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Five reasons why the US was interested in the Caribbean during 1776 & 1870 are for trading
purposes. The US colonies main relationship between them and the Caribbean was trade, they
traded with Cuba, Puerto Rico, Grenada, Panama etc. for salt fish, flour, horses etc. and they
wanted to be freely able to trade with the rest of the Caribbean, though, British laws forbade
trade with outside colonies such as the US. Evidently, Baldeosingh and Mahase states that
“These interests were mostly economic, having to do with trade because those times the
Caribbean was one of the most valuable regions in the world.” since, the Caribbean had precious
goods for trade, if the US had no interests in them, they would be losing out on profit and
economic uprise, therefore their interests in preventing recolonization from the British powers
were self-suited to have the ability to trade freely within the Caribbean, therefore, for their
benefit they had an interest in the Caribbean.

Another reason the US had an interest in the Caribbean was for a shorter passage for the transportation
of goods and otherwise. The US wanted to own certain parts of the Caribbean to ensure unlimited
access through Caribbean colonies such as Panama for an easier way of receiving and providing goods.
Evidence from Claypole and Robottom states that “A peace was patched up in 1814 and the British
allowed American goods into their Caribbean islands, provided they paid extra duties of 10 per cent. The
duties were resented by American traders, so the arguments continued. They were finally settled in
1830, when the two countries allowed each other’s ships to move freely.” This means that certain laws
would not have allowed the US to pass freely through the Caribbean therefore without showing
interests in the Caribbean, the US would not be able to provide and receive goods or pass through
within a closer proximity to their destination making their passage that much more expensive whereas
with the ability to do so, because of their interest in the Caribbean, allows the US to have less expense
for their travels.

Thirdly, the Manifest Destiny had a major role to play in why the US showed any interest in the
Caribbean. The Manifest Destiny states that after the US gained their Independence from the British
powers, they believed that it was their turn to rule the Western Hemisphere, this then means that the
US powers focused mainly on expansion and broadening their power and influence which affected the
Caribbean as they are a part of the Western Hemisphere, which is where they sought the prevention of
European interference as well as ownership. Evidence provided by Baldeosingh and Mahase states that
“After Independence in 1776, the USA had two main objectives in respect to other countries. First, it
wanted to prevent European countries from interfering in the Americas, second, they wanted to expand
and purchase.” This shows where the US wanted other colonies as their own, to enhance their benefits
and profits, they believed that they had a right to rule the Western Hemisphere thus leading their
interest to the Caribbean.

Another reason for the US showing interest in the Caribbean was for marketing purposes. The Caribbean
market was very broad and valuable at this time, they had many goods, thus having a broad market
which was also very cheap and hence better for their economy, this would have piqued an interest by
the Americas in the Caribbean. Evidence from Baldeosingh and Mahase states that “The Caribbean
presented a large potential market for manufactured goods.” This means that the US recognized the fact
the Caribbean was one of the most valuable regions in the world and therefore saw that this would
grow their industries and economy.
Lastly, cheap labor would have been another reason for the interest shown to the Caribbean by the US
during 1776 & 1870. There was a multitude of under qualified laborers in search of jobs leaving room for
them to be underpaid and allowing cheap labor to take place. Evidence provided from Claypole and
Robottom states that “There was a large population of free European peoples who were underqualified
for working jobs, so they became active traders, ship builders and manufacturers.” This shows that the
Caribbean people would most likely be uneducated and therefore unqualified for well-paying jobs, thus
they looked to the US to employ them as some of the examples above, then the US would have taken
advantage of this and induced under pay causing cheap labor from the Caribbean for the US benefit.

2. Three provisions of the Monroe Doctrine are that the Western Hemisphere was closed to future
colonization by the European powers. James Monroe wanted to prevent future re-colonization
of the Western Hemisphere by the European powers by enforcing the Monroe Doctrine.
Claypole and Robottom states that “In his speech, James Monroe stated that the American
continents were no longer to be thought of as places for any further colonization from Europe.”
This provides the American Continents with protective services from the European powers
against re-colonization of their land.

Another provision of the Monroe Doctrine was that any attempt by a European power to control or take
over any nation in the Western Hemisphere would be seen as a hostile act against the American
continents. This means that if the European powers fought back or tried to re-colonize the continent or
hemisphere it would be seen as a threat or a means of disobedience towards the American continents.
Claypole and Robottom states that “Any European attempt to interfere in ‘any positions of this
hemisphere’ would be seen as ‘the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition to the USA.” Hence,
supplying the hemisphere with insurance from the European powers against re-colonization as well as
them trying to fight back for control of this hemisphere.

Lastly, a provision of the Monroe Doctrine was that the USA recognizes and would not interfere with
existing colonies and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere. This means that the USA respected and
would not tamper with the existing colonies and nations that would have been dependent on the
European powers. Baldeosingh and Mahase states that “The US agreed, with the point of the Monroe
Doctrine, that henceforth, they would not interfere with and recognized the existing colonies and
dependencies in the Western Hemisphere.” thus, without this recognition and proceeding to interfere
with the existing colonies and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere, this would have caused friction
and lead to more outbursts and further more war, concluding that the provisions of the Monroe
Doctrine were somewhat necessary for the Americas, the European powers and the Western

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