Dsas Diagnostic Checklist v1 4+ Rev (3 0)

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Vessel Name: DSAS serial number: DCC004________________

Please refer to the attached plan of the unit (figure 1) for guidance when performing these diagnostic tests.

1. Take off the lid from the unit. Remove fuse f2, THEN remove fuse f5 (see figure 1). -

2. What is the DC voltage across the BATTERY terminals (POS + & NEG -)? ________

3. Replace fuse f5, LEDs 2 – 6 should each flash in turn. THEN replace fuse f2. Yes /no

4. Wait 2 minutes (to allow the unit to verify the external power supply is OK). Which of the following LEDs
stay on at the end of this sequence? (tick as appropriate) OP4


LED 1 + Charge External DC connected External DC not connected n/a
LED 2 OP1 Alert button circuit open Alert button circuit closed n/a
LED 3 OP2 Anti-tamper circuit open Anti-tamper circuit closed n/a
LED 4 OP3 Input 3 circuit open Input 3 circuit closed n/a
LED 5 OP4 √ Battery voltage < 11V Batteries OK Battery test
LED 6 OP5 Batteries not charging Batteries charging Battery test

5. What is the DC voltage at the '24S' terminal relative to GROUND? __________

6. Is there an AC component in the supply voltage (set meter to V AC) __ ________

7. Disconnect the external power supply (this can be done by removing fuse f2), what is the state of the following
LEDs after 2 minutes?

LED 1: + Charge on / off LED 6: OP5 : on / off

8. Check all blade fuses, are they OK?

f1: yes / no f2 : yes / no f3: yes / no f4: yes / no f5: yes / no

9. Do a visual check of the circuit board. Do any components appear to be damaged? if so, which ones?
Visible corrosion and salt formation on the circuit board.

10. Check that the black plastic connector is securely attached to the underside of the DMR200 transceiver and that
the locking ring is tight (it may be necessary to undo the 2 philips head screws on the base plate to check this). OK

11. Look at the status lights on the Skywave DMR200 transceiver & refer to the section ‘DMR200 Status LEDs’ on
the next page. What is the sequence of the following lights:

STAT #: 15 TX #: 20 ERR #: 30

If NO LEDs are lit over a period of 10 seconds, then check the 2A in-line fuse attached to the ‘RADIO UNIT POS’
terminal. In order to do this, undo the 2 Philips head screws on either side of the top plate, and hinge open the top
plate (see the diagram on page 3). FUSE OK

12. What other communications and electronic equipment is mounted within 2m of the DSAS unit, and how far away
is it?

Tel: +44 (0) 207 313 7403 Fax: +44 (0) 207 313 7401
Email: technical@polestarglobal.com
DMR-200 Status LED’s

STAT LED: Under normal operating conditions, the STAT LED should flash periodically. If the DMR-200 is in
sleep mode, then the STAT LED will not flash because all LEDs are turned off to conserve power. The pattern of
the flashing indicates the current operating state of the satellite link.
# Pattern Status Condition
10 OFF No power to transceiver
11 ON continuously Unit failed, return to supplier
12 Very fast flash (several per second) Configuration mode
13 5 flashes (repeats every 8 seconds) Waiting to transmit
14 Slow flash (1 every 2 seconds) Logging on to satellite
15 4 flashes, pause (repeat every 8 seconds) √ Searching for satellite
16 3 flashes, pause (repeat every 8 seconds) Communicating with satellite
17 Fast flash (2 flashes per second) Acquiring communication channel
18 2 flashes (repeats every 8 seconds) Monitoring communication channel
19 1 flash (repeats every 8 seconds) Idle

TX LED: The TX LED comes on briefly while the DMR-200 is transmitting a data burst up to the satellite. The DMR-200
transmits for 8 seconds while operating on the global beam, and for 2 seconds when operating on a spot beam.

# Pattern Status Condition

20 OFF √ Idle
21 ON continuously Unit failed, return to supplier
22 ON for 2 seconds Transmitting in spot beam
23 ON for 8 seconds Transmitting in global beam

ERR LED: The ERR LED come on whenever the DMR-200 internal diagnostics detects a problem. The ERR LED will
stay active until the cause of the error is removed. Some error conditions may fatal, and will require service to resolve.

# Pattern (repeat 8 secs) Status Condition Action Required

30 OFF √ Idle None
31 ON continuously Failed self test Return to supplier
32 ON and short off every 4 secs Transmit inhibited (barred) Contact supplier
33 2 fast flashes every 2 secs Transmit frame missed Check for LOS, wait 2-4 mins
34 1 flash pause 2 flashes Synthesizer unlocked Return to supplier
35 1 flash pause 3 flashes Voltage too high Check supply voltage
36 1 flash pause 4 flashes Voltage too low Check supply voltage
37 1 flash pause 5 flashes Internal temp too high Let unit cool down
38 1 flash pause 6 flashes Internal temp too low Activate heater (contact supplier)
39 2 flashes pause 1 flash Config error Reload config (contact supplier)
3A 2 flashes pause 2 flashes Script error Contact supplier
3B 2 flashes pause 3 flashes software error Reset terminal (power off /on)
3C 2 flashes pause 4 flashes DSP timeout Reset terminal (power off /on)
3D 3 flashes pause 1 flash Low signal level Check for obstacles
3E 3 flashes pause 2 flashes Satellite not found Check for obstacles
3F 3 flashes pause 3 flashes Satellite communication problem Check for obstacles
3G 4 flashes pause 1 flash Low signal level Check for obstacles
3H 4 flashes pause 2 flashes Satellite not found Check for obstacles

Tel: +44 (0) 207 313 7403 Fax: +44 (0) 207 313 7401
Email: technical@polestarglobal.com

Figure 1 – Plan view of DSAS unit

Tel: +44 (0) 207 313 7403 Fax: +44 (0) 207 313 7401
Email: technical@polestarglobal.com

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