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acetic acid addition alcohol (ethanol) alkaline amount anhydrous spproximate(ly) aqueous calculate calculated calculation compound feoncentrate concentrated ‘cmecntraon > constant containing coprecipitation expalline determine determined determining determination dilute ‘iilled emf electromotive force jquiv. ‘equivalent ft EPESEP SQ RR RLRLPER? SER ET ER in this text.) Ag 107.87 AgsAsOx 462:53 Age ~~ 143.32 gl 234.77 AgNO, 169.88 fal 26.98 ALO, _ 101.96 MOH), 78.00 Ae 74.92 jAnOs 197.84 satd. ap. gr temp. temperature FORMULA WEIGHTS (Covering the principal elements and compounds encountered in the problems Ba(OH)s Ba(OH)s:8H:0 229.84 246.03 137.4 297.22 208.25 244.28 197.35 175.34 153.34 171.36 315.48 554 A 23340 HO Lagi 79.91. HiOs ae ¥ 15982 HPO, 98.00 HO, 2208 c. 12.01 HSO,-NH; (sulfamic) 7.09 C.H,COOH 12212 3.50, 98.08 \GH,COOK-COOH 204.22 He 200.59 0,7" **" eres * 440t' HgO 216.59 CO(NHY): 60.05 « 1 126.90 ca none te / 25381 |, A CaCOr ee / : CaFs af = 78.08 K 39.10 ao LG) $6.08 KAL(SO)12H:0 474.49 Ca(OH): ‘7410 KAsOs” 146.02 1 Cay(PODs 310.18 KBr 11901 CaSO. 2 13614 SEBO: 167.01 - 74.55 \ Ce = ngs Oe Kelp. : 138.55 : CeO ov SE 2) ATZI2 KON, 65.12 “45 KCNS 7.18 . 3545 K:COs 138.21. i Ce BKCrO, 194.20 4 cr 52.00" KyCnOr = 7 294.20 t Ces 152.00. KiFe(CN)«-3H,0 42a ié cu 63.54 KFe(SO,)s"12H:O 503.27 i ao ° 19.54 KHCiH.Os (tartrate) 188.18 |” quo 143.08 KHCsH.O, (phthalate)+|_ 204.23~ CuS _ 95.60 KHCO, 100,12 Cu80¢-5H:0 249.68°2KHC0¢H:O” > 146.14 peean! KHC0H,C,0¢2H,0 +@ 254.20 Fe 55-85" KHSO, "136.17 Fe(NO,)sr9H:0 404.02 rx 166.01 FeO 71.85 “x10, 21401 Fey. 18-70 KIO, HIO, 309.93 Fa. ~~ P55 x MnO, — 158.06 Fe(OH); 106.87 NaC HOvsHO % — 282.23 FeS; 7 11997 ENacOs 122.10 Fesi 139.79 ENO, 85.11 FeSO¢7H:O 4 MBO Ko 94,20-- FSOe(NH)SOe6HO 39215 Koy y5611 4 fete : 1,008 KaPtCle 486.02 4 Hy 2.016 4; 6.94 ‘ HCHO (acetic) 60.05 Tig 4239 » HCHO; (benzoic) 122.12 T.c0, 7309 HCI : 3646 Gow 295 + i H,C:0¢-2H,0 (oxalic) 126.07 - mat \ eet 63.02 Mg Appendix MgC 9522 0 bo MgCOr 84.32 Oy 16.00 MgNHsPOs 137.32 32,00 4 Mg 40.31 wg(OH 58.33 PAO ce ae MgsPiOr i: 222.57 Ph : af 207. via 54.94 PbCh eae an M20 70.94 PbCrOs - 3039 was 3694 TPOs : . B99 Mme 228.82 oe 462.38 Mo ae 685.87 5.94 Pb,(PO.)s 811.52 MoOs 143.94 PbSO. ‘ 303.25 MoxOnr 2094.76 pa i ‘ 1401 Paty beans i Ds mo. ee ‘ 17.03 «32.06 i NH.Cl 53.49 SOs 1 64.06 ee 142.12 SOs 80.06 or aay eaeae S 321.75 NH.OH-HCL 649 sbse 307.50 fl (NHsPOu-12MoOs 1876.50 eidaei (H.):SOx : 132.14 er, 28.09 : ‘——- 22:99 art 104.09 NasAsOs istas 5 bead } NaBe 102.90 Sa 118.69 NaCHO: 68.01 “SnCh 189.61 NaCl~"* - 38.44 SnOs 150.69 pcos sam. & ne NaC. oe bo NaHCO: sor Ti 47.90 ‘i NagHPO,-12HO 358.15 TIO: / 79.90 u NaKCOs - 12210 Wyo cou NaNOs 69.00 wo, A NO sigs WO 231.85 ' NajOs ~ 71.98 Zn 65:37 ‘ NaOH : ZnNHPOs 17838» Nase? 4 158.11 ZnO 81.37 1 HNasS:04 5H:O 248.19 © ZmsP:Or 304.69 PARTIAL LIST OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS, 1961 (Based on C-12) commonly encountered in analytical chemistry are (Only those elements more of the atomic weight values, a slight variation in the included. In the case of a few

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