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MPSC Previous Year Paper

Prelims 23 Jan 2022

Rajyaseva (CSAT) Paper-II
P14 4 D

New Archaeology can be termed as scientific archaeology. TI1e main aim of the old school
archaeologists was to establish the chronology of human culture wíth the help of excavations.
New Archaeology considers this a mistake; as archaeology is not just about chronology. It consíders
_ _
that 1t 1s the duty of the archneologists to delve deep so as to establish with reliable evidence, the
cause and effect relationship behind every h istorical event. A simple example of this can be the
report of the Mohenjodaro excavation. There were seven successive layers of habitation before the
lndus civilisation finally perished. It was believed that the Aryans invaded lndia and destroyed
the Indus civilisation under the leadership of Indra, their chief deity. This was a Rigvedic evidence
of literary nature and how could it be completely relied upon ? There is no physical evidence of the
Aryan lnvasion. lt can be seen that the lndus civilisation died away because of climatic changes.
Scientific evidences conclusively proving this have been found. New Archaeology focuses on the
relationship between cause and effects.
New Archaeol ogy has recently invited some criticism. Professor Ian Hodder from the
Cambridge University is a major critic. According to him, it is not enough to depend only on
scient ific eviden ces for an explanation of cultural changes, but the context of excavated remains is
very important for their proper interpretation. This ideology, has therefore been called as Contextual
Archaeolog y.
Now some Archaeologists have moved ahead of this ideology. Socio-economic conditions of
man have always been studied, and now a study of the mentalities of ancient humans is gaining
momenturn. How did religi on and philosophy emerge, what were the thoughts in the minds of
the ancient painters - such and other things are being studied. Archaeology in the twenty-first
century is indeed going to be very different.

1. �"fficTT:
(a ) �� (i ) êfíl4êfíRºI�
(b) � fci:l1'h¿ (ii) ���
(c ) �� (iii) dlicHfqe.ll�ll@ll �
(d ) -1qj(IC1� (iv) fq;i1111'õ41 d=tq;iil11�1 �
(a) (b) (e) (d)
(1) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(2) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(3) (i i) (iii) (i) (iv)
(4) (ii) (i) (ii i) (iv)
Match the pairs
( a) Ian Hodder (i) Relationship between Cause and Effects
(b) Lewis Binford (ii) Contextual Archaeology
(c ) David Clarke (iii) Interdisciplinary evidences
(d ) New Archaeology (iv) Method of Scientific Philosophy
Answer Options :
(a) (b) (e) (d)
(1) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
( 2) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(3) (ii) ( ii) (i) (iv)
(4) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

êfii:i:íl-41 êfil41{-iiJI -ffllTT/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

P14 6 D

4. �fci����fiqsf:
(a) 5fi<clGlffi(1 f.:¡cqoo ê:ll�•1.gfH '.J{lõqlê:l{ fél�ê:llB � ói�ll¼lll -.m%".
(b) � � $11(--llli.ll � � � �-
(e) qqfq{Uñq <i'lG(vlj�� ft:i� � � � � �-
� m:
(1) (a), (b), (e) t � � �-
(2) (a) 3Tifur (b) t � 3TTff (e) m � 1ffi1JITll 3TI%".
(3) (a) 3Tifur (b) � �' (e) � 3TI%".
(4) (a), (b) 3Tifur (e) t � � �-
Choose the correct option after carefully reading the sentences :
(a) It is unscientific to believe only the literary evidence from the Rigveda.
(b) There is no material evidence available of an Aryan Invasion.
. (e ) There are evidences proving that the Indus Civilisation ended as a result of climatic
Answer Options :
(1) (a), (b ) and (e) all are correct.
(2) (a) and (b ) are correct and (e) is their result.
(3) (a) and (b) are incorrect and (e) is correct.
(4) (a), (b) and (e) all are incorrect.

5. fé!Blõql :m1êfíl'cl.ll �mõ '.J{ld'6':lfé!il'cl.ll � cfiTU@T 1'9T féli.ll<Slê:ll� �?

(a) 9,{ld'&Hllf::114� � 3TifUT � � 1IB B441-<-I �-
(b) 'f-R� 9,{ld'6':11(11 fcro'!:l � ffillffi.
(e) � 41-iê:ll'cl.ll 41lõql91<i'cl.ll 31� � �-
3<1e1'6':lfél�I ITT félii!l-i!Bl{&-ll � 3TifUT fclfcf� �llf::ilí:41 Bêfí�11 � 'ffilfffi.
(1) � (d) (e)� (d) (2)
(3) (a), (b) 3llfirT (e) (4) (a), (e) 3TifUT (d)
Which new ideology took roots in Archaeology in the second half of the twentieth century ?
(a) Opinions of English and American experts in Archaeology gained acceptance.
(b) There was resistance to Contextual Archaeology.
(e) Mentalities of the ancient humans began to be studied.
(d) Archaeology began using scientific methods and concepts of sciences.
Answer Options :
(1) Only (d) (2) (e) and (d)
(3) (a), (b) and (e) (4) (a), (e) and (d)

êfiiío!.41 êfilqifi¡á} �/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

P14 8 D

Read the following passage and answer the Questions from 6 to 10 :

40% water shortage by 2030

The world is set to face a 40% shortfall in water supplies by 2030 due to urbanisation, pressures
of food production, population growth and the increasing demand from the manufacturing,
domestic and energy sector; said the United Nations. Ahead of World Water Day on March 22,
the UN released its World Water Report 2015 in New Delhi and stressed that the 'water crisis was
one of governance and not of due to the Iack of resource availability'. Even today, 748 million
people do not have access to improved and safe source of drinking water and the worst affected
are the poor, the disadvantaged and women.

In India, the report analysed, the groundwater or tube well revolution has largely contributed
to relieving poverty, but the increase in demand for irrigation has also caused severe groundwater
stress in areas such as southern and eastem Maharashtra and Rajasthan. In fac, the total number
of mechanized wells and tube wells rose from less than one million in 1960 to 19 million in 2000.
Groundwater stress is also a larger South Asia problem the report said. India, China, Pakistan,
Nepal and Bangladesh alone account for half the world's total groundwater use, the report said.

"By 2050, global water demand is projected to increase by 55%, mainly due to growing
demands from manufacturing, thermal electricity generation and domestic use and the world will
have to produce 60 percent more food and the global water demand for industry is predicted to
increase by 400 percent," said the report.

Increasing urbanisation is causing specific and often highly localised pressures on freshwater
resource availability, especially in drought-prone areas. More than 50% of people on the planet
now live in cities, with 30% of all city dwellers residing in slums. Urban dwellers are projected to
increase to a total of 6.3 billion by 2050. The growing population across urban and rural areas will
need 70 percent more energy and water is required to produce almost forms of it. The report
recommends a host of measures to limit water insecurity.

êfiiíõ!.11 q:¡¡q¡�¡J} �/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

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D 17 P14

(a) � � � � >llf� amm.

(1) (a) 1:fjcffi (2) (a) a:nfuT (b) "lfic@

(3 ) (a), (b) 3muT (e) "lfic@

The present passage recommends this

(a) Independent financial authority in a federal system

(b) Separate/Independent sources of revenue for each govemment

(e) Powers to levy taxes

(d) Equal disribution of federal revenue between central and state govemment

Answer Options :

(1) (a) only (2) (a) and (b) only

(3) (a), (b) and (e) only (4) Ali of the above

� cfi1qm1ái �/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

P14 22 D

21. !Ffíl�II� � � ll� fzy) -ifffi.

(1) lfm: (2) �·¿l'fl¿<

(3) P-1ctl'fl¿< (4) ";'f;¡) aTTfu1 'llllsñ14ll<

Light unit is generally expressed in

(1) Meter (2) Centimeter

(3) Millimeter (4) Nano - Micrometer

22. Slê:fíl�llill WT 3-lmll.

(1) 3 X 108 � Slfa�efíC:. (2) 3 X 108 �·¿14)¿{ Slfa�êfíC:.

(3) 3x108 f<ií�l'fll< s¡fa�êfíê:. (4) 3 X 108 � Sl@�êfíê:.

Speed of light is

(1) 3x108 m/s (2) 3x108 cm/s

(3) 3x108 km/s (4) 3x108 inch/s

23. "Sl"ê:fí"@otrl�: fq(c-.qla m:@lcf.

(1) -ijês4 êt>l4 otrT (2) �cWT

(3) � -ijii4êf>lll .õ{ll (4) q(l(1�êf>1 � ";J@

Light is generally in the form of :

(1) Magnetic Waves (2) Electrical Waves

(3) Electromagnetic Waves (4) None of the above

cfí-6all cfílqlfl¡Jl �/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

D 39 P14

57. 400l'.TTUm, � fc!,ê:l(-11a 9 °d'ffi cOfll � � êfíl1ffi:ll ¡1 'l-Wl 10 fc;ê:l(-11d T7í �- cR G{ kcJm �

ffi 8 mB cOfll êfí{OIH,l fcfim dlfaltcRi "IlJ11ffi � cOfll 20 fc;q(-11d T1f �?

(1) 275 (2) 250 (3) 675 (4) 400

1 th
400 persons, working 9 hours a day complete - of the work in 10 days. How many of
additional persons, working 8 hours a day, required to complete the remaining work in
20 days?
(1) 275 (2) 250 (3) 675 (4) 400

58. @i..fh.1 � @, $, cf> ci # <l1 fil"'6iill '.í�lciS141� � � 3W,

A 4> B � A m B -qa;lP:ílõT W
A$ B�Am B "q!lJT � fcfiqp:p::rR W
A@B�AmB"q!lJT -q)õJ fcfiqJ 'B"4'R W
fcmT;f : H cf> D, T $ D, F $ H
�: (I) F 4> D (II) T#F (III) D $ F
"êfíTU@ 31TlR/3W"À � 3W?
(1) ��1lm
(2) � 3lTlR (I) �
(3) "'qíc@ � (III) �
(4) � (I) ci (II) �
In following question, the symbols @, $, cf> and # are used as follows.
A 4> B means A is not greater than B
A $ B means A is neither smaller than or equal to B
A @ B means A is neither greater than or equal to B
A # B means A is not smaller than B
Statement: H 4> D, T $ D, F $ H
Conclusions : (1) F 4> D (11) T # F (III) D $ F
Which conclusion/ conclusions are true?
(1) None of true
(2) Only conclusion (1) true
(3 ) Qnly conclusion (III) true
(4) Conclusions (I) and (II) true

êfíi:ícíQI êfí1qm1Ól -il'JTIT/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

D 49 Pl4

G co
► y

(l) l�R 1 < 2> 1 '19 I <3 > 1'1� 1 (4) � (f)
Select the fold that is obtained by folding transparent sheet Y.

► y

< 2> 1 '19 1 <3 > 1'1� 1 (4) �

êfiiií:41 êfil'li(Uál 'fflTIT/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK


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P14 56 D

f{€t.=tl - (� 1 ��.... )

(8) SP�1gf@€fit¡'t.2l � � � � � <liT'-l ("tCfi q'Cfl) �- 51:¿1gf@ifíc,-lfaíl:c.fd ¿'d(qf-;:¡ifíq{ cíl �

êfíi•ii!,lq{ � <liT'-l � 'ij 'êfíT1TT êfí{0lll'õlli � � 3W, aro � � q � 34<:.êll{iê:4{ �
� � "-qu�� muJPTI �{J,lêfíl{i•il Slfu'tsi� êfí{Oljjrijjêslôil 3lf�-82 11 � ci{g<i:J.fli{ � êfí OI.@
� 9 "e:11'TT � � 1:% � êfíl{lê:41ftl'õlll 31Tfur¡fctcn m 1:% � {êfí4'õlll � ffi?Jfl' 1ITT �-
(9) � 51!?14F::1€fif11Jl 3WWTÀ � � � �qfl111a< aila.ê:41{1(.'11 m J,1)?1�f@êfí1 �=�
iro� �
� ê:!11•ñ �- 'tTT:f 'Q'Ua_:m.ña.mnm (iljOqi'{c:íl aiH!.cmi'l � 3'iHQfa4íill 'mll-1 �a_:fê:hlê:hg -l
fqfHõi � � 3ilq!¡lqêfi �

"1'3:-11 �

,;r, �- 201. mfRfi � � êfí{Ol!lfllcll 'êfílUTT �: '5l"ll'R �?

(1) � � � (2) �)?q{ fq�lfti•i{
(3) � {jt¡tj'l¡:¡1 {r:í (4) •ñ41@1iWI 7ITTs@
wr � aro �- �
<llTil om: "(3J "{Tsil"1 <1t¡1-l1�1 uir" <l'T � om: "(3J" �- �
@1�¿..;�q¡u) rn �- 201 � om:-� "@ 11 i � � �w-1ifcfía � a:1@féllfl &iiê!i?llêfí
,;r. �- 201. (D @ • @
� � � 511?1'.f«i&>dh:1 � � �' a:a@'-liêfí m � �à::1<1fl-!1 3-0él&R-11 a:a<4f::1€fiê:4-0&
� � J,1)?1s:fí'-lÍêfílftt.ii<l(.'1 �'Qcf � � mllifcfía � <:_l©ê!lê!I. �ii:fiíl:<11 tfie@' ê:hlex>ql �
� qlQ{I�, �'q'f� 'q;f ��-

êfíi:í&U êfíliff(-il� �/SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

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