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Universidad San,ago de Cali

Cultura y Civilización anglófona – Examen Segundo Corte

Nombre: _________________________________________ ID: _______________________

I. CIRCLE the correct answer.

1. What is the meaning of pub?

a. publicity b. public house c. public beer

2. one of these is not one of the unwri?en laws in a BriAsh pub.

a. order from the bar not the table b. be specific about the beer c. most pubs take credit card.

3. Why did people BriAsh start to drink tea with milk?

a. They love combining flavors. b. teapots had a horrible taste c. cups were fragile.

4. One of these is not an American accent.

a. Texan b. Southern c. Bostonian d. Mancunian

5. You will see some different accent variaAons. Choose the correct opAon considering only BriAsh

i. Cockney ii. Southern twang iii. Brummie iv. Accepted pronunciaAon v. received pronunciaAon.

a. i, ii and v are correct b. i, iii and iv are correct c. i, v, ii are correct d. iii, i, and v are correct.

6. What is the major generator of soU power for the UK?

a. music b. exportaAon c. cinema

7. When was the theater introduced to England?

a. in 1900 b. in Roman Times c. in the dark era d. the Renaissance

8. What is the current English poliAcal system ?

a. socialism b. a Republic c. a consAtuAonal monarchy d. anarchy

9. What was the Brexit?

a. a referendum to ask if people wanted to leave the EU. b. a famous kind of breakfast.
c. the decision of the UK to join the EU. d. the formaAon of a poliAcal union

10. What’s the difference between dialect and accent?

II. You’re going to read two different texts talking about the culture of the UK and the USA.
You have to use one of the ways to compare and contrast prac,ced in class and apply it with
the two texts. (you can use the back of the last page to draw the way that you prefer)

Text 1
The United Kingdom is a fascinaAng country with a rich history and culture. However, it is important to
note that the UK is made up of four disAnct countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland,
each with its own unique culture, tradiAons, and idenAty. While there are some commonaliAes that make
the UK what it is, it is important to recognize and respect the diversity within the country. One aspect of
BriAsh culture that is oUen highlighted is the love of tea. While it is true that tea is consumed at all Ames
of the day, and oUen accompanied by biscuits or cakes, it is important to recognize that this is not the case
for all BriAsh people. In fact, there are many who do not drink tea at all, or who prefer coffee or other
beverages. The emphasis on tea as a symbol of BriAshness can be seen as somewhat reducAonist and
ignores the diversity within the country. Another aspect of BriAsh culture that is oUen highlighted is the
politeness and civility of the people. While it is true that BriAsh people oUen use "please" and "thank you"
and queue politely in lines, this can also be seen as a form of passive-aggressiveness, as people are oUen
reluctant to speak their minds or express their true feelings. This can lead to a lack of directness and
transparency in communicaAon, which can be frustraAng for those who are not accustomed to this style
of communicaAon.

TradiAonal BriAsh dress is rarely worn in everyday life, but kilts can sAll be seen in Scotland and Welsh
hats in Wales. However, it is important to note that these are not representaAve of the everyday dress of
people in these regions. In fact, many people in the UK dress in a way that is influenced by global fashion
trends and is not specific to their region or cultural idenAty.

While football (soccer) is the most popular sport in the UK, played at all levels from grassroots to
professional, it is important to note that there are other sports that are also popular, such as rugby and
cricket. It is also important to recognize the rich theatre culture in the UK, with producAons ranging from
Shakespeare to modern plays. Musicals are also popular, especially in London's West End. However, there
is a tendency to focus on the more tradiAonal aspects of BriAsh culture and to overlook the diversity and
innovaAon that exists within the arts scene.

The UK has many celebrated holidays, including Christmas, Easter, and Halloween. Bonfire Night, which
commemorates the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605, is also a popular event. The Nokng Hill Carnival, held
annually in London, is a celebraAon of Caribbean culture and is one of the largest street fesAvals in the
world. However, it is important to note that these holidays and celebraAons are not representaAve of the
full range of cultures and tradiAons within the UK. There are many other holidays and celebraAons that
are important to different communiAes within the country, and it is important to recognize and respect
these. The UK has a comprehensive public transport system, including trains, buses, and the iconic London
Underground. Black cabs are also a common sight on the streets of London. In rural areas, cars are the
primary mode of transport. However, it is important to recognize that there are many issues with the
public transport system, including overcrowding, delays, and high prices. There are also significant
dispariAes in access to public transport between different regions of the country, which can lead to a lack
of mobility and opportuniAes for those in more isolated areas.
Text 2
The United States is a country that is oUen celebrated for its diversity and cultural richness. However, it is
important to note that the US is a vast and complex country, with a diverse populaAon that is influenced
by many factors, including its history, geography, and poliAcs. One aspect of American culture that is
oUen highlighted is the love of fast food and convenience. While it is true that fast food chains such as
McDonald's and KFC are ubiquitous in many parts of the country, it is important to recognize the
negaAve impact that this has on public health. The high levels of salt, sugar, and fat in fast food
contribute to a range of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The
convenience culture of the US also contributes to a high level of waste, with many single-use items, such
as plasAc cups and utensils, contribuAng to environmental polluAon.

Another aspect of American culture that is oUen highlighted is the emphasis on individualism and self-
reliance. While this can be seen as a posiAve a?ribute in terms of promoAng personal responsibility, it
can also contribute to a lack of community cohesion and a lack of investment in public services. The high
levels of economic inequality in the US are also a result of this emphasis on individualism, with the
wealthiest individuals and corporaAons able to accumulate vast amounts of wealth and power, oUen at
the expense of the working class and marginalized communiAes.

While Hollywood and the entertainment industry are oUen seen as synonymous with American culture,
it is important to recognize the diversity and complexity of the country's arts scene. From the jazz clubs
of New Orleans to the street art of Los Angeles, there are many different forms of expression that are
representaAve of American culture. However, the dominance of the mainstream entertainment industry
can also lead to a lack of representaAon for marginalized voices and perpetuate harmful stereotypes and
narraAves. The US has many celebrated holidays, including Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Fourth of
July. However, it is important to note that these holidays oUen have problemaAc histories and can
perpetuate harmful narraAves, such as the erasure of Indigenous peoples and the celebraAon of
colonialism. It is important to acknowledge and respect the diversity of tradiAons and cultures within the
US, including those of Indigenous peoples, African Americans, and immigrant communiAes.

The US has a complex transportaAon system, with cars being the primary mode of transport for many
Americans. However, public transportaAon infrastructure is oUen underfunded and inadequate,
parAcularly in rural areas and in communiAes of color. This lack of investment in public transportaAon
contributes to a range of issues, including increased congesAon, air polluAon, and economic inequality.

Write conclusion here.


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