Stage Production Guidelines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
City of Makati


SY 2022 – 2023


(Music, Dance, and Acting)


I. Stage Production Committee

a. Assume the role of a character (actor) or production staff. Contribute to
the conceptualization of an original performance. Choreograph the
movements and gestures needed in the effective delivery of an original
performance with the use of media.
b. Accomplish the stage production committee form given by the teacher.
Highlighted position/s are NOT allowed to be part of the production cast.
c. Submit the stage production committee form on or before June 14, 2023.
II. Storyline
a. Story line may be written in Filipino or English.
b. Format: font tyle: Bookman Old Style | font size: 11 | spacing: 1.15 |
margin: Normal (top: 1”, bottom: 1”, right: 1”, left: 1”) | paper size: Letter
(8.5 x 11) and Justify
c. Write your synopsis into one (1) paragraph and put indention on the first
line of the paragraph.
d. Title must be on the top center (font size: 16, proper capitalization, bold)
including the name of the director and playwright (head) (font size: 12,
proper capitalization, Italic).
e. Submit the storyline on or before June 16, 2023.
III. Script
➢ Title Page Format
▪ Script may be written in Filipino or English.
▪ Format: font tyle: Bookman Old Style | font size: 18 | spacing: 1.15
| margin: Normal (top: 1”, bottom: 1”, right: 1”, left: 1”) and paper
size: Letter (8.5 x 11)
▪ The play’s title should be printed in ALL CAPS.
▪ The two spaces below the title are an underscore line, which runs
the exact spacing length of the title.
▪ The two spaces below the underscore line are a description line or
a subtitle such as “A Play in Two Acts”. Note the capitalization here.
▪ Two spaces below the description line are the word “by” (not

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▪ Two spaces below the byline are the playwright’s name.

➢ Dramatis Personae Page (the “cast of characters” page)

▪ The Dramatis Personae page comes directly after the title page. This
page is not numbered.
▪ Character’s name may be written in Filipino or English.
▪ Format: font tyle: Bookman Old Style | font size: 18 | spacing: 1.15
| margin: Normal (top: 1”, bottom: 1”, right: 1”, left: 1”) and paper
size: Letter (8.5 x 11)
▪ On the top of the page, the words “Cast of Characters” (note
capitalization) are centered and underlined.
▪ Two spaces below the “Cast of Characters” line, you’ll enter the first
name in your list of the character names. The character names line
up on the left margin, bold and followed by a colon.
▪ To the right of each character’s name, at a tab setting of your choice,
comes a brief description of the character (Italic). Two spaces below
the character description comes the name of the next character.

➢ Main Text Page (script part)

▪ Script may be written in Filipino or English.
▪ Unnecessary words or lines are prohibited and may lead to
▪ Format: font tyle: Bookman Old Style | font size: 11 | spacing: 1.15
| margin: Normal (top: 1”, bottom: 1”, right: 1”, left: 1”) and paper
size: Letter (8.5 x 11)
▪ Write first the setting description in Italic then before the dialogue
in each scene.
▪ Submit the script on or before June 16, 2023.
IV. Set Design, Props, Costume, and Makeup
a. Backdraft are prohibited in the stage production. Black cloth will serve
as the backdraft in the entire play.
b. Maximize the use of handy or manipulative props in every scene/act.
c. Costume and makeup should suit and be appropriate in the characters
in every scene/act.
V. Invitation and Poster
a. Invitation must be written in Filipino or English.
b. Invitation Format: paper size: A4 (fold in half)
c. Production Name, Title of Play, Name of Director, and Playwright must be
stated in the invitation.
d. List of cast/characters, scene, synopsis, and committee should be
indicated in the invitation.
e. Submit ten (10) pieces printed copy of invitation on or before June 19,
f. Poster size: 20 x 30 (1/2 Illustration Board)
g. Submit one (1) piece printed copy of poster on or before June 19, 2023.
VI. Schedule of Presentation

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a. June 14, 2023 – Submission of Committee Form
b. June 16, 2023 – Submission of Storyline and Script
c. June 19, 2023 – Submission of Invitation and Poster
d. June 20, 2023 – General Rehearsal (Ruben H. Santos Hall)
e. June 22, 2023 – Stage Production (Bonifacio and Abad Santos)
f. June 23, 2023 – Stage Production (Rizal and Aguinaldo)
g. June 26, 2023 – Submission of Documentation and Video Performance
VII. Criteria for Evaluation
 Rubric for Performance (Acting)
95 – 100 POINTS 75 – 94 POINTS 38 – 74 POINTS 0 – 37 POINTS
Exemplary evidence Sufficient evidence of Some evidence of No evidence of
of appropriate acting appropriate acting appropriate acting appropriate acting
1. Character
technique for technique for technique for technique for
character character character character
development. development. development. development.
Clear and nuanced Demonstrates Articulation is a Inarticulate and no
vocal interpretation consistent vocal problem, and some clear vocal choices.
2. Vocal Quality
that reflects character. choices that reflects vocal choices are
character. apparent.
Exemplary physicality Adequate physicality Some physicality that Little or no physical
3. Movement that reflects character that reflects character reflects character commitment that
Quality movement with body. movement with body. movement with body. reflects character
movement with body.
Exemplary Adequate Some interpretation of No interpretation of
interpretation of text interpretation and text or evidence of text or evidence of
4. Interpretation/
and subtle nuanced preparation of text but preparation. preparation.
approach to material. lacks nuanced
approach to material.
Highest Possible Score: 100 points
Equivalent Level of Performance: Exemplary 95 – 100 pts., Mastering 75 – 94 pts., Developing 38 – 74 pts., Needs Improvement 0 – 37

 Rubric for Scene Presentation (Stage Production)

95 – 100 POINTS 75 – 94 POINTS 38 – 74 POINTS 0 – 37 POINTS
Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates
an excellent an adequate an inadequate no understanding of
1. Scene
understanding of understanding of understanding of scene rhythm, tempo,
scene rhythm, tempo, scene rhythm, tempo, scene rhythm, tempo, and pace.
and pace. and pace. and pace.
Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates
an excellent an adequate an inadequate no understanding of
2. Stage understanding of understanding of understanding of stage pictures,
Composition stage pictures, stage pictures, stage pictures, spacing, levels, lines,
spacing, levels, lines, spacing, levels, lines, spacing, levels, lines, and planes.
and planes. and planes. and planes.
Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates
an excellent synthesis an adequate synthesis an inadequate no synthesis of
3. Clarity of
of staging choices of staging choices synthesis of staging staging choices with
with scene’s dramatic with scene’s dramatic choices with scene’s scene’s dramatic
action. action. dramatic action. action.

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Performance Performance Performance Performance
demonstrates strong demonstrates demonstrates lack of demonstrates little or
clarity of directorial adequate clarity of clarity of directorial no clarity of directorial
4. Overall
elements and shows directorial elements elements and shows elements and shows
strong evidence or and shows strong strong evidence or strong evidence or
actor engagement. evidence or actor actor engagement. actor engagement.
Highest Possible Score: 100 points
Equivalent Level of Performance: Exemplary 95 – 100 pts., Mastering 75 – 94 pts., Developing 38 – 74 pts., Needs Improvement 0 – 37

VIII. Recognition and Special Awards

a. Best Poster Design
b. Best Stage Design
c. Best Sound Design
d. Best Supporting Actor
e. Best Supporting Actress
f. Best Actor
g. Best Actress
h. Best Student Director
i. Best Overall Production

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