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Complications of Robotic

S u r ge ry
Ramón Díaz Jara, MD, Alfredo D. Guerrón, MD, Dana Portenier, MD*

 Complications robotic surgery  Robotic malfunction  Intraoperative complications
 Robotic disadvantages  Patient positioning

 Increasing numbers of procedures are being perform using robotic-assisted platforms.
 Despite its benefits, complications occur in all aspects and stages of surgery including the
preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative periods.
 Robotic surgery has no specific surgery-related complications, but equipment malfunc-
tion and poor surgeons’ training might be associated with impaired patient safety.
 Optimal equipment maintenance and troubleshooting and continuous surgeon and ro-
botic team training, are essential to obtain the maximum benefit of using robotic devices
and avoid complications.
 Complications and equipment malfunctioning should be reported promptly to improve pa-
tient outcomes.


Without a doubt, robotic-assisted surgery has represented a revolution for surgical

practice and minimally invasive surgery. Currently, several platforms are being used
to perform a wide variety of procedures with different degrees of success and appli-
cations. Surgeons and industry reported better outcomes compared with conven-
tional laparoscopy owing to several technological improvements, such as enhanced
visualization owing to the 3-dimensional interface, tremor filtration, improved wrist
motion freedom, motion scaling, and improved ergonomics owing to a more comfort-
able user interface.1 Nowadays, robotic surgical systems are being used in a wide va-
riety of procedures and specialties including cardiothoracic, urology, endocrine
surgery, metabolic and bariatric surgery, head and neck surgery, and all the intra-
abdominal surgery subspecialties. The case volume is increasing exponentially and
the numbers continue to grow particularly owing to urology and general surgery

Division of Metabolic and Weight Loss Surgery, Department of Surgery, Duke University Health
System, 407 Crutchfield Street, Durham, NC 27704, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: dana.portenier@duke.edu

Surg Clin N Am - (2020) -–-

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.suc.2019.12.008 surgical.theclinics.com
0039-6109/20/ª 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Jara et al

subspecialties. In 2017, approximately 877,000 robotic procedures were performed

worldwide with the da Vinci Surgical System (Intuitive Surgical Systems, Sunnyvale,
CA). This showed an increment compared with the 753,000 and 652,000 procedures
performed in 2016 and 2015, respectively.2
Nonetheless, robotic surgery is not exempt from complications. It is not the intention
of this article to go over complications inherent to particular procedures or specialties,
but rather to categorize the complications to better understand the clinical implica-
tions and develop strategies for prevention. Like any other surgical intervention, com-
plications can occur during the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative
periods. Owing to the use of a platform that is controlled at a distance from the patient,
it is worth reviewing issues in the aforementioned periods but also issues related to
patient preparation, team dynamics, equipment failure, complications related to the
surgical act, and surgical outcomes. In this article, we address the different obstacles
presented by the use of this new technology.


The benefits of robotic surgery have been reported in a variety of reports and publica-
tions. It has been postulated that robotic platforms properly integrate the surgeon into
the surgical field and overcomes the disadvantages of laparoscopic surgery. Reports
generated from the most widely used robotic platform suggest a smooth transition
from open to minimal access techniques as a result of the technology, which improves
visualization, provides enhanced manipulation of tissue by virtue of the wrist-like
movement adapted to almost all the instruments, and less dependence on the surgical
assistants for exposure and manipulation of the camera.
Several publications have reported that robotic surgery equals or even improves
outcomes obtained by laparoscopic surgery in different specialties.3–5 Such reports
suggest that the benefits are not limited to patients, but are for surgeons as well.
Ergonomics must be specially addressed during surgery, particularly given the aging
surgical workforce. Laparoscopic surgery has been associated with ergonomic issues
owing to prolonged operative times, unnatural body postures, and positioning of tro-
cars.6,7 The robotic platforms offer the option to decrease some of these issues by
providing a comfortable seating or neutral posture position, avoiding forced unnatural
movements and delegating the torqueing forces to the robotic arms, decreasing the
burden on surgeon’s muscles in the sensitive areas like the neck, shoulders, and upper
back. The ergonomic benefits can potentially help surgeon career longevity. Data have
shown that, during laparoscopic procedures, a greater number of muscle groups are
activated compared with robotic surgery, which implies ergonomic benefits of robotic
surgery over traditional laparoscopic approach.8 In addition, the robotic interface pro-
vides the opportunity to enhance training and education with the use of dual consoles.


Robotic surgery presents several disadvantages. The robot platform requires larger
operating room (OR) suites to accommodate the robotic arms, consoles, and com-
puter towers. In some institutions, the limited OR space is creating issues with pa-
tients, staff, and equipment mobilization. The robotic platforms require the
manipulation of their mechanical arms to access the surgical field and have not
completely eliminated the need for assistance. A trained bedside assistant is required
to perform a variety of tasks, including docking and undocking, instrument exchange,
introduction and retrieval of surgical supplies (sutures, needles, staples, clips, gauze
pads, etc), and in some situations provide additional exposure.
Complications of Robotic Surgery 3

Another primary concern for surgeons is the absence of haptic sensation. Haptics is
defined as the tactile feedback from the console to the surgeon’s hand. Loss of touch
sensation combined with the strength of robotic arms might lead to technical errors,
increased operative times, and learning curves.9 Lacking touch sensation feedback might
lead to excessive use of force when handling tissues and cause inadvertent damage.
Like any device that implies an advanced technology, the robotic platform has
shown higher costs when compared with other approaches.10,11 The implementation
of robotic surgery in an institution requires the maintenance and purchase of robotic
supplies, both of which carry a significant economic burden for institutions. A system-
atic review showed that the robot results in higher costs of purchase and mainte-
nance, as well as longer operative times. However, when a high number of robotic
surgeries are performed, the procedure can be cost effective.12


Injuries owing to incorrect patient positioning can be an issue. As in laparoscopic sur-

gery, the surgery team must be aware of the possibility of having nerve injuries owing
to patient’s positioning,13 as they have also been described in robotic surgery.14 Tren-
delenburg’s position requires special consideration because it has been related to
operative complications and certain limitations particularly in older models of the Intu-
itive platform. Prior models were limited to single quadrant operations owing to the
inability to alter the position in the OR table and move the table to accommodate
the surgical field. This obstacle has been overcome with the newer version of the
DaVinci platform. Prolonged operative times have been described in robotic proced-
ures compared with laparoscopic, incurring in visual complications, cardiopulmonary
complications, endotracheal tube displacement, and nerve injuries.15 Facial protec-
tion must also be addressed and, for this purpose, there are now available commercial
devices to manage this issue. Other surgical positions can result in nerve and soft tis-
sue injuries, particularly during procedures that require bending of the operating table
to create space between bony structures, such as robotic ventral hernia, in which the
table has to be bent at the patient’s hips to increase the distance from the subcostal
margin and the pelvis and to avoid collision of the robotic arms with the patient’s
Special attention must be paid with the positioning of trocars to avoid internal or
external collisions of arms.16 The latter is important because robotic arms may hit
the bedside assistant or the patient. Obtaining an optimal position during the proced-
ure is essential for the team. A newer version of the Davinci platform offers digital
assistance for port placement based on target anatomy.


We should not expect specific complications related to robotic surgery because it is

the same approach as with laparoscopic surgery. Likewise, most of the risk factors
reported are similar to those described for laparoscopic or open procedures.17,18 Mul-
tiquadrant surgery has been described as a specific risk factor for complications in ro-
botic surgery.17,19 However, the latest da Vinci Xi, given its design, might overcome
this disadvantage allowing single-dock multiquadrant surgery.20 Hitherto, the da Vinci
platform has shown not only feasibility and reproducibility, but safety, reliability, and
advantages in some complex procedures.21,22
Nevertheless, the robotic platforms are complex equipment, integrated by different
mechanical parts. The equipment and software might be defective during surgeries,
which can change the surgeon’s plan and compromise the safety of the surgery.
4 Jara et al

Robot malfunctions have been reported between 0.4% and 4.6%.23,24 Borden and
colleagues25 described a robotic failure during 350 robotic-assisted radical prostatec-
tomies. Nine procedures (2.6%) were not completed robotically owing to robotic fail-
ure. Six malfunctions were identified before the procedure began; thus, the surgeries
were canceled and rescheduled. The 3 remaining malfunctions occurred while surgery
was being performed, and the procedure was converted to either laparoscopic (n 5 1)
or open surgery (n 5 2). The most common defects were setup joint malfunction
(n 5 2) and arm malfunction (n 5 2). Kozlowski24 described a series of 130 robotic-
assisted prostatectomies where they had 6 robotic failures (4.6%). The most common
malfunction was also set up joint malfunction (n 5 2). Other series have described that
the robotic instruments may be the most common cause of failure.26,27
The US Food and Drug Administration registers all the national robotic adverse
events through the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE) data-
base. United States health institutions can anonymously and voluntarily report
adverse events, and the manufactures can offer a response. These complete reports
are regularly monitored to detect and correct robot-related safety issues promptly.
In 2007, Andonian and colleagues28 published a comprehensive review of the
MAUDE database from 2000 to 2007. The authors found a failure rate of 0.38%,
and the da Vinci robotic system was the cause of 168 robotic failures during that
period. They also noted that the adverse events increased each year, but this was
likely related to the increase in the number of robotic procedures. Recently, Alemza-
deh and colleagues29 performed a comprehensive MAUDE database analysis finding
10,624 adverse events related to robotic systems and instruments between 2000 and
2013. In this same period, it was expected that in the United States, 1,745,000 robotic
procedures were performed and the number of adverse events per procedure was
approximately 0.6%. Gynecology and urology reported the highest numbers of
adverse events (86% of all robotic procedures). However, this incidence can be
explained because of the greater number of procedures done by these 2 specialties.
Broken pieces that fell into the surgical field (14.7%) and electrical issues (10.5%)
(electrical arcing, sparking, or charring) were the most common described problems.
The authors reported 410 injuries related to robotic procedures, most of the time
owing to device malfunctions.
Moreover, 86 reports informed about deaths in robotic procedures; 50% of these
deaths were owing to the inherent risks and complications of the performed proced-
ure.29 None of the reports indicated that the robotic malfunctions were the cause of
deaths during the procedure, although 31.4% of the reports do not have the specific
cause of death. The MAUDE database has shown that conversions to laparoscopic or
open surgery and procedure abortion are rarely seen.30 However, the limitation of
these studies is that the reports to the MAUDE database are voluntary and therefore
it is likely that not all the platform malfunctions are being appropriately reported.


In colorectal and esophageal surgeries, the robotic platform has not shown any spe-
cific disadvantage; it has even been shown to be more beneficial in surgeries in smaller
spaces such as the male pelvis in rectal cancer.31,32 In bariatric surgery, recently,
Rogula and colleagues33 study did not describe any clinical advantage of robotic sur-
gery over conventional laparoscopic gastric bypass, and robotic gastric bypass actu-
ally increased the operative time. A meta-analysis comparing robotic and
laparoscopic approach for gastric bypass did not find differences in 30-day mortality
and readmission, but robotic surgery showed longer operative times as well.34
Complications of Robotic Surgery 5

A Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program

database revision of robotic and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomies found that leaks,
surgical site infections, and operative time are higher in robotic surgery.35 Longer
operative times have also been found when gastric resections using robotic surgery
are done owing to gastric cancer.36 Recently, a group from the University of Virginia
published a propensity-matched analysis comparing robotic and laparoscopic chole-
cystectomy. The authors found that the robotic approach had longer operative times
and higher hospital costs compared with laparoscopic cholecystectomy.37


This concept should be added to our surgical practice. Like other surgical procedures,
robotic surgery is best performed when surgeons are exposed to a significant number
of cases. The benefits of robotic surgery can be increased when they are performed in
high-volume centers.38 As more robotic procedures are performed, a lower incidence
of complications is observed.14,39 It is not clear how many surgeries trainees must do,
but it varies by surgical procedures. Surgeons who aim to begin their robotic training
must be under the supervision of experienced robotic surgeons and assisted by an
appropriate operation room team as well. Every person inside the OR who is involved
in the robotic surgery must be familiar with the platform and be prepared to face any
challenge. Concentrating the number of cases in designated experienced personnel
will optimize time and costs, which is one the most concerning issues for health insti-
tutions. Besides, the institutions that invest and support the programs of robotic sur-
gery will have the opportunity of increasing the number of patients who, owing to the
knowledge of the benefits of robotic surgery, look for hospitals that have a robot.40


Currently, there is no standard curriculum for training in robotic surgery. Without a

doubt, surgeons need a simulation experience before they start live cases. Live robot
simulators with skill exercises (tower transfer, suture, etc) are available for training pur-
poses.41 Nevertheless, training on these live modules can be challenging because
sometimes consoles could be in use all day, and scheduling a training session could
be challenging. To overcome this issue, a virtual robot simulator can be an option for
skills training.42 It is also very important that trainees be taught to solve the most com-
mon robotic hardware and software malfunctions to avoid unnecessary conversions
or surgery cancellations. It is not clear yet how robotic skills deteriorate over time,
so surgeons who are not being involved in an adequate number of surgeries should
be prepared and willing to practice in the simulator again.


Robotic surgery represents a significant advance for surgical procedures. Despite the
benefits that it entails, its practice is not exempt from complications that range from
delay or cancellation of the surgeries to those that severely compromise the patient’s
outcomes. Once a robotic program is launched in a hospital, appropriate training for
surgeons and other personnel who are going to be involved in robotic procedures
must be provided to avoid incorrect use of the robot. Likewise, thorough maintenance
must be carried out on all the components that make up the robot, as well as the in-
struments that will be used during the surgeries. The report of the robotic failures or
instruments and their results must be correctly reported to the manufacturer to pro-
vide a quick and efficient solution by them. Although robotic surgery is expensive, if
6 Jara et al

the cases are concentrated in centralized hospitals, a properly trained team is

involved, and general maintenance is given to the robot, the surgery can be cost effec-
tive and represent a real advantage over other minimally invasive surgery modalities.


R.D. Jara has nothing to disclose. A.D. Guerron – speaker for GORE and Medtronic,
consultant Biom’up, Levita, Phenomix. D. Portenier - Educational grant from Levita
Magnetics. Consultant for Intuitive and Medtronic.


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