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Lecture 5: QED Internal electron line

since real electron cannot
emit a real photon and
•  The Bohr Magneton! still conserve energy and
Ze ~ Z!3 Ze
•  Off-Shell Electrons! consider
me = me" + p"e2/2me" + E# (conservation of energy)
•  Vacuum Polarization! in electron
rest frame
$p"e$ = $p# $ = E# (conservation of momentum)
•  Divergences, Running Coupling & &% me - me" = E#2/2me" + E # %
So, for a positive energy photon to be produced, the electron has
•  Yukawa Scattering and the Propagator! to effectively ''lose mass" & virtual electron goes ''off mass shell"

Pair Production
''twisted Bremsstrahlung"
Matrix element will be the
Useful Sections in Martin & Shaw: same; Cross-section will only
differ by a kinematic factor Ze Ze
Section 5.1, Section 5.2, Section 7.1.2
Vacuum Polarization Recap: Relativity Subjectivity of position,
time, colour, shape,...

Relativistic Wave Equation (Dirac Equation)
e-% e-%
Thus, we never actually ever see a ''bare" charge, Klein-Gordon Equation
only an effective charge shielded by polarized
virtual electron/positron pairs. A larger charge Asymmetry?!
(or, equivalently, !) will be seen in interactions (Nobel Prize opportunity missed)
involving a high momemtum transfer as they
Yukawa Potential
probe closer to the central charge.
& ''running coupling constant"
New ''charge" + limited range ''virtual" particles
In QED, the bare charge of
an electron is actually infinite !!!
Strong Nuclear Force Central exchange quanta
Note: due to the field-energy near an infinite charge, Reality of
the bare mass of the electron (E=mc2) is also the FIELD
infinite, but the effective mass is brought back Prediction of pion Feynman Diagrams
into line by the virtual pairs again !! (QED)
Compute the matrix element for the transition.
6 Consider the scattering of one nucleon
by another via the Yukawa potential: V(r) = - g2 e-Mcr/!
sheet 2

In the CM, both nucleons have equal energy and equal &
4! r
<'f|V(r)|'o> = )% (
e-ip"•r/ħ - g e- Mcr/!
)e ip•r/ħ r2 dr d* d(cos()

opposite momenta, p. Take the incoming state of the 1st nucleon

(normalised per unit volume) to be: ip•r/ħ% 'o = e =
- g2
2 )%e -iq•r/ħ e- Mcr/! r dr d(cos()
After scattering, the final state will have a new momentum
vector, p", where |p| = |p" | : ' = eip"•r/ħ% f
- g2
2 )%e -iqrcos(/ħ e- Mcr/! r dr d(cos()
If # is the angle between p and p", write an expression
for the momentum transfer, q , in terms of p .
2q )%(e -(iq+Mc)r/ħ - e (iq-Mc)r/ħ) dr

(% q = p" - p magnitude of q = 2p sin((/2) r=+

p =
2q [ e-(iq+Mc)r/ħ
iq + Mc +
iq-Mc ] r=0

2q [ e-(iq+Mc)r/ħ
iq + Mc +
e (iq-Mc)r/ħ
iq-Mc ]
r=0 This is all really a semi-relativistic approximation!%
This will go to zero as r , +, so we’re left with:% Really, we want to consider a 4-momentum transfer%

<'f|V(r)|'o> =
- iħ2g2
2q [ 1
iq + Mc +
iq-Mc ] Recall that P2 = E2 - p2

1 1 (choosing appropriate
[ ]
- iħ2g2 iq-Mc + iq + Mc q4 2- M2 sign convention)
= 2q (iq + Mc)( iq-Mc)

ħ2g2 1
= (q2+M2c2) ~ q2+M2
(natural units)
Known as the “propagator” associated with the field
characterised by an exchange particle of mass M
Show that the relation dp/dE = 1/v , where v is the velocity, holds for both Now, from the definition of cross-section in terms of a rate, the relative velocities
relativistic and non-relativistic limits. of the nucleons in the CM, and using Fermi’s Golden Rule, derive the differential
cross-section d$ /d% .
Classically: Relativistically: in our case
vbeamNbeamNtarget - Nbeam = Ntarget = 1
E= p2/2m E2 = p2 + m2 Rate =
Volume vbeam = 2v (relative velocity in CM)
dE = (p/m) dp dp/dE = E/p = (#m/#mv) = 1/v
dp/dE = (m/mv) = 1/v Normalised Volume (= 1)
so, d- = dRate
given by FGR
Also show that, for the present case: p2d(cos#) = - " dq2
1 2.% |<' |V(r)|' >|2 1 p2dp d* dcos(%
q = 2p sin((/2) cos( = cos2((/2) - sin2((/2) d- =
2v !
f o
(2.!)3 dEtot
= 1 - 2sin2((/2)
q2 = 4p2 sin2((/2) sin2((/2) = (1 – cos()/2 2

q2 = 2p2 (1 - cos()
! ( ħ2g2
(q2+M2c2) ) 1
1 2 d*
2v (- " dq )

dq2 = -2p2 dcos( 2

( ħ2g2
) dq2d*
= 4v2! (q2+M2c2)
p2d(cos() =-" dq2 (2.!)3

( ħ2g2
) dq2d*
d- = 4v2! (q +M2c2)

.% ħ4g4 dq2d* 1% g 4% dq2d*

= 4v2! (q2+M2c2)2 = (4.)2 2v2 (q2+M2c2)2
Integrate this expression and take the limit as v & c

g 4%
- = 2v2(4.)2 )% dq2d*
= v2(4.)2 )% dq2
q2 = 0
= v2(4.)2 [ 1
-% 2 2 2
(q +M c ) ] q2 = +
since integral was from cos( = -1 to 1
(where 1 = zero momentum transfer)

( )( )
.g4% g 2% 2
!% 2
Mc2(4.)2 = . 4.!c Mc - = . # 10-30 m2
! !
taking v / c strong “range” of ~ 30 mb
coupling Yukawa
constant potential (within a factor of 2-3)
(~1) (~1fm)

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