WEBINAR - GARDENING - Div Memo No. 098 S. 2020

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Republic of the oii Department o Coucation REGION IIL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BULACAN ‘June 17, 2020 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 048, 8, 2020 To: Assistant Schools Division Superintendents, Division Chiefs Public Schools District Supervisors Elementary and Secondary Schoo! Heads Al Others Concerned WEBINAR SKILLS TRAINING ON GARDENING TOWARDS LANDSCAPING OF EDIBLE PLANTS (GP-TLE) 1. Pursuant to provide mulifarious needs in food security of public during this present crisis and in ‘consonance with Regional Memorandum No. 129, s. 2020, the Schools Division of Bulacan, through the Curriculum and implementation Division (CID) will conduct a webinar skis training entitled "Gardening Project Towards Landscaping of Edible Plants (GP-TLE) on July 10, 2020 (€:00-11:00 arm.) using Google Meet. 2. The objectives of this activity are: a. to provide participants with the new normal instructional delivery of EPP/TLE in the midst of pandemic due fo COVID 18; . to encourage the learners and their families to become productive during quarantine period; ©. {0 promote the use of indigenous and recyclable materials in the establishment of school and home gardens; and 4. to inculcate the ove for work among students, 3. Participants forthe training are the folowing: 2. Elementary: 4 School HeadiDistict 4 Agriculture CoordinatorDistict b. Secondary: 1 Agriculture TeacheriSchool 4. The participants must have the folowing: a. DepEd account; . Stable internet connection; ©. Laplop/Smertphone; and 4. Head Set or Earphone, 5. Enclosure No.1 contains the Schedule and Training Matrix, Provincial Capitol Compound, Brey. Guinhawa, City of Malolos, Bulacan ‘website: tps /feulocandeped.com — emo, blacon@deped.gov.nh & Republic af the Philippines ‘Bepartwent of Coucation REGION II SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BULACAN 6. Expenses fo be incurred in the conduct of this activity shall be charged against the Division INSET fund/schoo! local funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 7. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired, NICOLAS T, ‘Lone PhD, CESOV Director Ill Offeerin-Crargey Office ofthe Regional Director and ‘Concurrent Officern-Charge Office ofthe Schools Division Superintendent Provnclal Capitol Compound, Bray Guinhawa, Clty of Malolos, Bulacan on website: ittps://bulacandeped.com — email, bulacan@deped.gov.ph So = Republic o€ the Boittppines BBepartment of Education REGION IIL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BULACAN Enclosure 1 to Division Memorandum No.___, s. 2020 WEBINAR SKILLS TRAINING ON GARDENING PROJECT TOWARDS LANDSCAPING OF EDIBLE PLANTS (GP-TLE) ‘SCHEDULE AND TRAINING MATRIX July 10, 2020 (6:00-11:00 am) ‘Opening Program (6:00-8:30 am.) Toples Time Allotment Presenter ‘Aigning EPPTLE to New dun Acuna Normal instructional Delivery 8:30-9:20 School Principal , HED through GP-TLE Classification of Plants and : oot Vasallo, PAD ‘Companion Planting for Home 9:20-40:10 ; ‘Sanenhy EPS-EPP/TLE/TVETVL Organic Farming 10:10-11:00 ke on s. ie Technical Working Committee 4.Kelth Richard Hemandez Head Teacher iliBalagtas NAHS ‘Organizer 2. |sagani Aguinaldo Teacher (Calumpit National High School Moderator 3. Clarissa Dela Cruz ‘Teacher Parada National High Schoo! Recorder 4, Gloria Pumarada Teacher /San Ildefonso National High School Technical 5. Elmar Legaspi Teacher/Vedasto R. Santiago NHS Technical Pravincial Capitol Compound, Brgy. Guinhawa, City of Malolos, Bulacan “website: https:/foulacondeped.com email bulacan@deped gov. ph

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