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Motorcycle rental services operate through a network of pickup or drop-off points and offer a range of
two-wheelers that customers can pay and ride whenever required. Motorcycle rental is a substitute for
motorcycle ownership. In this system, motorcycles are owned by a firm that rents them to users on a
daily basis, monthly basis, or annually. Over the years, motorcycle rental has evolved from a basic
service provided by popular organizations to a widely recognized component of the modern urban
transport industry. The automotive rental industry is quickly developing into a globalized industry that
can provide many transportation benefits, environmental benefits, and social benefits. The demand for
motorcycle rental services has increased significantly over the years because of the cost advantages it
offers to users. Motorcycle rentals allow consumers to use Bikes without being burdened by ownership
and maintenance costs. Megacities have high environmental pollution and traffic congestions. Thus,
there is an increase in the demand for motorcycles rentals.

Travellers spend a lot of time researching online, comparing and organising their travel
arrangements, and they don’t want to spend any more time than they need to. Online bike
booking means that customers are able to book their rental bikes in the comfort of their own
home, prior to their travel. They don’t need to spend their precious holiday time looking for
bikes to rent at the location hoping they might get what they want.
Bike Rental (EBR) will offer potential clients an online platform to conveniently search for their
favourite moto cycles and book them. By booking bike online they be sure the bikes are
available at the right location at the right time when they need them. Travel itineraries can be
complex so people want to make sure rental bikes are available when needed or they want to
test certain bike models.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................1

2. Background of the Project...............................................................................................................1

3. Statement of the problem...............................................................................................................2

4. Objective of the project...................................................................................................................3

1.1 Specific Objectives...................................................................................................................3

2. Scope of the project........................................................................................................................4

3. Significance of the Project...............................................................................................................4

4. Beneficiaries of the Project..............................................................................................................5

1. Methodology...................................................................................................................................7

1.1 Data gathering methodology.........................................................................................................7

1.2 Development approach................................................................................................................7

4.2 Development tools..................................................................................................................8

9. Testing Methodology.......................................................................................................................9

10. Feasibility Study.........................................................................................................................10

11. Project Plan................................................................................................................................11

11.1 Project time schedule............................................................................................................12

11.2 Budget Plan.............................................................................................................................13


1. Introduction
Bike rental is an integral part of many people's travel, recreation and adventure plans and is used
all around the world to travel from place to place. Whether travelling on business, journeying
with the family or simply on holiday wanting to explore, bike rental services are extremely

2. Background of the Project

This time is an era of World Wide Web (WWW) where the world is considered as a small village
where by users need to interact with internet technology for survival and for being competitive.
This system will be developed in order to be used by Bike Rental Company. It will be online
system through which customers can view available bikes, register, view profile and book bike.

Bike Rental is a type of electronic commerce used for business-to-business and business-to –
customer transactions. In this project, I will attempt to design a system which is used for bike
rental services. This document contains the software requirements for the Bike Rental System
(BRS). The main purpose of Bike Rental System to be implemented is to manage information
about Bikes, Customers and the system users related to the company so as to increase the
company business performance and speed of work. The purpose of this document is to state all
system requirements clearly for usage in the development stages ahead.
This project tries to identify the barriers, analyze the convenient steps in automating the bike
rental system and the technology available. The project is on the bike rental online system, which
is an attempt to automate the existing manual rental system.
Moreover, this system will help in managing the activities performed by the Bike Rental

Some of the activities performed by the proposed system are listed below:

 Managing Bike information

 Customer registration
 Online reservation
 Generate report
3. Statement of the problem

The current system has many problems in relation to database management, since it is manual
system. The following are problems of the current system (manual system).

 Data Security is not assured: - This is due to the manual way of recording the data. It is
known that, in manual way, data are being stored by recording it on paper. Therefore, it
easily gets damage or misplaced that which lead to data loss.

 Performance
 Since the office performs recording customer information manually, it takes much
 Searching and data retrieving mechanism of the system takes a lot of time.
 Information
 Data collection is not accurate and it is not based on timely manner.
 It is difficult to add, replace, delete and edit the required information.
 Checking the validity of input data is difficult.
 Since information is not collected timely and accurately, the output is
not precise and on time.
 Processing the input data in order to get an output takes much time
because of the manual system.
 It is difficult to check whether the output data is valid or invalid
 Stored Data
 The data stored takes more cabinet.
 In addition to this it is difficult in order to add some additional requirements to
the existing system’s stored data (i.e. it is not flexible).
 There is the loss of data when storage place gets natural disaster as well as man-
made problems (like fire).
 Economy
 Since the system currently uses manual system it is not economically sufficient
i.e. there is wastage of material and time.
 Efficiency
 In addition to this there is wastage of materials and time due to redundantly
storage of identical data on different offices.
 Service
 The services provided by the office are not as fast as possible because the
service providers are busy with the paper and paper related activities.

4. Objective of the project

When developing the Online Bike Rental System, I emphasize on an easy-to-use User Interface
which is the key to sustain the system. With a simple user interface, the administrator or
users don’t have to rely on IT help to navigate and operate the functions found in the system. The
users can have simultaneous access to the same database containing the rental bookings and bike
availability. Automatically build and maintain fast access files for each database in order to
maximize retrieval speed. By using the system, the user eliminates duplication of the work
required to maintain multiple databases. There is also less chance for error, because a material
record is only entered once and any changes made to a record are automatically recorded
throughout the system.

The objective of the project is to give a solution for the entire problem in Bike Rental company.
The objective of the project is described in general and specific objectives as follows.

General Objective

The general objective of this project is to change the manual system into web based
computerized system which helps bike rental companies to make simple and easy modern way to
contact with their customers.

1.1 Specific Objectives

In addition to the general objective the proposed system has to address some specific objectives.
Among those are: -

 To improve the records of the drivers / clients who have monthly

 Contracts so that it can be written only once and only the status change
 Every day will be changed instead of writing all the information again and

 To store all bike information (plate number, etc.)
 To check the availability of the bike
 To manage all rental services (add, modify, cancel a transaction)
 To track all bike rentals in a given day

2. Scope of the project

Scope of this project is to make a web based application for bike rental company. but it also
used for any other companies in bike rental business.

 Managing vehicle information: Such as vehicle financing, vehicle maintenance,

driver management, fuel (petrol) management and health and safety management.
 Online reservation: The customer can registration online.

 Generate report: reports all information on the current day.

3. Significance of the Project

Solving the existing problem of the bike rental services that is done manually. By using the Car
Rental System, clients can manage their rental and bike issues. In addition, the customers can check out
auto conditions which can be rented from the bike rental service.

Tangible Benefits: - The main function of this project is to apply the working system of Bike
Rental organization when the organization communicating with its customers and when
customers rent Bikes. Such as: -
 For improved investigation of rental system
 Easy stock controlling
 To make data reliable
 To get daily updated report

Intangible Benefits: - are those benefits that cannot be expressed in terms of Shilling. Intangible
benefit that the system will give is the following:

 Upgrading the Bike Rental smart good will

 Reduce risk
 Customer satisfaction

4. Beneficiaries of the Project

 The primary beneficiary of this project output is Bike Rental Company.
 Manage customer data easily.
 Saving work time
 Reduce complexity
 Profitability in their work.
 Customer and other related companies
 Save reservation time
 Save cost
 Can get fast services
 The project developer
 The project has initiated developer to get knowledge of how to
develop the required system application.
 While struggling with some difficulties, the developer got a lot of
experiences of solving problems.

Chapter Two

4.1 Literature Review

Bike renting has grown rapidly in the past decade. Although the concept has been around since the
1960s, the number of cities offering bikeshare has increased from just a handful in the late 1990s to over
1200 .In Kenya there are companies offering bike rental services, one of them is iridenairobi which
operates in Nairobi. There is also Kigali motorbike rental which is located in Kigali Kenya.
2.1 Functional requirements
The following are the functional requirements of the system;

a) The system shall provide a mechanism for admin to list all available bikes, their
properties and their rental daily charges as well as updating the list.
b) The system shall provide a mechanism for admin to approve or disapprove booking.
c) The system shall provide a mechanism for admin to manage the customer/clients page
through settings
d) The system shall be able to generate booking reports between dates
e) The system shall enable clients to login or sign up to place their bookings as well as
signing out.
f) The system shall provide customers a view to explore bikes.
g) The system provides users with a searching option by enabling them us search box.
2.2 Non-functional requirements
The following are the non-functional requirements of the system;

i. The system will enable multiple access by different users

ii. The system will speed up all the work being done therefore improving the efficiency

iii. The system will be user friendly hence not complicated and therefore easier for the user
to interact with and to learn
iv. The system will be accessible 24 hours a day (reliable)

1. Methodology
1.1 Data gathering methodology
Refers to the device used to collect data, such as a paper questionnaire or computer assisted
interviewing system. The methodology that used for this project in order to collect data from the
organization are: -
 Personal observation: assessing and analyzing the overall rental system that has been carried
out by personally observing the current working system.
 Interview: we got some sort information about the current rental system from the operation manager
that helps us to analyze the system. They also give us some rental forms like customer and company
agreement forms.
 Content reading: retrieving information from books and online sources.

1.2 Development approach

A software development approach helps us to structure, plan and control the process of
developing software.

The proposed project will be developed using incremental method with versions of the system
being released at fixed time intervals. The development process will have the following phases;
1. Problem identification; during this stage research about the existence of the problem in
the field will be conducted and the issue will be established.
2. requirement analysis; at this level the problem will be clear and business requirements
shall be analyzed to determine the best or specific solution of the identified problem
that will best fit in the business requirements and user needs.
3. Design; after the decision on the best solution for the problem, a physical
design/diagram of the proposed system is drawn indicating the input, processing and
the output.
4. Implementation; at this level of the development, the designer comes up with the
logical design of the proposed system. It is at this level that the coding is done. This
includes database design, UI design, system hosting server implemented.

5. Testing; after the implementation, the unit testing, integration and system testing shall
be done to determine whether the system is complete for use.
6. Deployment; after the testing activities are over, the system shall be installed and
deployed and delivered to institutional environment to accomplish the desired
7. Maintenance; after deployment, regular system check-ups and system audits will be
done. Both hardware and software maintenance including upgrading and patch
installation shall be performed as per the organizational policy.

The reasons for using this method is because it has the following benefits;
 It will help me as a developer to generate working system version quickly and early
during the system life cycle.
 This model is more flexible in terms of cost, scope and requirements.
 It is easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration. It will make work easier for the
developer during unit testing
 In this model customer can respond to each built. It is easy to get customer response on
each build and this will help the developer to come up with a more advanced system.
 Lowers initial delivery cost. The initial cost of delivery is favorable.
 Easier to manage risk because risky pieces are identified and handled during it’d

4.2 Development tools

Development tools are tools that are used to develop a system. We will use several kinds of
development tools in different stage such as: -

4.2.1 Hardware Tools

N Type Of Hardware Use Quantity
1 Laptop Computer (4 GB To write and edit documentation and implementation 34
RAM space, 500 GB HDD
2 8 GB Flash disk To transfer file 2
3 Printer To print document 1
4 8 GB Hard disk Memory For back up 1
5 Smart Phone For internet 2

Table1. Hardware Tools

8.3.2 Software Tools

No Software’s Use Description


1 MS office Documentation MS office word 2016 is used for writing the documentation starting
word 2016 from proposal up to the end

2 MS Visio 2012 Documentation MS Visio 2007 will be used to draw the diagrams (activity diagram,
collaboration diagram, sequence diagram, state chart diagram,
deployment diagram, use case diagram, class diagram …) and to prepare
schedule using Gantt chart.

3 XAMPP Implementation PHP is a powerful server-side scripting language for creating dynamic
server and interactive websites.
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 is a professional HTML editor for
5 Dream weaver Implementation
designing, coding, and developing websites, web pages, and web

6 Web browser

7 Navicat Database
Premier design
For developing prototype
8 Adobe UX Design

Table2. Software Development Tool

9. Testing Methodology
Developing software is a complex process. No matter how hard we try to eliminate all faults
simply by going through the phases of requirements, analysis, design, and implementation,
however through good practice we can make sure that the most series fault does not occur in the
first place.

During the development process, the system is going to be tested experimentally to ensure that it
works well as excepted. Here are some procedures that we will follow:

 Examining whether the operation have sufficient documentation in procedure

manuals (hard copy) to afford correct and efficient operation.
 Checking whether procedure manuals are clear enough in communicating how data
should be prepared for input.
 Determine whether output is correct and whether the user understands it clearly.
 In addition to that we will test for each line of code, method, class and test the
application of the code.

10. Feasibility Study

The operation of the system will be measured in relation to the existing system and the
advantages it provides to the user. Besides this the profit it increases in the company will be
identified clearly and set to the feasibility of the project. The process of determining the
characteristics of the system built in terms of its operational expenditure and maximum output it
can give:

 Technical feasibility
It is planned to implement the system using visual PHP(wapserver), window 10 operating
system, Dreamweaver, etc. it is evident that the necessary soft-ware and hard ware are
available for development and implementation of the system. All of the software except

window 10 operating system that I use is free download and hence I can confidently
conclude that this system is indeed technically feasible.
 Organizational feasibility
Since developing this new system will solve most of the bike rental company’s problem,
the consistent support from the development team and the training of users will surely
deliver a system that will solve the existing business problems and take advantage of
various opportunities.

 Operational Feasibility
It is standard that insures the enter operability without shifting completion and innovation
among user, to the benefit of public both in terms of costs and service quality, the
proposed system is acceptable to the users. So that the proposed system operationally
 Economic feasibility
We can see the benefits in tangible and intangible way:

Tangible benefits: the benefits derived from the creation of our project that can be measured in
money and with consistency are as follow:

 Cost reduction and/or avoidance

 Error reduction
 Increased flexibility
 Increase the speed of activities
 Improvement of management planning and control.
Intangible benefits: the benefits derived from the development of our project are

 More timely information

 Faster decision making
 Boosting employee morale
 Increase accuracy
 Increase information processing efficiency and we are ready to pay all the
sacrifices’ that cannot be easily measured in Birr and with certainty.

11. Project Plan
A project within a certain timeframe, usually with defined stages, and with designated
resources Project planning is a discipline for stating how to complete. As an essential
element of project management, project planning involves the development of action
items and scheduling that will keep the project moving forward on a consistent basis.
When executed properly, project planning will also include target dates for the
completion of each action item, making it possible to move forward with other pending
items in an orderly manner. An actual project plan is referred to as an escalation list in
some business settings.

11.1 Project time schedule

Task Duration Starting Ending

Proposal of the Project 10 Days 01/02/2023 11/02/2023

Requirement Gathering Phase 12 Days 13/02/20223 25/02/2023

Analysis phase 16 Days 26/02/2023 13/03/2023

Design Phase 20 Days 14/03/2023 05/04/2023

Implementation 25 Days 06/04/2023 01/05/2023

Total Documentation 2 Months, 20 days

11.2 Budget Plan

No. Item Name Purpose Price

1 Pen For writing 20 /=

2 Paper For drafting 100 /=
3 Printing document To print 150 /=
4 laptop For processing 30,000 /=
5 CD, flash For storing data 800 /=
6 Expansion device For backup fill 100 /=
7 Mobile card For communication 400 /=
8 Transportation For data gathering 400 /=
11 Other cost For other remaining materials 230 /=
Total 32,200

Table 3. budget plan


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