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Top left - Activity Table

Top right - Gantt Chart

Bottom - Details Form

Enterprise tab -> Enterprise Project Structure

(to create a main folder for including similar projects)

File -> New

• now select EPS under which project needs to be created.

• assign project ID and project name

• assign start and finish dates

• assign responsible person to finish project

• select type of rate work

Press Fn key + F5 or just F5 to refresh data

To add WBS

* Select WBS icon only after clicking on corresponding project

* After doing so add activities

* Go to projects sub tab and select your project

* Change details in default sub sub tab as per req

* Assign relationships (predecessors, activity dependencies - SS,SF,FS,FF)

Press Fn key + F9 or just F9 to refresh scheduled gantt chart

Tinker with constraints on the status sub sub tab of the activities sub tab to optimise schedule

Save baseline (means baseline schedule of project @ initiation phase) so that it (baseline) can be
used for future updates during project progress all the way to completion. Done to keep track of
delays, available floats during progression phase of the project.
Add resources(labour, non-labour, material) with unit rates and budgets to whichever activities

Update resourced schedule progressively during the progression of the project to keep track of
resource usage and expenses.

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