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Feedback on my short film- Watch Carefully

We asked two people to review and give their feedback on our short film. I asked them to
give me positive and negative opinions on my short film after it was edited and cut down.

Firstly I asked Oliver Conolly, he watched the entirety of my short film and gave me the
feedback I needed. In his opinion, his positive feedback was that he thought the film had a
good variety of shots and the ending credits were shown in a good professional manner,
they explained what was done and by who and stated each of the people to give them credit
for their work. The negative feedback that was given by Oliver for my short film was that he
believed I could have added sound effects to make it more realistic in my short film. Another
comment that I got from Oliver was that I should have added more scenes that include

I then asked Steven Tweedale for a second opinion on my short film. He also watched the
entirety of my short film and gave me feedback that was helpful to me and I completely
agreed. HIs positive feedback was that we had good camera work with all the various
camera angles and shots that were taken. Another positive feedback was the music bedding
behind the short film, he said it mixes well with short film. Steven gave me some feedback
on how I could possibly also add more scenes with more dialogue into my short film. This is
the same advice that Oliver gave which also convinces me more that my short film would've
been better if i did this. Another thing that Steven said I could do better is to keep the main
character in the same clothing, this is because in various scenes he was wearing a jumper
then just his shirt. This then messed up the continuity of the short film.

I personally agree with both their feedback on my short film. I believe it would have been
even better if we kept the clothing the same throughout or got a shot of the main character
taking the jumper off that went well with the scenes. I also think we should have added more
dialogue scenes of all the characters talking.
Lindsey also agreed that we should have used continuity as we had some scenes with a
jumper on then some with him off. This messed up the continuity in the short film however it
turned out good still.

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