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As a manager in this situation, it is important to address the issues and find solutions to
improve the productivity and engagement of my team. Here are some steps i can take to
address the challenges and encourage my workers to be more interested in their work:

Communicate expectations: Clearly communicate the expectations for

performance, work hours, and behavior of my team members. Make sure they understand
the importance of meeting deadlines, attending work regularly, and focusing on their
tasks during working hours.

Individual discussions: Schedule one-on-one meetings with each employee to

discuss their performance, concerns, and any personal challenges they may be facing.
Listen actively and provide support where needed. Understand their motivations,
aspirations, and any obstacles that may be affecting their work..

Address time management issues: If i notice an employee watching movies

during working hours, have a conversation about their time management and the impact it
has on their productivity and the team's overall performance. Emphasize the importance
of prioritizing work and staying focused during designated work hours.

Monitor attendance and implement policies: Keep track of employee

attendance and identify patterns for the one who does not come to the office regularly.
Address the issue with the employee and remind them of the importance of regular
attendance. Consider implementing policies or procedures to address absenteeism and
create accountability.
that was all of it I can manage my team effectively.

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