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NOI Verse 3

Preamble: Committing to Self Transformation

SBSST writes in his anuvritti commentary to NOI verse 2, quoting from Kalyana Kalpataru,

“Prema is a rare and priceless jewel. You will have to undertake arduous sadhana to attain it”…”

“When you have not even a trace of attachment for pure sadhana bhakti, which is essential for the
acquisition of prema, then how will you obtain such pure bhagavat-prema? You will have to first give
up the ten offences against the holy name and chant harinama continuously. You should hear harikatha
in the association of pure Vaisnavas. Then, by the mercy of Sri Nama Prabhu, unalloyed prema will arise
automatically in your heart.”

“O wicked mind, why do you fear to take up this step-bystep method of sadhana? By mere imitation of
prema you will not obtain anything. By such an imitative display you will attain only the temporary
happiness of sense enjoyment, which will also result in misery in the end. With this understanding,
you should give up all offences and impediments (anarthas) and engage yourself in pure sadhana-
bhakti. In this lies your good fortune.”

The path of devotional service has to be accepted with great seriousness and gravity – it is not a
communal affair, nor just “my kind of thing” – I have committed to self transformation, and unless I am
completely ready to give up sense enjoyment, ready to accept suffering if required for service – all to
develop the mood of a servant of the servant, depending on the mercy of guru and Krsna, I cannot really
tangibly advance in devotional service.

Srila Rupa Goswami is preparing us for this journey of self transformation by equipping us with the
qualities and lifestyle that can carry us the distance.

Why should I do so much for devotional service to the Lord?

I need to know that devotional service is all that I ever need to worry about otherwise I will not give
exclusive attention – therefore Srila Prabhupada at the end of the purport to verse three urges us to
apply all our energy only, only to devotional service, and nothing else. Here are Srila Prabhupada’s
words for us:

“Engagement in the devotional service of the Lord is the life and soul of the living entity. It is the desired
goal and supreme perfection of human life. One has to become confident about this, and one also has to
be confident that all activities other than devotional service—such as mental speculation, fruitive work or
mystic endeavor—will never yield any enduring benefit. Complete confidence in the path of devotional
service will enable one to attain his desired goal, but attempting to follow other paths will only succeed
in making one restless.”

Srila Prabhupada requests us with other reasons, to stick to devotional service at all costs, and not go to
other processes.
1. 2 verses from Srimad Bhagavatam, 7th Canto to teach us that those who give up devotional service
are still impure, no matter how great their austerities and penances.
2. "In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect
one from the most dangerous type of fear."
3. “Devotional service is so pure and perfect that once having begun, one is forcibly dragged to
ultimate success.”
4. Tyaktva sva dharmam caranambhujam; “Although a fallen devotee may take his next birth in a low
family, his devotional service will nonetheless resume from where it left off.”
5. “Devotional service is ahaituky apratihatä; it is not the effect of any mundane cause, nor can it be
terminated by any mundane cause or permanently curtailed by any material interruption.”
6. “…all good qualities automatically develop in the character of a devotee. No extraneous endeavor is
needed.” SB (5.18.12)
7. “However, one who engages in mundane activity—be he a so—called jnani, yogi, karmi,
philanthropist, nationalist, or whatever—cannot attain the higher stage of mahatma. He remains a
duratma, or cripple-minded person.

Srila Prabhupada concludes:

“Since all the devotees of the Lord are under the protection of His supreme potency, they should not
deviate from the path of devotional service...Therefore a devotee should be confident about his
engagement and should not be very interested in the activities of the karmis, yogis, and jnanis.”

Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur describes the content of this verse.

Description of Content

“The first half of this verse indicates attitudes that are favourable for the cultivation of bhakti, and the
second half describes how a devotee should conduct his life. Enthusiasm, optimism, patience, executing
activities that nourish bhakti, renouncing bad association and adopting the good behaviour of devotees
are the means of obtaining success in bhakti.”

Srila Prabhuapda quotes Prahalad Maharaj to describe what we are actually cultivating in bhakti.

Prahlad Maharaj recommends: [SB 7.5.23]

sravanam kirtanam visnoh

smaranam pada-sevanam
arcanam vandanam dasyam
sakyam atmanivedanam

He says “Devotional service is not a matter of sentimental speculation or imaginative ecstasy. Its
substance is practical activity.”
“[Living entities] actually want to be free from the confinement of this world of conditional happiness,
but not knowing the process of liberation, they are bound to transmigrate from one species of life to
another and from one planet to another.”

“When by good fortune one comes in contact with a pure devotee and hears from him patiently, one
begins to follow the path of devotional service. Such an opportunity is offered to a person who is


Srila Prabhupada touchingly explains that we living entities actually want to be free, but are wandering
without knowledge of how to be liberated. So when by the grace of Guru and Krsna, we receive the
opportunity to cultivate devotional service, then, “One should accept this opportunity to return home,
back to Godhead, very enthusiastically. Without enthusiasm, one cannot be successful.”

Further, “The International Society for Krishna Consciousness is giving such a chance to humanity at
large. If by fortune one takes advantage of this opportunity to engage in devotional service, the path of
liberation immediately opens.”


“Endeavor executed with intelligence in Kåñëa consciousness is called utsäha, or enthusiasm.”

Srila Prabhupada explains that intelligence means to use everything, and every situation in life for
pleasing whom? – Krsna (krsnarthakila cesta)”

“The devotees find the correct means by which everything can be utilized in the service of the Lord
(nirbandhaù kåñëa-sambandhe yuktaà vairägyam ucyate). The execution of devotional service is not a
matter of idle meditation but practical action in the foreground of spiritual life.”

Srila Prabhupada explains that all our activities can and should be engaged – we need not restrict the
activities that we offer for Krsna’s pleasure. Our entire life – every single aspect of it is an offering for
Krsna’s pleasure because Krsna is all pervading, and everything rests on Him; therefore, everything can
become devotional service.

“In all phases of life one has to perform devotional activities under the direction of the spiritual master in
order to attain perfection in bhakti-yoga.It is not that one has to confine or narrow one's activities.”

Our acaryas explain that the eagerness, the following with great respect, the resoluteness to follow the
limbs of sadhana bhakti constitute eagerness in devotional service. SBSST also adds to the definition, An
indifference to the cultivation of jnana, activities of karma, and any other spiritual practices opposed to
pleasing Krsna. SBVT says that without this eagerness, our bhakti will surely vanish.

Points from class:

- Enthusiasm does not replace competence; e.g. cooking – if cannot cook, then enthusiasm alone
with not help. Intelligence is required to do the needful – arrange a good cook to come and prepare
the meal
- Intelligence applied to using things for service: I do not need to waste time reinventing the wheel –
find something that is suitable to my purpose, and use it in Krsna’s service – this is enthusiasm.


- Yukta Vairagya: Dictaphone

- Success requires enthusiasm. “Even in the material world one has to be very enthusiastic (e.g.
businessman, student, artist)…Similarly, one has to be very enthusiastic in devotional service.”


Srila Prabhupada explains that just as a newly married girl should surrender to her husband with the
confidence that in time she will bear a child…

“Similarly, in devotional service surrender means that one has to become confident. The devotee thinks,
avaçya rakñibe kåñëa: "Kåñëa will surely protect me and give me help for the successful execution of
devotional service." This is called confidence.”

The devotee has deep faith that if I execute this process properly, I will develop prema – unalloyed love
for Krsna – so that no matter what happens, he continues to act with patience and enthusiasm in
devotional service, always depending on Krsna (avasyaraksibe krsna), waiting for the time when Krsna
will surely bestow the devotee with fixity, then taste for devotional service, progressing to attachment,
emotion and finally love for Him – for whose service the soul is craving.

RRG, and SBVT define Niscayad as firm faith; SBSST adds that this faith is “Bhagavad-bhakti alone is the
ultimate objective of all living beings” SBSST also quotes SB 10.2.32-33 in this regard to the devotee’s
conviction – the intelligence of those who do not take shelter of Krsna’s lotus feet is impure and they
fall; but devotees, who are bound to the Lord by a tie of affection for the Lord, never fall from
devotional service. This is the firm faith of the devotee in the path of devotional service.

Class notes:

- If I am serving Krsna, then I am always protected by the internal energy; even if I make mistakes,
then Krsna will somehow or the other drag me to His lotus feet. Just keep going and depend on
Krsna, don’t worry about the obstacles.
- Krsna consciousness cannot be interrupted by any material cause; only worry about fully serving the
Lord, and avoiding offences.
- The patience and practice of the devotee should cut across multiple lifetimes – this is the
determination, and patience, and enthusiasm required to apply ourselves to the activities of Krsna
Consciousness, avoiding bad association, and following in the footsteps of the previous acaryas –
then our success is guaranteed.
- Akrura pr after a brain stroke starting singing Hare Krsna on a harmonium
- Mother Isa after a brain stroke, forgot everything except for Krsna – she was largely unresponsive to
everything, but when devotees started singing Hare Krsna, she also started singing in a different
tune. The Holy Names were all the Krsna left in her memory – He wiped out everything else. This is
what it means to say that “Devotional service is so pure and perfect and once having begun, one is
forcibly dragged to ultimate success.”


- A newly married girl expecting offspring


Srila Prabhupada teaches us that “These activities must be executed with patience. One should not be
impatient in Kåñëa consciousness”, giving us the example of his own struggles in establishing ISKCON.

RRG, and SBVT, say that patience means “ not slackening one’s execution of the limbs of bhakti, even
when there is delay in obtaining the desired goal.”

SBSST defines dhairya as fortitude or determination to remain on the path of bhakti, quoting Haridasa
Thakura’s example: “Regardless if my body is cut to pieces and the life-air exits my body, I will never
abandon the chanting of harinama.” This “steadfast vow” he says is dhairyad.


Srila Prabhupada patience in waiting for his own movement.

Tat-tat karma pravartanat


- Yama, Niyama
o Four rules
o Chanting 16 rounds on Japa mala
o “One must strictly follow the regulative principles of vaidhi bhakti”

“…one should not be idle but should be very enthusiastic about executing the regulative principles—

“Neglect of the regulative principles will destroy devotional service.”

“If he becomes slack in following any of them, his progress will certainly be checked.”
“These regulative activities must be faithfully performed with enthusiasm.”

SBVT: “Performing the limbs of bhakti headed by sravana and kirtana is the prescribed regulation;
renouncing one’s personal enjoyment for the purpose of giving pleasure to Sri Krsna is the primary

SBBST: “To execute the limbs of devotional service with determination (as defined by SBBST in dhairya)


- To move the diety one inch requires permission from the diety ministry – they need to do so much
research in sastra to find out what is proper and what is not. Do not take these standards lightly.
Strict following of standards is essential for your level to smoothly advance to the next level. If you
transgress these etiquettes thinking that devotional service is ultimately about hearing and
chanting, these casualness with result in your casualty.
- When the pain of carrying a child is too much, it is possible for the husband to chant on behalf of
the wife – maharaj said this. But this cannot be carried beyond that situation. A higher rule can
allow the breaking of a lesser rule, but practice the rules and regulations strictly
- Dumb people allowed to chant 4 rounds of japa by HH BCS – takes them 4 hours for 4 rounds.

Sanga tyagat

SBVT: “one should renounce the association of:

- non-devotees – sense enjoyers, mayavadis, those who make a pretentious display of religiosity
- Women and those attached to women.

SBSST: “One should never associate with karmis, jnanis or those who are filled with extraneous desires,
knowing them to be less intelligent and of an enjoying tendency. What to speak of approaching them to
fulfil any type of desire for prestige, to maintain any type of relationship with them is not proper. Karma,
jnana, astangayoga and so forth, which are devoid of the desire to please Krsna, are not steps along the
path of bhakti. Even if one possesses all good qualities, if he is devoid of bhakti, those very qualities
merely transform into faults.”

Srila Prabhupada writes: Asat-sanga tyagat ei vaisnava acara; "Characteristically, a Vaiñëava is one who
gives up the association of worldly people, or nondevotees."

“The International Society for Krishna Consciousness is opening many centers just to invite people to live
in the company of devotees and practice the regulative principles of spiritual life.”

Class notes:

- The mind like a room with bolted doors (senses), safeguarding the jewel of Krsna Consciousness
inside. It is easier to safeguard the jewel by keeping the thieves outside. We fight the impressions
within, and we completely avoid those who are carriers of this disease of sense enjoyment.

Srila Prabhupada writes: “Thus we hold continuous activities in devotional service twenty-four hours
daily. This is called sato våtti, or following in the footsteps of the previous äcäryas who expertly filled
every moment of time with Kåñëa conscious activities.”

Examples: rise by 4am, MA, read Srimad Bhagavatam, perform kirtana, and so on.

Acaryas write that this means to adopt the good behavior and character of pure devotees.

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