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Shenzhen Landwind Industry Co. Ltd.

LWD6500 IPU Installation Guide V1.0

Edit by Shawn, Customer Service Department

1. COMPUTER REQUIREMENT...................................................................... 2

2. SYSTEM SETTING .................................................................................. 3

3. INSTALLATION ON WIN 7 ........................................................................ 8

4. INSTALLATION ON WIN XP .................................................................... 15

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Shenzhen Landwind Industry Co. Ltd.
1. Computer requirement

1.1 Hardware requirement:

Memory 2G or above,
16:9 Display is suggested.
At least 20G disk free.
Dual network adapter is required if connecting to LIS.

1.2 Software requirement:

Windows XP Professional SP3.
Windows 7 Ultimate (Recommended).
Screen resolution: above 1366 x 768.

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Shenzhen Landwind Industry Co. Ltd.
2. System setting

2.1 Set IP of computer as “”.

2.2 Set a password for system software user.

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Note: Password 123456 is recommended. After installation, password can be removed.

2.3 Turn off Firewall, Auto Sleep; turn on FTP Feature for computer.
Open Control Panel, select large icons, and find “Windows Firewall”, Power Options”,
“Programs and Feature.

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Shenzhen Landwind Industry Co. Ltd.
2.3.1 Turn off Firewall:

2.3.2 Turn off Auto Sleep:

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2.3.3 Turn on FTP Feature:

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2.4 Check this computer installed LWD6500 IPU before or not.

If this is your first time to install, please skip this step.
If you install LWD6500 IPU before, you will find a folder \Landwind, which is for
storage of history result data and log.

Rename the following files under “\Landwind\MSSQL10.LANDWIND\MSSQL\DATA”.

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Shenzhen Landwind Industry Co. Ltd.
3. Installation on Win 7

3.1 Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Full.

Run VX.X.X.X\Tools\Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Full:

3.2 Run “Installer”.

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Choose Language and options:

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Manually input Serial Number from Label of analyzer.

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The installation will take about 10mins, MS SQL Server 2008 and Instance

“.\Landwind” (for storage of data and log) will automatically be installed

on computer.

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After installation of IPU, run it. Click “Settings”. Test “Database”, software will pop-up
successful. Then input IP “” for analyzer. Click “Close”.

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Shenzhen Landwind Industry Co. Ltd.
4. Installation on Win XP

4.1 Run “VX.X.X.X\Tools\Windows Installer”, then Run “NetFx20SP2_x86”.

4.2 Other steps are similar with steps for win 7.

If you see problem during installing “Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Full” as following:
Please install WIC for window XP.

If you encounter other problems during installation, or have

suggestions for product, please report to:

Thank you!

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