spatial variation. The sill values ranged from 0.05 for PH to 24
for Sand in the topsoil, it was 0.76 for OM to 70 for P H in the subsoil. The ratio of nugget-to-sill
represents a spatial dependence. If the ratio is lower than 25%, it indicates a strong spatial
dependence. If the ratio is higher than 75%, it indicates a weak spatial dependence, while a ratio
between 25% and 75% indicates a moderate spatial dependence (Cambardella.et.al.,1994). A
strong spatial dependence is attributed to soil intrinsic properties, such as soil parent material,
soil texture, topography, and vegetation (Wang. Et.al.,2009). A weak spatial dependence
indicates that the spatial variability is mainly regulated by extrinsic variations, such as soil
fertilization and cultivation practices. Therefore, a moderate spatial dependence is controlled by
both intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

In this study the nugget to sill ratio was found to be

Horizon A


SILT 0.437571 1
SAND -0.96992 -0.64329 1
PH -0.22995 -0.07974 0.217383 1
OM -0.10629 0.189148 0.039294 0.277035 1

Horizon B


SILT 0.462076 1
SAND -0.95399 -0.70672 1
PH 0.034298 0.150227 -0.07815 1
OM 0.200279 0.207284 -0.22986 0.345372 1
figure.1.shows the results of PH and OM in the topsoil (0 -20 cm)


4.54 0.46
5.03 1.615
5.16 2.055
5.345 2.42
5.76 3.62

Figure.2. shows the results of PH and OM in the subsoil (20 – 40 cm)


5.055 0.24
5.22 1.06
5.315 1.51
5.86 2.137
Figure.2a figure.2b
The ratio of nugget-to-sill represents a spatial dependence. If the ratio is lower than 25%, it
indicates a strong spatial dependence. If the ratio is higher than 75%, it indicates a weak spatial
dependence, while a ratio between 25% and 75% indicates a moderate spatial dependence A
strong spatial dependence is attributed to soil intrinsic properties, such as soil parent material,
soil texture, topography, and vegetation [23,47]. A weak spatial dependence indicates that the
spatial variability is mainly regulated by extrinsic variations, such as soil fertilization and
cultivation practices [23,46]. Therefore, a moderate spatial dependence is controlled by both
intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

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