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Hello, welcome back to Silva method.

So a couple ideas today what we're going to talk about is a

couple ideas for using three fingers technique. What is the three fingers technique, while the three
fingers technique is not an Italian swear word, the three fingers technique is there for us to use and
create for ourselves or access resourceful states we can create and then re access resourceful states
for ourselves. So what can we use the three fingers technique for literally there are 1000s and 1000s
of techniques that we can use if there are 1000s and 1000s of

objectives that we can use the three fingers technique for, however, the 1000s and 1000s of
techniques really comes from all the practice that you're doing, and the imagination that you have.
So what I'm recommending is I'm going to add here just give you a few ideas, this time we're going to
talk about relationships is one of those areas. And the second area is going to be about driving and
kind of traffic types of things. Why? Well, because well, that's what I use it for most frequently. And I
have got a lot of experience with it. So if you have other techniques, or you have other uses for the
three fingers technique, please let me know that are in addition to the ones I'm going to share today.

So relationships, how can you use the three fingers technique in terms of relationship? Well, for
instance, you can tune into a person and tune into what is important to them. You can do that a
couple of ways. Number one, and the one that I use most often this is when I'm meeting a new
person or a person that's important in this specific situation, it could be a colleague, it could be a
team meeting,

when I go into the meeting room, and try to be there a few minutes early, then I'll put my three
fingers together, right, maybe I can just put it on the desk in front of me, or you know, I can just put it
in my lap, whatever is comfortable. And while I'm in that position, what I'll do is I'll ask myself the
question, what is important in this meeting? So I've put my three fingers together? And I have a
mental question. Okay, what is important in this meeting?

I don't have to close my eyes, I just do I just close my eyes. Because for me, it's easier, but you don't
have to close your eyes. So I put my three fingers together, right? And I asked what is important for
me in this meeting.

And immediately something comes to mind. And what came to mind in this case, was patience. So
one of the things that I struggle with is to be patient that to say things slowly.

So in this case, patience in the specific situation that we're in right now, I have something going on in
my head a question that I've asked, and based on that it says patience. So now I know that I need to
follow through with patience in that area.

How about people? What if you want to have a more in tune situation with a person you want to
understand what their motivations are? Why would we want to do that? Well, if we understand what
the motivation of a person is, we're more likely to give them something, a suggestion, an idea,
perhaps the request that we have toward them is going to be more specific and more targeted. So if
I'm in a meeting, for instance, and they're different opinions about something, whether it's just a one
on one meeting, or whether there's a group of people around, what I would do is I would put my
three fingers together. And when I put my three fingers together, I would ask myself mentally?

What is this person's motivation?


what can I offer this person to get what's good for both of us?

As I'm thinking that something comes to mind.

In this particular situation, what came to mind was love. I was thinking of a situation that had come
up between me and my wife, and I've been behaving in a specific way. And what comes up for me in
that space is love. So what do I need

to be more loving? In this specific situation? Okay, so two ideas that you can use to in the areas of
personal relationships in where you can use the three fingers technique. How about traffic, right? We
all like to drive we're all spending time either on public transit or in our in our cars. And traffic seems
to get in the way, especially if you're in a larger city like Toronto. So traffic is something that we don't
want to have to use. We don't want to get stuck in right. We don't want to get held up by traffic. So
what would we do? So a couple things

If you're in traffic, and you feel that you might be getting a little bit late, or you might not make it to
work on time, or to wherever you need to be on time, what you can do is put your three fingers
together and just say to yourself mentally,

I'm going to make it there in plenty of time, with ease, for the meeting, or the appointment that I
have, okay, for each one of us plenty of time will mean something different for me, for me, plenty of
time will mean 10, at least 10 minutes early, okay.

And if I arrive there, 10 minutes early, I'll be able to park my car, do everything that I need to do to
get to the appointment. So I'll put my three fingers together and say to myself, mentally,

I'm going to arrive at my appointment with plenty of within plenty of time for the appointment.

Another thing that you can do in terms of using it for traffic situations is you can use it as your GPS.
So I just recently updated the iPhone and my Google app, right, the Google Maps app. And for some
reason, GPS is all over the place. I mean, Google Maps can't even find my car,

driving down a separate road than what is actually inside of the Google app. So

I've just shut it off. And what I do is I put my three fingers together. And I say to myself, what's the
best route for me to take. And by keeping my three fingers together while I'm driving and allow
myself to hear that, to hear my intuition, communicating to me, my internal GPS, I'm actually driving
down roads that, you know, are unfamiliar to me. But I still end up getting to where I need to go as
fast or even faster than if I would have been using my Google Maps app. Okay, so another way is to
put your three fingers together and just listen to your intuition. And allow yourself to go to alpha,
here, you're in here your intuition telling you which way to go. And that will take you to where you
need to be on time. Okay, without any traffic hiccups.

The third way inside of traffic or, or driving is using it for parking spots. So you ever, especially in
Toronto, now you go to a mall, their parking spots are packed, and I could go up and down and up
and down the aisles of parking, probably, you know, for five to 10 minutes sometimes to find a
particular spot. So what I do now is I put my three fingers together. And I say to myself mentally,
where is a parking spot available? Which lane or line is a parking spot available in and as I listened to

my, my intuition, I'll be driving, and I'll have the sense that I need to turn into a specific lane.

And typically what happens is that drive into that specific lane, and if there isn't a parking spot
available, then pretty much by the time I get close to the available parking spot, somebody will be
exiting that parking spot at the same time.
Okay, so put your three fingers together, just ask yourself the question. Where is an a free parking
spot? Or where should I go to park? Something along those lines, as long as it's specific, you'll be
guided to that space, and you'll get exactly what you did.

So thank you very much. And I hope that you're able to use these techniques. Give it a try and let us
know and get back to us and tell us more about it. Hey, yeah, it worked for me, didn't work for me.
And if it didn't, then you know, there's always a reason that it didn't. So give me a shout will be able
to help you. Thank you so much. Take care

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