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NAME: Nahuel Lahoz

DATE: 29/9/2022

MARK: _____/100%


1- Read the article. Decide if the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). (__/7)

Follow your dream and the rest will fall into place

How often do you meet people who are passionate about what they do? I would imagine that your
answer will be ‘very rarely’. And yet, considering we spend the major part of our waking existence at
work, it’s surprising how unhappy so many people are.

When we’re children, we all have dreams and dreams by their very nature seem unreal and unattainable
but they give us hope and goals. Adults around us may tell us not to be silly, how could we possibly think
we were good or clever enough to make those dreams come true. So, after a while, we might put those
dreams to one side because we believe that adults must know better, but of course the reality is that
they too are the victims of their own crushed dreams. Real life kicks in and we get caught up in all the
day-to-day stuff of being a grown-up.

However, for those of you who still have dreams, here’s a true story. Some time ago a random sample of
1,500 graduating college students was surveyed to find out what they would base their career choice on.
The vast majority said that making money was the first thing and following their dream was secondary.
Only a very small percentage said that following their dream would come first, with financial gain
second. In a follow-up study on actual net worth some twenty years later, the results made for
fascinating reading: 101 of the 1,500 had become millionaires but only one of those millionaires had
come from the group that had put money first. The other hundred came from the group that had
followed their dreams.

Of course, this study doesn't prove anything scientifically speaking but it does show that passion and
heart are incredibly powerful energies. People who do great things have, above everything else, a
purpose that stirs their soul. They have an enthusiasm and exuberance that will ensure they achieve
what they set out to do despite all the odds. So, if you have a dream, make sure you harness that energy
and follow wherever it takes you.

NAME: Nahuel Lahoz
DATE: 29/9/2022

1) Children’s aspirations are rarely accepted by the adults that surround them. __T_

2) As children, we may be criticised for our expectations in life and might then follow the lead of those
who have shot down our ideas. __T_

3) 1,500 college graduates were given questionnaires on a random basis. __T_

4) Few of the college graduates had considered why they had chosen the career path they were
following. _F__

5) 101 of the college students surveyed had become millionaires within two decades of having
graduated. __T_

6) Results showed that the drive for financial success led to increased wealth. __F_

7) Those graduates who had followed their dreams were happier but poorer. __F_

2- Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in BOLD and
change the word order to sound more emphatic. (__/4)

1) We didn’t realise we were in danger.


little did we realise the danger we were in.

2) As soon as we heard the news, we rushed out of the house.


sooner did we hear the news than we rushed out of the house.
NAME: Nahuel Lahoz
DATE: 29/9/2022

3) If I had slept well, I wouldn’t have woken up in a bad mood.


had I slept, I wouldn’t have woken up in a bad mood.

4) You should never speak to strangers.


By any circusntances speak to strangers.

3- Complete the sentences with a suitable word to show that something increases or decreases.

1) My neighbourhood is getting _more___ and more dangerous every day.

2) As Microsoft grew, Bill Gates got richer and ___richer_.

3) The balloon got __bigger__ and bigger and then it burst.

4) My pronunciation has been getting less and ___less_ accurate since I stopped studying English.

4- Complete the sentences to show that one thing is the cause of the other. Use the adjective in bold in
the correct form. (___/4)

1) The more the students study for the test, _the higher___ their scores will be. (high)

2) The less Mary thinks about the problem, _the most relaxed___ she feels. (relaxed)

3) The faster the car is, _the more dangerous___ it is to drive. (dangerous)

4) The more you speak English in class, __the greater__ your fluency will be. (good)

NAME: Nahuel Lahoz
DATE: 29/9/2022

5- Complete the sentences using one word from box A and one from box B. There are two extra words
in each box you do not need. (___/6)

A be – being – became – held – make – serve – shot - travel

B Apprenticeship – attention – compromises – esteem – fame – publicity – success - track

1) The rangers said never __travel__ off the beaten __track__ and always tell someone of your plans.

2) We weren’t surprised that Antony said he wanted to go to drama school – he’s always relished
_being___ the centre of ___attention_.

3) Mel’s always been __held__ in high __estem__ by her colleagues and is loved for her sense of fun.

4) In the last series of X-Factor some contestants __became__ an overnight __success__ even though
they didn’t go on to win the competition.

5) Relationships are about give and take so to work in the long term, both parties need to __be_ __
compromises_ so they can reach agreements together.

6) If you want to become an electrician you usually have to __make__ an ___Apprenticeship_ and learn
the skills of the trade on the job.

6- Underline the correct alternative. (___/6)

1) The journey home this evening was absolutely/undoubtedly horrendous.

2) Definitely/Basically, there isn’t really anything we can do to improve the situation.

3) Jude’s constant bragging really drives me up the wall/bend.

4) That was clearly/grossly a truly embarrassing experience for all concerned. I must apologise.
NAME: Nahuel Lahoz
DATE: 29/9/2022

5) Usain is quite completely/simply one of the most talented sprinters of our times.

6) It’s clear that Christopher is honestly/completely out of his depth as a manager. I have no idea why
they promoted him.

LISTENING ___/13=100%

1) You will listen to a man talking about his dream job. Highlight the desirable qualities for this job that
the speaker mentions. (___/7)

1) You have to be open-minded

2) You have to be willing to work in teams.

3) You need to have a sense of business.

4) You have to be good at organising things.

5) You need to have a good sense of humour.

6) You need to be flexible.

7) You need to be rich.

2) Listen again and answer true or false. (___/6)

1) The speaker’s dream job is to be an actor. F

2) He wants to make short and long films. T

3) At the moment he’s studying at university. T

4) He has got some experience making long films. F

5) There are a lot of people now doing creative things. T

6) He thinks that his experience will definitely help him find a job. F
NAME: Nahuel Lahoz
DATE: 29/9/2022

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