1 June Reasoning CL

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Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given

A certain number of people are sitting in a row facing south. T is an immediate

neighbour of V. Q sits second to the right of T. One person sits between S and
Q. Not more than two known people sit adjacent together. P and R are
immediate neighbours of each other. U sits second to the left of R. U is not an
immediate neighbour of P. V sits second to the right of P. Q sits fourth from
the right end of the row.

एक निनित संख्या में लोग दनिण की ओर मुख करके एक पंक्ति में बैठे हैं । T, V का
निकटतम पडोसी है । Q, T के दाईं ओर दू सरे स्थाि पर बैठा है । S और Q के बीच एक
व्यक्ति बैठा है । दो से अनिक ज्ञात व्यक्ति एक साथ िहीं बैठे हैं । P और R एक दू सरे के
निकटतम पडोसी हैं । U, R के बायें से दू सरे स्थाि पर बैठा है । U, P का निकटतम पडोसी
िहीं है । V, P के दायें से दू सरे स्थाि पर बैठा है । Q पंक्ति के दायें छोर से चौथे स्थाि पर
बैठा है ।

1. Who among the following sits third to the right of P?

निम्ननलक्तखत में से कौि P के दायें से तीसरे स्थाि पर बैठा है ?
A) Person sits exactly between S and V
B) Person sits second to the left of Q
C) Person sits to the immediate left of V
D) Both A and B
E) None of these

2. If V and R exchange their position then who sits third to the right of V?
यनद V और R अपिा स्थाि बदल लेते हैं तो V के दायें से तीसरे स्थाि पर कौि बैठा है ?
A) T
B) P
C) R
D) Q
E) None of these

3. _ sits to the immediate right of R, sits third to the right of___

_ R के ठीक दाएँ बैठा है , ___ के दाएँ तीसरे स्थाि पर बैठा है
A) Person sits second to the left of V and U
B) Person sits third to the right of T and U
C) P and the person sits second to the left of R
D) Both A and C
E) Both A and B

4. Who among the following sits second to the right of the one who sits fourth
to the left of S?
निम्ननलक्तखत में से कौि S के बायें से चौथे स्थाि पर बैठे व्यक्ति के दायें से दू सरे स्थाि पर
बैठा है ?
A) Person sits second to the left of S
B) Person sits fifth from the left end
C) Person sits third to the left of V
D) All A, B and C
E) Both A and B

5. How many people sit between the person sitting third to the left of T and U?
T और U के बायीं ओर तीसरे स्थाि पर बैठे व्यक्ति के बीच नकतिे लोग बैठे हैं ?
A) 8
B) 2
C) 6
D) 4
E) None of these


1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. B


Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given

A certain number of people are sitting around a circular table facing towards
the center. Ali sits second to the left of Shivi. Ali is not an immediate neighbor
of Shivani. Only three people are sitting between Ali and Shivani. Only seven
people are sitting between Jivi and Mikha from the left of Mikha.Mili sits
fourth to the right of Iksa. Shivi is to the immediate left of Ekta. Shivani is
sitting fifth to the right of Ekta. Iksa is sitting fifth to the right of Mikha, who is
an immediate neighbor of Shivi.

एक निनित संख्या में लोग एक गोलाकार मेज के चारों ओर केंद्र की ओर मुख करके बैठे
हैं । अली, निनि के बायीं ओर दू सरे स्थाि पर बैठा है । अली, नििािी का निकटतम पडोसी
िहीं है । अली और नििािी के बीच केिल तीि व्यक्ति बैठे हैं । नमखा के बायीं ओर से नजिी
और नमखा के बीच केिल सात लोग बैठे हैं । नमली, इक्सा के दायें से चौथे स्थाि पर है ।
निनि, एकता के निकटतम बाईं ओर है । नििािी एकता के दायें से पां चिें स्थाि पर बैठी
है । इक्सा, नमखा के दायें से पां चिें स्थाि पर बैठी है , जो निनि का निकटतम पडोसी है ।

1. How many people are sitting at the circular table?

िृत्ताकार मेज पर नकतिे व्यक्ति बैठे हैं ?
(a) Ten
(b) Fifteen
(c) Thirteen
(d) Nine
(e) Twelve

2. Who among the following is sitting at a gap of three seats from Iksa?
(I) Mili
(II) Shivi
(III) Ali
निम्ननलक्तखत में से कौि इक्सा से तीि सीटों के अंतर पर बैठा है ?
(I) नमली
(II) निनि
(III) अली

(a) Only I
(b) Only III
(c) Only II and III
(d) Only I and II
(e) Only II

3. What is the position of Jivi with respect to Ali?

अली के संबंि में जीिी की क्तस्थनत क्या है ?
(a) Immediate left
(b) Fourth to the right
(c) Fifth to the right
(d) Fourth to the left
(e) None of these

4. How many people sit between Mili and Jivi?

(I) Four
(II) Seven
(III) Six
नमली और जीिी के बीच नकतिे लोग बैठे हैं ?
(I) चार
(II) सात
(III) छह
(a) Only I
(b) Only III
(c) Either I or III
(d) EitherI or II
(e) Only II

5. Which of the following statement is false?

निम्ननलक्तखत में से कौि सा कथि गलत है ?
(a) Jivi sits fifth to the right of Ali.
(b) Mili sits third to the left of Mikha.
(c) Ekta sits fourth to the right of Mili.
(d) Iksa sits immediately to the right of Jivi.
(e) None of these

1. E
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. C


Study the following information carefully to answer the given question:

There are eight people Rajat, Rani, Robert, Raghav, Rachit, Raahi, Rachna and
Rose seating around a square table but not necessarily in the same order. They
are seating in a way that person who is seated at the corner facing outside the
centre and person who seated at middle of the side facing inside from the
centre. Rachna and Rose are immediate neighbors of Raghav. Rajat sits third
right of Rachna. Rachit is not facing outside the centre. Rose does not sit
opposite to Robert. Raghav sits third to the right of Robert. Only two people sit
between Rose and Rani. Raahi is not the immediate neighbor of Robert.

आठ लोग रजत, रािी, रॉबटट , राघि, रनचत, राही, रचिा और रोज़ एक चौकोर मेज के
चारों ओर बैठे हैं ले नकि जरूरी िहीं नक इसी क्रम में हों। िे इस प्रकार बै ठे हैं नक कोिे पर
बैठा व्यक्ति केंद्र से बाहर की ओर मुंह करके बै ठा है और जो व्यक्ति नकिारे के मध्य में
बैठा है िह केंद्र से अंदर की ओर मुंह करके बैठा है । रचिा और रोज़ राघि के निकटतम
पडोसी हैं । रजत, रचिा के दायें से तीसरे स्थाि पर बैठा है । रनचत का मुख केंद्र से बाहर
की ओर िहीं है । रोज़, रॉबटट के निपरीत िहीं बै ठी है । राघि, रॉबटट के दायें से तीसरे स्थाि
पर बैठा है । रोज़ और रािी के बीच केिल दो व्यक्ति बैठे हैं । राही, रॉबटट का निकटतम
पडोसी िहीं है ।

1. Who sits third to the right of Robert?

रॉबटट के दायें से तीसरे स्थाि पर कौि बैठा है ?
(a) Raghav
(b) Rachit
(c) Rose
(d) Rajat
(e) None of these

2. How many people sit between Rajat and Rose when counted to the left of
रजत के बायीं ओर नगििे पर रजत और रोज़ के बीच नकतिे व्यक्ति बैठे हैं ?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Two

(d) Three
(e) None of these

3. Which of the following person sits third to the left of Rani?

निम्ननलक्तखत में से कौि सा व्यक्ति रािी के बायीं ओर तीसरे स्थाि पर बैठा है ?
(a) Raahi
(b) Rajat
(c) Robert
(d) Rachit
(e) None of these

4. If we change the direction of Raghav who sits second to the right of Raghav?
यनद हम राघि की नदिा बदल दें तो राघि के दायें से दू सरे स्थाि पर कौि बैठा है ?
(a) Rajat
(b) Rani
(c) Robert
(d) Rachit
(e) Raahi

5. Who sits opposite to the one who sits immediately to the left of Rachit?
रनचत के ठीक बाईं ओर बैठे व्यक्ति के निपरीत कौि बैठा है ?
(a) Rose
(b) Rachna
(c) Raghav
(d) Raahi
(e) None of these


1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. D


Study the instructions carefully and answer the following questions correctly.

An early morning, Rosita’s shadow falls towards her let and she started walking
from point P for 8km to reach a point Q, where she turns to the right and walks
for 13km to reach point R. Then she turns to right and walks for 12km to reach
point S. Then she takes 2 consecutive left turns for 6km and 4km respectively
to reach point T and U respectively.
1. What is the direction of T with respect to R?
a. South west
b. North east
c. South east
d. North west
2. Find odd one out?
a. RU
b. RT
c. QS
d. PR
3. What is the shortest distance between P and R?
a. √233
b. 15

c. 14
d. 16
4. If M lies exactly in the middle of P and Q, then what will be the direction
of M with respect to U?
a. South east
b. North west
c. South
d. North
5. What is the total distance covered by her?
a. 42
b. 41
c. 44
d. 39
e. 43

1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. E

Solution –

Study the following instructions carefully and answer correctly.

R is the father of A and C. T is the grandfather of C. Q is the sister-in-law of E. Q

doesn’t have any siblings. R is the only son of D. E is the sister of R.
1. How many female members are there ?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. Cnd

2. Who is the nephew of E?

a. A
b. C
c. Both
d. Either
e. None

3. If Z is the husband of A and A & C are of opposite gender , how will be Z

related to R?
a. Son-in-law

b. Daughter-in-law
c. Son
d. Daughter

4. How will be D related to A?

a. Grandfather
b. Grandmother
c. Uncle
d. Aunt

5. Who is the aunt of C ?

a. Q
b. D
c. A
d. None
e. E

Answers –
1. D
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. E

Solution –

In each question below are given some statements followed by some
conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they
seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions
and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows/follow from
the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.

A) Both (I) and (III) follow

B) Both (II) and (III) follow
C) All follows
D) Either (II) or (III) follows
E) None follows

1. Statement:
I) All shirt are socks
II) Some socks are PC
III) No PC is Chair
IV) All Chair are pant
I) Some socks are not Chair
II) Some pant are not PC
III) All socks are shirt is a possibility
2. Statement:
I) No Printer is computer
II) All computer are mouse
III) Some mouse are CPU
IV) All CPU are Keyboard
I) All Keyboard can be computer
II) All mouse can be Printer
III) Some CPU are Printer is a possibility

3. Statement:
I) No bank is PNB
II) No PNB is mobile
III) Some paper are mobile
IV) All paper are SBI
I) Some SBI are not paper
II) Some bank are mobile
III) No mobile is bank

4. Statement:
I) Some pencil are box
II) Some box are Pen
III) All Pen are Pencil
IV) No Pencil is crayon

I) No pencil is box is a possibility
II) Some Pencil can be crayon
III) Some Pen are crayon is a possibility

5. Statement:
I) Some HP are Dell
II) All Dell are Acer
III) No Acer is Lenovo
IV) All Lenovo are Toshiba
I) Some Toshiba are not Lenovo
II) All HP can be Acer
III) Some HP are Lenovo is a possibility




Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given

In a certain code language,

“win blue paper green‟ is written as “xc pa hq na‟
“black blue yellow same‟ is written as “sa iq zt hq‟
“green paper red move‟ is written as “ma xc pa wp‟
“force paper same black‟ is written as “sa zt xc ba‟

1. What is the code for “red‟?

(a) zt
(b) hq
(c) na
(d) iq
(e) Can‟t be determined

2. Which of the following may be the code for “green War‟?

(a) pa xa
(b) pa hq
(c) na xz

(d) ma wp
(e) None of these

3. What is the code for “yellow‟?

(a) ma
(b) xc
(c) pa
(d) iq
(e) None of these

4. If “red is coded as “ma‟ then what is the code for “move‟?

(a) hq
(b) iq
(c) wp
(d) sa
(e) None of these

5. What is the code for “black same‟ in the given code

(a) na xc
(b) zt sa
(c) hq xc
(d) ba wp
(e) None of these language




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