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Contents lists available at SoienceD rect |rteoday Materials Today Communications ELSEVIER Ie _ Compressive strength and energy absorption characteristics of the negative stiffness honeycomb cell structure Yangi Liu”, Wei Jiang‘, Wenming Hu‘, Lianling Ren‘, Erjie Deng‘, Youhui Wang’, Chunfang Song’, Qingsong Feng 1 ae ey aera of Prac Meg and Proc of al ase Were, Cha ang Une, ag, Nanchang 30013, hina "but of ran Sy entre Sc, Bling ean of Sac an el, Ati 10005, Che peak ane Fd amar gn nd Teg Seo of eons Eger angen Unb Sang Waa 2412 cach ower fomato Tea Co, Bsn 10017, Chine “nsf Sem Eerie eon 2 ry Sars Big 110, Ca Combining the performance advantages of chopped carbon Mberseafored nylon composes (arkForged (nj) with the manufacturing advantages of 3D printing, the negative stiffness honeycomb cl strctore (NSH (0) was abricaced using fused Mlamentfabction techaoiogy. The study examined Bow to bul direction, patterns, ana wall layers, affecting the compressive sient and energy tbeorptoncharacternics of NSH-C, The esis show tat the printing parameters of Fn reton, tiangular fl pattern, nde wal ler are opti for NSH, wih makes NSH-C exhibit strong negative sifiness phenomenon with energy abortion effiency Cutpreaive strength and energy heart cheracteritic of the stratus wos maunercally simula, S- plane thickness of the carved Dea snd reducing Ue saa ofthe curved beam willl be expected 1 further Improve the mechani perfomance of NSEC 1, Introduction Honeycomb structure isa kind of porous structure formed by the periodic arrangement of multiple unicellular structure, which has a smaller mass, lower relative density and high strength rato (1,2). The performance ofthe honeycomb structure mainly depends on its internal “unicellular structure, o metamaterials that meet practical needs can be ‘obtained by designing the unicellular structure and adjusting the rameters. In recent years, honeycomb metamaterials with characteris- ties different from natural materials have been developed based on the ‘design of unicellular structures, such as negative stiffness (51, negative Poisson's ratio (1), and negative thermal expansion coefficlent (5), which have promoted the relevant research of honeycomb meta. materials in solid mechanics (©), acousties (7), elastic waves (8) and ‘other fields. Among them, du tothe special characteristics of negative stifness honeycomb (NSH) structres, suchas negative sifness 10, Discabily (11-12) and fast penetration, NSH structures have wide application prospects in numerous engineering felds, such as energy absorption, vibration control (14) and noise isolation. In addition, because of the complesity of aray structures, NSH structuresare usually been prepared by 2D printing technology in recent years to reduce the Aiffcuty of production and improve the accuracy of the structure. ‘Asa kind of mechanical metamateral, the NSH structure is formed by an orderly array of negative stiffness unicellular structures, in which ‘the unicellular structure is composed of negative stiffness beams and support frames (15), and the negative sffness characterises of the [NSH scructure are presented through the negative stifness beams of internal unicellular structures. Distnet from traditional honeycomb steuctures, which absorb energy through plastic deformation, ts energy absorption mechanism is the elastic buckling of the negative stlfness ‘beam, so it can be reused, The NSH structure applied in marine equip meat can zeduce the displacement, velocity and acceleration response of the equipment under impact load, thus providing impact protection for the equipment (26,17). In response to adverse axial loads, such as the mal eres 5079 @jlangnanedes (6 Song) (Fen Inups//doLorg/10.1016/} mom 2023.105808 Received 29 Novernber 2022 Received in revised form 10 January 2023; Accepted 26 Janry 2028, 2252.4908/0 2023 Flsevier Ld, Al rights reserved ramacat axial vibration of the transmission shaft, she unit cells of the NSH strueture are arranged in the circumferential diretion to form eylin- rica spatial structures so thatthe repeated largestrain deformation ‘capacity of the structures can be utilized to absorb axial energy repeatedly (15,19). In addition, to enhance the reusability of the NSH strueture, NSH composite structures can also be made from soft and rigid material (0). Materials play a crucial role inthe mechanical properties of structures. However, the existing NSH structures mainly made of thermoplastic resin materials generally have low intensity and low en- ‘ergy absorption, which limits their engineering application. ‘With the development of 3D priating technology and material sci- ‘ence, the materials that can be used for 3D printing have become {increasingly abundant, and it s possible thatthe materials with beter ‘mechanical performances can be used by preparing NSH structures, ‘Among abundant 3D printing materials, fiber-reinforced thermoplastic ‘composites (FRTP composites) have attracted the attention of academia land industry due to their eminent mechanical properties, Taking chop- ppd carbon fiber-reinforced acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (A3S) and the chopped carbon fiber-reinforced polylatic acd (PLA) as examples, {in contrast to thermoplastic resin, the tensile strength and clastic modulus of composites in which earbon fibers are added are signf- cantly enhanced (21-24). Because of their excellent properties, such as high specific strength, high specific rigidity, fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance [5], FRTP composites are widely used in aero- space, matine transportation and other high-end manufacturing Fields and have gradually peneteated toward automotive manufacturing and other civil fields (26-29). "To maximize the performance advantage of FRTP composites for 3D printing, domesic and overseas scholars have made some progres in ‘exploring the influence of printing process parameters onthe mechan- ical performance of FTP composites. Caminero et al. [30] discussed in etal the influence of building direction on the impact damage per- formances of the structures prepared by continuous fiber-reinforced nylon composites. The reslts show that for the flat stacked speci= mens, the impact strength increases with increasing layer thickness, ‘hile for the upright stacked specimens, the change tend isthe oppo site, Mosteh etal. (91) revealed the effects of nozzle diameter, layer ‘thickness and printing speed on the tensile performance, bending per- formance and interlaminar shear strength of continuous carbon fiber-reinforced ABS composites and the internal meckanism, The ‘experimental results show that the tensile strength, bending strength and interlaminar shear strength of the composite are significantly ‘improved under high-quality an stable printing conditions Tan etal 2) found that under the optimal printing process parameters (printing temperature, layer thickness, printing spacing and printing speed), the bending modulus of continuous carbon fiber-reinforced PLA composites Inreased up to 30 GPa, and the maximum bending strength was approximately 335 MPa "At present, there are few studies on the influence of the printing Process parameters on the mechanical properties of the mechanical metamaterials based on FRIP composites, To enrich and improve the research on mechanical metamaterials based on fiber-reinforced ther- moplasti composites, simultaneously distnet from the study on NSH sretures from the structural design perspective, breaking through the imitation of materials, and improving the energy absorption perfor- mance of NSH structures for material concems. The NSH-C was fabricated using fused lament fabrication technology based on MackForged Onyx inthis paper. Compresion experiments of NSH-C specimens were carried ‘out The effects ofthe building direction, ll pattern, and wall layers were investigated systematically to determine how they affected NSH.C printing and compression performance. Next, the finite element model ‘of NSH-C was established to predic the compressive behavior of NSH-C. ‘with diferent structural parameters. This study ean provide 2 reference for the 3D printing of mechanical metamaterials based on fiber- ‘reinforced thermoplastic composites, nd a kindof NSH structure with hgh specificenergy absorption and ecovery characteristics is proposed. Mauris Tdey Communica 35 (2028) 108455, 12, Material and method 2.1. Material ‘MarkForged Onyx (chopped carbon fiber-reinforced nylon) is anew ‘ype of fiber-reinforced composites with yon asthe base material and 15% chopped carbon fiber added, cheracterized by good wearabiity and resistance to high temperature and chemical corrosion. ‘The standard teasileexperkments in ip. were eared out fn accordance with ASTM, 1638 (5, utliting an electron universal testing machine and digital image correlation technology (DIC) The displacement vectors of pinels are obtained by the homologous point sacking method, and the full-field strain ofthe specimen surface is caleulated by the least square ‘method. The red area represents the highest strain value, where the specimen fractured, ‘The stress-strain curve of MarkForged Onyx i illustrated in is. 22), ‘which is obtained from the average value of five standard tensile test. ‘The basic mechanical properties of MarkForged Onyx include Elastic modulus F = 1850 MPs, Yield stress «, = 20 MPa, and breaking elon- gation e = 25%. For comparison, 's.2(B) lists the performances of several printing materials including nylon, PLA, TPU, and ABS. Its found that MazkForged Onyx: has a relatively high elastic modulus ia ‘comparison to aylon and TPU, indleating that it requires larger stress when the same elastic deformation occurs, namely, it has # strong deformation resisting capability as wel as great rigidity. On the other hhand, in contrast to nylon and TPU, MarkForged Onyx has a smaller ‘elongation and low plasticity, whereas its elongation is higher than that ‘of ABS and PLA. Taking nto aecount both the stiffness an plasticity of ‘materials, MarkForged Onyx is used in this study as the material to fabricate NSH-C with the advantages of high compressive strength and recoverabily ‘To further understand the mechanical properties ofthe composites, the microstructure of MarkForged Onyx is shown in F's. > by using an ‘SUISIO scansing electron microscope (SEM). AS shown in Fis. (a) ‘under SEM ata magnification of 200 times, there are afew pores visible ‘nthe surface ofthe sample, ad the pore distribution i directional, in line with the extrusion diection of the compesite, which is mainly ‘eaused by the failure of timely elimination of bubbles generated during the extrusion ofthe filamentous composites Upon further observation at 500 times magnification, as shown in vie. “(b), the substrate Is impregnated with chopped eacbon fibers whose direction is iregular, val 2.000 10.500 000 300 3.000 1500 ig. 1. Fulleld sla coatou ofthe tne specimen, ramacat Mauris Tdey Communica 35 (2028) 108455, g 8 Sessa a laste modulus Pe g =s= Fhastic modulus so |x =e Yield srees =-4~ Blongation sa & ‘Yield siress(MPa a Elongation MatkForged Nylon TPU PLA ABS. ‘Onyx Fig. 2, Mechanical properes of materi (a) Tenllesresstrain curve of MarkForged Onyx; (0) Performance comparison of MarkForged Onyx and other pining materi Fig. 3. SEM images of MackForged Onyx: (a) 200 times; () 500 times (€ 5000 tes. ‘Top board -= sm Se Fetal ean 1.60 za Those t bose cee <7 | via a 27 + Roto board f 150.77 ul 254al |e sat-J 100 Fig. 4. Model of NSELC (model dimensions ia mi), Indicating that MarkForged Onyx is an isotropic material. Fig. 3(€), ‘whieh depicts the surface morphology of the iber, is captured by SEM at ‘a magnification of 5000-fold and the surface ofthe fiber is attached toa relatively dense matrix resin. The nylon substrate exhibits excellent viscosity snd melt Nudity a8 result ofthe reasonable extrusion tem perature and speed, and itis Flly impregnated with ber. Clearly, with the high plasticity of nylon, the high stiffness of chopped eacbon fiber and the excellent interface performances between nylon and chopped. carbon fiber, MarkForged Onyx is conducive to fabricating NSEC with superior mechanical performances, 22. Fabrication ‘As shown in Fi. 4(@), atop boaed, double curved beams, siffening ‘walls, @ horizontal beam, and a bottom board make up the NSH Double curve beams of NSH-C will experience buckling mode conver sion when compression Toads see applied, and the cell structure will display negative sine behavior, Accordingly, the reaction foree on the structure gradually declines with inereasing the compression ‘displacement. This allows for efficient energy dissipation and provides ‘excellent shock isolation [15]. Fg. also shows the structural ‘parameters of NSEC, where Hf isthe initial apex height of the curved beam, Tis the in-plane thickness ofthe curved beam, and isthe span of the curved beam. It is erucal maximize the mechanical performance of the struc- ‘ur, especially in fabricating research, to meet funcional requirements sch as high compressive strength, high energy absorption, and recov ‘erably inthe application ofthe vibration redtion fel. According to previous research, optimizing printing. process parameters has Deen ‘emonstrated to be a feasible approach (35-37), ‘how building diections, fill patterns, and wall layers affect the perfor- ‘mance of NSH-C. Thre levels were selected foreach parameter, and the printing process parameters of specimens named AI-A7 are listed in Tuble 1 All the printing models in this paper are produced by fesed deposition modeling technology. is study examined 2.3. Compression experiments Compression experiments were conciicted to Investigate the ‘compressive strength and energy absorption characterises of NSH.C With various printing process parameters. Fach specimen was sub- jected (0.2 15mm displacement ata rate of §um/min. It should be noted that when the displacements exceeded 15 mm, the specimen began to densify, and the reaction force increased significantly, resulting jn structural failure. As a consequence, compression displacements {greater than 15 mm were not allowed inthe tet. During each cycle of lading and unloading, force displacement data were collected, 2.4. Numerical simuarions To predict the compressive behavior of NSHLC with diferent stuc- tural parameters during the compression stage, the finite clement simulation is established by using the “Slate, General” method of ABAQUS. Inthe model, geometric nonlinearity was considered due to the buckling behavior of the curved beam. A 20-node hexahedron clement (C3D20R) was used for meshing, and mesh sensitivity analysis ‘was performed to ensure accuray. is. (a) shows the force thresholds ‘of models wit dlferent mish sizes, I¢can be seen thatthe mesh division ‘of0.2 mm hae good convergence stability, 20 the mesh size ie selected ae ( The fection coefficient ofthe tangeatial behavior was 015 [35 59), and the normal behavior was chosen as “Har” contact. The elastic modulus of the MarkForgeé Onyx material was F = 1850, the yield strength was 6, = 20 MPa, and Poisson's ratio was v = 0.38, Since the ‘model will exhibit internal contact during the compression process, the Inner part of the model is defined as "Sefcontaet” to prevent penetra- tion, As shown in i, 5th, the top board was eoupled witha reference point, a downward displacement-controlled load (0) was applied a the reference point, and the bottom board was fixed. Finally, the Torcesisplacement data of the model are obtained indirectly from the reference point. 3, Results and discussion 3.1. Printing performances Building direction, il pattern and wall layers have significant effects ‘0 the priting performances of NSH-, which ace primarily reflected in printing time, mass and consumable material 11, Bulg direction The effect of tee diferent building directions, namely, Flat, On- ‘edge and Upright, s exemplified in Mg, 6, vig, 7 slustrates the effect ‘of various building directions on the printing performance of NSH-C.Itis apparent thatthe most consumable material isthe specimen sacked in the Upright direction. This might be attributed to the relatively dense support (see Fs. (e), which was generated automatically daring the printing process to prevent deformation of the model or maintain its Mauris Tada Communicators 35 202) 105498 stability when placed upright. Additionally, partial support (see is. (40) is generated berween the boards end double eurved beams for the specimen stacked in the On-edge direction. On the other hand, the specimen stacked in the On-edge rection requires more printing time than the Up-ight and Flat directions because its dimension in the Z Aleetion is lrger, which results ina sigoifiant increase in the quantity of printing layers. Printing in the normal direction of the NSHLC ge- lometzy shape ensures that the model i of good quality (Se Ve. (9), does not create adétional support, and has Fewer printing ayers, so ‘requires less material and time to print in the Fat direction 31.2. Fill poner Fill patterns commonly used in 3D printing include triangles, quad- ‘angles, and hexagons, as shown in Fis. 8. AS exhibited in Fis. 9, the lL patterns have an influence on the printing performance of NSH-C. ‘Compared with the triangular and quadrilateral fill patterns, the spec- imen withthe hexagonal ill pttera has superior prising performance, such 35a shorter printing time, lighter mass, an less consumable ma terials, The main reason for this sitvation isthe difference in the eltive densities of fill patters. Specifically, the hexagonal ill pattern is less dease than the triangular or quadeiateral fil pattern, resulting in a ess dense ill of the whole strut 31.3, Wall ayers “There are three cases in which the wall layers are 1-3. Fy. 10 lustrates the impact of wall layers on the printing performance of NSH-C. ‘Theresa strong positive relationship between the numberof wall layers and printing performance. Printing time, mass and consumable material increase with the increase ofthe wall layer. This is because increasing ‘the prnsing wall layer will Increase the printing materials required by ‘the NSH-C. Zach printing layer needs to print additonal parts ofthe wall, layer, chus extending the printing ime. This demonstrates that reducing the wall layers of NSH-C is capable of improving the prinsing perfor- mance of structares. Based on the aforementioned analysis, che printing performances of INSH-C with selected parameters (Fat building direction, hexagonal il ‘pattern and one wall layer) ean be preliminarily improved because of is Tower printing time, high printing efficiency and lower production cos. Practically speaking, itis nat only printing performances that must be taken into consideration but also the mechanical performances of 3.2. Compression performances The double curved beam shows # unique deformation mode under the action ofan external compression load, as shown in Fig. 1, Previous ‘theoretical derivation 15) and experiments (15) have proven that the curved beam will exhibit elastic instability under the deformation mode shovn in Vie. 17 and thus exhibit negative stiffness characterstis, During the deformation process, the double curved beam realizes the conversion of buckling modes between the first-order buckling mode and the third-order buckling mode. The third-order buckling mode isthe symmetric buckling mode, which contributes tothe stable deformation of the structure and promotes the occurrence of negative stifaess behavior. “ix 12 shows the sequential images of NSH-C captured under ramacat Mauris Tdey Communica 35 (2028) 108455, [pesmi RF, 19s 19] § 3 a] E ise} 183 os 06 0402 Ot Finite clement mesh size/mm Fully constrained Fig. 5. Numerical simulations of NSH-C; (a) Convergence analysis of nueveal model (S) Finite clement model of NSH-C. (9 omsige (oy Upieht co Fit tl x = —— (On-sige co Uprient ora ™ = Ss = curved beam Fig. 6. Printing of NSH-C with varius building dtctions: (,b ) Preprint dvetions along dretions On-dge, Upright, lt (2, Plated shed product long directions On-edge, Upright, Fla loading and unloading. tan be observe that each double curved beam, successively buckles fist in mode 1, then in mode 3, and finally in its ‘diametrically opposite mode 1. The patter of deformation is consistent » with previous studies. ig. 13 shows the force-dsplacement curves ob- ‘tained by conducting the experiment on NSH.C with various printing “ process parameters Ina cases an altemate occurrence of postive and negative stiffness was observed during structural loading, with each segment of negative stiffness corresponding tothe deformation of a pair ‘of double curved beams. During the buckling process, the upper and lower double curved beams snap through, which isa charaeteriste of laste instability found in curved beans. Combined with the instability, honeycomb strictures can absorb and dissipate energy more effectively, n Under the action of loading and wnloading, the internal structure of > NSH-C will adjust itself uring elastic deformation. Unloading will ease ‘elastic vibration ofthe exrved beam, which will consume the energy Re orem Ta stored inthe curved beam. Asshown in Fi. 13, the preforming of NSH-C. eget land the viscoelastic behavior of the material lead to the difference in loading and unloading curves, forming hysteretic curves. The area sur- rounding the hysteretic curve on behalf ofthe net energy absorbed oF lisspated by the structure is equal to the work done by the structure Fig. 7. Infunce law of building dretons on the printing performance of sti ramacat Mauris Tdey Communica 35 (2028) 108455, triangle hexagon Pig, 8, Fill pacts of NSEC. oo was EANET FES «1008 @ Fig 9. Influence aw of fil patterns onthe priating peformance af NSEC. 16 Thayer] BEE? layer [TS ayer ig. 10, ttuence law of wall layers onthe plating performance of NSEC ‘when its loaded and unloaded, The net energy absorbed or dissipated (Eq yer can be calculated by the equation (15 Eh = [09] Ft) o ‘where ss the maximum displacement, Fy) and F(2) denote the force ‘of the srueture obtained under loading and unloading, respectively. Fusing #4 Fapeatng FEDER the energy absorbed during loading and the energy recovered during unloading, espectivey. “The energy absorption efficiency (p) determined by the rato of Ea ‘ye £0 Bang i a primary indicator to characterize the energy absorp tion capacity of honeycomb structures 15). ‘Beyond that, for lightweight structures, the specific energy absorp- ‘on (Bq) isusualy used as an evaluation index forthe energy absorption ability and ean be expressed as (151 aver @ where m is the mass of the structore, ‘As can be observed in Fs. (a) and (b), the energy absorption ef ‘ciency ofthe specimens is more than 60%, andthe maximum can each approximately 70%. In comparison with previous studies (15), the maximal force threshold of NSH increased to epproximately 202 N in ‘ig. 15. As seen from the unloading curves in Fig. 15(@) and (b), the structure shows a deformation of only 2.5mm after a loading and unloading cyele. It can be considered that the structure has nearly recovered to its original state after fully recovering, which iustrates recoverable energy absorption. 32.1, Building direction “The compression performances of NSH.C with various building di- ‘rections show anisotropy. In the process of applying external compres sion leading to the cell structure, the buckling of the double curved beams causes transverse expansion of the stiflening wall, which pro- ‘ducesa tensile load on the horizontal beam, There isa striking difference berween the specimens stacked in the Fat direction and On-odge di- ‘ection; brittle fractre occurs on the horizontal beam in the epecimen, stacked in the On-edge direction during the loading process, and the fracture surface is relatively smooth. This observation ie in agreement with the tes results of tensile samples stacked inthe On-edge direcion, ‘which also exbibits brite Fracture following a short period of time, a5, Indicated in ig. 16. Different building directions lea to diferent stess directions ofthe printing layer in the horizontal beam of NSH-C. AS shown in is, 17(8, stacking NSHC inthe On-edge direction makes the printing layer of horizontal beams perpendicular to the tension applied: ‘us, the force is exerted on the connecting part between adjacent printing layer, while the Joints are often fragile. Stacking in the Fiat ‘rection in Fy. 17(b) makes the printing layer parallel to the tension applied so that the force is shared by all the printing layers. Therefore, the mechanical properties of horizontal beams stacked in the Fat d= ‘oction ae better than those in the On-edge direction under tensile oad. ‘Considering the fact thatthe support generated forthe preparation of, [NSH-C specimens stacked in the Upright direction is relatively dense, the removal of the support may result in damage tothe structure, which may adversely affect the mechanical performances of NSH-C specimens. Solid compression specimens with triangular fll patterns (12.7 mm « 12.7 mm x 25.4 mum) stacked in Fat, On-edge, and Up- right directions, as depicted in bp. 15, were prepared to systemati- ‘aly research how building directions affect compression performance As illustrated in. 15(), inthe ease ofa solid compression specimen {at is stacked in the Flat direction, the specimen is printed in the height «rection and loaded in the thickness direction, and the compression load placed on itis parallel co the printing layer. This means that the $FS5 tint sate —_ Fig. 11, Schematic dlagram of the buciling mode conversion of double coved beams ‘extecnal load is equal to the in-plane compression ofthe triangular fll ‘element Similarly, the specimen stacked in the On-edge direction, printed along the length direction, and loaded inthe height direction, as illustrated in Tig, 1°C@, also represents in-plane compression of the triangular fill element. However, the specimens are stacked inthe Up- ght direction, as llustrated in Fg. 25(b), both the loading and prist- ing directions are along the thickness direction, and the printing layers are perpendicular tothe loading direction. In this instance, i is equiv len tothe out-of plane compression ofthe triangular fll lement. ‘Accordingly, in-plane and out-of plane compression experiments ‘were conducted in accordance with ASTM 1695-022 (41) on solid ‘compression samples with triangular El patterns. It can be seen fom Fg 19 that the sample subjected to outof plane compression has a ‘considerably higher compressive strength than in-plane compression, ‘whieh indicates that the compressive stengts ofthe sample stacked in the Uperight direction is higher than that in the Fat and On-edge die rections. This is because for outtplane compression, the printing layers are tightly connected, and there are no gaps between thes, wich allows all printing layers to bear load evenly, However, in the case of {in-plane compression, the load distribution within each printing layers ‘Additionally, three types of standard tensile samples stacked inthe Flat, On-ege, and Up-right directions were tested to determine the anti- ‘deformation ability of specimens with various building directions. As ie apparent from the results illustrated in fis. 16, the ant-ceformation bility of semples stacked in the Up-rght direction is slighty different from that of samples stacked in the Flat direction and exhibits rla- tively high degree of plasticity. This is evidently superior to specimens stacked in the On-edge direction, It is the same asthe previous analysis ‘on the influence of building diction on the force condition of the horizontal beam in NSH-C, and the mechaniesl properties are deer= mined by the stacking direction ofthe printing layer Mauris Tada Communicators 35 202) 105498 For solié structures, the sample stacked in the Upright direction exhibits the highest compressive strength and ansi-deformatio ability based on the experimental analysis described ebove. Unfortunately, for INSH, the dense support in preparation limits the ability to achieve excellent compression performances of specimens stacked in the Up- right direction, 3.2.2, Rillpaer Fig. 15) shows the force-displacement eurves of NSHLC with various fl patter, There is asignfieant negative siffaess phenome- ‘non associated with the wiangular fill patern specimen in the displacement ranges of approximately 610mm and 13-15 mm, whereas the specimens with the quadrilateral and hexagonal ill patterns present a weak ncgative stiffness phenomenon in the displacement ‘anges of approximately 8-11 mm and 13-15 mm. This is not conducive tothe energy absorption or dissipation of NSH.C. Fo instance, Fis. (a) and (b) shows that forthe specimens with the quadrilateral and hex agonal fl patterns, the energy absorption efficiency and specific energy absorption are all lower than those of the specimen withthe triangular fl pater. Furthermore, the specifi energy absorption ofthe specimen ‘with the quadrilateral il ptter sony 0.64 times tha ofthe triangular fll patter. As shown in fig. 14(@), although the specie energy ab- sorption ofthe specimen with the hexagonal fil pattern is not diferent from that of the specimen with the angular fll patter, the relative density of the hexagonal fill pattern smaller, and the mass of the specimen is lighter, which reduces the force threshold of NSH-C, Low relative density is also the reason why the negative stfiness of the samples with quadrilateral and hexagonal fil patters isnot obvious. 3.2.3. Wall layers “The force-displacement curves of NSH-C with various wall layers are iterated in Fig. 1(b). Ie clear that increasing the wal ayers from 2 to 2 substantially improves the force threshold of the structures. "Nevertheless, when the wall layers increase to 3, the force threshold does not change significantly. As the main part of deformation, the curved beam of NSH-C determines the change in the foree-dsplacement curve, Because the curved beam is thin, the fling rate of the curved beam grows with the increase of wall layers andthe two layers of wall thickness make the internal void ofthe curved beam less. Thus, when the wall layers are greater than 2, they have lite influence on the force ‘hreshold of structures (nthe other hand, with the inerease in the printing wall layer, the increase in the fore threshold of NSH-C results in an increment of en- ergy absorption greater than the model mass. A comparison of the specific energy absorption of A6, AL, and A7 in". 17 shows thatas the ———>_ Leatng Unloading <———— ig. 12 Sequeatlal Images of NS#-C captured under loading and usloeding Mauris Tada Communicators 35 202) 105498 a =" Quadrangle Hexagon so} ———* Loading Force ‘ Layer aides intsing-—— "je Displacement Displacementionm Fig. 13. Forcesdisplacement curve of NSC under various plating proces parameters () Force displacement curves of NSH-C with varius ll patterns () ree splacment curves of NSU-C with vsxous wall ayer. mn 2 ‘wall layers ise, the specific energy absorption ofthe structure inreases from 77.69 mi/g to 107-65 ml/g. Furthermore, when the number of wall Layers increases, the negative stiffness behavior of the structure becomes more pronounced. Then, the negative stifiness behavior in Fig. 13(@) and (b) is linearly fitted to obtain approximate negative stifness values of strctures with various printing process parameters. A

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