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• Complete worksheet of ch-5(Life Processes).

• Complete Assignment for portfolio(Internal Assessment)
• Revise ch-5 (Life processes) and read from NCERT.
• Solve NCERT EXEMPLER of ch-5(Life Processes)


• Complete worksheet in Separate Biology Notebook.

• Assignment for portfolio to be done on A4 size white sheets with pencil only.



Q1. Explain the following terms

a. Saprophytic nutrition
b. Holozoic nutrition
c. Peristalsis
d. Residual volume of air

Q2. Give example of each.

a. Saprophytes
b. Parasites
c. Organism obtaining food by holozoic mode of nutrition
d. Autotrophs
e. Organism performing Anaerobic respiration
f. Substances absorbed in small intestine and reabsorbed in kidneys

Q3. Give one word for.

a. Largest gland
b. Part where HCl is produced
c. Bio catalysts
d. Internal energy reserve of animals

Q4. Give reasons

a. Stomata in desert plants like cactus remain closed during the day.
b. Transpirational pull is the major driving force in the movement of water during day time.
c. Plants have low energy needs.
d. Bile juice does not contain an enzyme but it is essential for digestion.
e. Veins have thin walls as compared to arteries.

Q5. Differentiate between pepsin and trypsin.

Q6. What will happen if the diaphragm of a person will get ruptured in an accident ?
Q7. Name the respiratory pigment of blood. In which component is it present?
Q8. Write one feature which is common to each of the following
(A) Glycogen and Starch (B) Chlorophyll and haemoglobin (C) Gills and Lungs
Q9. Name the organisms having four chambered heart. What is the advantage of having four chambered heart?
Q10.What is the role of potassium hydroxide in the experiment to prove that CO2 is essential for
Q11. What is the purpose of urine formation in body?
Q12. Why does absorption of digested food occur mainly in small intestine ?
Q13. What are the roles of following in excretion-

a. Leaves b. Renal artery c. Bowman’s capsule

Q14. List two differences between holozoic nutrition and saprophytic nutrition.
Q15. The leaves of plant first prepare food by photosynthesis then food A gets converted into food B. what are
A and B?
Q16. What will happen if mucus is not secreted by gastric glands?
Q17. Why is Small intestine in herbivores longer than in carnivores.
Q18. List two factors on which reabsorption of water from urine depends?
Q19. Explain the mechanism of breathing in man.
Q20. Distinguish between breathing and respiration
Q21. Describe the flow of blood through the heart of human beings.
Q22. What are the common features between all the respiratory organs?
Q23. Leakage of blood from vessels reduces efficiency of pumping system. How is leakage prevented?
Q24. Write one function of each of the following

1. Pepsin 2. Villi 3. Bile juice 4. Saliva 5. Hairs and mucus in the nasal passage

Q25. What is the primary toxic waste in our blood filtered by kidneys?
Q26. Write the functions of valves present between atria and ventricles.
Q27. Write one structural and one functional difference between artery and vein.
Q28. Mention the end products of digestion of food.
Q29. In which part of a nephron the following activity takes place?
i) Ultra filtration of blood ii) Reabsorption of Amino acids and glucose
Q30. How are carbohydrates, proteins and fats digested in human body.



• Cross section of leaf

• Internal structure of heart
• Human Respiratory system
• Human alimentary canal
• Human excretory system
• Neuron(ch-6)
• Human Brain


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