Psyc1001 Exam Quiz

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Hi, feel free to use these questions to help you study for the exam.

These questions are not a

be all end all of course topics but I tried to cover as much as possible. Feel free to contact me

with any questions you may have. –Andrew CAI

1. What describes the body and mind being separate entities?

a) Monism

b) Dualism

c) The phenomological approach

d) Trephination

Correct answer:

2. What does attitudinal Coherence refer to?

a) The extent to which an attitude is internally consistent

b) The durability and impact of an attitude

c) The intricacy of thoughts about an attitudinal object

d) The extent to which a given attitude is associated with conflicting evaluative


Correct answer:

3. An emphasis on attributing external situations during times of failure and internal

attribution during times of success for our own actions is known as?

a) Fundamental Attribution Error

b) Stereotypes

c) Actor-Observer Bias

d) The Pygmalion effect

Correct answer:
4. Consummate love is a combination of which components of the Triangular Theory of


a) Intimacy & Passion

b) Passion & Commitment

c) Only Commitment

d) Intimacy, Passion & Commitment

Correct answer:

5. What are teratogens?

a) Stimulus that can damage a foetus

b) Genes that stimulate embryonic growth

c) The gene that contributes to higher levels of violence

d) The basic units of heredity

Correct answer:

6. What does the Drive Reduction Theory dictate an organism will do when a need has been


a) Learn how to achieve that satisfaction more often

b) Avoid the need

c) Return to a state of homeostasis

d) Try to satisfy other needs

Correct answer:
7. What does Eugenics refer to?

a) Encouraged reproduction among more genetically advantaged

b) The study of the 4 bodily humours

c) The cluster of genes likely to predispose personality traits

d) The model to achieve self-actualization

Correct answer:

8. Henry Harlow observed that in Rhesus monkeys, a crucial element in forming social

bonds is:

a) A food source

b) Contact comfort

c) Communication

d) Bonding

Correct answer:

9. Which of the following is an incentive?

a) Passing a test

b) The hope you will win money from the lottery

c) A) & B)

d) Neither A) nor B)

Correct answer:
10. What is the indirect effect of affect refer to?

a) We tend to be around people who make us feel better

b) People tend to pair with people who are equivalent in physical attractiveness

c) A positive emotion being due to an environmental factor

d) Emotions arising from our awareness of our body’s arousal

Correct answer:

11. Which neurotransmitter levels when increased, improve anxiety therapy?


b) Glutamate

c) FADS2

d) Glucose

Correct answer:

12. Which is NOT one of Murray’s psychosocial needs?

a) Need for achievement

b) Need for attention

c) Need for affiliation

d) Need for aspiration

Correct answer:
13. Which is not a time perspective?

a) Past Negative

b) Past Positive

c) Present Hedonistic

d) Present Oriented

Correct answer:

14. If you adopt the host culture and retain the native culture, this is known as:

a) Integration

b) Fusion

c) Assimilation

d) Marginalization

Correct answer:

15. What does The Cognitive dissonance theory refer to?

a) We experience tension when our attitudes are inconsistent with our behaviour

b) Beliefs predispose our feelings

c) The strength and duration of our attitudes vary

d) Beliefs and feelings comprising an attitude develop separately and change


Correct answer:
16. What is the Audience effect?

a) The more experienced someone is, the more likely they will help

b) The reluctance to help out of fear it may give a bad impression

c) Feel less responsible in a group

d) More reluctant to seek help in presence of a group

Correct answer:

17. What is the Pygmalion Effect?

a) People are more hostile to members of another group

b) Our beliefs create reality by influencing our behaviour

c) When believed to have a certain characteristic, we act in accordance with


d) We tend to make situational attributes for ourselves but dispositional attributes for


Correct answer:

18. If I change my offer after it has been accepted, what have I done?

a) Foot in Door

b) Door in Face

c) Low Balling

d) Change of Commitment

Correct answer:
19. If I have been exposed to something that elicits fear enough to no longer elicit fear, what

is this known as?

a) Operant conditioning

b) Trauma reduction theory

c) Extinction learning

d) Classical Conditioning

Correct answer:

20. It is acceptable to study internal states, as long as these can be linked to observable

behaviours. This is known as:

a) Methodological Behaviourism

b) Radical Behaviourism

c) Psychoanalysis

d) Functionalism

Correct answer:

21. Damage to the media temporal can cause akinetopsia. What does this cause?

a) Inability to perceive motion

b) Inability to recognize faces

c) Inability to walk

d) Inability to perceive depth

Correct answer:
22. Operant condition refers to:

a) Presentation of a conditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response

b) Reinforcement/punishment to increase/decrease behaviour

c) Systematic desensitization of stimulus

d) Scheduling reinforcement to achieve specific responses

Correct answer:

23. Maslow has 5 levels on his hierarchy of self-actualizing. Which is not one of the levels?

a) Esteem

b) Conscientiousness

c) Belonging

d) Safety

Correct answer:

24. I enjoy playing music. I feel happy when I play. How am I motivated?

a) Extrinsically

b) Self-determined

c) Intrinsically

d) Organismic

Correct answer:
25. If an experiment can be reproduced with consistently the same results, it is:

a) Valid

b) Correct

c) Axiomatic

d) Reliable

Correct answer:

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