HTC556 Group Assignment (Trend and Innovative in Tea Industry) - Afnan - Aiman - Jawadi

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HTC556 – HM245 4A1










30th June 2022


Title Page

Table of Content i

Acknowledgement ii

1.0 Objective 1

2.0 Introduction 2

3.0 The Trend of The Tea Industry 3-5

3.1 Tea as a health drink
3.2 Premium Tea Craze
3.3 Shopping for Tea Online
3.4 Coffee Drinkers Switch to Tea
4.0 Innovation of The Tea Industry 6-7
4.1 The Technology of Tea Machine
4.2 Tea Technology Travel Kit
4.3 A combination of tea-based drinks and foods

5.0 The Challenges of Tea Industry 8-9

5.1 Climate Change
5.2 Labor Shortages

6.0 Recommendation 10-11

7.0 Advantages 12-13

7.1 That Gets More Interesting
7.2 Provides Health Benefits
7.3 Various Variations
8.0 Conclusion 14

9.0 References 15-17


We would like to thank Allah, the Most Gracious and Merciful, for His mercy,
blessings, and knowledge bestowed upon us, for providing us with a healthy mind and body
that has aided us in finishing this task. We would not have accomplished anything in life
without his blessings and assistance. We are grateful and blessed to have received His merciful
blessing, Alhamdulillah for everything.

First and foremost, we owe a debt of gratitude to Madam Nur Nadia Maisarah binti
Mohd Fisol, our Food and Society (HTC556) lecturer, for guiding and instructing us on how
to do this assignment step by step. Our lecturer's information would be useful in the future and
would not be a waste of time. We're also grateful because we were able to complete the task in
the time allotted to us.

Also, a big thank you to our family for their love and support while we were working
on this project. They were the ones that pushed me to finish this project, and they even assisted
us in various ways. As a result, we are quite grateful to them. Last but not least, we want to
express our heartfelt gratitude to our fellow friends. We'd want to offer our gratitude and
appreciation to everyone who helped us complete this project, whether directly or indirectly.

1) The goal of this study is to see how much of the tea industry's current trends aren't
coming from within or outside the country. Not only that, but the studies of this trend
consider all factors of religion, culture, and race. We will also attempt to link the trends
that occur in the global tea sector to current developments in this study.

2) This report would be incomplete if the trend wasn't accompanied by innovation. As

a result, we'll also do studies on the tea industry's developments in our immediate
vicinity. To some extent, the inventions that exist now have a good impact. Today, there
is a shift in the worldwide tea sector. This studies on worldwide tea innovation will
look at religion, race, and culture from every angle. We'll also attempt to connect
today's global tea breakthroughs to other innovations in the world, demonstrating that
these innovations can go much further.

3) Finally, this study is intended to be relevant to the current issues in the worldwide
tea sector. This is a difficulty for tea producers all over the world. This difficulty will,
of course, apply to the desire for tea among people of many faiths. We'll also aim to
connect the findings of this challenge's study to several essential areas of religion,
culture, and race. On the three primary points just mentioned, we shall demonstrate tea
demand and its impact on global tea providers.


Tea is an aromatic drink made by soaking the leaves of Camellia sinensis, an evergreen
shrub native to China, India, and other East Asian countries, in hot or boiling water. Camellia
taliensis leaves are also rarely used to make tea. It is, after water, the most widely consumed
beverage in the world. Tea comes in a variety of flavors: some are cooling, slightly bitter, and
astringent, while others have a sweet, spicy, floral, or grassy aroma. Because of its caffeine
content, tea has a stimulating effect on humans. This tea plant is from East Asia. It is thought
to have come from the northern border of Burma or southwestern China. However, Malaysia
is no exception in terms of tea production. Malaysia's three largest surviving tea plantations,
Ladang Boh (Cameron Highlands), Ladang Teh Bharat (Cameron Highlands), and Ladang Teh
Sabah (Cameron Highlands), produce about 3.6 million kg of black tea annually (Mount
Kinabalu). Malaysia has a deep bond with tea. Anytime is tea time in Malaysia. breakfast,
breakfast break, lunch, afternoon tea break, dinner, supper, literally all the time. It is very
different when compared to other countries in the world. In most other countries, they only
offer tea on the side during breakfast.

The largest consumer of tea is China, at 1.6 billion pounds a year. However, Turkey,
Ireland, and the United Kingdom are home to the largest tea drinkers in the world. Although
there are some tea producers, is it produced solely to provide people with beverages? Tea is
used as a beverage for the masses, but now there are a wide variety of foods that have been
produced using tea. Tea has now been innovated not only as a beverage but also into various
types of foods that use tea, and this shows that the tea that has been produced by all farms
around the world has many uses. Food innovation can be built on very different dimensions
that define food offerings (Backstrom et al., 2004).

In addition, tea, which was formerly known to the public only as a beverage but has
now been expanded to various types of food by using this tea, can provide knowledge to the
public. It is also to provide new benefits and innovations to the people so that they can feel it
for themselves with what has been innovated for them. Furthermore, it is now a trend in food
if something new emerges and spreads faster in this era of rapid modernization. This food trend
will also bring a change to tea. There have been many changes in consumer attitudes towards
food choices. These changes affect not only the consumer side (the food they eat) but also the
producers of this food (the food they produce), because the food that was consumed 20 years
ago now does not exist or is eaten by fewer consumers (Orjon, 2014).

When we talk about tea, it is not a foreign thing for us Malaysians. In fact, in Malaysia
itself, tea is a mainstay for the community in Malaysia, regardless of religion, race, or culture.
In addition, this tea menu can be served regardless of the time, sometimes served at breakfast,
afternoon tea, and so on. Not only that, there are some individuals who make this tea their diet
drink. However, not all tea can be used as a daily diet drink. In this world, there are various
types of tea from various countries that are imported into Malaysia in particular. Among the
teas available in this world are green tea, black tea, white tea, flower tea, rose tea, and various
types of tea. This tea beverage industry can grow because it began in China hundreds of years
ago. The enemy of Portugal in 1557 established a trading port in Macau, Portugal. From there
onwards, it has spread widely throughout the world to this day. However, we do not want to
talk about the history of the origin of this tea, but we will comment on or analyse the trends
that have occurred in this tea industry. Before we go any further, a trend, in a nutshell, is a
general direction in which something is changing, developing, or veering toward. The term
may also mean a fashion or craze, i.e., a fad. The verb "to trend" means to develop or change
in a general direction. In the world of social media, if something trends, it becomes the topic
of many posts. Among the trends that are happening in the tea industry are:

3.1 Tea as a health drink

We may have heard of the once-popular health coffee. This thing exists, is widely sold,
and has sparked heated controversy. While coffee is still regarded as a somewhat healthy
beverage, tea has the highest health benefits of any other beverage. Before the epidemic, health
tea was popular, but as more people looked for ways to increase their immunity, they
discovered tea. Tea contains a number of distinct compounds that can benefit the human body.
The use of tea on a daily basis can assist to lower the risk of a heart attack. Tea has also been
researched, and it has been discovered that it can protect you from heart disease and other
degenerative disorders like stroke. A study of 40,000 people in Japan by a group of researchers
from Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine found that drinking five cups of tea per
day can help reduce the risk of mortality from heart disease by 26% and stroke by 16%. Tea's
active components are also thought to assist your body avoid cancers of the breast, small
intestine, stomach, skin, oesophagus, lung, and other organs. Not only that, but some of these
people use tea as a diet beverage. Typically, this diet is one that is designed to help you lose
weight. Not all teas, however, are acceptable for use as a diet, particularly for weight loss.

Green tea, mint tea, white tea, and other types of tea are among the teas that are suitable for
weight loss. Green tea, for example. The leaves of the camellia sinensis plant are used to make
green tea. To keep the green nature of the leaves and prevent oxidation, they are selected,
slightly wilted, and then cooked right away. Green tea has substantially higher quantities of
chlorophyll, polyphenols, and antioxidants than other forms of tea as a result of this approach.
Caffeine is one of the key components in green tea, and it has been demonstrated in numerous
studies to help burn fat and increase exercise performance. Drinking a cup of green tea
increases the number of antioxidants in the bloodstream, according to studies. Epigallocatechin
gallate (EGCG), a chemical that might boost metabolism, is one of the most essential
components of this antioxidant.

3.2 Premium Tea Craze

The year 2020 is going to be a black year for the world when the whole world is facing
an epidemic of COVID-19, which has hit the whole world and our country, Malaysia, is no
exception. One of the effects of this epidemic is that the government in every country, including
the Malaysian government, had to order all residents to sit at home only. This makes our
movement limited and even affects our desire to get something due to the limitation of
movement. However, some industrial companies have managed to change their marketing
patterns so that we, as consumers, can enjoy what we want even in the face of a pandemic.
through transition. When people rediscover the fun of cooking and eating at home, this trend
will continue until 2021. The tea industry, for example, has managed to change their patterns
in order to satisfy tea fans all over the world. During the epidemic, consumers discovered
premium tea for the first time as they continued to find luxurious healthy drinks at affordable
prices. Society at this point is trying to make tea a premium drink that can only be enjoyed at
home, and there is no need to get it in expensive cafes. Not only that, but they also turn ordinary
tea into premium tea like latte tea and so on. In fact, from there, this group of people also learn
about what tea is suitable to use and whether it is suitable to be used as a premium tea. This
has become a trend that should be emulated by all sections of society.

3.3 Shopping for Tea Online

Apart from that, in the world hit by this epidemic, there is also a trend that has emerged,
which is to make social media a platform for buying and selling. This trend can be said to
benefit many parties, not just us consumers nor sellers. Online shopping has lately become a
hot topic of conversation among all societies. These online shoppers are beginning to realise

that in a country that has not yet recovered from the epidemic, buying online is more efficient
compared to buying face-to-face. Not only that, it gave traders, especially in the tea industry, a
development of ideas. During the epidemic that hit the world, many of these tea shops had to
be closed, and this affected some parties, especially the owners of the tea business, and also
the tea enthusiasts. With the availability of online purchases, it gives a new light to these
people. This gives a profit to the tea shop even if it cannot open a shop but is still able to
manage the business, even online. With the availability of online sales, it will reach its limit
because it can expand the business to the rest of the world through online only. Not only that,
with the availability of online sales, this provides a convenience to buyers because there is no
need to leave the house. In addition, making the choice of goods wider, especially for tea lovers,
for example, there are some types of tea that are not sold in the country, but with the availability
of online sales, consumers can buy tea that is allowed abroad online only. This trend not only
gives an advantage to consumers but also to many parties.

3.4 Coffee Drinkers Switch to Tea

Other than that, too, we know that coffee is not a strange thing in our country nor
abroad. Even in our own country or other countries, from shops that specialise in coffee drinks
only. For example, Starbucks, which almost every country has, including Medina, Saudi
Arabia. Not only that, in Malaysia itself, there are local brands for restaurants that focus on
coffee, like "Kopi Mesin", "Nasken Cafe", and so on. The success of opening this coffee shop
should be commended for daring to compete with well-known brands. This means coffee lovers
have more options than ever before. However, of late, a rather surprising trend has emerged as
these coffee lovers shift their appetites to tea. This happens due to the emergence of an
awareness in them because some coffee can cause bad effects for a long time. One of the
adverse effects in the long term is the development of cancer in the stomach. One of the reasons
is acrylamide. Acrylamide is a potentially carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substance that is
formed when coffee beans are roasted at high temperatures. The darker the roast, the higher the
level of acrylamide is possible. In fact, coffee has proven to be one of the main sources of these
harmful chemicals in the Malaysian diet. Which is why coffee lovers are turning to tea. While
some dedicated coffee drinkers will never stop drinking coffee completely, others make the
transition to drinking more tea. I believe changing the taste that has become a habit is not an
easy thing, so some take matcha as an alternative to coffee.


In an industry, no matter what the industry needs, a reform in the industry for good.
These reforms are very much needed, no matter in which aspect, because the reforms must
move in line with the passage of time. To innovate requires a solid strategy. For example,
innovating something that exists is no exception in the tea industry. Innovation is an act of
change that requires something new. Innovation is used to relate to the idea of progress and
find new methods, based on the knowledge that preceded them, to improve something that
already exists, solve a problem, or facilitate an activity. Among the innovations in the tea
industry are:

4.1 The Technology of Tea Machine

Today's world is progressing, and it is progressing in lockstep with the technology

available. Every day, new technologies emerge that promise to simplify daily tasks while also
increasing their complexity. The tea sector is no exception to the digitization trend, as more tea
brands will start to use AI, AR, and VR to create unique teas and communicate with customers.
While tea and technology may not seem like a natural match, technology allows for a variety
of customization options to create a unique tea experience. This AI technology has been around
for a while and has even been used in coffee machines. You might be perplexed as to how that
tough coffee bean can make coffee water droplets. This is the technology that allows it to be
made, and it makes the process easier and faster. For example, BRÜ (one of the tea companies
machine tea) has developed an autonomous tea brewing equipment that employs artificial
intelligence (AI) to optimise water volume, uniformity, and brewing duration, as well as a
future app component that allows users to schedule tea brewing cycles and alarms. The BRÜ
gadget also contributes to long-term water conservation by only using the amount of water

4.2 Tea Technology Travel Kit

If we talk about travel, everyone has a desire to travel to interesting places, no matter if
they are in the country or abroad. When we travel, we usually stay there for a few days, for
example, 3 days or more. To travel for about 3 days only, maybe we will bring only essential
items for our needs and try our best to minimise items to facilitate our trip. As a result of such
a way of thinking, there has been an innovation by some tea companies to produce tea that can
be taken anywhere, even while traveling. A company from London, UK, has created a tea
maker technology kit that can be taken anywhere. Mungyuen Li, founder of a specialty tea

company based in London, UK, has announced the launch of a new portable tea extractor,
Teasy, for brewing loose leaf tea while on the go. The teasy infusion is designed for leaf tea
drinkers who are dissatisfied with the limited options available on the market to prepare and
enjoy free-leaf tea outside of home settings. This technology works to make tea with the right
absorption strength by isolating the tea leaves from the water in the bottle. Not only that, it also
adapts infusions to various sizes of natural materials and is made with high quality materials
and heat-insulated stainless steel. This technology is indeed indispensable in the tea industry.

4.3 A Combination of Tea-Based Drinks and Foods

The food industry is very broad if we describe it as more and more foods or menus that
arise as a result of a combination of only a few ingredients that can produce a delicious and
good recipe to try. This is not a new thing in the food industry today. In fact, this is what makes
the food industry grow. If I mention a type of drink that we usually drink as food, you may be
wondering what it is. In fact, this is what is called innovation in a field. But did you know that
tea is now used in the food industry? Have you ever heard of the famous chocolate brand
KitKat? In fact, one of their products uses tea as an ingredient in their chocolate, which is
KitKat green tea. These changes and innovations turn something ordinary into something
extraordinary. Not only that, there are various types of food that use tea as one of the ingredients
in their cooking. However, not all teas are suitable for use in cooking. Among the most popular
teas used is green tea because of the nutrients it provides and also the colour that makes it
attractive to a product. Among the food products that use tea as an ingredient are green tea
cakes, green tea ice cream, and so on. It is such innovation that is needed to expand the food
industry and not be left behind to be a new breath for the global tea industry.


Tea drinking and tea culture have an ancient heritage, dating back 5,000 years, and have
become a popular beverage worldwide. According to figures from the International Tea
Committee, global tea consumption increased by 60% from 1993 to 2010, and significant
growth is projected as more people become consumers of tea. Today, the global tea industry
has a significant role in the economies of tea-producing countries in terms of foreign exchange
earnings, employment, and government revenue. However, they also have many challenges in
producing the tea. which is climate change, labour constraints, and others. These challenges
may affect the tea industry.

5.1 Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most serious risks to tea production around the world.
Climate change is likely to show itself through increasing mean temperature, changing
precipitation patterns, greater frequency of extremes, and increased climatic variability,
according to a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The tea plant
is an evergreen shrub that grows in certain climatic circumstances and is extremely prone to
irregular climatic fluctuations, which could pose a serious danger to tea yield and quality. Tea
has also been grown in areas that are particularly vulnerable to extreme weather. Although
global warming has the potential to raise average temperatures, exceptionally cold
temperatures have lately been documented in Korea, reducing tea plantation productivity and
causing large output swings. In addition, due to recent climate changes, the quality and quantity
of tea produced in Uji, a district of Kyoto that is one of Japan's oldest and most famous green
tea regions, has been steadily diminishing. Climate change can have an effect on society,
especially for tea consumers.

5.2 Labor Shortages

Tea plantations have been constructed on mountain slopes all over the world, and tea
growing and harvesting processes are extremely labor-intensive. As a result, for the tea industry
to grow, a steady supply of skilled personnel from the rural population is required. In the tea
sector, labour costs account for around 50–60% of total production costs. As a result, labour
productivity is an important factor in maximising plantation production efficiency. Tea is
mostly produced in developing countries with vast pools of low-cost labour. In the tea
plantation scenario, three factors are known to be linked to labour productivity: pay, incentives,
and social-economic concerns. The majority of tea plantation workers are employed on a

temporary basis and are paid daily wages, which are frequently low and based on a fixed price
per kilogramme of green leaf collected. As a result, their earnings may fluctuate depending on
their skills, working hours, health, strength, and production season. Tea estates all across the
world are suffering from depopulation, which will have an influence on tea production.
Furthermore, when smallholders and rural employees migrate to cities in search of higher
incomes and better lifestyles, urbanisation leads to rural depopulation, which causes manpower
shortages in the industry. This is causing a significant dilemma in terms of increasing
productivity. Additionally, because younger generations are hesitant to work on plantations,
mechanisation, as well as imported labour, is unavoidable. This situation will affect the
production of tea and may also affect the price of tea due to the increase in wages. When the
price of tea increases, its effect can be felt on tea consumers with lower incomes.


Today, tea is not a foreign drink anymore. Various types of tea have been
commercialized, with various types available in the local market as well as the global market
today. No wonder some studies have proven that a percentage of people prefer tea over coffee
because of several factors, one of which is the content factor in the tea itself, which is better
than coffee. The local and global tea industry today is expanding everywhere, so several
important measures need to be implemented to maintain and ensure that the global tea industry
remains in the market. Therefore, some recommendations need to be taken into account to
ensure that the tea industry continues to grow for the sake of the future. Among the ideas that
can be used to make sure that the tea industry keeps growing, we can:

6.1 Greenhouse Building

Before we go any further, you need to know that in order to plant this tea tree, it is
necessary to check some important factors, among which is the temperature of the place. For
knowledge, to ensure this tea grows well at a temperature of 11c–25c. In Malaysia itself, there
are 3 places that operate this tea plantation, namely in Gopeng Perak, Tanah Rata Pahang, and
Brinchang Pahang. This selected area is suitable for tea cultivation due to its suitable
temperature. As we know, the main challenge to global temperatures is climate change. One of
the feasible suggestions to avoid this problem is greenhouse development. A greenhouse, or
greenhouse, is a building made of glass or plastic that allows growers to be sheltered and
controlled. The heat from sunlight penetrating its transparent structure heats the plants and the
soil within them. In addition, the air inside is also heated and remains inaccessible to get out of
this building. With the development of this greenhouse, you will be able to control the plants
regardless of the temperature.Not only that, with the presence of this greenhouse, we ourselves
will be able to control the temperature in the greenhouse. At the same time, the greenhouse
provides the plants with protection from pests and predators. The structure also provides a safe
place for seeds to germinate and seedlings to grow that may be targeted by birds, heavy rains,
or unexpected frosts. This greenhouse can also be built anywhere, no matter what the weather
is outside. This makes the tea crop able to grow flexibly and, in turn, increases the yield of
global tea.

6.2 Using the Technology in The Agricultural Industry

The agricultural industry is growing both domestically and globally. In Malaysia itself
almost half of the country's revenue is from agriculture. Therefore, the tea industry has also

become a focus for the country to produce tea products to the global level and in turn contribute
revenue to the country in particular. The main challenge to the agricultural industry is the use
of labor. One of the suggestions that can be used is to replace this labor force with the use of
agricultural technology. Associate Prof Ts Dr Hairulnizam Mahdin noted that by 2050 the
world population is expected to increase by 9.8 billion and the world's food demand at that time
is expected to increase by up to 70 percent. To ensure adequate agricultural yields for all world
populations the use of technology in agriculture is essential. One of the technologies that can
be used in this tea brewing is the use of drone technology. The use of drone technology is
actually already used by several countries such as neighboring countries namely Thailand.
among the advantages of using this drone technology is Crop Spraying. This drone works for
Spraying Crops over long distances. Apart from that, this drone is also capable of analyzing
the tea planting area more clearly than the above view. This gives an advantage to the crop
industry, especially the tea industry. At the same time this technology is able to consume labor
and reduce costs for labor.


Each of the topics discussed, as well as tea, must have its own set of benefits. Tea's current
developments and improvements have provided numerous benefits to both society and
customers. The benefits of this tea have also demonstrated that its benefits customers not only
in terms of food, but also in terms of social and cultural factors within the community. The
following are some of the benefits of tea:

7.1 That Gets More Interesting

Tea, which was formerly just known as a cup of golden hot water, is now better known
as modern tea, because tea water has become much more appealing as a result of the marketing
of a range of blends and flavours. Despite the fact that this tea is mixed and has a range of
flavours, it is still referred to as tea, and it prioritises tea as the main component in innovative
drinks or foods, which has become a crazy trend for many people across the country. One of
them is the Tealive drink, which has grown in popularity in Malaysia. Bryan Loo, the CEO of
Loob, announced Tealive as its brand on February 17, 2017, with the goal of taking tea to the
next level. This Tealive is available in a variety of flavours and can be mixed with other water
by-products such pearl shells, commonly known as "boba." The fact that this tealive is now
available has enticed more consumers and users to test it for themselves. As a result, most
people who enjoy coffee have shifted to tea when they become addicted to it. Tealive has also
grown popular among those who go for a walk or a mall because it has become a habit, they
will find Tealive to be a constant companion in their daily lives. Furthermore, the availability
of this tea has demonstrated that the advancements done on this tea drink have sparked
widespread interest and elevated tea to a higher level, perhaps propelling the Tealive brand to
global prominence.

7.2 Provides Health Benefits

Food purchased for consumption by a person or society, regardless of age or gender,

must deliver health advantages to their bodies. Similarly, tea, which is popular these days, can
give users with health benefits. Will it have an impact on customers' health? Tea, as we all
know, has its own set of health advantages, and in some countries, drinking it as a kind of
health treatment has become a tradition. Tea has been reported to work as an anti-cancer agent
in numerous forms of cancer of the lung, pancreatic, liver, breast, frontal lobe, oesophagus,
duodenum, colon, and skin produced by chemical carcinogens under laboratory circumstances.
It's also been shown to help with illnesses including high blood pressure and cholesterol,

atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, and xenobiotic chemical metabolism. Bordoni and
colleagues (Bordoni et al., 2002). As a result, the tea that has been invented has undeniable
health benefits, because the cuisine that has been innovated using this tea is not only distinctive
to present to customers, but it can also supply them with health benefits. Kitkat, for example,
is a type of chocolate, and everyone believes that chocolate is a horrible and unhealthy food,
especially for youngsters. However, chocolate contains nutrients, not all of which are harmful
to one's health. One of them is KitKat chocolate, which was developed by a Japanese producer
who created KitKat Matcha from green tea. Green tea's health advantages come from the
presence of natural antioxidants such polyphenols; different compounds make up 30% of the
dry weight of green tea. Polyphenols are thought to be potent antioxidants with properties
similar to vitamins C and E, as well as carotene and tocopherols (Komes, 2010). This KitKat
matcha includes more polyphenols, making it an excellent choice for individuals interested in
learning more about matcha's health benefits. Matcha paste and matcha leaves are incorporated
with the chocolate in this KitKat. The bitterness of the leaves meets you as soon as you bite
into them, and as you chew, more matcha is released. KitKat Matcha, which employs green
tea, is popular not only in Japan but also around the world, notably in Malaysia, where it has
become a favourite chocolate in everyday life.

7.3 Various Variations

Tea has become revolutionary not only as a beverage, but also in the numerous sorts of
food that have been made innovative by adding a tea flavour. This is because tea can be a type
of food product that is quite good when utilised, even if it is only drinking water, in addition to
providing nutrition. In comparison to before, when this tea became a habit for the Chinese as
an obligatory drink in their traditions while meeting or when there is a ceremony in daily life,
some people's culture today prefers to follow the trend. The Chinese culture that still exists in
their daily lives differs from the culture of those who follow the currents of social life in this
period of globalisation. When they have trended a good thing or product for the good of
everyone, and in turn raised the name of this tea to its original culture, this trend culture can be
said to be good practise. Matcha cake, matcha cup cake, matcha biscuits, matcha chocolate,
and other tea-themed foods are among the options. This does not contain the many kinds of
matcha tea water. This matcha tea is prepared from green tea leaves that have been tampered
with in order to be used as a flavouring for a variety of foods. Matcha is divided into two
categories: ceremonial grade and culinary grade. It differs depending on the goal of its
application in various newly developed foods.


To summarise, many aspects of tea have changed and evolved with the rapid changes
of the times and modernity in both the food industry and society. In reality, this change is a
good thing because it demonstrates development in turning something into a fad or developing
something like this tea. As we all know, nowadays society wants to make anything new a trend
and publicise it on social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok so that others can
learn about it as well. Furthermore, these innovative ideas are frequently trending on social
media and around the world, not just in the country. This transition has raised tea to a higher
level, as it had previously been forgotten by the majority of people, with the exception of a
culture or social group that has practised it as a custom until now. Although tea has undergone
numerous transformations as a result of its incorporation into a variety of foods and beverages,
it can still be re-developed around the world and has become a trend for people to consume
tea-related foods.

We can also draw conclusions about shifting trends in this era of modernity, where the
presence of such trends can indicate that the trend is really good if we follow it and improve
the culture of some people who have never known it before. Modernity and the modifications
of this era have resulted in this thing receiving a greater response and being practised by the
general public nowadays by following current trends and supporting things that have been
created for a specific food. As a result of the foregoing, this trend is quite significant nowadays
because it can assist to further grow anything to the rest of the globe and make it known to a
wider public. Things like this are becoming more frequent in everyday life, but they must be
used correctly.

Innovations in something like this tea should be broadened and continued to a higher
level so that it becomes a trend rather than becoming a fad in a short period of time. Matcha
cupcakes, for example, must always be accessible for purchase in various stores and must not
be removed after a short period of time since they demonstrate that this tea is still utilised in
cuisine. Furthermore, the innovation of this product can help to develop the food sector, such
as this tea, which can be used to make a variety of foods. To ensure that this can be maintained,
a number of things must be done, which will require the cooperation of all parties involved,
including the community and yourself, in order for this tea to be preserved and remembered


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