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Custom Campaign by: Hellena Handbasket

Layout and Modifications by: Stephanie Gustafsson.
Use the Lonely Muse figure from the Lonely Tree
expansion to represent the Fae in Normal form by
New Rules
placing it on a 2x2 base. The Fae initially operates STRANGELINGS
Requires Expansions: Lonely Tree, Flower Knight. similarly to a standard flower knight using the AI Life Strangelings are Saviors of the Crown and gain the
Dream of the Crown (pg 105 Core Rulebook) and
This custom nemesis scenario has designed to be
Deck (Flower Knight) with the exception of its normal all its associated bonuses. In addition they have the
added to the The Bloom People Campaign.
basic attack and teleportation. Ghostly Beauty disorder, +1 permenant accuracy,
and +2 permenant luck.
Current Campaign When performing a basic attack, draw from the
Add the Fae to your current campaign before Lantern AI Basic Attack Deck (Lonely Tree) instead and
Year 6. The survivors first encounter The Fae while perform that ability.
running from Armored Strangers in the campaign.
Replace Armored Strangers on the settlement TREE MERGING (TELEPORTATION)
record sheet with Strange Laughter and replace all Whenever the Fae’s AI Life Deck requires it to
Nemesis Encounter - King’s Man encounters with teleported into the middle of the board (which the
Nemesis Encounter - The Fae instead. Flower Knight does periodically) it instead disappears
Replace Regal Visit on the settlement record sheet into the Lonely Tree. This is its Tree Merged form.
with Prophecy of the Flower Maiden. Unless
otherwise stated here, follow all the rules as described Whenever the fae is inside the tree, the Fae gains
in the expansions first and then the core game. invulnerability to Critical hits apart from Axes (Axes
still can make Critical Hit) and survivors must target
the tree in its stead. On its turn it still uses the AI Life
Deck unless otherwise stated above.
AI Deck
The Fae emerges from the tree if it draws an AI Life
Deck card that instructs it to attack or move. When the
*Same as Fae emerges from the tree, place it in base contact
* Flower Knight
* * * * with the tree in the space closest to the nearest
survivor. It then resumes movement as normal.
*Build the same as Flower Knight AI Deck SPECIAL FAE MOVEMENT
If the Fae would end its move in a space occupied by
its tree, remove it from the board. It has merged with
Basic Attack Deck Setup its tree. If its movement would take it through its tree,
move it through its tree as if the tree did not have the
monster-impassable rule.
*Same as
* Lonely Tree
When the Fae in its Normal (Lonely Muse) or its Tree
*Build the same as Lonely Tree AI Deck Merged form (Lonely Tree) is wounded, remove cards
from the AI Life Deck (Flower Knight) only. If the fae
in either form is dealt damage and no cards remain in
The Fae runs two separate decks using the the the AI Life Deck, the Fae is defeated as per the core
standard AI builds from the Flower Knight & Lonely game rules.
Tree Expansions (keep separate). These belong to the
Fae only.

Kingdom Death: Monster - Custom Campaign: The Fae 1

- Story Event -

There were rumours amongst the survivors
that another world existed beyond this
eternal darkness. A world filled with deadly
beautiful creatures that amused themselves by
venturing into nightmares. Some believed
that perhaps these strange folk would
eventually visit, and maybe if they
were lucky, steal them away...

Victorious once more from a successful hunt, the

survivors are startled by the faint clinking of armor
in the distant dark when returning home. Having
encountered the terrify Butcher previously, the noise
fills them with concern and dread.
The hunting party glance at each before coming to the
decision. To avoid this unknown threat, finding another
way back to the settlement would be in their best interest.
Setting a slow steady pace, the survivors begin to jog
in the opposite direction to the noise. After 10 minutes
one survivor signals for the others to stop, pausing to
listen in the darkness. Instead of relief of silence they
were hoping to find, a tinkling laughter greets them
from the gloom around. Perhaps the danger they were
hoping avoid has resulted in another peril.
Add The Fae to the Nemesis Encounter list and roll on
the table below:

1d10 Result
1-3 All survivors are affected by the
Overwhelming Darkness before
stumbling towards a glowing eerily beautiful
female in the distance. Begin Nemesis
Encounter - The Fae.
3-8 A delicate floral scent fills the air.
The survivors are entranced by the aroma
and slowly move towards the source.
Begin Nemesis Encounter - The Fae.
9+ A keenly listening survivor is able to pin
point the direction of the laughter. Informing
the party, the survivors nervously retreat
and continue their journey home.

Kingdom Death: Monster - Custom Campaign: The Fae 2

- Story Event -


The Fae visits her children in the settlement, warning
them of danger. Add Nemesis Encounter - The
Hand two years from now on your settlement’s
timeline. Proceed to the Fae’s Sooth Saying.
If the settlement innovated Petal Spiral,
a gentle flurry of white powder is drawn from
Fae’s Sooth Saying - roll 1d10
the forest as the Fae leaves ,descending
on the settlement. Inspired by the sight,
If your settlement has no Strangeling survivors, the settlement swears to prepare for the
ignore your result and proceed directly to the 1 result challenges ahead. Add +1 to all endeavor
on the below table. Otherwise, add the number of results this settlement phase.
Strangelings in your settlement to the number you
have rolled.

Fimbulwinter. The Fae reaches out to her child,

infecting it with a dangerous power. Unprepared
for this gift, the child bursts into a delicious
smelling white powder! Select a survivor (one with
Strangeling if possible). That survivor is dead. If the settlement has chose Collective Toil
Add Necrotic Mistletoe (Flower Knight Society Principle, the Fae lingers before
Expansion) to your timeline four lantern departing the settlement, admiring the
years from now. settlement’s community spirit.
Gain +1 population. The new survivor
1 2 3 has the Changeling ability.

The Fae exacts a price for her services.

Suffer -1 population and lose any resources
in the settlement storage.

4 5 6 7

If the settlement has chose the Graves

After delivering her warning, the Fae leaves, Death Principle, the Fae is distracted on
but not without leaving a gift. Shuffle all Lonely the outskirts of the settlement, counting out
Tree strange resources together (Lonely Fruit, loud the numbers of the dead. By the time
Jagged Marrow Fruit, Drifting Dream Fruit, she arrives to the settlement to warn them,
Porous Flesh Fruit, and Blistering Plasma Fruit). it is already too late! Depart for a special
Draw one at random and add it to settlement showdown with the Hand immediately.

8 9 10+

Kingdom Death: Monster - Custom Campaign: The Fae 3

Nemesis Encounter
Departing survivors do not have a Hunt
Phase. Instead, select the Fae monster
level (it should be 1 greater than the
last Fae encounter) and set up the
showdown accordingly.

Showdown Setup Rewards

The first time you defeat the Fae, add the Petal Spiral
innovation to the settlement’s Innovation deck.
Fairy Ring If any survivors with the Fencing secret fighting art
Lonely Tree and the Ghostly Beauty disorder, they gain the
Narcissistic disorder and +1 permanent evasion.
N The group gains the following rewards:

Level Reward
1 4 Basic, 4 Flower resources
TERRAIN AND DEPLOYMENT 2 4 Basic, 6 Flower resources
• Fairy Ring, set up in the center of the board as per 3 4 Basic, 8 Flower resources.
the Flower Knight’s Fairy Ring rules. Add a Special Showdown with a Level 3
• Lonely Tree terrain, place in the center of the board Flower Knight to the next years timeline.
on top of the Fairy Ring. The tree is impassable This replaces any Nemesis Encounter
terrain with no special abilties unless the Fae has you would otherwise have. This Flower
merged with it. Knight has +1 speed, +1 damage, and
• 1 Flower Patch terrain card, set up normally. immunity to crits from all weapons other
• Place the nemesis adjacent to the tree base in the than axes (in addition to its regular
space nearest the survivors facing them. abilities).
• Place the survivors in any of the blue spaces.

If the Fae is LEVEL 1, the Nemesis goes first. If the settlement has innovated Hovel
Otherwise Survivors go first. when they defeat a Fae, select a
returning male survivor. That survivor
Aftermath may Intimacy for free in the next
Update the settlement record sheet to indicate the settlement phase. Do not select a
monster level of this encounter. female survivor for this intimacy.
If the male survivor chooses to
VICTORY Intimacy in the next settlement phase,
+1 Hunt XP. any children they produce are
+1 Weapon Proficieny (if eligble). Strangelings. Any negative intimacy
+ Rewards result for the female partner is ignored.
If there were no returning male survivors,
DEFEAT ignore this.
The Fae whisks away the survivors’ corpses laughing
merrily. Gain no benefit from your Death Principle from
losing these survivors.

Kingdom Death: Monster - Custom Campaign: The Fae 4

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