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*Castro and Custodio acting out what general dentists usually do*

Castro: Doctor, I’m here for a check up on my teeth.

Custodio: Oh yes, of course! Just lay down right here and I’ll start the check up immediately…

*Finishes the checkup*

Custodio: Sir, you might need to see a different dental specialist for this problem. This is way worse than I

*Castro thanked the doctor and leaves*

Goodmorning everyone! I am Erich Daler C. Custodio and the health profession that I have chosen is a
General Dentist. The skit that we did earlier was an example to what general dentists usually do when
they have a patient. Of course what they do depends on what the patient needs. Now, what are General
dentists? General dentists are the one that patients visit on a regular basis for preventive oral care.
General dentists are responsible for doing dental X-ray, dental cleaning, artificial filling, teeth whitening,
and they can also help the patient with their false teeth/braces/mouth guards too. The Salary of a
general dentist in the Philippines reaches around 28,892 PHP and of course that differs for other dental
specialists. Now how long does it take to become a general dentist? It takes 6 years

2 years pre-dentistry

4 years proper dentistry

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