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- All machines introduced (7 polymer systems, 2 metal systems)

- Installation of markforge X7

- Markforge 2 part print issues- FDM- part not adhering to the build platform: Troubleshooting:

i. Possible due to reduction in temperature of platform due to Air Conditioned room.

Solution: Warming the platform using air heaters.

Result: Better adhering to the platform, though not at all the locations.

Savings to company:

- Assuming every 10th print had this issue, and during every encounter of the issue 0.5cc (estimate
correctly) of the material had to be wasted.

Parts printed per week= 15 (recheck)

1. Understand the requirements of the application:

Top Speed? More acceleration? Heavy or light load? Then quantitatively define the requirement.
Ex: 2m/s2 acceleration (benchmark from previous similar studies). Convert that into motor
characteristics. The only motor characteristics are rpm(N) and torque.

Rpm > (v=wr=2*pi*N/60)

Torque: During acceleration, the torque on the motor will be at its highest. Use physics to determine
the torque required to run the system and what torque should be available as output from motor.

- Every motor is only able to safely produce a certain range of speed and torque outputs. Adjust your
environmental conditions.

The requirement of max torque and rpm point should lie within the continuous operating range in
the Speed-Torque characteristics of the motor.

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