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Inerasons Journal of Solis nd Srotares 279 (2022) 112389 Contents lists available at SoienceD rect International Journal of Solids and Structures ELSEVIER Journal homepage: wv.c\sevier.comilocatelisolstr u Impact response of negative stiffness curved-beam-architected metastructures Navid Mehreganian*, Arash S. Fallah”, Pooya Sareh * came Dean Ban ab (He, Depart of Mecanland Apacer, Sh of ging, Unoaray of ne bp 149 SCH, Unt ign parent of Metical Rect, end Chel ering Oa, rd 35, Olan plas, Oo 0165, Nar Be ne ically, multstable structural forms have altraced considerable attention in the design of aceitected mult See ‘mater, metamaterials, and morphing structures. To design such systems, «recently developed mechanical tmelaneteia/measoucte known ab negalive stifness honeycomb, composed of arrays of curved double beams (CDB!y, is proposed Here, we develop an analycal model pedit the dynam response of the CDS rmetstucurs, arhitected with period ray ofthe CDBS,and subjected olnpact by asec. The analytical ‘odes developed using the Euler-Lagrange theorem andthe soap-bulding phenomena in the honeycomb have been examined The derived clsedform solutions were ln good agreement with those of the numerical ite element model at deren bistability rats, dened as the avo of beam apex height to ts thickness. The findings demonstrated thatthe bistability rao had & noticeable inNuence on the buckling response ofthe rmetastrucure and the desired negativity in the tess nari, while the snap-back bucking phenomena ay be realised at high bistability ratios ratio (Wit et al, 2019; Zheng et sl, 2021), doubly-negative met material of effective mass deasity and bulk modulus (irene: ct al, 2015), and energy entrapment (Shon, 2015) due to negative stifnss. These properties are related to classes such as auxetic (Le. having negative Polsson’s ratio) (aughman, 2003; Alderson and Alderson, 2007; Chen etl, 2021, 2022; Jalal etl, 2022: Sareh and Guest, 2014, 20158, 2015, 2015 sets), 2024), Single: and moltipe-resonator acoustie/phogonie (allah esl, 2015: Gosshkow et al,, 2017; Gorsh= 1, Introduction “The terms metamaterial’ and 'metastructure’, used interchangeably at times, refer toa broad clase of structured materials and composites ‘that can be tallored to have desired subwavelength characteristics not readily found in natural materials. The properties of metamaterials and metastruerures stem from characteristics that pertain to thet const- tuting unit cells rather than atomic of molecular miero- or nano- structures, Auretie, chiral, acoustic, labyrinthine, and phononic are lasses of metamaterials, to name few. Ina acoustie metaateril for instance, the resonant frequency of the cells depends on thei inertia and restoring force (stiffness) thus the relevant wavelength at che resonant frequency of the unit cell is of an order larger than its dimensions (Kochmann and Bertoldi, 2017; Ma and Sheng, 2016). Dependence of features o unit cell properties results in manifesting controllable ‘characteristics such asin wave dispersion giving rise to functionalities such as chirality (Lakes, 2001; Frenzel et al, 2017), negative Poisson's mal erent 092 sceh@ vero) a. (Sore p//do org/1010360\aeolst:2028.112389 ov eval, 202%, 2023) (Le. having negative effective mass density), and negative stifness mechanical metamaterials (Fans ctl, 2006" kes al, 2002). Features like negative Poisson's ratio and negative sifaess bring about enhanced toughness, improved inplane transverse shear resistance, and augmented impact energy absorption and wave guiding, ‘hile negative stiffness esablishes an essential feature of the multi- stable structural elements. Although the theoretical foundations for schieving these features have existed for along time, the realisation is ‘The advent of advanced additive manufacturing technologies, Received & Rust 2022; Received in revised frm 19 May 2023; Accepted 12 June 2023 (9930-26887 2023 The hethors), Published by lever Ld, This an open acess article under the CCRY lense (hi /stivesommons arisenses/99/ 0. Mobeni a ermal oral of Sos nd rts 279 (2028) 12389 Nomenclature atin appease ‘hc Displacement eld amplitude ofthe 08d modes forthe curved beam; I) ‘Auy Displacement Feld ampiitad of the K* even modes forthe curved best; A Ghose suface Are in] G——tntegratin events] E Young's Modus 3) G@——Maswof the ster 1 Second momen of see) Le Characteristic length ofthe structure (x M- Bending moment per wit lengt N) Ne Membrane force per unit length; [Nx P’ Transverse loads 1) P—_imensioness transverse load] % ——_Resetion fore at boundaries; 1 Kineti energy 1 Kineti energy of the strats 9) Ty Kinetie energy ofthe curved bears Tq Kinetic energy ofthe striker, 3 UW, —_Bending strain energy; 3] Un Membrane stain energy; 4) Elastic potential energy 3 Vo striker velocity; [o/s Vy Velocy ofthe srr at she onset of impact a] 2 External work done; Wy Original configuration ofthe curved bes Latin lowercase ab Displacement coeticien; ‘Beam width; Deformation of mid-span; Pressure los; [Ps] Rise ofthe curved beam; i) F—stabiiycatiog (1) ky Stiffness of te # member, (N/m) Beam span; m Masso the latices and bucked beams 1m; ner mass of the curved beam; el Pe ‘Scaled dimensionless load; [1] Membrane force [N) 5 Length ofthe curved beam ater deformation; i 4% Initial length ofthe curved beam; fa Duration af the # pha; © Time sae for mas ofthe latices § Time scale for mas ofthe curved beam; Displacement Feld ofthe od modes) ‘Displacement feld ofthe even modes; 2) Greck upper ed lowercase 2 Dimensionless mid-point displacement of the coved beam; (o) 4) Total dimensionless displacement ofthe truce a ©) Perturbation parameter (1) © Gurvature; 8) ¥ ‘Mass per unit area ke /?] vy Mase per uni zea ofthe Beam; py Beam density x/) e ‘Section thickness; [m] . ‘Scaled time; [1] te Horizontal stiffeners thickness; [m) v ‘Membrane Stiffness coefficient; (s *) 2 ered vibration frequency of te Dea] do ‘Vibration frequency of the beam; [Hz] aL First vibration pseudo frequency of the beam; [Hz] de ‘Second vibration pseudo frequency of the beam; |Hz) fe Elgenvalves (6) Modal frequencies of the j* mode; [2] fo Modal frequencies of the # mode; recently developed and commonly employed to fabricate ultifnc- tional structural frameworks of complex internal microstructure, has made it possible to create physical models of designs with desired fea- tures such as bstailty/mulistabllty. The development of such multi- stable structural forms, alongside better understanding of fundamental nonlinear theories of continuum mechanies (russell and Toupin, 1960; Toupin, 2013; "Truesdell, 1968; Yavari etl, 2000; Yavar, 2008), ‘hs facilitated the fabrication of lightweight, impact-resistant structures with high load-bearing capacity composed of slender structural ele- ‘ments. These adaptive forms undergo shape change while providing appreciably high strength, thus offering a basis for the design of morphing structures. To this end, various methods exist to render mult- stability in structural elements feasible, such as through applying pre stress (Dynes ot sl, 2008; Fulcher e# =), 200), introducing thermal effects (0095 e5 9, 2019; Chen et 2, 202°), or imi eurvatire (Sie and Seen, 2007; Chen ct al, 2023). In this regard, Vangbo (Vanzbo, 1995) and Qiu and Lang (Qiu, 2003; Qiu et 3, 2004) proposed an analytical model for mechanically-bstable curved beams with a pre- fabricated geometric profile, similar to that of @ conventional beam, ‘whieh is deformed into the fist Bulers buckling mode when subjected to an extemal concentrate force (actuation) at ts mid-span, Analytical Investigations were validated by microscale experimental models using fan actuator, Czattes et al. (Csvoies et |, 2009) studied the same problem for a curved single-beam (CSB) with the force applied at Ailerent locations. Cameseasse (Camescasse etal, 2013) investigated ‘the static actuation of an arch with inital constant curvature. They discussed that forthe reduced two degree-oF freedom model, the equi- ibrium path inthe transition fom one stable equilibrium position to another follows an unstable region of bistable energy. Other experi- rental studies on the CSB (estep0 otal, 2015) and bistable COB ‘composites made of individual or bimaterials (her, 2020) snvestigated the bistability ofthe latices under static Toading conditions ‘Being n longer a tantalizing dream, microstuctured materials with multi-table states were printed to serve a variety of applications, Me- ‘chanical systems that exhibit bistability ae ideal candidates for zppi- ‘ations in areas such as autonomous systems and robotics (rch el. 2018; Mooney and Johnson, 2013; Alonso-Mora ea, 2015; Cen el 2023) as well as product design (Lv ct a, 2014; Sareh, 2019; Liv et al, 2010). Experimental evidence has demonstrated thatthe desired bist ability in the CDBs provides two distinct stable positions. A mode ‘transition that occurs in the bucked beam from one stable positon to ‘another f accompanied by the reduction of the fore level which results in the release of the stored strain energy (Cazotes et al, 2009; Comes cass el, 2013). Ths contributes fo the tunability of such systems. Many composites are deemed untunable, meaning that their dy- namie properties cannot be altered without changing the microsue ture, In metamaterials of negative stifhess, tunable wave propagation Is ‘often achieved by constructing a periodic lattice ofthe constituent cells ice, teselatng the unit cell incorporating bistable beams whereby the periodic boundary conditions and Bloch-Floquet principle may be used ‘This isnot the only way to achieve tunability in a composite as tunability {in a hererogencous medium may also be achieved through the intro 2) and the curved beams are made int a pair by clamping atthe centre (Qiu etal, 2004; Mehreganian eta. 2021) Therefore, the ‘deformation of the CDBs may be assumed to be homogeneous with no relative displacements between the curved beams in the CDB. Further- ‘more, the pairing ofthe beams ensures that mode 2 is constrained and subsequently the influence ofthis mode can be ignore inthe theoretical analyses. Uncer static loading, the deformation ofthe NSHM model, according to the experimental and numerical evidenee (Correa etl, 2015), may bbe broken down into four distinct stages, namely (D) snap-through ‘buckling of the upright beams atthe top layer, (i) downward move- ment of the struts, while, simultaneously, the CDBs underneath the corresponding strut undergo transverse deformation, (i) ssap-through Inthe Inverted beams ofthe upper row, and (Iv) snap-through buckling ‘of the upright CBs in the bottom layer whieh is accompanied by full ‘compression ofthe structure. At each stage throughout the motion, the [Kinematic admissibility ofthe displacement field andthe stress state are ‘ensured so that there are no ‘jumps in the deformation. Ie is straightforward to show that the original configuration of a ‘curved beam fied at each end mast have the fist Euler's buckling mode profile, expressible as (0's cto, 2005) a ‘where hand lo are the rise and the initial length ofthe beam, respec: tively. Such a profile is a condition that can satisfy the bistability cxi- terion. The respective profiles of the beam in is orignal and deformed «configurations ae illustrated in is. 2 ‘The structural system may be regarded as 2 discrete, purely clastic system of n dogrees of freedom representative of the deformations ofthe {CDBS. Following (Qc: =. 2009, the displacement feld ofthe curved ‘beam w is decomposed into @ linear combination of modal displace ments, i.e. = 333m; + yma, each component of whieh, upan using the rode superposition method, is expresible as: ermal oral of Sos nd rts 279 (2028) 12389 ~() " forthe modal frequencies of oy = 2ne where j = 2-1, with n being an integer representing the mode numberof the displacement profile, and ® 2.864, 4.95¢, for mode numbers = 2,4,6,-~. The modal Feequencies of even subscripts are calculated from the solution to the axial compression ofa clamped straight beam toa stable poston, ie, 4/2. Ths, w = Drs Ay(1-e05(%4)) Suck a curved beam withthe profile of Eq, (2) spared in each eal and restrained with roller boundsry conditions whereby only transverse defomations are permisible throughout the motion, the COB pair constrain rotations that would otherwise admit asymmetric modes fom the solution, as the ceatre clamp transfers the rotational degree of freedom of ether beam centre to an axlal DOF of the lower bea Interestingly, the consequence of paving the curved beams 1 10 disregard the mode shapes of even numbers inthe mathematica anal- sys, ene simplifying the analysis significantly with consideration of Bq.) asthe basis ofthe buckling response ofthe NSHM due to impact. ‘Upon loading, the lateral cisplacement atthe midl-span of the beam becomes d = Woilo/2)—w(o/2). Subsequently, the expression for bending and membrane strain energies, Us and Ux are, respectively, sven by ‘the condition tn(0n/2) Sf GES) a o t= fn o ‘where the parameters represents the arc length Le, the new length of the curved beam upon deformation. To evaluste Fa moderate deformations approximation ds = ae(1-14(8)"), we have ef (8) )« © ‘Theil length ofthe bea, Le = (+ (A) soba by replacing w with Wo in Fa (6). The membrane foree induced by the change of beam length is determined as ” gs (2), (7) consiruct the bass forthe mathematical procedure to verify the buckling response of the CDB. The relative displacements between the vertical struts and the curved beams are assumed negligible by postulating that they behave as inextensble struts, Furthermore itis assumed that the horizontal stiffeners remain undeformed during the deformation. The presence of the horizontal sifencrs causes the CDB ‘airs tobe tied on ether side and to eliminate the lateral deformationsin the system, thus rendering the deformations homogeneous. The dovn- ‘ward motion of the NSHM structure is thus solely associated with the local snap-through (saap-back) of the curved beam pairs in each layer. Based on the research by (Qi etal, 2004; Corea et al, 2015; NayTeh and Enam, 2008) and/or by applying Buckingham's T-theorem, a dimensionless set of parameters ean be derived as follows Mobeni a Fig 2. (a) teraction ofthe itbllty and deformation on the beam tanget sfc, (b) Influence ofthe be bit eam expres as U = (Fa, derived frm Eg. 15) Wilh Wale ae als aD and 7 ‘The paramerer in E,(8b), developed by Qivetal. (Qiu cal, 2004) and later adopted and used by others as Correa et a (Correa etal 2015), represents the bistability ratio which permits a rational com Parison between the amount of stored energy due tothe deflections of differen latices to be made. It must be appreciated that although the Clements in the set of dimensionless parameters may take different forms, the cardinality of the set of these parameters is unique. The relative significance of various dimensionless parameters may be found by other means (1) sd Jones, 2000) Here, because ofthe importance of ‘beam characterste lengths, in particular, the beam apex height and thickness, the non-dimensional expressions for structural strength, stifess, strain energies, and foree, have been related to these parameters. ‘Substituting Eqs. (8) Eos. (4-7), the dimensionless parameters of Eqs. (8a) are calelated as: 204 o ao) an at +1 = sft a2) {eis assumed thatthe ag-fabricated curved beam i strest-free at (0; therefore, the leading-order terms of Eqs. (4)(5) are expressed, respectively, as) an “The expressions above establish the fundamental ingredients for solving the problem of curved beam buckling in the ease of stale Toading. By utilising te Lagrange-irichlet theorem, the total potential ‘energy TI which corresponds tothe strain energies and the work done, considering every mode of deformation, is stable and has a strict mini- ‘mum (Bazant and Cedolin, 2010; Silard, 2004; Wadee etal, 2020). ermal oral of Sos nd rts 279 (2028) 12389 (b) 1500. © 1000. ly ado onthe last tala energy of the Furthermore, the equilibrium expression ofthe sytem can be derived from the stationarity condition of the system. In the ease of dynamic loading, however, the kinetic energy (corresponding to inertia force terms) must also be included inthe formulation of the total energy I For 8 single beam, it can be demonstrated thatthe force-displacement ‘and stifness of the beam obey the following relations (Vieega0 tal, 2021) 9((12ta~ 1(a— 29 +16) +44/F) = as) sy 48 0 2 YF at os Fh ig. 2 illustrates the influence of the bistability ratio F and the transverse displacement ofthe single curved beam on its tangent st ness (Bq, (000) For convenience, further dimensionless numbers are introduced as follows. Wag P8 as (7a) “The déynamie response of the NSHIM dorng the impact longing con- sits ofthe main phases of motion, as expounded in detail in the sequel, where represents the numberof CDBS inthe direction ofthe load 13 Striker impact on the NSHM “This section deals withthe analyses ofthe dynamic response in the [NSHIM due to the impact ofa striker of a particular mass and geometry ‘The type of contac s assumed tobe hard contact (normal behaviour) ‘with penalty frictional formulation (tangential Behaviour). In the following subsections, the distnet phases of motion are analysed in detail, ‘A considerable body of literature exists on the dynamic response of plate and beam elements subjected to impact by a heavy mass striker (Gones, 2014 Johnson etal, 2009: Dean et al, 2011; Jones, 2012). Ror simplicity in the mathematical treatments, the material behaviour of ‘seh structural elements i, however, assumed tobe either linear elastic ‘or righd-pertetly plas (eheganan etal, 2018; Jones, 1989: Meh Fegonian et), 2018; Jones, 201). More often than not, the buckling of the structural members admits large displacements in which case the influence of finite displacements or geometry changes is non-negligible ‘and nonlinear elastic analysis is required. ‘Before proceeding tothe impact analysis of the NSHM, it is note- worthy to consider an arbitrarily shaped surface element bounded by an ‘oriented closed path in the Cartesian coordinate system, Using Green's ‘theorem, the equation of motion ints force vector fields converted into 2 functional of energy conservation, whercin the total internal energy rate 2 pat equilibrium with the extemal workrate “Asis customary, the overdot notation accounts fr differentiation with respect to time. For an arbitrarily shaped plate (and a beam as a special ease) when the shear strain and rotatory inertia effects are disregarded (Jones, 1989; ‘Jones, 1971; Jones and Walters, 1983), we have -o0V— frat [tenon [orvmoiar, 0) ‘where Nyis the membrane force per unt length, and w and V represent the velocities of the surface element and the striker, respectively. The ‘expression on the left-hand side signifies the external work rate withthe first term being the rate of change in the kinetic energy ofthe striker, and with the second and third terms giving the work due to pressure field Fx y.t) according to the Lagrange-D'Alembert princile’s inert force. The expression on the right-hand side gives the strain energy rate in the continuous deformation flelés due to bending and membrane actions, respectively. Eq, (1) reduces tothe equilibrium equation for Boler-ernouli beams by considering the variation in the generalized ‘coordinate y to be negligible. Given the impact duration is of the order much les than the natural period of the stricture, the influence of viscoclastcty ean be dis regarded. Thus, the motion unequivocally resembles the forced vibra~ tion ofa system comprised of linear springs (horizontal stiffeners) and nonlinear bistable springs (CDBs) interconnected in a given topology. ‘The viscoelastic forces alter the constitutive equations, inducing mode ‘coupling in the formlation of the lattice energy balance equations Furthermore, es the CDBs in the lattice are slender, te effects of shear deformations end rotatory ineria are negligible 3.1. Fis phase of mation (0-< ¢< tx) Upon impect, the striker exerts a force on the top surface of the lattice at t= O and remains in contact with i fora duration oft, — te, ‘asthe strike travels withthe same velocity asthe structure at the point ‘of contact. Contrary tothe buckling order Inthe static analysis, i turns ‘ut thatthe buckling ofthe CDBs iniietes with the uppermost beams in the fest (op) layer atthe onset of impset loading. Subsequently, the ‘cDBs buckle sequentially in order fom the top to the bottom layer. Due to the geometry ofthe model, the induced axial deformation ofthe strats in cach layer is associated with the buekling ofthe uprighl/inverted ‘CDBs in the retrospective latice colima. The ensuing mathematial ‘analysis may be pursued in two cases, namely: (the sequential buck ling ofthe beams leading tothe partial or fll compression ofthe NSHM, ‘or (the response ofthe structure being brought about by Ue simul- taneous bucking of the CDBs. From the numerical observations of the ‘moderate velocity impacts considered, it transpires thatthe deformation ‘ofthe lattice was driven by the dynamic buckling of the CDBs at each stage, while the simultaneous vibrations of the CDBs inthe other layers ‘were comparatively insignificant. Thus, inthis work, we examine the first case seenario which, while offering simplicity tothe mathematical ‘weatment, preserves the accuracy ofthe solution With the mode-2 deformations and corational degrees of freedom (DoF) at each end of the CDB being constrained the velocity profile of ‘each would become independent of the other. Under sich & drcum= stance, the governing equations ofthe mult-DOF system having n gen- ‘eral modes of vibrations boll down to those of single-DoF systems, The ‘buckling ofthe & beam lass fora duration oft, from the time point of ‘tay. At the point of transition in time between the buckling of each beam with the next one, the kinematic conditions ofthe velocity and displacement elds apply ‘Temay be assumed that the vertical bars behave as rigid hogs with ‘no axial clongation/eompresson during the motion. An idealisaton of the structure renders it to be visualised as a system of four lumped ermal oral of Sos nd rts 279 (2028) 12389 ‘masses and springs connected by these bars. As the striker collides with the metastructure, the velocity ofeach hime mass is equivalent to that of the mid-point ofthe CDBs. Following D’Alember's principle, as discussed earlier, and using Green's function on the principle of virtual velocities, the external forces (sinetic energy ofthe strike, inertia fores, and the work done by the striker) ace equated, at every instant of time, to the total strain energy (bending and membrane) ofthe structure. the Lagrangian function IIs ensued, by enforcing atime integration of Ea an furnishing tint nla.) =vsten+n — 9 as) were U= Uy +Uy represents the total strain energy ofthe meta Structure assuming no enery ls stored through ihe sear deformation, and Te and T, represent the Kinetic energles as follows, The Knee energy ofthe ster i given as Te = 40#82, where 8, = 52234) denotes the fotal transverse dapiacement of thelate. The total Kinetic energy ofthe metasructure accounts for those of the Infereonnecting horizontal CD8s and vertical struts T, and that ofthe curved ears Ty The bucking ofthe curved beam nthe lower layer induces wo ypesof deformations: the axial deformation othe vertical bas and 1 the rotatlon of the horizontal seers atthe Joints between the, the curved beam, andthe vertical ars The vertical seus and horizontal stlfeners are ssuned sig, inestensble clement which ave athe same velocity asthe curved beam inthe lower layer, Hence nthe ist ‘hase of motion, the formulation ofthe Kinetic energes considering the buckling ofthe CD of the op layer accounts forthe kine energies of the beam and striker only. Nevertheless, inthe subsequent phases of ‘maton, the mass of sch igi elements contrite tothe Kinetic energy formulation forthe CDBs underneath "Te Knel energy ofthe # curved beam is expressed as # m=z 2) were 4, = bp, represents the mass per unit area ofthe beam. Since 4, = Fs, dy i determined by replacing w with Ws in the expression of ds. Upon substituting Eq. (1) into Eq. 0) withthe subsequent sub- station of Bq, (2) into Bq, (20), we obtain taami er) 1/805 a1) 5/4 — lo 2 aa where my = piob? and py are the mass and density of the CDRs, respectively. The parameter §; for other modes can be determined by substituting Eqs. ()-() ito Hq, (20) and evaluating che integral. The ‘work done by the selker due 1o the conservative force P is expressed as “y— Phay, Using ta, (172), the dmensonles form ofthe total work dove, nee and azan energes are, espectvely, expressed as FM, ea Tuam Sa, 2) en es) Mobeni a ermal oral of Sos nd rts 279 (2028) 12389 (b) S135 ho? = o s 10 15 20 G Fig 3, Inftueace of bistability aio on (a) the membrane sts, and (b) the modal frequency of vibration (a) 10° {b) h=2——f=3 In Eq. (24), Te represents the portion of the kinetic energy of the striker that induces the motion of the corresponding beam. Substiuting gs. (22)426) into Bq (9) yields: 20) the over-bar indicates the non-dimensional frm of the quantity, hile subseripts and {refer to the mode ané CDBs number, respectively ‘We may also drop the second index asthe terms of eisplacement and velocities are identical forthe CDBS in each layer. Using Hamilton's principle, the requirement that the trajectory A(0) isa stationary point of (a) Mhase-plane pot of the moe! given dlferentbistabliy satis. (b) Valaton ofthe etc energy parameter haa i=5 R=6 Dee) [12a = AMO) wi ‘he action functional ~ [This satisfied provided that 62" — 0, the necessary and sufficient condition for which is the Euler-Lagrange ‘expression as: a 8) en such that am, (Cont By applying Bq. (28), a mumber of nonhomogeneous ordinary Mobeni a ifforenial equations (ODEs) are recovered with respect to every mode ‘of deformation From the results of mimerica studies inthe sequel, with ‘the notion that made 2 is constrained as asumed in (Nchresanian =). 202!) it transpires thatthe predominant mode of beam deflection in the (cDR is the est mode (Qi! ct «1, 200, thus the fluence of higher modes may be neglected in the study. Notably, in the statie analysis, modes 2 and 3 yield linear force-displacement curves independent of| the bistability ratio. Similarly, the consideration of higher modes 5.9.13,» gave rise to a marginal diference in che theoretical results of| (Qiu etal, 2004), Regarding the top bean buckling, the form of the frst ‘ODE (Hq, (25) is furnished as: RAN) FAL (+ cowl (0) where @ = Fs, and wae ey em eo atts sa oo ‘Theparametery maybe visualised asthe membrane) stiff the system. then y- 0, te theoreti solution boils dwn oa linearised {ODE with a harmoni vibrational frequency of Te cate of y > D Corresponds to nonlinear hardening whereas for v0, the system Softening becouse with te increase in displacement, the system be- Comes softer Fldgun etl. 20:6), The former cheumstane commonly ‘ccs fn the iltlly at isotropic beams and plates subjected 10 transverse lading. The parater ey is a smal peureton number which may be chosen arbitrarily, herein selected as ey = (h/lo)’. The influence of bistability ratio F on the modal frequency 4o and membrane silfiness v8 compared ini. 3 Teun Ot tha the ODE in 0) represents the inomogeneos form of Dlfing equation, representing the nolinea fered orion ofa sping, Using the separation of variables, the form of ODE bolls down to Ai) = 2pdZAl) Il /2ycoAtt) AR wih the ite (slave at +4.) determine fom the kinematic condition atthe onset of impact. With w <0, the phase Plane forms asad atthe midpoint (i). "A nuerial scheme ean teratve method maybe pursued forthe solution of Eq, (30) by initially dlsegrding the nonlinear term ovAi( resulting in a general incase solution withthe displace ment field denoted as A?!(0). The next iteration is sought by the sub- sittion of AS) in leu ofthe nonlinear component of, (20. However, such a solcon entails eulr ter sich a n(), whose resence brings about in noncharmone verging rations, wheteby fn unbounded growh of the amplitude emerges overtime." the closed form soliton, representative ofthe physical harontewibralon ofthe Beam, is sought va the Poincaré-Lndstedt method (Mshcanian ‘tal 2019) Tothisend the placement Bld (2) may be perturbed ‘ning ‘ration constant being ¢ Agee eta + eA + OL%) 35) ‘where the superscript denotes the order of the perturbed term of the Analytical —FE Les Max as ono 2 15 J Bot ier 05 My) ° 0s 1 0 0005-01 OO1S 0200250300350 t[s] (c) 25 =" Analytical FE LE,Max ome ois aie aaa ans ans on ‘ios ‘tos oa sis “hive ano ° 0.005 oot ois 02 0.025 03 t[s] Pg 9, Anat vem numeric force-time Mires of model with (0) F= 3,0) = 4 ad © = 5 ‘minimal, As the cases have marginal differences, the homogencous ‘boundary conditions are sl valid fr the structures of meso-and higher lengthscales such asthe model under consideration here. thou also ‘be noted that the models with HBCs are more computationally efficent ‘and less time-consuming to run than those with the PBCs, particularly ‘when dealing with dynamic problems which must be solved using the oncitionaly stable Explicit solver. "The influence ofthe numberof unit cells included onthe response of the NSHIM late to the transverse load is depicted in tig. 7, where the notation “mn” denotes the strctural arrangement with m constituent ‘elt in the horizontal direction and n cells in the verieal direction "Except for the fit peak, the magnitude ofthe load and the associated splacement forall latice sizes virtually converge to the same curve ‘While the displacement associated with the first peak of ifferent lattice “sizes reduces with the increase in the numberof constituent cells the horizontal direction, the first peak magnitudes of the load remain rel tively unaltered. If should further be noted thatthe displacement dif- ference boundary conditions for the PRC may not always guarantee the ‘waetion continuity conditions (| Ksssem end Weichert, 2009). Despre the differences inthe FE solver computations due to the influence of mesh sie and element type, the foree-splacement convergence I stil ‘satisfied, Finally, in the case of mass impact problems, specifically, those associated with the striker impacts, the PBC will become irrelevant, asi ‘ensues the stress continuity at parallel opposite boundaries, while due to the localisation of the impact and distinguishably different sess ‘evolution at che contact interface compared to other types of laterally induced motion by loading the NSHM statically or via periodic dynarnic Mobeni a ermal oral of Sos nd rts 279 (2028) 12389 (a) 0.001 0.002 — F=6 (Numerical) 5 (Analytical) Hi =5 (Numerical) i 0,006 0.007 0.008 350.00 {s] (b) 300.00 250.00 nA, {ms”] 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 Fig. 10, Gomparizon ofthe a ‘excitations continuity is violated more often than not ‘As plotted in Fig. 8, the analytical model eaprures the maximum 4 experience buckling Upon the impact ofthe siker, the presence of deformation modes other than modes 1 and 3 is, discerned in the lattice employing 2 x 2 cells, nalysed in Fg. Lie for ‘the sake of comparison. This was primarily associated with the buckling Mobeni a 275 ermal oral of Sos nd rts 279 (2028) 12389 Loading 225 175 2 075 025 025 075 Fig. 14 The oading-anloaing yee ofthe late expanse upon striker impact or ‘of the beams across the central (vertical) axis of symmetry, while the ‘CDBs of the lowest level remained undeformed. Such a response would Induce rotations inthe horizontal and vertical struts on ether side of the ‘entra axis. While the rotation of the verte struts may be associated ‘with mode 2 being not flly constrained, this rotation was only observed in one model, Evidently, the height of the centre clamp ean affect the degree of constraints imposed on the CDRS in each layer, while the in- ‘crease in the height of the centre clamp also indicates the overall in crease in the lattice height. in the region close to the two stable positions, the motian ofthe CDRS is independent of the centre clamp Ihcight. Nevertheless, according to (Oi ct al, 2004), the foree- “displacement plots of the CDBs with mode 2 fully constrained, i.e. with ‘the optimised gap between the eam pars, the stifiness and geometry of ‘the centre clamp, and the beam length thickness ratios, ae very close to ‘the ones in which mode 2is partally-constrained. Thus, while further studies are required to investigate the optimum lattice topology to liminate the interference of other modes with the predominant mode of vibration, the analytical results developed in the previous section ean provide a sound assessment ofthe latice response. Lastly, with an in ‘crease in cel numbers in parallel to 3 and moze, the GDBS atthe bottom layer remained intact and ths the overall elastic vibrations ofthe CDRS {n he bottom layers (unbuckied beams) due to the impact on the upper layers are bounded. “The bistability ofthe lattice also aids in higher energy entrapment of the structure. The boundary conditions and the numberof cells do not influence the sub-wavelength energy entrapment tends with the bist- ability ratio, a common feature of multistable architected mets- ‘materials/metastructures (Sha, 2015). Fig 11d draws comparisons of the latices made of 2x 2 cells with ‘and without the horizontal beams. The response ofthe latter model is ‘characterised by a monotonic increase of the load whilst that of the former undergoes a snap-back buckling response, in tandem with a ‘pronounced reduction ofthe maximum transverse displacement atthe ‘expense of the higher loading. magnitude. In contrast to the general pattern of the loads with the sifenes, the loading distinctively in- ‘reases monotonically inthe model without them while the path ofthe Toad curve eveals infinitesimal vibrations. The presence of stiffeners is therefore crucial forthe desired phenomena of snap-back and snap- through which aid in energy entrapment in the metastructure. “The profile shapes and Mises stresses of the 2 3 lattice with (the only model that underwent fall compression) is iustraed in Fog 12, Within the initial ime limit of 10 ms, the uppermost CDBs 12. 14 16 undergo a curvature reverse while the remaining CDs retain thelr ‘original shape or will be onthe verge of buckling. By time ¢ = 132 ms, the loading would have reached its maximum limit, followed by the “snapping back of the inverted double-curved beams ofthe top level. The transfer of the dilatational waves from the contact interface between the sciker and the lattice forees snap-back buckling in the inverted beams of the lower level unt full compression att = 23.2 ms occurs. Cleary, due to the flexibility ofthe lattice, che contact pont of the striker with the latice exhibits some deformations giving an intial conical profile shape. ‘The captured axial deformation of the curved beam relative to the ‘transverse counterpart was considerably diminutive In Fig. 19, the non-dimensional reaction force Py captured at the midpoint of the bottom support is compared for various bistability 13- tos. Such # parameter is likewise sealed according to the number of ‘CDBSs. The lower the bistability ratios (F< 4), the higher the number of fhuctuatons of reaction forces aver the time history of motion, The ‘models with elevated P, exhibit a higher oscillation frequency as well ‘The time point of the separation of the ster from the structure was monitored as 265 ms for K-35 and 2 me for F ~ 4. As such, higher Distabiiy ratios yield higher lattice stiffness which in turn lowers the ‘duration of the impact. Upon detachment ofthe strike fom the latice, the stored energy is released and results in the residual vbratios in the {CDBs (Fg. 13b) hence the spectrum of the force oscillates about zero (the local minimum of the equlbsium point) before all the stresses ‘within he syst vanish. As observed, the duration of such oscillations is prolonged with the models of lower. According tos. 1%, atthe time points of 5 ms and 18.6 ms, respectively, ssap-back buckling occurs for the models = 5 and F = 4, although the top beam of the lower level ‘and the inverted beams of the top level of the later design undergo snapping att = 13-4 ms, corresponding to the minimum magnitude of the force. The highest displacement in the CDBs is associated with the middle-inverced beam of the top level. Interestingly, except for the model = 2, no CDBs in the loves evel exhibited curvature change. “Ashe striker and the latie remain in contact up to rest, the striker’ s ‘netic energy is fully transferred tothe strain energy of the atice which manifests in is transverse deformations, until all the kinetic energy of| ‘the striker is cransfeeed and its momentum vanishes. Thereafter, the unloading phase initates (ig. 1°), when the lattice relieves the stored ‘energy and recovers to It original shape, pushing the striker back (up wards) in the opposite dizectlan, This s depicted by the reduction ofthe reaction fore (o zero but with Nuetuationsacound this stable position Gig. 19). 5. Concluding remarks ‘This work deals with the impact resistance ofa metamateril lattice struecure referred to a5 the Negative Stiffness Honeyeoml Metastructure (NSH model made of sotropie material. Usllising the Euler-Lagrange ‘equations of motion and the Poincaré- Lindstedt perturbation technique, analytical solutions were derived and compared against parametric finite element numerical models. was shown that the CDBS would ‘generally experience bistability deco transition from mode 1 to mode 53. Te tansient dynamics of the forces reveled higher oscillations in the magnitude and frequency of vibration with the models having lower Disability ratios. The profile shape of such models (eg, = 2) remained symmetric with fall compression under impact load. The ‘response ofthe models was also characterise by infinitesimal vibrations ‘without buckling, corresponding to the models of high F. ‘Although higher modes of deformations were ignored inthe study, the analytical models showed reasonable corroboration with the mu- ‘merical models for the lattice and higher degree corroboration for the individual CDB pair. The force-time hstaries ofthe analytical and au merical FE madele were consistent, and the captured peak force of the later was 8% differen from the former ane on average. The response of the latices having the lower bistability ratio was more erratie due tothe residual vibrations and saddle-node bifurcations ofthe CDB at diferent layers Small perturbations of the CDB in the lower besms occurred simultaneously with the deformation of the GDB in the upper layers, which leads to the discrepancy in the time of occurrence of the peak ‘Appendix ‘Append A ‘The parameters of Eq, (45) are given as. (8 ease (Ge =~ t0(5, ay <0, ( nese b= 210336yp,0, ermal oral of Sos nd rts 279 (2028) 12389 forces taroughout the motion ‘The overall respoase of the lattice structure made of such beams becomes more complex as relative displacements between the beams ‘may occur which correspond to other deformation modes. It should also ‘be emphasised tha, in practice, the buckling phases are interspersed ‘with rotations and displacements of the beams. Thus, introducing a ‘more sophisticated model by etaining the higher modes would beat he expense of higher levels of mathematical complexity and simulation time. Such an approach would give ese to an infintesial improvement of the model accuracy while rendering the analyses unnecessarily complicated, Declaration of Competing Interest ‘The authors declare that they have no known competing financial inorests or personal relationships that could have appeared to fluence ‘the work eeported in this paper. Data availability Data willbe made available on request. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the University of Liverpoo!s Industral Srategy Pump Priming Funé 2019/20. Be 15 2p asa) ass Meh) Mil = aso Ass) 1 Mobeni a ermal oral of Sos nd rts 279 (2028) 12389 c= ((-song + ssn + (somone ~ asin + (50a + Stop) + (

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