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1 Warm up
In small groups, look at the pictures and discuss the questions below.

picture 1 picture 2

picture 3 picture 4

1. What body organs are related to breathing?

2. Have you ever had problems breathing? What happened?
3. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? How did it feel?
4. Name some things that could cause breathing difficulties.
5. Why is clean air important for our health?

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2 Vocabulary

Read the paragraph below and match the bold words with their definitions. Check your answers with
a partner.

An e-cigarette is a device that is similar to a cigarette but does not contain

tobacco. Rather than the traditional method of smoking, a battery is used along
with a liquid containing nicotine, flavours and chemicals. The e-cigarette turns
the solution into a vapour that is inhaled into the lungs. Also known as vaping,
this method of smoking has increased in popularity amongst teenagers. Although
it was once offered as a safer method to quit regular tobacco use, its safety is now
being questioned. In the past few years, users have experienced lung issues and
doctors are concerned that the long-term effects of vaping are unknown. These
safety issues have prompted more research in vaping devices. A recent study
detected many chemical irritants were in vaping solutions.

1. worried about something

2. taste

3. breath in

4. act of using an e-cigarette

5. enjoyed by a large number of people

6. an organ that allows us to breathe

7. small liquid drops in the air

8. discover

9. cause something to happen

10. a substance that bothers or causes pain

11. a smoking device

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3 Watching for general information

You are going to watch a video about vaping. Tick ✓the topics that are mentioned.

fruit flavours makes you happy

relaxes your body vaping liquid study

tobacco research harmful chemicals

legally sold prison

4 Vocabulary in context
Watch the video again. Choose the correct synonym to replace the word in bold. Check your answers
with a partner.

1. "part of the lure is the long list of fruity and sweet flavours"

a. fact b. attraction c. special d. chemical

2. "there’s a grim warning from scientists"

a. bright b. discussion c. serious d. general

3. "a handful marketed as nicotine-free"

a. advertised b. comforted c. created d. hidden

4. "research hasn’t picked up all the chemicals"

a. lowered b. gathered c. detected d. total

5. "there are calls for tighter regulations"

a. references b. rules c. discussions d. changes

6. "a push to protect Australians"

a. effort b. blow c. relaxation d. firm

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5 Watching for comprehension

Watch the video again and answer the following questions. Check your answers with a partner.

Why does the woman like vaping?


What does the man say about vaping?


How many vaping liquids were tested in the study?


What did scientists find in the nicotine-free solutions?


Why are scientists concerned about vaping?


Are vaping liquids easy to purchase in Australia?


Why do some people want more regulations for vaping liquids?


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6 Grammar - relative clauses

Relative clauses are used to add more information to a subject. They are very useful when making
definitions. Short definitions of nouns will include the noun, verb "to be", the class or group and the
special features in the form of a defining relative clause.

Using the noun and relative clauses below, form a sentence. Use the chart above to help you. Check
your answers with a partner.

Stethoscope: is used to listen to body sounds


Laboratory: experiments are conducted


Paramedic: takes care of injured people in an emergency


Artificial heart: replaces a heart for a short period of time


Spaceship: is used to transport astronauts into space.


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7 Vocabulary
Part A: Match the word on the left with the definition on the right.

1. odour a. worry

2. pollutant b. not having protection from something harmful

3. exposure c. an unpleasant smell

4. so-called d. made without the use of chemicals

5. organic e. a pleasant smell

6. compound f. any substance that causes harm to air, soil or water

7. fragrance g. a liquid made from flowers to put on skin to give a pleasant smell

8. perfume h. used to show that something is not described in a suitable way

9. concern i. a thing made up of two or more elements

Part B: Fill in the gaps with the words from above. Check your answers with a partner.

1. The flowers in the garden had a very strong .

2. When people start to eat healthily, many decide to eat fruit and vegetables.

3. Long-term to the sun can cause cancer.

4. On social media there are many experts giving health advice.

5. Lead is not used anymore in petrol because it is considered one of the worst air .

6. He took the rubbish outside because of the strong in the kitchen.

7. Water is a chemical of hydrogen and oxygen.

8. The French brands, Chanel and Dior, are the best-selling in the world.

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8 Reading for general information

You are going to read a text about indoor air pollution. What do you think it will talk about? Tick
✓the list below.

vacuuming cleaning products

air fresheners smoking

cooking pets

fires sport

Indoor air pollution

Hidden dangers

1. Air pollution is often considered an outdoor problem. being a safer organic alternative to other chemical
However, in the past two years with COVID-19 products. However, there is no regulation on how
making more people stay indoors, studies have the term green or organic can be used with non-food
revealed that indoor air pollution is also a concern. products. Therefore, companies can advertise as they
One of the biggest causes of such pollution is the wish. Several studies found that products labelled as
use of air fresheners to remove unpleasant odours green also contained dangerous compounds.
from the home. These products contain dangerous
chemicals that worsen the quality of indoor air. 5. There are a few solutions to help get rid of unpleasant
2. A study done in 2019 showed that 45% of homes in smells without air fresheners. The first method is to
the UK have high levels of indoor air pollution. The remove the source of the smell and increase airflow
sources of indoor pollution include air fresheners, into the room by simply opening the windows for
candles, incense, and cleaning products. Almost some fresh air. Using fans can also help remove the
30% of the study participants reported having smell. Regular cleaning can also reduce the chances
problems breathing. According to the World Health of having odours in the home.
Organization, indoor air pollution increases the risk of
certain conditions such as asthma, headaches, runny 6. Some businesses and cities are also looking at
nose, coughing and breathing difficulties. fragrance-free policies as a solution. These
3. Air fresheners are a big business worldwide with over regulations would limit or ban the use of air
$10 billion being spent in the US on such products fresheners and other products with fragrances
yearly. Their use is also widespread as one can easily in public places. Some businesses already have
find them in offices, stores, hospitals, restaurants, fragrance-free environments to protect workers who
schools, airports and many other facilities. However, have allergies, asthma and other breathing issues.
many people buy these products without realising the For example, some hospitals and universities in
dangers. Using air fresheners can increase the chance Canada and the US have policies that ban the use of
of coming into contact with air pollutants. Even low- all products with fragrances including perfume and
level exposure to these chemicals can cause health hairspray.
4. People are also tricked into buying so-called "green" Sources: Science direct, BBC, Environmental Health &
products. These air fresheners are promoted as Safety

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9 Reading for comprehension

Read the text again and answer the questions below. Check your answers with a partner.

1. What are air fresheners used for?

2. Name some sources of indoor air pollution.
3. Name some conditions caused by indoor air pollution.
4. Name some places where air fresheners are used.
5. What is the problem with “green” air fresheners?
6. What can be done instead of using air fresheners?
7. What is a fragrance-free policy?

10 Talking point
In small groups, discuss the questions below.

1. Why do you think young people are attracted to vaping? How could you discourage someone
from vaping?
2. Have you ever used indoor air fresheners? Why/why not?
3. After learning about indoor air pollution, will you change anything in your home? Why/why not?
4. Does your country have fragrance-free regulations? If so, where?

11 Optional extension/homework
Choose one of the options.
Option 1: Write down five concrete nouns.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

• Find a partner and exchange nouns.

• Now, write a definition for the nouns that you were given by your partner.
• Refer back to the table in the grammar section for help.
• When you finish, read the definitions to your partner.

Option 2: Write a 100-word paragraph on one of the topics below. Use at least five new vocabulary
words from the lesson. Give examples to support your ideas.

1. What advice would you give to someone who uses a lot of cleaning products?
2. What advice would you give someone who started using e-cigarettes as a way to quit smoking?

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3. Watching for general information

Narrator: The popularity of puffing e-cigarettes or vapes is rising. With part of the lure the long
list of sweet and fruity flavours.

Woman: I just like it because it has flavour in it and also, I am a smoker, once I vape I don’t smoke.

Man: It’s like smoking shisha. When you smoke shisha, you just relax your mind, it makes you
like calm and stuff.

Narrator: But, there’s a grim warning from Perth scientists. A study of 65 nicotine-free vaping
liquids found many contain cancer-causing chemicals and high levels of lung irritants.

Scientist: All of the liquids had at least one and usually in most cases many of the harmful

Narrator: And a handful of the liquids marketed as nicotine-free were actually found to contain

Scientist: Even though it was at very low levels, the fact that it was still in there is a problem.

Narrator: One of the concerns about vaping is that so many teenagers are doing it. Data shows
around 14% of 12 to 17 -year olds in Australia have tried an e-cigarette.

Scientist: No one has really been using them for more than a few years so what vaping does after
5 or 10 years is unknown.

Reporter: Scientists here think that this research hasn’t actually picked up all the possible chemicals
found in vaping liquid and they’re hoping to do more research to detect potentially
hundreds more.

Narrator: Nicotine-free vaping devices and e-liquids can be legally sold and purchased in most
states and territories, but the new research has prompted calls for tighter regulations.

Scientist 2: Vaping and e-liquids should not be sold over the counter.

Narrator: A push they say to protect Australians from both the known and unknown risks of

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1. Warm up

5 mins.
Students will discuss the questions to prepare for the topics of the listening and reading.
Q1 – e.g. respiratory system: lungs, nose, mouth, throat (pharynx), voice box (larynx), windpipe (trachea), large
airways (bronchi), small airways (bronchioles) etc.
Q4 – pollution, allergies, chemicals, smoke
Q5 – need clean air as oxygen nourishes lungs and blood.
Need clean air to maintain respiratory function; air pollution causes long-term damage to heart, lungs and other
vital organs.

2. Vocabulary

5 -7 mins.
Students read the paragraph and match the bold words with their definitions. They can check answers in pairs
and then check comprehension with the whole class.

1. concerned 2. flavour 3. inhaled 4. vaping

5. popularity 6. lung 7. vapour 8. detected
9. prompted 10. irritants 11. e-cigarette

3. Watching for general information

5 mins.
Students will watch a short video about vaping. Check answers for general understanding. Check comprehension
of words – chemicals, legally.

✓ fruit flavours ✓ vaping liquid study

✓ harmful chemicals ✓ legally sold

4. Vocabulary in context

5 mins.
Students will watch the video again. They will find the correct synonym for the underlined words. Get them to
check answers with a partner and then elicit from the class. Check that they can pronounce the underlined words.
Note that "lure" is C1 vocabulary.

1. b. 2. c. 3. a. 4. c. 5. b. 6. a.

5. Watching for comprehension

5-7 mins.
Students will watch again and answer the questions. Get them to check their answers in pairs and then the whole

1. flavours

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2. it’s like smoking shisha; relaxes the mind and calms you
3. 65
4. harmful substances and cancer-causing materials
5. unsure of long-term effects on health
6. yes, sold legally
7. to protect Australians; long-term effects unknown

6. Grammar - relative clauses

3-5 mins.
Before starting the activity below, take the sentence from the vocabulary and write on board:
An e-cigarette is a device that is similar to a cigarette but does not contain tobacco. Ask students to find the
different parts – noun; class; relative pronoun; relative clause. Now get students to write definitions based on
prompts of noun + relative clause
Students will use the nouns and relative clauses and form sentences to make a definition. Have them check their
work in pairs and then elicit answers from the class.

1. A stethoscope is a device that/which is used to listen to body sounds.

2. A laboratory is a place where experiments are conducted.
3. A paramedic is a person who takes care of injured people in an emergency.
4. An artificial heart is a device that/which replaces a heart for a short period of time.
5. A spaceship is a vehicle that/which is used to transport astronauts into space.

7. Vocabulary

Part A
3-5 mins.
Students will match the words with their definitions.

1. → c. 2. → f. 3. → b. 4. → h. 5. → d. 6. → i. 7. → e. 8. → g. 9. → a.
Part B
5 mins.
Students will fill in the gaps with the words above.

1. fragrance 2. organic 3. exposure 4. so-called

5. pollutants 6. odour 7. compound 8. perfumes

8. Reading for general information

5 mins.
Ask students to scan the text in order to find the topics mentioned from the list below.

✓ cleaning products ✓ air fresheners


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9. Reading for comprehension

10 mins.
Students read the text again and answer the questions. Have students check answers with a partner and then
with the whole class. To extend the activity, ask students to go online and try and find three places or companies
with fragrance-free policies.

1. to remove unpleasant odours

2. air fresheners, candles, incense, and cleaning products
3. asthma, headaches, breathing difficulties, runny nose, coughing
4. offices, stores, hospitals, restaurants, schools, airports
5. studies found that products labelled as green also contained dangerous compounds; no regulation of what can
be labelled green
6. remove source of smell; open window for fresh air; use fans; clean regularly
7. policy that limits or bans use of products that have fragrances

10. Talking point

5-7 mins.
Students will discuss the questions to prepare for the optional extension (writing). This is also a chance to practise
new vocabulary from the lesson.

11. Optional extension/homework

Option 1
10 mins.
Students will write down five concrete nouns. Remind them that concrete nouns can be physically touched –
book, shoe, zoo, etc. Do not use abstract nouns such as creation, imagination, greed etc. Once they have five
words, they exchange them with a partner. They have to write definitions for the words that they are given. They
can read definitions when finished or check randomly with the class.
Option 2
25-30 mins.
Students will choose one of the topics below and write a 100-word paragraph. They should use at least five new
vocabulary words from the lesson. Check their work for errors.

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