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The documented history of sports goes back at least 3,000 the beginning, sports often involved
the preparation for war or training as a hunter, which explains why so many early games involved the
throwing of spears, stakes, and rocks, and sparring one-on one with opponents.

Western sports were introduced into Zambia by the Europeans colonists in the early 1900’s; however it
wasn’t developed after that. Boxing, tennis, and basketball are popular but football is the most popular
among the least. In fact, football was considered to be the most Zambia’s national sport from 1964 to
date many sporting activities have been developed in Zambia’s schools.

As a result, most of Zambia’s best athletics had their sport in the copper belt region. Although boxing,
netball, volleyball, squash, rugby, golf, and athletics are all popular, football is the most considered in

Sport is an individual or group activity pursued for exercise or pleasure, often involving the testing of
physical capabilities and taking the form of a competitive game such as football teams etc.

Since 1964 to date, the important role of sports is to prepare sportsmen in Zambian schools for
employment and economy diversification.

Physical education is an educational process that uses physical activity as a means to help individuals
acquire skill, fitness, knowledge, and habitudes that attributer to their optimal development and we-


 Pre-Colonial Period.
 Colonial Period.
 The Post-Independence Period

This decision follows the way sports education has developed from the past to the present. Jeanes, R

From 1964-1991 politics influenced the development of sport in Zambia schools. It is revealed that
under the government of the united national independence party (UNIP) sports in schools developed
through the establishment of sports bodies.

The government constructed schools in all districts and provinces and appealed to companies to
promote football and through such efforts, football in Zambia developed through schools as the sport
was part of education. Politics penetrated football, and other sports administration. The-UNIP
government interfered in the running of sports especially football because it provided money for the
running of sports (football) and thus wanted to run FAZ into an organ that would support Kenneth
Kaunda-led regime ‘one soccer body’ was established in 1975. After 1975 government repeatedly
dissolved FAZ whenever there was evidence of maladmistration and declining standards in football.
From 1964 to 1972 the UNIP government deployed the sport to popularize the Kaunda dominated
regime during the brief period of multi-party state. Although the UNIP government contributed greatly
to the development of football, it failed to erect sufficient modern sports infrasture in schools as well as
the country and this culminated in failure to host the 1988 Africa cup.

The government (UNIP) used sports (football) indirectly to strengthen the party’s hold on power,
ordinary Zambia’s used the sport to undermine the UNIP government in the run up to the 1991

Politics and sports or sports diplomacy describes the use of sport as a means to influence diplomatic,
social, and political relations.

Government have understood that sports in Zambian schools can build not just team but a culture of
fitness, discipline, respect, inclusion and acceptance. Hence it is focusing on enabling better
opportunities for sports development in schools.

Well organized and delivered sports and physical programs with other targeted interventions can make
a -contribution in reducing crime within targeted schools and communities.


 A process whereby effective opportunities, processes, systems and structures are set up
and encourage pupils and students to take part in sport and recreation or to improve their
performance to higher lever of proficiency.
 Ensuring that pathways and structures are in place to enable pupils/ students to learn basic
movement skills, participate in sports of their choice, develop their competence and
performance and reach levels of excellence. (Collins 2010)

In Zambia, government have just begin the journey towards sports development in schools and making
favorable policies and developing a favorable eminent for sports development in Zambia.

EDU sport has partnered with government schools across Zambia to provide structured curriculum for
physical education which is age appropriate and are focused on overall development of children aided
by continuous assessments. These quality programs involve teachers and parents alike, who in return,
sport the holistic growth of children to foster lifelong healthy living.

There is a long way as government keep adding more government and private schools as partners to
improve sports in schools and Zambia.

Government is working to create healthy students who will build better communities.

Government understands that playing sport at school level is the first baby step to competitions at the
highest level which in turn, will help us improve our standing as a sporting nation, and contribute to
economic growth.
Will the sport industry slowly turning into a new source of national economic growth, it can become an
important source of enlarging domestic demands, offering employment positions, and attracting
children or students to become conscious of their health and well- being .

The objectives of the ministry is to build strong relationships with organizations that share their alms
there by further increasing the capacity of young people to build on their skills and aptitudes for their
own personal growth and their community’s long term success and development.


 Film Censorship Board

 National Arts Council
 National Sports Council of Zambia
 National Youth Development Council
 Boy Schools Association of Zambia
 Boys And Girls Brigade of Zambia
 Girls Guide Association of Zambia

The ministry of youth, sport and arts is responsible for the development and implementation of youth,
sport and arts development programmers in order to facilitate realization of their full potential and
contribute to their physical and medal well-being.

Https: // all

The ministry of education works in partnership with the ministry of youth, sport and arts to improve the
learning environment of pupils and students. The ministry of education curriculum has a component of
physical education which involves children’s participation in sports during their lifetime.


 Builds School, Universities

 Provides Desks
 Recruits Teachers And School Staff
 Provides Sports Kits To Schools
 Builds School Playing Fields Or Grounds Using CDF


 Register NGO Whose Interest Is In Sports

 Funds NGO And Societies Interested In Improving Sports In Schools
 Supports Registration of Schools.

Growing an inclusive culture and promoting diversity means we need to encourage participation in sport
for all primary schools and secondary schools-and government is working hard to make sure that this is
what our future looks like e.g. disabled children participate in sports in schools.
Upholding a commitment to the establishment and sustainable practice of national development, sport
in action (NGO) deliver developmental programmers to thousands of children as they participate in
sports in Zambian schools.

Students studying architecture and built environment courses have also taken placement in Zambia to
renovate a set of tennis courts in schools providing a long term, high quality facilities.

Government is happy to a diverse mix of students and staff involved in sports, including coaching, facility
development, and fundraising research projects.


Sport is set to play an important role in helping promote social and economic development in Zambia.
With 82percent of the country’s population below the age of 35, sport is a practical way to target young
people to promote physical and mental health and well-being, as well as building social cohesion within
the country.

Director of sport in Zambia’s ministry of youth and sport development said the government has
recognized the importance for sport to contribute to national sustainable development priorities.

‘’with the common wealth’s support they reviewed the national sport policy in 2016 to align the policy
direction with the country’s development priorities to fully maximize the potential of sport.’’ with such a
large and growing young population, they have to make sure that they have the right enabling
environment so sport could make a real contribution to our country’s national development. The
ministry has identified four priority areas to maximize the impact of Zambia.


 Improving Physical And Mental Health And Well-Being And Promoting Social Cohesion.
 Creating Job Opportunities For Young People.
 Encouraging Educational Institutions To Offer Innovative Courses Which Support The Sports
 Strengthening Sports Governance.

The government’s leadership provides clear strategies focus and policy direction for all stakeholders on
the development priorities that high light how sport can contribute to in schools and the country.
Njelesani, J, 2015

Government is keen to continue to work in partnership with sporting organization, the private sector
and civil society to ensure they truly maximize the potential for sport to promote social and economic
development in Zambia.

Government has revised and launched the national sports council policy, which aim at enhancing and
improving sports facilities in schools and the country.
The minister of youth, sport and child development said the new sports policy shall endeavor to use
sports as a tool to create awareness for instigating the impact of HIV/AIDS infections among the youth.

The policy will ensure that disabled children and the people infected with HIV/AIDS fully participate in
the activities outlined in the new policy.

The policy will also endeavor to rehabilitate sports men and women that are found engaging in doping

Gender equality in sports policy gives equal participation of women in every sport. It removes gender
discrimination against sports women.

The Olympic youth development Centre (OYDC) Zambia on Friday 14 th April launched it’s 2023 to 2028
strategic plan whose main focus is investing in facilities to support high performance sports which will
help many young talented athletes fulfill their sporting dreams. OYDC is a Centre with different sports
facilities and many schools take their pupils or students there.

Every student should take part in games and sports. Sport gives as a good exercise which makes us
physically strong and increases our stamina and strength. Regular sport activities make us active and
lead us to good health.

Games can be dangerous. Because any injury can occur while playing these sport. The ministry of youth,
sport and child development and the ministry of Education should make sure that sport is improved in
schools. This can be done by constructing good sport facilities in schools. Should come up with good
sport policies.

 Jeans, R, 2013 Research in Sociology (Colonization )

 Collins, H, 2010 Systems and Facilities in Sport
 Https:// All Africa. com. Government Develops Sport.
 Njlesani, J, (2015) A Level Playing Field

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