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Upadhyay Tejas J.
SD 1507

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► Latex Modified Concrete, primarily used as a thin bonded

overlay to protect bridge decks and parking structures, has
been described as the "ideal repair material."  

► Latex modified concrete is also known as polymer modified

concrete. Conventional concrete made by replacing part of
mixing water with a latex.

► The materials
in LMC are theand theas
same production
those usedtechnology
in normalfor concrete
cement concrete except that latex, which is a colloidal
suspension of polymer in water, is used as an admixture.

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► Synthetic latexes are made by dispersing polymer particles

in water to form a polymer emulsion. When these
emulsions are added to Portland cement concrete, the
spheres of polymer will coalesce or come together to form

a film that
cement coats
grains the
and aggregate
seals particles and the hydrating
off voids.

► The resulting mixture develops higher strength, bonds

existing concrete, has aresistance
and is more higher resistance to
to chemical
attack than plain concrete.

► Both PC and LMC have been in commercial use since the 1950s.
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► Earlier latexes were based on polyvinyl acetate or

polyvinylidene chloride, but these are seldom used now
because of the risk of corrosion of steel in concrete in the
latter case, and low wet strengths in the former.
► Three basic polymers used as latex modified concrete for
concrete or mortar are acrylics, styrene-butadiene rubbers

(SBR) and polyvinyl acetates (PVA).

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► PVA are not generally recommended for use in wet

environments because some types may hydrolyze or break
down chemically.

► Elastomeric or rubber like polymers based on styrene-

butadiene and polyacrylat copolymers are more commonly
used now. 

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► Latex modified mortar, recommended for sections ¼ to ¾

inch deep should have proportion of 1.0 part cement to 3.0
to 3.5 part fine aggregate by weight.

► The water-cement ratio ( including water in the latex)

should be 0.3 to 0.4 by weight and the latex solids-cement
ratio 0.1 to 0.2 by weight.

► Because the concentration of latex solids in commercial

products varies, the dosage in gallons of latex per 100
pounds of cement will vary with the brand of latex.

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► For instance, assume you want a mix with 16 percent latex

solids by weight and a maximum water-cement ratio of
0.40. the calculations of the quantities would be:

• 0.16 X 100 = 16 pound of latex solids per 100 pound of

• 0.48 X 8.4 = 4.0 pound of latex solids per gallons of latex
(the rest is 4.4 pound of water)
• 16 / 4 = 4.0 gallons of latex per 100 pound of cement.
• Weight of water in 4 gallons of latex = 4 X 4.4 =17.6

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► Minimum cement content 390 kg/m³

► Latex emulsion admixture 121.30 l / m³

► Water/cement ratio (by weight) 0.30 to 0.40

►  Air content 3 to 6.5 percent of plastic mix

► Coarse aggregate 50 percent of total aggregate by weight

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► There are five stage of good overlaying:

1. Preparation of surface .

2. Batching and mixing of LMC.

3. Placement of LMC.

4. Finishing.

5. curing

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1. Preparation of surface :

► Resurfacing an old deck requires much more preparation

than overlaying a new deck.

► One must
usually remove
contains oilthe
andtop ¼ and
dirt) inch any
of concrete ( because
weak concrete it
the surface.

► Use of hydro
the top demolition
surface and poweror driven
to remove to
deteriorated concrete underneath.

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1. Preparation of surface continued…. 

►  Also wait 48 hours before scarifying or chipping concrete

within 6 feet of previously placed LMC.

► Splice new rebar to any reinforcement bar that have lost ¼

or more of their original diameter.
► If concrete is removed mechanically, sand blast or water
blast is applied on the surface within 24 hours before
concrete placement.

►  At least 1 hour before placement of concrete surface

should be wetted but not flooded with water.

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2. Batching and mixing of LMC :

► For small volume work, 5 to 10 cubic foot batch mixers may

be used. For large areas such as bridge decks requiring
more than 4 cubic yards of mixed material, mobile batcher
mixers are recommended.

► Because LMC should not be mixed for more than 5

minutes, it should made on site.

► Because of the relatively short working life for latex –

modified mixes, the amount mixed will be limited by the
placing and finishing time - about 20 minutes.

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2. Batching continued… 

► With the drum rotating at minimum speed (16 to 18 rpm),

aggregate and cement are next introduced, followed by the
remainder of the mixing water needed to achieve desired

► Total mixing time shouldn’t exceed 4 minutes at slow

speed, longer mixing time may incorporate excess air in
the mix.

► The slump shall be measured 4 to 5 minutes after

discharge from the mixer . 

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3. Placement and finishing

► For small areas or parking decks obstructed the LMC can

be placed with a screed and spud vibrator. For bridge deck
overlays use a self propelled finishing machine that can
move forward and backward.

► But now a days roller finishing machines are more


► Edge tooling shall be required at joints, except next to

metal expansion dams, curbs and previously placed lanes.

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Placing an LMC overlay with conventional equipment. The concrete is batched La tex Modifie d Conc rete a s Re pa ir Ma te r ia l - slide pdf.c om

and mixed in a mobile concrete mixer and struck off with a vibrating screed. A fog
spray is applied, as shown, to increase the relative humidity and help prevent
plastic shrinkage cracking.

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4. Curing 

► The hardening of a latex takes place by drying or loss of


► LMC forms a plastic film at the surface upon drying, usually

within 25 minutes in hot, dry weather.

► To prevent the surface from cracking, cover it with pre-

saturated burlap as soon as it will support the burlap

without significant deformation. Overlap the burlap a

minimum of 6 inches. Cover it with second layer of wet
burlap or with 4 mil white polyethylene. Hold down the
edges of the polyethylene with weights.

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4. Curing continued… 

►  After 24 hours remove the burlap and polyethylene and

allow the LMC to dry cure for 72 hours before opening the
deck to traffic.

► If rain wets the overlay for more than one hour or more
during this dry cure period, do not count those hours as
part of the dry curing.

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LMC overlay is quickly covered with wet burlap and polyethylene La tex Modifie d Conc rete a s Re pa ir Ma te r ia l - slide pdf.c om

to provide a moist cure.

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► The most impressive characteristics of LMC are its ability

to bond strongly with old concrete, and to resist the entry of
water and aggressive solutions.

► The internal plastic films reduce penetration of moisture

and chloride ions, improving freeze-thaw resistance and
protecting reinforcing steel from corrosion. 

► The abrasion concrete

conventional tests revealed that LMC
by 19-32% outperformed
depending upon the
particular test performed 

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► The modulus of elasticity of LMC is 15% lower than

conventional concrete, making it less brittle and more
flexible. This allows it to withstand stresses that can cause
premature cracking and delamination.

► These characteristics have made the LMC a popular

material for rehabilitation of deteriorated floors, pavements,
and bridge decks.

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Points to be kept in Mind

► Don’t place an LMC overlay… 

 Less than 1 ¼ inches thick

Next to a parallel strip of overlay that is less than 72

hours old.
 When rain is expected.
  At temperature lower than 40 F.

When the surface evaporation rate is more than 0.15
pound per square foot per hour.

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► The unit ofOverlay

Concrete measurewillfor
yard, of Bridge Deck
complete in

► The number of square yards will be the actual surface area

computed from measurements taken in the field.

► Payment for the specified type of Bridge Deck Concrete

Overlay will be made at the contract unit price per square
yard, which payment will include removal and disposal of
existing asphalt surface and membrane waterproofing,
scarifying if specified, sandblasting, air cleaning, grouting,
and proportioning, mixing, placing, finishing, and curing

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► Payment will also include the cost of furnishing all

materials, tools, equipment, incidentals and labor
necessary to complete the item as shown on the plans and
specified .

► Payment for removal and disposal of deteriorated concrete

beyond the prescribed thickness will be paid for at the
contract unit price per cubic yard for Structure Hard
Surface Excavation.

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Case study of bridges overlay

Latex modified concrete

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► Name of bridge : The Marquam Bridge 

► Location : Portland

► Year of completion : 1966

► Daily traffic on bridge : 86000 vehicles

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Problem and the solution:

►  After 17 yr of service, the bridge, which was opened to

traffic in 1966, had a badly worn deck and numerous deck
expansion joints in need of repair.

► To correct the deck and joint problems, a contract was

given in May 1983 for a latex-modified-concrete overlay
and joint repair.

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Problem continued… 

► Three years after completion of the overlay, a check on the

wear was made.

► This found wide variation in the projected life due to traffic

patterns and irregular wear in the individual wheel tracks.

► From the survey, a general conclusion can be made that

the latex-modified-concrete has equivalent or possibly
better wear resistance than the original concrete surface

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Reference :

► Concrete repair volume 1 , 2, 3.

► Standard Specification for Latex- Modified Concrete (LMC)

Overlays (ACI 548.4-93).

► Concrete: Microstructure, Properties, and Materials P.K.

Mehta and P.J.M. Monteiro.

► Evaluation, Repair and strengthening of structures.

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