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Permutation (Statistics and Probability)

Grade 10



The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of combinatorics and probability.


The learner is able to use precise counting technique and probability in formulating conclusions
and making decisions.

At the end if the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. define permutation;
b. derives the formula for finding the number of permutations of n objects taken r at time;
c. solve problems involving permutations.


a. Topic : Permutation
b. Reference : Grade 10 Mathematics Learning Materials Unit IV

c. Pre-requisite Concepts : Simple Events

d. Instructional Material: Cartolina, Marker,Construction Paper, Laptop, Projector
e. Skills to develop: Knowing and understanding, representing and communicating,
proving, reasoning, applying and connecting.
f. Values Integration : Accuracy and Objectivity
g. Methodology : 4A’s
h. Concepts :
 Permutation refers to any one of all possible arrangements of the elements
of the given set.
 The number of possible objects taken r at a time is given by
nPr =
( n−r ) !
 The factorial of a number is equal to the product of the number and all the
positive integers less than it.

15 min. a. Preliminary
Activity Good Morning class! Good Morning Maam.

a.1 Greetings Kindly stand and let us pray.

a.2 Prayer Marivic, Please lead the (Students will pray)


a.3 Securing Before you take your seat, (students will arrange
the cleanliness arrange your chairs properly their chairs and pick
and orderliness and pick up all the pieces of up all the pieces of
of the dirt. dirt)
Class beadle, will you please
a.4 Checking of check the attendance of your (Class beadle will
attendance classmates. check the attendance)

Please pass your

a.5 Checking of assignments and I will check (the students will pass
Assignments that later. their assignments)

a.6 Recall Before we proceed to

another topic, let us first
look back on what you know
about simple events.

What is Simple Events? Simple events are the

events where one
experiment happens
at a time and it will be
having a single

We can find simple events in Team A is playing

real world every now and match, then the event
then, and we can calculate of the team winning
their probability also. the match is a simple
Can you give me one event.
example of simple events
happen in our everyday life?

Very good.

Another? A fan is hanging to the

ceiling of a house and
the event of the fan
falling down will be
classified as a simple
event. The fan will fall
down or not fall down
are simple events.

Yes, that’s correct!

It seems like you are ready
for the next topic. But before
we proceed, let’s have first
an activity.

a.7 Motivation I will group you into two, (the student will
please count. count)

Are you in your groups now?

Yes maam.
I will give you a box. You
must open the box within
five minutes.

Key number is 1234. So all

you need to do is arrange
those numbers to unlock
the box.

You may start now.

Yes maam.

(The students do the

(After 5 minutes)

Class, that activity has a

connection for today’s topic.
What did you think is our Maam, it has a
topic? connection on the
Very Good!

Meryl said, it has a

connection on the

Christine Joy, what did you Permutation maam.

think is our topic this
How did you say so?

Last meeting maam,

you give an
assignment about
permutation, base on
my research maam,
permutation has a
connection on the
possible arrangement.
15 min. b. Lesson Yes, she is correct.
b.1 Our topic for today is about
Presentation of the Permutation.
the lesson

Before we proceed to our

discussion, here are the
objectives for today’s lesson.

b.2 At the end if the lesson, the
Presentation of students are expected to:
the Objectives a. define the permutation;
b. derives the formula for
finding the number of (The student will read
permutations of n objects the objectives.)
taken r at time; and
c. solve problems involving

Kindly read class.

Thank you.

To attain those objectives,

let’s have first an activity.
Please remain in your group.

(see the attached activity


You may now start the (the student do the

b.3 Activity activity. task)

Okay class, times up! Let us ( One of the member

b.3.1 Pre proceed to the presentation. will discuss their work
activity )

(Grading the outputs)

b.3.2 Activity
How do you find the activity
class? We enjoyed the
activity ma’am.

What have you learned from

your activity then? We learned to follow
the instructions
b.3.3 Post correctly. We also
Activity learned about the
permutation and its
Very good!

20 min. C. Analysis and Base from your activity what Permutation refers
Abstraction is Permutation? to any one of all
arrangements of the
elements of the
given set.

All groups got correct

answer, what technique did Listing ma’am.
you use?

Can you please show your 1 piece at a time:

list for activity A. 1,2
2 pieces at a time:
12, 21

Base from listing on the

activity A, you already get
the number of arrangements
of two numbers taken at one
at a time and two at a time.

Very good, because you

made the other way to get
the correct number of

How about for the activity B? 1 piece at a time:

Rowel, can you illustrate 1,2,3
how your groups get the 2 pieces at a time:
answer 12, 13, 21, 23,
31, 32
3 pieces at a time:
123, 132, 231,
213 312, 321

1 piece at a time:
Very Good Rowel. 1, 2, 3, 4
For activity C, please 2 pieces at a time:
illustrate Vane one and two 12, 13, 14, 21, 23,
at a time. 24, 31, 32, 34,
41, 42, 43

Base from the list

Excellent! made by vane, the
So, how many arrangements answer is 12 maam.
did we get if the 4 numbers
taken 2 at a time? Yes Jean.

Very good! 3 pieces at a time:

123, 124, 132, 134,
How about the 3 pieces at a 142, 143, 213, 214,
time? Can please illustrate 231, 234, 241, 243,
and give the answer Mirasol. 312, 314, 321, 324,
341, 342, 412, 413,
421, 423, 431, 432

Its 24 maam.

Brilliant! That’s correct 24

permutation or 24 also ma’am.

How about 4 taken at all 4 pieces at a time:

times? Yes, April? 1234, 1243, 1342,
1324, 1423, 1432,
Yes, that’s correct! Can you 2134, 2143, 2341,
please show us how you got 2314, 2413, 2431,
the 24? 3124, 3142, 3214,
3241, 3412, 3421,
4124, 4142, 4213,
4231, 4312, 432

The number of
Brilliant! possible
arrangements taken
Group 1, did you find any one piece at a time is
pattern? equal to the number
of objects (n).

Very good. As we can see

class on the table, what the
group 1 said is correct. We made a formula
like n(n-1)(n-2)….(1).
How about the group2, did
you find any pattern? Example:
4 numbers taken 2 at
Could you explain further? a times, we use

For the first position,

there are 4 possible
choices. After that
number is chosen,
there are 3 possible
choices. Finally the
answer is 12.

Yes maam. But it’s

Yes, very nice idea. consumed a lot of
Now, what if we have a time to answer the
higher value, like 5 or above. question.
Did you think you can get
the answer by listing?

Correct. So, to make it easy

class. Here is the formula for
finding the number of
permutations of n objects
taken r at time:

nPr = ;
( n−r ) !
where n is a number of
objects and r number of
objects taken at a time

The n! class is a number

that is equal to the product
of the number and all the
positive integers less than
1 piece at a time:
Example: 5!=5*4*3*2*1 nPr =
( n−r ) !
Using this formula class get 4!
the number of arrangement ( 4−1 ) !
in activity C. Meryl, can you 4!
please show us the answer if 3!
we use the formula. 4∗3∗2∗1

2 pieces at a time:
nPr =
( n−r ) !
( 4−2 ) !
It’s seems like you already =12
get the idea of permutation
of objects taken at a time,
and you find also different
patterns to get the number
of arrangements. The
formula has a big help
enable to get the answer

5 min. D. Class who can sum up of

Generalization what we discussed for
today’s lesson?

Again, what is permutation? Permutation refers

to any one of all
arrangements of the
elements of the
given set.

Very Good!

What the value of 6!?


Again class what is factorial?

Factorial is a number
that is equal to the
product of the
number and all the
positive integers less
than it.
Yes, Precisely!

Arian, what is the formula n!

for the permutation of nPr =
objects taken at a time?
( n−r ) !


5 min. Application Before we end our

discussion, please answer
this worded problem in your

720 maam.
Math 4A has 10 candidates
for president, treasurer and n=10, r=3
secretary in their election for using the formula:
class officer. In how many
ways can a president, a n!
treasurer and a secretary be nPr =
( n−r ) !
chosen from among 10 10 !
candidates? =
( 10−3 ) !
Excellent! Yes that’s correct.

Now, do you have any

Get ½ sheet of paper.

1. ____________refers to any one of all possible arrangements of the elements of the
given set.
2. The product of a positive integer n and all the positive integers less than it is _____.
3. What is the value of 9P5?
4. What is the value of P (7,2)?
5. If P(9, r) = 3024, what is r ?
6. A teacher wants to assign 4 different tasks to her 4 students. In how many possible
ways can she do it?
7. A dress-shop owner has 8 new dresses that she wants to display in the window. If the
display window has 5 mannequins, in how many ways can she dress them up?
8. In a certain general assembly, three major prizes are at stake. In how many ways can
the first, second, and third prizes be drawn from a box containing 120 names?
9. In how many different ways can 5 bicycles be parked if there are 7 available parking


1. There are 8 basketball teams competing for the top 4 standings in order to move up to
the semi-finals. Find the number of possible rankings of the four top teams.
2. There are 4 different Mathematics books and 5 different Science books. In how many
ways can the books be arranged on a shelf if
a. there are no restrictions?
b. books of the same subject must be placed together?
c. if they must be placed alternately?
3. Five couples want to have their pictures taken. In how many ways can they arrange
themselves in a row if
a. couples must stay together?
b. they may stand anywhere?

4. Study about the combination.

Prepared by:

Marycris B. Roslin

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