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One world assessment - Criteria D


The use of light and sound technology to solve medical issues.
Light and sound technologies have been used to help solve several different medical issues to
benefit society.  For example, the use of hearing aids or cochlea implants to aid to improve the
hearing of many deaf or hard of hearing people. For those that have sight difficulties glasses,
contacts and laser surgery have been developed to help people see clearly again. While for
doctors trying to find out what is happening inside our bodies technology such as ultrasound, fiber
optics and lasers are used.
However, while these technologies have a number of benefits for the person there are also a
number of issues with them. Such as some of these technologies are too expensive for many with
difficulties to use or are simply not available in some countries. Other times some of the
technology that is being used does more harm than good when it goes wrong. So, do the possible
benefits outweigh the risks?

Your Task:
You will ultimately create a google blog - exploring how light or sound technology has been used to
solve a medical issue.
 In order to do that, you will first complete and outline organizing your research and
arguments surrounding the issue you choose.
 Next, you will write a blog entry of 700-1200 words (plus diagrams) about the use of light
or sound technology to solve the issue.
 Present the facts from both sides (see below), you need to take a stand on the
issue, defending your position using the facts. You must follow the procedure outlined below in
"Research Process"

Research Process
1. Choose one type of issue to research and how light or sound technology is used to solve the
issue. Topics include:
 Hearing issues – possible technologies – cochlea implant, hearing aids etc.
 Vision issues – short sighted, long sighted – glasses, contacts etc.
 Medical uses – ultrasound, fiber optics, lasers etc.

2. Develop a research question. What are you looking for in regard to this topic?

3. Research your topic. Use the approved sources below in the "Resources" section as well as
books from the library. Use EasyBib to create citations for your work (a tutorial on EasyBib is in
the ‘resources’ section). Use the planning sheet to take notes on your topic. Your research will
allow you to perform the following tasks:
 Formulate a statement on the type of technology you have chosen, regarding its social/
economic/ environmental implications in the Indonesia or internationally. Be sure to use factual
information from both sides of the issue to support your position.
 Describe how it is applied to address a specific problem in a local or international context.
 Discuss at least two (2) benefits (advantages) and two (2) limitations (disadvantages) of
this type of light or sound technology.
 Discuss and analyze the implications of the use of your selected light or sound
technology for social/ economic/ environmental factors in the Indonesia. Are these implications
reflected in the international community? Be specific.
 You MUST properly cite ALL sources of information within the text and provide a
4. Complete the One World Task Template to organize your research and arguments

5. Log in  to and set up a blog. The blog title should include your first

name and class name.  
6. Write your blog using your planning. Include pictures and diagrams to support your arguments.
Don't forget to include citations! Remember that your blog must be 700-1200 words long. 
Sourced from the MYP Teacher
Criteria D Rubric
Self assessment 

Use easy bib for your resources. 

Full criteria
This rubric can also be found on managebac.

Possible resources:

General sites

How stuff works

Hearing problems

Sight issues

Vision problems bbc bitesize



sight Correction

vision surgery

laser eye surgery

laser eye surgery 2

Medical Problems

NHS - medical solutions and the problems

Medical issues and treatments

Medical applications


uses-for-sound in medicine




Sound Medicine

Light as medicine

Lasers in medicine

Endoscopy (fibre optics) in surgery

endoscopes uses and benefits

light used to kill viruses


ted-talk-on-aravind-how-low-cost-eye-care- cataracts
Cataracts and blindness

Myopia, Hyperopia & Astigmatism Explained

Short sightedness
Research on short sighted children
Treatment for short sightedness

The eye and how it focuses

Danger of leaving your contact lenses in too long

parasite eats a girl's eye after leaving her contact len in too long

laser eye surgery

Differences between the different types of laser eye surgery
Cochlea implants for children

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