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Poster Making Rubric


Conversation All images are Images are of good Images are Images are poorly
Message imaginatively chosen quality and appropriate but selected and little
(Conveying and convey appropriately partially conveyed the to no conveyed
message of the message of water conveyed water message of water message about
Poster) pollution in an pollution as message. pollution. water pollution.
(40%) informative manner.
Visualization and Innovative and Overall impression is Some thought are Little to no
Organization stylish. The good. Organization is acceptable. Difficult to organization. No
(30%) organization allows logically sequential. follow the story. Poor story is being
the viewer to Appropriate chose of chose of colors followed. Colors
understand what is colors. are contrasting one
presented. another.
Outstanding pick of
Originality (20 %) Idea is unique and Good chose of idea Idea chosen is limited Poor idea chosen.
out of the box with an extent of only to the self. Needs No Creative and
perspective, also going beyond the box. improvement on Critical Thinking
shows creative and Little creative and creativity and critical was manifested.
critical thinking. critical thinking being thinking
Presentation Excellent use of Good choice of Appropriate use of Poor choice of
(10%) words on statement. Relevant words but needs words. With
presentation. Easy to information with little improvement which obvious reason of
understand. Does surpassing of what is contradicts what is not being prepared.
not contradict on presented. presented.
what is presented

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