Gold Exp B1P U4to6 Review Lang Test B

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B1+ Name:

for Schools


Task 1 Task 1
Complete the sentences with a suitable word. The first Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
letter of each word is given. 16 My dad let me use / to use his computer so I could look
1 My little brother is f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the dark so he sleeps something up on the internet.
with the light on.
17 The children must / ought not to eat so many sweets now.
2 I bought these jeans because they had a twenty percent They won’t want their dinner.
18 We need to find somebody who knows how to read / read
3 There are probably thousands of plant and animal a map.
s _ _ _ _ _ _ that scientists still haven’t discovered.
19 Will we can / be able to swim in the pool if we bring our
4 My objective is to achieve an advanced l _ _ _ _ of English swimming costumes?
by the time I go to university.
20 That’s the man who’s / whose daughter is a well-known
5 If you’re not getting on with Laura, you should t _ _ _ it over athlete.
with her.
21 They suggested visiting / to visit the museum, but we
6 The players complained to the r _ _ _ _ _ _ because they decided to go to the market instead.
didn’t agree with his decision.
22 Twelve Monkeys, that / which stars Brad Pitt, is one of my
7 My uncle works in a l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ where he does favourite films.
research into diseases.
23 I should have / had better tell my parents that I’ll be home
8 Some animals have night v _ _ _ _ _ so they can see in late this afternoon.
the dark.

Task 2
Task 2
Complete the sentences with these words. There are three
Complete the sentences with a preposition. extra words which you do not need.
9 I would like to sum by saying that we need
to do more to protect our local libraries. can’t ​couldn’t ​
either ​
to ​
mustn’t ​
neither ​none ​when ​where ​who
10 Phillip’s illness is really getting him . He just
wants to be well again. 24 You put your money in the machine and the
11 The decision to finish classes at 3 p.m. has been very ticket will come out.
popular the students and teachers. 25 I invited Vinnie and Kevin to my party, but
12 You need to focus this film or you won’t of them could come.
understand the story. 26 We find the bus stop so we had to ask
13 Clara’s anxious playing the violin in front someone for directions.
of so many people. 27 I don’t know to leave my bike. I can’t see
14 Let’s try to get away all these people. any places to lock it up.

15 Could you please stop talking and pay attention 28 I wonder if of my sisters has got a dress I
what I’m saying? can borrow?
29 1985 was the year my parents got married.
30 I’ve got a couple of friends still don’t know
how to swim.

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B1+ Name:
for Schools


Task 1
Read the text and complete the gaps with one word only.

Eating for a healthy body and mind

Both your body and your mind need you to eat healthily. You will only be (31) to do your best if
you avoid junk food. But how can you tell what’s good for you when you are surrounded by so (32)
different products?

Firstly, you need (33) remember that foods with added sugar are rarely good for you. If you eat
(34) much of this type of food, it can make you overweight and cause diseases like diabetes. However,
if you feel like something sweet, there’s (35) natural sugar in fruit and vegetables to provide you with
what your body needs. These gifts from nature are packed with things like protein, (36) helps you grow,
and vitamins to keep you healthy. If given a choice, you (37) definitely go for a fruit salad instead of a
packet of biscuits!

Of course, we (38) like a plate of chips or a delicious kebab, don’t we? They’re cheap and you don’t
(39) to make them yourself. However, this also means that junk food can be addictive for some people.
In fact, many young people are already addicted and they don’t want to eat anything else. A (40) junk food
is okay occasionally, but it should be a small part of a balanced diet.


Task 2
Use the word given in capitals at the end of some lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

How we should teach science

Recent surveys have shown that teenagers are more interested in science than you might expect. This is
good news because we will need more people to work in (41) research in the future. SCIENCE
The problem, however, is that they don’t believe that their Science classes are very effective. They argue
that lessons aren’t interesting enough and do little to encourage (42) . CURIOUS

What students seem to want is (43) experience rather than just working from textbooks. PRACTICE
Although teachers may think it’s (44) to learn the ideas behind the science before doing LOGIC
your own experiments, many students disagree. They think it’s (45) to learn about how POSSIBLE
things work without experimenting with them yourself. Like some of the greatest (46) , INVENT
they want to play around with things in order to understand what makes them work.

We used to think that schools were there to help students develop their (47) . INTELLIGENT
However, many people now believe that schools should actually help students to become motivated
learners so they want to keep learning long after they leave school. This belief is also supported by many
(48) who think it’s important for their workers to have a range of skills. For them, EMPLOY
(49) of your subject does not necessarily mean you can develop a new product or manage KNOW
a research project. It’s clearly necessary for us to (50) the way we teach science in schools. THINK


Total: 50

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