AS TRC5 U10 02 Vocab 2

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10 Vocabulary 2

1 Read the sentences. Complete the table with the underlined words.
1 The Nazca culture lived in Peru about 2,000 years ago.
2 He looks smart in his new jacket.
3 He ate his lunch in the cafeteria.
¢ The pupils behave very well in class.
5 The Nazca lines are in the south of Peru.
6 The north of England is often cold and rainy.
7 Robbers often break into houses.
8 All rivers flow to the sea.
9 Fingerprints are often an important clue.
10 You can look at the book, but don’t remove it from this room.

noun verb adjective


2 Complete the dialogue with words from Activity 1. Use the correct form of
the verbs.
A: Oh, no! I’ve lost my new book about Nazca 1 culture !
B: You had your bag with you in the 2 at lunch time. Is it in there?
A: No, it isn’t. I
it from my bag when I got to school. I put it in my
locker, but it isn’t there now.
B: Well, no one would ¢ your locker. Everyone 5
well at this school.
A: That’s true. Let’s see if we can find a 6 to help us …
Wait a minute! Now I remember. I showed it to Jenny in Mr Long’s class.
B: Where’s his classroom? Is it in the north of the building?
A: No, it’s in the 7 .
B: Let’s go there now … So, what did Jenny say?
A: She said I looked really 8 today.
B: Not about you! I meant about the book!

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