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14/06/2023 19:36 Update Form with AJAX


i have form in JSF and spring, I filled the form and clicked validate button, the data is saved in the database, but, to show the list, i want to update the form to see the
newly added data without using ctrl+R. what should i do

To update the form and display the newly added data without refreshing the entire page, you can use AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to perform an
asynchronous request to retrieve the updated data from the server and update the form dynamically.

Here are the general steps you can follow:

1. Add a JavaScript function to handle the AJAX request. This function will be triggered when the validate button is clicked. Inside the function, you'll make an AJAX
call to fetch the updated data from the server.

javascript Copy code

function updateForm() {
// Make an AJAX request to fetch the updated data
// and update the form
// ...

2. Attach an event listener to the validate button to invoke the updateForm function when it's clicked. This can be done using JavaScript or using jQuery if you're
already using it in your project.

javascript Copy code

// Using plain JavaScript
var validateButton = document.getElementById('validateButton');
validateButton.addEventListener('click', updateForm);

// Using jQuery
$('#validateButton').on('click', updateForm);

3. Inside the updateForm function, use AJAX to send a request to the server to fetch the updated data. This can be done using the XMLHttpRequest object or a
library like jQuery's $.ajax or Axios.

javascript Copy code

function updateForm() {
// Make an AJAX request to fetch the updated data
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '/api/getUpdatedData', true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && xhr.status === 200) {
var updatedData = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
// Update the form with the new data
// ...

In this example, the AJAX request is made to the server's /api/getUpdatedData endpoint. Adjust the URL and request method (e.g., GET, POST) according to
your application's API.

4. In the AJAX response handler, update the form with the retrieved data. This could involve updating the DOM elements directly using JavaScript or updating the
form's backing bean model in JSF, depending on how your application is structured.

javascript Copy code

function updateForm() {
// Make an AJAX request to fetch the updated data
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '/api/getUpdatedData', true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && xhr.status === 200) {
var updatedData = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
// Update the form with the new data

function updateFormElements(data) {
// Update the form elements with the retrieved data
// For example, if you have an input field with an ID 'nameField' 1/9
14/06/2023 19:36 Update Form with AJAX
// you can update its value as follows:
document.getElementById('nameField').value =;
// ...

Alternatively, if you're using JSF with backing beans, you can update the form by updating the properties of the backing bean and letting JSF handle the rendering
and update of the form.

5. Finally, ensure that your server-side code properly saves the data to the database when the form is submitted and returns the updated data in response to the AJAX
request. This will ensure that the form is updated with the latest data.

Depending on your server-side framework (Spring, Java EE, etc.), you'll need to implement the server-side code to handle the form submission, save the data to the




Apologies for the confusion. In the case of JSF and Spring MVC, you can follow the following steps to update the form without refreshing the entire page:

1. Create a managed bean in JSF to handle the form data and communicate with the server. This bean will be responsible for saving the data to the database and
retrieving the updated data.

2. Add an AJAX-enabled button or command component in your JSF form. This component will trigger the AJAX request to update the form.

xml Copy code

<h:commandButton value="Validate" action="#{formBean.validate}"
update="formId" />

The update attribute specifies the ID of the component(s) you want to update after the AJAX request is completed. In this example, formId is the ID of the form

3. In your managed bean, handle the AJAX request by creating an action method that will be called when the button is clicked.

java Copy code

import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped;

public class FormBean {

// Action method for the AJAX request

public void validate() {
// Perform any necessary operations (e.g., save data to the database)
// Retrieve the updated data

// Getter and setter methods


4. In the validate() method, you can perform any necessary operations, such as saving the form data to the database using your Spring MVC backend logic.
Additionally, you can retrieve the updated data that you want to display in the form.

5. Use the RequestContext provided by PrimeFaces (a popular JSF library) to update the form after the AJAX request is completed.

java Copy code

import org.primefaces.context.RequestContext;

public void validate() {

// Perform any necessary operations (e.g., save data to the database)
// Retrieve the updated data

// Update the form using PrimeFaces RequestContext


If you're not using PrimeFaces, you can use the standard JSF approach to update the form using the PartialViewContext.

6. Ensure that your form components have unique IDs defined using the id attribute. This is required for updating specific components during the AJAX request.

xml Copy code

<h:form id="formId">
<!-- Form components --> 2/9
14/06/2023 19:36 Update Form with AJAX

By following these steps, the AJAX request triggered by the Validate button will update the form with the newly added data without refreshing the entire page.


update="formId", what is fromId and from where i call it


Apologies for the mistake. The correct attribute value should be update="formId", where formId refers to the ID of the form component you want to update. The id
attribute is used to uniquely identify components in JSF.

In your JSF page, you need to assign an ID to your form component using the id attribute. For example:

xml Copy code

<h:form id="formId">
<!-- Form components -->

In the above example, the form component is assigned the ID "formId".

When you use the update attribute with a value of "formId" on a command component, it tells JSF to update the component with the specified ID (formId) after the
AJAX request is completed. This means that only the specified component (in this case, the form) will be refreshed with the updated data returned from the server,
without refreshing the entire page.

To trigger the AJAX request, you need to use a command component, such as h:commandButton, with the update attribute. For example:

xml Copy code

<h:commandButton value="Validate" action="#{formBean.validate}" update="formId" />

In the above example, when the "Validate" button is clicked, it will trigger the validate() method in the managed bean (formBean). The form component with the ID
"formId" will be updated with the updated data returned from the server.

Make sure you have the necessary libraries and configurations in your project to support AJAX requests in JSF, such as the javax.faces.ajax namespace and the
required JavaScript files (e.g., jsf.js, jsf.ajax.js).

Please note that the usage of AJAX may vary depending on the JSF version and the libraries you are using. The example provided assumes the standard JSF
implementation, but if you are using a library like PrimeFaces or OmniFaces, they may provide their own AJAX components and mechanisms.


but i have form in which i have a data table that will show the update in it

Apologies for the confusion. If you have a data table that needs to be updated with newly added data without refreshing the entire page, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a managed bean in JSF that handles the form data and communicates with the server. This bean will be responsible for saving the data to the database and
retrieving the updated data.

2. Add an AJAX-enabled button or command component in your form to trigger the AJAX request and update the data table.

xml Copy code

<!-- Your form components -->
<h:commandButton value="Validate" action="#{formBean.validate}"
update="dataTableId" />

In this example, the update attribute is set to the ID of the data table component (dataTableId). This tells JSF to update the data table after the AJAX request is

3. Create a data table component in your JSF page that displays the data. This table will be updated with the newly added data.

xml Copy code

<h:dataTable id="dataTableId" value="#{formBean.dataList}" var="item">
<!-- Define your table columns and display the data -->

In this example, dataTableId is the ID assigned to the data table component. The value attribute is bound to a property (dataList) in your managed bean, which
represents the list of data items to display in the table. The var attribute defines a variable (item) to represent each item in the table. 3/9
14/06/2023 19:36 Update Form with AJAX
4. In your managed bean, handle the AJAX request by creating an action method that will be called when the button is clicked.

java Copy code

import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped;

public class FormBean {
private List<DataItem> dataList; // List to hold the data items

// Getter and setter for dataList

public void validate() {

// Perform any necessary operations (e.g., save data to the database)
// Retrieve the updated data list
dataList = fetchDataFromDatabase();

In the validate() method, you can perform any necessary operations, such as saving the form data to the database using your Spring MVC backend logic. Additionally,
you can retrieve the updated data list that you want to display in the data table.

5. Ensure that your form components and data table have unique IDs assigned using the id attribute.

By following these steps, when the Validate button is clicked, the validate() method in the managed bean (FormBean) is called. Inside the method, you can update the
dataList with the updated data from the database. The data table component with the specified ID (dataTableId) will be updated with the new data, without
refreshing the entire page.


can i put ":formID:datatableId"?


Yes, you can use the format :formId:dataTableId in the update attribute to specify a specific component within a naming container. The colon (:) is used to separate
the naming container IDs.

For example:

xml Copy code

<h:form id="formId">
<!-- Your form components -->
<h:commandButton value="Validate" action="#{formBean.validate}"
update=":formId:dataTableId" />

In this example, :formId:dataTableId is used to specify the data table component (dataTableId) within the form (formId). The colon before formId indicates
that it is the absolute ID from the root of the naming container hierarchy.

Make sure to use the correct IDs for your form and data table components based on your JSF page structure.


i tried it but didnt work, do you have another solution


I apologize for the confusion. If specifying the absolute component IDs with the colon prefix didn't work, you can try using the relative component IDs by omitting the
colon prefix. Here's an example:

xml Copy code

<h:form id="formId">
<!-- Your form components -->
<h:commandButton value="Validate" action="#{formBean.validate}"
update="dataTableId" />

<h:dataTable id="dataTableId" value="#{formBean.dataList}" var="item">

<!-- Define your table columns and display the data -->
</h:dataTable> 4/9
14/06/2023 19:36 Update Form with AJAX
In this example, dataTableId is used as the update attribute value, which refers to the data table component ID. Since the command button and data table are both
within the same form, you can use the relative ID dataTableId directly.

If this approach still doesn't work, it could be due to the structure of your JSF page or some other factors. In such cases, you can try using a different approach, such as
using a framework or library that provides more advanced AJAX capabilities for JSF, like PrimeFaces or OmniFaces. These libraries often have specialized components
that handle AJAX updates more seamlessly.

Alternatively, you can consider manually updating the data table using JavaScript and the DOM API. In the AJAX success callback function, you can manipulate the
DOM elements of the data table directly to update its content. However, this approach may require more custom code and may not be as integrated with the JSF

Remember to ensure that you have the necessary libraries and configurations in your project to support AJAX requests in JSF, such as the javax.faces.ajax
namespace and the required JavaScript files (e.g., jsf.js, jsf.ajax.js).

If you provide more specific details about your JSF page structure and the libraries you are using, I can try to assist you further with a more tailored solution.


the update function, i want to work it in SPRING not JSF


Apologies for the confusion. If you want to update a data table in a Spring MVC application without refreshing the entire page, you can use AJAX to retrieve the updated
data from the server and update the table dynamically.

Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

1. Add a JavaScript function to handle the AJAX request. This function will be triggered when the button is clicked. Inside the function, you'll make an AJAX call to
fetch the updated data from the server.

javascript Copy code

function updateTable() {
url: '/getData', // Replace with your server endpoint URL
type: 'GET',
success: function(response) {
// Update the data table with the retrieved data
error: function(error) {
console.log('Error:', error);

In this example, the AJAX request is made to the /getData endpoint using the GET method. Adjust the URL and request method according to your server-side

2. Attach an event listener to the button to invoke the updateTable function when it's clicked.

javascript Copy code

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#validateButton').on('click', updateTable);

In this example, the event listener is attached to a button with the ID validateButton. Adjust the selector according to your HTML structure.

3. In your Spring MVC controller, create a handler method for the /getData endpoint. This method will retrieve the updated data and return it as a JSON response.

java Copy code

public class DataController {

private DataService dataService; // Inject your data service

public List<DataItem> getData() {
// Retrieve the updated data from your service
List<DataItem> updatedData = dataService.getUpdatedData();
return updatedData;

In this example, the getData() method retrieves the updated data from a data service (DataService) and returns it as a JSON response. Adjust the
implementation based on your specific requirements. 5/9
14/06/2023 19:36 Update Form with AJAX
4. In the JavaScript success callback function, update the data table with the retrieved data.

javascript Copy code

function updateDataTable(data) {
// Find the table and clear its current content
var table = $('#dataTableId');

// Iterate over the data and append new rows to the table
data.forEach(function(item) {
var row = $('<tr>');
// Build the row using the item properties
// ...

In this example, the updateDataTable() function clears the current content of the data table (#dataTableId) and dynamically adds new rows based on the
retrieved data. Adjust the table structure and row creation logic based on your specific HTML markup.

Ensure that you have included the necessary JavaScript libraries (e.g., jQuery) in your application for AJAX functionality.

By following these steps, when the button is clicked, the updateTable() function will be triggered, making an AJAX request to the server to retrieve the updated data.
The data table will then be dynamically updated with the new data without refreshing the entire page.


here is the JSF code: <ui:define name="content"> <h:form id="form"> <p:remoteCommand name="rc" update="formAddadjonction" /> <p:messages></p:messages>
<div class="p-grid"> <div class="p-col-12"> <div class="card card-w-title"> <p:commandButton styleClass="Fright" paginatorPosition="bottom" value="#
{msgs.ajouter_un_contrat}" actionListener="#{ajoutercontratBean.initAddContrat}" icon="fa fa-fw fa-plus" oncomplete="PF('addContratDialog').show()"
resetValues="true"/> </p:commandButton> <h1>#{msgs.liste_des_contrat}</h1> <p:dataTable id="dataContrat" var="list" widgetVar="dataContrat" rowKey="#
{list.idContrat}" paginatorPosition="bottom" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.listContrat}" filteredValue="#{ajoutercontratBean.listContratFiltre}" style="text-align:center"
reflow="true" paginator="true" rows="20"> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.Identifiant}" sortBy="#{list.idContrat}" filterBy="#{list.idContrat}"
filterMatchMode="contains"> <p:outputLabel value="#{list.idContrat}" /> </p:column> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.nom_et_raison_sociale}" sortBy="#
{ajoutercontratBean.clientlist(list.codeClient)}" filterBy="#{ajoutercontratBean.clientlist(list.codeClient)}" filterMatchMode="contains"> <p:outputLabel value="#
{ajoutercontratBean.clientlist(list.codeClient)}" /> </p:column> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.Modalite}" sortBy="#{ajoutercontratBean.modalitelib(list.modalite)}"
filterBy="#{ajoutercontratBean.modalitelib(list.modalite)}" filterMatchMode="contains" > <p:outputLabel value="#{ajoutercontratBean.modalitelib(list.modalite)}" />
</p:column> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.MontantActuelDeLecheance}" sortBy="#{list.montantActuelDeLecheance}" filterBy="#
{list.montantActuelDeLecheance}" filterMatchMode="contains" > <p:outputLabel value="#{list.montantActuelDeLecheance}" /> </p:column> <p:column
headerText="#{msgs.DateProchaineEcheance}" sortBy="#{list.dateProchaineEcheance}" filterBy="#{list.dateProchaineEcheance}" filterMatchMode="contains" >
<p:outputLabel value="#{list.dateProchaineEcheance}" /> </p:column> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.statut}" filterBy="#{list.flgStatut}"
filterMatchMode="contains"> <f:facet name="filter"> <p:selectOneButton onchange="PF('dataContrat').filter()" styleClass="custom-filter"> <f:selectItem itemLabel="#
{msgs.tous}" itemValue="" /> <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{msgs.actif}" itemValue="A" /> <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{msgs.Suspension}" itemValue="S" />
</p:selectOneButton> </f:facet> <p:outputLabel value="#{list.flgStatut}" converter="#{etatUserConverter}" /> </p:column> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.actions}"
> <p:splitButton value="#{msgs.options}"> <p:menuitem type="submit" immediate="true" ajax="true" rendered="#{list.flgStatut == 'A' }" action="#
{ajoutercontratBean.initModifContrat}" icon="fa fa-fw fa-pencil" value="#{msgs.modifier}" update=":formAddContrat,formAddadjonction,addnew">
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{list}" target="#{ajoutercontratBean.contrat}" /> </p:menuitem> <p:menuitem type="submit" icon="fa fa-fw fa-close"
update=":formAddContrat,formAddadjonction,addnew" value="#{msgs.Suspension}" ajax="true" immediate="true" rendered="#{list.flgStatut == 'A' }" action="#
{ajoutercontratBean.supprimerContrat}"> <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{list}" target="#{ajoutercontratBean.contrat}" /> </p:menuitem> <p:menuitem
type="submit" immediate="true" ajax="true" action="#{ajoutercontratBean.initdetailsContrat}" rendered="#{list.flgStatut == 'A' }" icon="fa fa-fw fa-eye" value="#
{msgs.details}" update=":formAddContrat,formAddadjonction,addnew"> <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{list}" target="#{ajoutercontratBean.contrat}" />
</p:menuitem> <p:menuitem type="submit" immediate="true" ajax="true" action="#{ajoutercontratBean.initdetailsContrat}" rendered="#{list.flgStatut == 'S' }"
icon="fa fa-fw fa-search" value="#{msgs.details}" update=":formAddContrat,formAddadjonction,addnew"> <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{list}" target="#
{ajoutercontratBean.contrat}" /> </p:menuitem> </p:splitButton> </p:column> </p:dataTable> </div> </div> </div> </h:form> <p:dialog widgetVar="addContratDialog"
closeOnEscape="true" width="80%" id="addContratDialog" minHeight="250" responsive="true" header="#{ajoutercontratBean.gestionContrat}" resizable="false"
fitViewport="true" showEffect="fade" hideEffect="explode" modal="true"> <h:form id="formAddContrat"> <p:messages autoUpdate="true" /> <p:fieldset legend="#
{msgs.Information_contrat}" toggleable="true"> <p:panelGrid columns="6" layout="grid" id="informationcontrat" columnClasses="ui-grid-col-3,ui-grid-col-2,ui-grid-
col-2,ui-grid-col-2,ui-grid-col-2,ui-grid-col-2" styleClass="ui-panelgrid-blank form-group"> <p:outputLabel style="width: 100%" value="#{msgs.Identifiant}"
for="identifiant" /> <p:inputText style="width: 100%" id="identifiant" disabled="true" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.idContrat}" > <p:ajax event="change"></p:ajax>
</p:inputText> <p:outputLabel style="width: 100%" value="#{msgs.Client}" for="client" /> <p:selectOneMenu required="true" id="client" disabled="#
{ajoutercontratBean.readc or(ajoutercontratBean.btnedit==true and ajoutercontratBean.initcontrat==false and ajoutercontratBean.ajout==false and
ajoutercontratBean.sup==false)}" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.codeClient}" filterMatchMode="contains" panelStyle="width:200px" style="width: 100%;" effect="fade"
filter="true"> <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{msgs.choisir}" itemValue="" /> <f:selectItems value="#{ajoutercontratBean.listClient}" var="empl" itemValue="#
{empl.codeClient}" itemLabel="#{ajoutercontratBean.clientlist(empl.codeClient)}" /> <p:ajax render="@form" event="valueChange" /> </p:selectOneMenu>
<p:outputLabel style="width: 100%" value="#{msgs.Solution}" for="solution" /> <p:inputText style="width: 100%" required="true" id="solution" readonly="#
{ajoutercontratBean.readc}" disabled="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc or(ajoutercontratBean.btnedit==true and ajoutercontratBean.initcontrat==false and
ajoutercontratBean.ajout==false and ajoutercontratBean.sup==false)}" placeholder="#{msgs.solution}" > <p:ajax event="change"></p:ajax> </p:inputText>
<p:outputLabel style="width: 100%" required="true" for="datedesignature" value="#{msgs.Date_de_signature}" /> <p:calendar style="width: 100%" required="true"
readonly="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}" id="datedesignature" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.dateSignature}" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" > <f:ajax event="change" /> <f:ajax
event="dateSelect" /> </p:calendar> <p:outputLabel style="width: 100%" required="true" for="datedeprisedeffet" value="#{msgs.Date_de_prise_deffet}" /> <p:calendar
style="width: 100%" required="true" readonly="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}" id="datedeprisedeffet" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.datePriseEffet}"
pattern="dd/MM/yyyy"> <f:ajax event="change" update=":formAddContrat:dateprochaineéchéance" /> <f:ajax event="dateSelect" /> </p:calendar> <p:outputLabel
style="width: 100%" required="true" value="#{msgs.Modalite}" for="Modalite" ></p:outputLabel> <p:selectOneMenu style="width: 100%" required="true"
id="Modalite" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.modalite}" disabled="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}" > <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{msgs.choisir}" noSelectionOption="true"
/> <f:selectItems value="#{ajoutercontratBean.listModalite}" var="item" itemLabel="#{item.lib1}" itemValue="#{item.tau1}" /> <f:ajax render="@form" 6/9
14/06/2023 19:36 Update Form with AJAX
event="valueChange" /> </p:selectOneMenu> <p:outputLabel style="width: 100%" required="true" value="#{msgs.Type}" for="Type" /> <p:selectOneMenu
style="width: 100%" id="Type" required="true" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.typePaiement}" disabled="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}" > <f:selectItem itemLabel="#
{msgs.choisir}" itemValue="#{null}" noSelectionOption="true" /> <f:selectItems value="#{ajoutercontratBean.listType}" var="item" itemLabel="#{item.lib1}"
itemValue="#{item.tau1}" /> <f:ajax render="@form" event="valueChange"/> </p:selectOneMenu> <p:outputLabel style="width: 100%" required="true" value="#
{msgs.Montant_initial_HT}" for="montantinitialttc" /> <p:inputNumber style="width: 100%" required="true" readonly="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}"
id="montantinitialttc" placeholder="#{msgs.Montant_initial_TTC}" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.montantinitialttc}" > <f:ajax render="@form" event="blur" execute
="montantinitialttc"/> </p:inputNumber > <p:outputLabel style="width: 100%" value="#{msgs.Montant_initial_de_léchéance}" for="montantinitialecheance" />
<p:inputText style="width: 100%" readonly="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}" id="montantinitialecheance" disabled="true" value="#
{ajoutercontratBean.Montant_initial_de_léchéance()}" > <p:ajax event="change"></p:ajax> </p:inputText > <p:outputLabel style="width: 100%" value="#
{msgs.Montant_annuel_HT}" for="montantannuelttc" /> <p:inputText style="width: 100%" readonly="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}" id="montantannuelttc"
disabled="true" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.Montant_annuel_TTC()}" > <p:ajax event="change"></p:ajax> </p:inputText> <p:outputLabel style="width: 100%"
value="#{msgs.Montant_actuel_de_léchéance}" for="montantactueldeléchéance" /> <p:inputText style="width: 100%" readonly="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}"
id="montantactueldeléchéance" disabled="true" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.Montant_actuel_de_léchéance()}" > <p:ajax event="change"></p:ajax> </p:inputText>
<p:outputLabel style="width: 100%" value="#{msgs.Date_prochaine_échéance}" for="dateprochaineéchéance" /> <p:calendar style="width: 100%" readonly="#
{ajoutercontratBean.readc}" id="dateprochaineéchéance" disabled="true" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.date_prochaine_echeance()}" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" > <f:ajax
render="@form" event="blur" listener="#{ajoutercontratBean.date_prochaine_echeance()}" update ="dateprochaineéchéance"/> </p:calendar> <p:outputLabel
style="width: 90%" value="#{msgs.Montant_restant_de_ladjanction}" for="montrestadj" /> <p:inputText style="width: 100%" readonly="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}"
id="montrestadj" disabled="true" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.Montant_restant_de_ladjanction()}" /> <p:outputLabel style="width: 90%" value="#
{msgs.Montant_de_la_prochaine_échéance}" for="Montantprochaine" /> <p:inputText style="width: 100%" readonly="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}"
id="Montantprochaine" disabled="true" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.Montant_de_la_prochaine()}" /> <p:panelGrid columns="1" layout="grid" id="artpara"
styleClass="ui-panelgrid-blank form-group"> <p:outputLabel style="width: 100%" rendered="#{ajoutercontratBean.btnedit==true and
ajoutercontratBean.initcontrat==false and ajoutercontratBean.ajout==false and ajoutercontratBean.sup==false }" value="#{msgs.Articles_et_paragraphes}"
for="articles_et_paragraphes"/> <p:inputTextarea style="width: 100%" rendered="#{ajoutercontratBean.btnedit==true and ajoutercontratBean.initcontrat==false and
ajoutercontratBean.ajout==false and ajoutercontratBean.sup==false }" rows="5" cols="30" id="articles_et_paragraphes" value="#
{ajoutercontratBean.articlesParagraphes}" counterTemplate="{0} characters remaining." autoResize="false"/> </p:panelGrid> </p:panelGrid> </p:fieldset> <p:fieldset
legend="#{msgs.Revision}" toggleable="true"> <p:panelGrid columns="8" layout="grid" id="addrevision" columnClasses="ui-grid-col-3,ui-grid-col-2,ui-grid-col-2,ui-
grid-col-2,ui-grid-col-2,ui-grid-col-2" styleClass="ui-panelgrid-blank form-group"> <p:outputLabel for="revision" value="#{msgs.Revision}"/> <p:selectOneMenu
id="revision" required="false" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.revision}" disabled="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}" > <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{msgs.choisir}"
noSelectionOption="true" /> <f:selectItems value="#{ajoutercontratBean.listanne}" var="item" itemvalue="#{item}" itemLabel="#{item}" /> <f:ajax render="@form"
event="valueChange" /> </p:selectOneMenu> <p:outputLabel required="false" value="#{msgs.Taux_de_majoration}" for="tauxdemajoration" /> <p:inputText
required="false" readonly="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}" id="tauxdemajoration" placeholder="#{msgs.Taux_de_majoration}" value="#
{ajoutercontratBean.tauxdemajoration}" > <p:ajax event="change"></p:ajax> </p:inputText> <p:outputLabel required="false" value="#{msgs.A_Appliquer}"
for="appliquer" /> <p:selectOneMenu required="false" id="appliquer" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.appliquer}" > <f:selectItem itemDisabled="#
{}" itemLabel="par défaut" itemValue="par_defaut" noSelectionOption="true"/> <f:selectItem itemDisabled="#{}"
itemLabel="avec notification" itemValue="avec_notification"/> <p:ajax event="change" listener="#{ajoutercontratBean.onChangenotif}"
update="periodedenotification"></p:ajax> </p:selectOneMenu> <p:outputLabel required="false" value="#{msgs.Periode_de_notification}" for="periodedenotification"
/> <p:inputText required="false" readonly="#{}" id="periodedenotification" disabled="#{!ajoutercontratBean.typeApp}" rendered="#
{!ajoutercontratBean.readc}" placeholder="#{msgs.Periode_de_notification}" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.periodedenotification}" > <p:ajax event="change"></p:ajax>
</p:inputText> </p:panelGrid> </p:fieldset> <p:fieldset legend="#{msgs.Liste_adjonction}" toggleable="true" id="listadjonctoin"> <p:panelGrid columns="1"
layout="grid" styleClass="ui-panelgrid-blank form-group" > <p:commandButton paginatorPosition="bottom" styleClass="Fright" process="@this" value="#
{msgs.Ajoutrer_une_adjonction}" icon="fa fa-fw fa-plus" rendered="#{!ajoutercontratBean.readc}" update=":formAddadjonction" onclick="rc()" actionListener="#
{ajoutercontratBean.initAddAjonction}" > </p:commandButton> </p:panelGrid> <p:dataTable id="dataadjonction" var="list" paginatorPosition="bottom" style="text-
align:center" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.listadAdjonctions}" reflow="true" rows="20"> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.nom}" filterBy="#{list.nom}"
filterMatchMode="contains" > <p:outputLabel value="#{list.nom}" /> </p:column> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.montant}" filterBy="#{list.montant}"
filterMatchMode="contains" > <p:outputLabel value="#{list.montant}" /> </p:column> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.taux}" filterBy="#{list.taux}"
filterMatchMode="contains"> <p:outputLabel value="#{list.taux}" /> </p:column> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.taux}" filterBy="#{list.taux}"
filterMatchMode="contains"> <p:outputLabel value="#{list.montant_adjanction}" /> </p:column> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.date_saisie}" filterBy="#
{list.date_saisie}" filterMatchMode="contains"> <p:outputLabel value="#{list.date_saisie}" /> </p:column> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.Date_effet}" filterBy="#
{list.date_effet}" filterMatchMode="contains"> <p:outputLabel value="#{list.date_effet}" /> </p:column> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.etat}"
filterMatchMode="contains" filterBy="#{list.etat}"> <p:outputLabel value="#{list.etat}" /> </p:column> <p:column headerText="#{msgs.actions}" > <p:confirmDialog
global="true" showEffect="fade" hideEffect="fade" width="350"> <p:commandButton value="#{msgs.oui}" type="button" styleClass="ui-confirmdialog-yes" icon="fa
fa-check" /> <p:commandButton value="#{msgs.non}" type="button" styleClass="ui-confirmdialog-no ui-button-secondary" icon="fa fa-close" /> </p:confirmDialog>
<p:splitButton value="#{msgs.options}"> <p:menuitem type="submit" immediate="true" ajax="true" action="#{ajoutercontratBean.initModifAdjonction}" icon="fa fa-
fw fa-pencil" value="#{msgs.modifier}" update=":formAddadjonction"> <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{list}" target="#{ajoutercontratBean.adjonction}" />
</p:menuitem> <p:menuitem type="submit" icon="fa fa-fw fa-close" update=":formAddContrat" value="#{msgs.Abandonner}" ajax="true" immediate="true" action="#
{ajoutercontratBean.supprimeradjonction}"> <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{list}" target="#{ajoutercontratBean.adjonction}" /> <p:confirm
header="Confirmation" message="#{msgs.vous_etes_sur_de_vouloir_supprimer}" icon="fa fa-fw fa-exclamation" /> </p:menuitem> <p:menuitem type="submit"
immediate="true" ajax="true" action="#{ajoutercontratBean.initConsultAdjonction}" icon="fa fa-fw fa-eye" value="#{msgs.Consulter}" update=":formAddadjonction">
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{list}" target="#{ajoutercontratBean.adjonction}" /> </p:menuitem> </p:splitButton> </p:column> </p:dataTable> </p:fieldset>
<p:fieldset legend="#{msgs.Piece_jointes}" toggleable="true" id="Piecejointes"> <p:panelGrid columns="3" layout="grid" styleClass="ui-panelgrid-blank form-group">
<p:commandButton id="newlink" icon="fa fa-fw fa-plus" value="#{msgs.choisir}" styleClass="Fright" title="#{msgs.ajouter_un_nouveau_document}"
update=":addnew" action="#{ajoutercontratBean.onAjoutPie}" oncomplete="PF('addPanelDialog').show()" rendered="#{!ajoutercontratBean.readc}" /> </p:panelGrid>
<p:dataTable id="dataTableImages" var="doc" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.listpieces}" style="text-align: center;" currentPageReportTemplate="(page {currentPage} sur
page {totalPages})" paginatorTemplate="{CurrentPageReport} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink}
{RowsPerPageDropdown}" emptyMessage="Aucune image trouvée" rows="5" paginator="true" reflow="true" paginatorPosition="bottom"> <p:column> <f:facet
name="header"> <h:outputText value="#{msgs.Type_document}" /> </f:facet> <h:outputText value="#{doc.filename}" /> </p:column> <p:column> <f:facet
name="header"> <h:outputText value="#{}" /> </f:facet> <h:outputText value="#{doc.datecre}" /> </p:column> <p:column> <f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="#{msgs.actions}" /> </f:facet> <p:commandButton title="#{msgs.telecharger}" value="#{msgs.telecharger}" icon="fa fa-download"
styleClass="smallbutton_delete" ajax="false" actionListener="#{ajoutercontratBean.prepDownload(doc)}"> <p:fileDownload value="#{ajoutercontratBean.pieceJointe}"
/> </p:commandButton> </p:column> </p:dataTable> </p:fieldset> <p:fieldset legend="#{msgs.Suspension}" toggleable="true" rendered="#{ajoutercontratBean.sup}"
id="Suspension"> <p:panelGrid columns="6" layout="grid" styleClass="ui-panelgrid-blank form-group"> <p:outputLabel for="datesuspension" required="true" value="#
{msgs.Date_suspension}" /> <p:calendar readonly="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}" id="datesuspension" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.date_suspension}"
pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" required="true" > </p:calendar> <p:outputLabel required="true" value="#{msgs.Motif_de_suspension}" for="Modalite" ></p:outputLabel>
<p:selectOneMenu required="true" id="Motifdesuspension" disabled="#{ajoutercontratBean.readc}" value="#{ajoutercontratBean.motifSuspension}" > <f:selectItem
itemLabel="#{msgs.suspendu_par_le_client}" itemValue="suspendu par le client" /> <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{msgs.suspendu_par_la_GTI}" itemValue="suspendu
par la GTI" /> /> </p:selectOneMenu> <p:outputLabel value="#{msgs.Avis}" for="avis" /> <p:inputTextarea required="false" rows="3" value="#
{ajoutercontratBean.avis}" cols="20" id="avis"/> </p:panelGrid> </p:fieldset> <div style="text-align: center"> <p:commandButton value="#{msgs.fermer}"
immediate="true" icon="fa fa-close" styleClass="waves-effect waves-green" style="width:auto;" onclick="PF('addContratDialog').hide()" /> <p:commandButton
styleClass="waves-effect waves-green" rendered="#{ajoutercontratBean.btnedit==false and ajoutercontratBean.initcontrat==false and ajoutercontratBean.ajout==true and
ajoutercontratBean.sup==false}" icon="fa fa-check" value="#{msgs.valider}" style="width:auto" type="submit" action="#{ajoutercontratBean.ajouterContrat}" >
<p:ajax upadate="form:dataContrat"> </p:ajax> </p:commandButton> <p:commandButton styleClass="waves-effect waves-green" rendered="# 7/9
14/06/2023 19:36 Update Form with AJAX
{ajoutercontratBean.btnedit==true and ajoutercontratBean.initcontrat==false and ajoutercontratBean.ajout==false and ajoutercontratBean.sup==false }" icon="fa fa-
check" value="edit" style="width:auto" type="submit" action="#{ajoutercontratBean.buttonedit}" update="formAddContrat,:form:dataContrat"/> <p:commandButton
styleClass="waves-effect waves-green" rendered="#{ajoutercontratBean.btnedit==false and ajoutercontratBean.initcontrat==false and ajoutercontratBean.ajout==false
and ajoutercontratBean.sup==true }" icon="fa fa-check" value="suppe" style="width:auto" type="submit" action="#{ajoutercontratBean.Buttonsup}"
update="formAddContrat,:form:dataContrat"/> </div> </h:form> </p:dialog> here is the SPRING MVC code: public void ajouterContrat() throws
FileNotFoundException, IOException, Exception { try { Contrat contrat=new Contrat(); Notifcontrat notifcontrat=new Notifcontrat(); contrat.setCodeClient(codeClient);
contrat.setDateSignature(dateSignature); contrat.setDatePriseEffet(datePriseEffet); contrat.setModalite(modalite); if(typeApp==true) {
contrat.setMoisNotification(periodedenotification); String month =Integer.toString(12-periodedenotification); String sDate1="1/"+month+"/"+revision; String forma;
if(month.length()==1) { forma="d/M/yyyy"; }else { forma="d/MM/yyyy"; } DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(forma); LocalDate date1 =
LocalDate.parse(sDate1, formatter); System.out.println("date: "+date1+"msg : le maintenance de contrat"+ clientlist(codeClient)+sDate1);
notifcontrat.setIdContrat(contrat.getIdContrat()); notifcontrat.setDateNotif(date1); String msgnotif="le maintenance de contrat"+clientlist(codeClient)+"de la date
"+sDate1; notifcontrat.setMessage(msgnotif);; } contrat.setRevision(revision); contrat.setTauxDeMajoration(tauxdemajoration);
contrat.setFlgStatut("A"); contrat.setSolution(solution); contrat.setDateProchaineEcheance(newDate); contrat.setAppliquerMajoration(appliquer);
contrat.setTypePaiement((int)typePaiement); contrat.setMontantAnnuelInitialTTC(montantinitialttc); contrat.setRevision(revision);
contrat.setMontantDeLaProchaine(Montant_de_la_prochaine()); contrat.setMontantRestantDeLadjanction( Montant_restant_de_ladjanction());
contrat.setMontantInitialDeLecheance(Montant_initial_de_léchéance()); contrat.setMontantAnnuelActuelTTC(Montant_annuel_TTC());
contrat.setMontantActuelDeLecheance(Montant_actuel_de_léchéance()); contratservise.saveContrat(contrat); for(int i=0;i<listadAdjonctions.size();i++) { adjonction
adjonction=new adjonction(); adjonction.setIdContrat(contrat.getIdContrat()); adjonction.setNom(listadAdjonctions.get(i).getNom());
adjonction.setMontant(listadAdjonctions.get(i).getMontant()); adjonction.setTaux(listadAdjonctions.get(i).getTaux());
adjonction.setDate_saisie(listadAdjonctions.get(i).getDate_saisie()); adjonction.setDate_effet(listadAdjonctions.get(i).getDate_effet());
adjonction.setEtat(listadAdjonctions.get(i).getEtat()); adjonction.setMontant_adjanction(listadAdjonctions.get(i).getMontant_adjanction());
adjonctionService.saveadjonction(adjonction); } for (int i=0 ;i<listpieces.size();i++) { PiecesJointes piecejointes=new PiecesJointes();
piecejointes.setIdContrat(contrat.getIdContrat()); piecejointes.setFilename(listpieces.get(i).getFilename()); piecejointes.setDatecre(listpieces.get(i).getDatecre());
PiecesJointesService.savepieces(piecejointes, uploadedFile); } PrimeFaces.current().ajax().update("form"); PrimeFaces.current().ajax().update("formAddContrat");
PrimeFaces.current().ajax().update("form:dataContrat"); JSFUtils.addInfoMessage("document_ajout_avec_succes", "document_ajout_avec_succes", "from:dataContrat");
/* * * * */ PrimeFaces.current().executeScript("PF('addContratDialog').hide()"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Erreur ", e);
JSFUtils.addErrorMessage("erreur_produite", "erreur_produite", "formAddContrat"); } } the form data display didnt work

To update the JSF code for the Spring framework, you would need to make several changes. Here's an example of how the code can be updated to work with Spring

1. Replace the h:form tag with Spring's form tag. You'll also need to add the necessary Spring namespace declarations at the top of your page:

xml Copy code

<html xmlns="" xmlns:ui=""
xmlns:h="" xmlns:p=""
xmlns:spring="" xmlns:form="">


xml Copy code

<h:form id="form">


xml Copy code

<form:form id="form" modelAttribute="ajoutercontratBean">

2. Update the p:remoteCommand tag. Since Spring MVC doesn't have an exact equivalent for p:remoteCommand, you can replace it with a regular HTML <input
type="hidden"> field to store the data you want to send to the server.


xml Copy code

<p:remoteCommand name="rc" update="formAddadjonction" />


xml Copy code

<input type="hidden" name="rc" id="rc" value="" />

3. Replace the p:commandButton and its associated attributes with Spring's form:button and form:ajax tags. You'll also need to add the Spring form and ajax
namespaces at the top of your page:

xml Copy code



xml Copy code

<p:commandButton styleClass="Fright" paginatorPosition="bottom" value="#{msgs.ajouter_un_contrat}"
actionListener="#{ajoutercontratBean.initAddContrat}" icon="fa fa-fw fa-plus"
update=":form:dataContrat,formAddContrat,:formAddContrat:informationcontrat,:formAddContrat:addrevision,:formAddContra 8/9
14/06/2023 19:36 Update Form with AJAX
<p:ajax update=":form:dataContrat,formAddContrat,:formAddContrat:informationcontrat,:formAddContrat:addrevision,:formA
resetValues="true" />


xml Copy code

<form:button cssClass="Fright" value="#{msgs.ajouter_un_contrat}" onclick="addContrat();">
<form:ajax execute="@form" render=":form:dataContrat formAddContrat :formAddContrat:informationcontrat :formAddContrat

4. Update other PrimeFaces components as necessary, replacing them with their Spring equivalents. For example, replace p:dataTable with Spring's form:table,
and update the attribute names accordingly.

These are just some examples of the changes you would need to make. Please note that the code provided is just a starting point, and you may need to further modify and
adapt it to fit your specific use case and requirements.

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