Subject/ िवषय Physics

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Subject/ िवषय PHYSICS

Class and Year / क ा एवं वष B.Sc. Second Year

Course Code and Title / कोस कोड एवं शीषक PHYSICS (S2-PHYS2T)/Electricity
Magnetism and Electromagnetic theory
(Major-II/Minor and Elective)
Module Number and Title / मॉ ूल मांक एवं Module: 2.8/General idea about AC and

शीषक DC motors, Motor winding.

Content Writer / कंटट ले खक Neha Solanki

Assistant Professor (Physics),
Department of Physics, Shri
Neelkantheshwar Government Post-
Graduate College, Khandwa (M.P.)
Key Words Electric motor /िवद् यु त मोटर , AC and DC
motot/एसी मोटर और िद ् धारा मोटर , Motor

winding/ मोटर वाइं िडं ग

Course Subject Coordinatorand Co-coordinatorिवषय Reviewer / Evaluators Technical

Coordinator सं योजकएवं िवषय सह- संयोजक मॉ ू ल-समी क Members
कोस तकनीकी
सं योजक सद

B.Sc. Second Year PHYSICS (S2-PHYS2T)/Electricity Magnetism and

Electromagnetic theory (Major-II/Minor and Elective)
Module: 2.8/General idea about AC and DC motors, Motor
Dr. डॉ. सीमाहड कर 1. डॉ.
Pragyesh ा ापक, ने तरामकौरवसहायक ा ापक,
भौितकशा , शासकीयहोलकर (आदश,
Director सरोिजनीनायडूशासकीयक ा ातको रमहािव ालय शासी) िव ानमहािव ालय,
Institute for ( शासी), भोपाल इ ौर
Excellence 2. ीसागरसे नसहायक ा ापक,
in Higher डॉ. एच. सी. नायक भौितकशा ,
Education, सह - ा ापक, शासकीय ातको रमहािव ालय,
Bhopal भौितकशा , धार
महाराजाछ सालबु े लख िव िव ालय, छतरपुर 3. डॉ.
िजते सोलंकीसहायक ा ापक,
भौितकशा ,
शासकीयमहािव ालय, मनावर,
4. डॉ.
रिवकां तसहायक ा ापक,
भौितकशा ,
शासकीयमहािव ालय, सै लाना,

Learn more / अिधक जान

1. Mahajan S. and Choudhury, "Electricity, Magnetism & Electromagnetic Theory",

2012 , Tata McGraw.
2. Griffiths D.J., "Electricity and Magnetism", 3rdEdn.,1998, Benjamin Cummings.
3. Tayal D. C., "Electricity and magnetism", Himalaya Publishing Co.
4. Murugesan, "Electricity and magnetism", S. Chand & Co.

B.Sc. Second Year PHYSICS (S2-PHYS2T)/Electricity Magnetism and

Electromagnetic theory (Major-II/Minor and Elective)
Module: 2.8/General idea about AC and DC motors, Motor
5. Feynman R. P., Leighton R.B., Sands M., "Feynman Lectures Vol.2", 2008,
Pearson Education
6. Kshetrimayun R. S., "Electromagnetic field theory", 2012, Cengage Learning.
7. Suggested equivalent online courses:
8. Electromagnetic Theory by Prof. D.K. Ghosh,
Department of Physics, IIT Bombay

B.Sc. Second Year PHYSICS (S2-PHYS2T)/Electricity Magnetism and

Electromagnetic theory (Major-II/Minor and Elective)
Module: 2.8/General idea about AC and DC motors, Motor

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