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Art.No. 0892 2001

P.Qty. 1

High solid touch-up paint for galvanized

surfaces with more than 90% of metallic
pigments according to ASTM A 780.

Fields of application:
Zinc 300 GCC is suitable for brush application to
repair damaged spots on galvanic surfaces and
welding seams.

Zinc 300 GCC is highly corrosion resistant to
atmospheric influences. The protection is based
on the electrochemical behaviour of metallic zinc.
Zinc oxidies first at atmospheric influences and this
is protecting the ferrous construction below. This
cathodic protection prevents underfilm rusting. The
aluminium pigments ensure a similar silver apperan-
ce similar to the coated surfaces. High surface den-
sification of the dry film will be obtained promoted
from the zinc flake barrier function.

To get high corrosion protection a good pretre-
Use for:
atment of the surface which should be painted is
Steel construction, ship building, forging, vehicle construction
necessary. All substances which may damage the
coating have to be removed. The surface must be
bare metal, dry and free of dust and grease. The
Consumption 200 – 250 g/sqm per coat
product is to be applied by brush, application via
Spec. Weight 1,4 g/cm3 20°c, humidity 50% +/-10 air pressured spray pistols or airless is possible. In
this case the paint viscosity must be adjusted with
Drying time Dust-dry 10 minutes, touch dry 30 minutes, Fully dry 2 days
Thinner Standard thinner for nitro or acrylic solvent based paints
Processing Zinc 300 GCC is ready to brush. Stir before appli-
- 15°C to 40°c
cation, the touch up film has to be 30 μm thicker
Temperature than the zinc coating. Per coat a dry film layer of
40 μm can be achieved. The touch up coating
Shelf life 36 Month should overlap the hot galvanized coating for mini-
Packaging 1 Kg mum 1 cm.

The regulations of the German Hazardous Substances Ordinance must be observed. Subject to hazard labeling according to the German Hazardous Subtances Ordinance. For correct handling
instructions and material specifipic data, please ask for the EC material safety data sheet.

This advice is based on our own research and experience. It is presented in good faith and may be considered reliable. However, due to the diverse processing, application and handling
possibilities the information provided may not be considered legally binding. The same applies to the information provided by our technical and commercial customer service. We recom-
mend the users of our products to perform their own test in order to determine whether our products are appropriate for the respective use and environment. We guarantee the consistent
quality of our products. We reserve the light to implement technical changes and improvements.

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