2022 English For Dentists

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English for Dentists

Book · December 2022


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3 authors, including:

Elena Vladimirovna Belova Konstantin E. German

A. N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry A. N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry


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Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry A.I. Evdokimova
Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS
Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"

Belova E.V., Gokzhaev M.B., German K.E.


Educational-methodical manual intended for first year students studying
English at the dental Department of the medical faculty in Russian

Publishing House “Granica”

Moscow 2022

ББК 81.432.1
К 14
УДК 616.31 + 811.111

Belova E.V., Gokzhaev M.B., German K.E. ENGLISH FOR DENTISTS

Publishing House “Granica” Moscow 2022., 107 р.

Reviewers : Principle sci. advisor of IPCE RAS prof. V.F. Peretrukhin,

Dc. PhD. Ya.A. Obruchnikova

Educational-methodical manual intended for first year students studying English at

the dental Department of the medical faculty in Russian Universities. Handbook
presents professionally-oriented texts, tasks for development of the main types of
speech activity, contributing to the formation of students ' English communicative

ISBN 978-5-9933-0419-9

©ИФХЭ РАН. Москва, Издательство «Граница», 2022.



This manual is intended for first-year students of the dental Department

of the medical faculty. The aim of this manual is to teach students to read
and understand authentic professional texts using a variety of cognitive
strategies, i.e. the ability to determine the meaning of a word, first, on the
analysis of parts of speech and structure of words, and secondly, relying
on a guess by context, support the hypothesis of the reader. The formation
of skills of the main types of reading, skills of work with the dictionary
gives students the opportunity relatively freely read the texts associated
with the future profession.
Presentation of the text, lexical and grammatical material, assignments
to develop the skills of word formation and the development of skills of
the main types of speech activity within the lesson structure of the
Handbook allows the teacher to develop creatively the content of the
lessons based on the curriculum, level of training of students and their
motivational orientations.

"Health isn’t everything but everything without health is nothing."


Unit 1.

Topic vocabulary
Oral cavity caries complication gums pulpitis periodontics
prevention of the disease restoration of teeth orthopedic devices
prosthetics bridge crown post inlays implants inflammation gingivitis
splints mandatory rehabilitation

Pre-reading activity
1. How often do you visit a dentist?
2. What do you do to prevent dental diseases?
3. Can you choose the proper specialization of the dentist?

Dental professions: make the right choice.

• Professional specialization in dentistry
1.1 Dental therapist
1.2 Dentist-prosthodontist
1.3 Orthodontist
1.4 Periodontist
1.5 Dental surgeon
1.6 Pediatric dentist
1.7 Dental technician

Necessary skills for the dentist

The modern dentist is infinitely far from the old "teeth doctor "who
provided a simple set of services, mostly on tooth extraction. Today
dentistry is the science of how to look at 100! Nobody will deny the
importance of beautiful, healthy teeth for the image of man.
Professional specialization in dentistry
Like any other profession in which the level of science is far more
advanced, dental case is divided into a number of specializations that are
closely intertwined. Young people dreaming about becoming a dentist
have a wide choice of options to realize their dreams. So, what are the
trends in modern dentistry?
A dental therapist
After a primary examination of the patient's oral cavity he diagnoses the
condition of his oral cavity and guides the patient for holding x-rays and
then assigns further treatment.
The most common dental diseases – caries and its complication in the
form of pulpitis, periodontitis and others are cured in the therapist's office
successfully and painlessly with the use of modern sealing and anesthetic
materials and tools.
Prevention of dental diseases is also a specialization of the dental
practitioner. Visiting the doctor once a year allows you to notice the first
signs of incipient decay and you can get rid of the serious problems. The
therapist performs preventive measures in the form of removal of plaque
and stone.
Apart from treatment the dental therapist may perform art restoration of
teeth – whitening, restoring or changing of a tooth shape.

Dentist prosthodontist is a doctor who deals with patients already treated
by the dental therapist. The main task of the prosthodontist is to restore
the disturbed chewing function. It's the most popular dental service.
If it's impossible to restore teeth by therapeutic methods the dentist applies
orthopaedic devices. There are several types of prosthesis: full dentures,
removable dentures, partial dentures. Non-removable dentures in the
form of bridges, crowns, posts, inlays and implants are most common.
The easiest and fastest way is a removable denture, it looks very
naturalistic, inexpensive and durable. Partly removable prosthetics is used
when only one or two teeth should be removed.
The orthodontist is the specialist to correct improper teeth alignment and
bite. This common anomaly is not just unsightly, it embarrasses the
diction of the person and can cause gum disease and teeth problems.
Fixing the widely used special devices – removable and non-removable
(braces and splints). Before installing the device the patient should visit
the dental practitioner to carry out a full rehabilitation of the oral cavity
and perhaps the dental surgeon for tooth extraction if it is not treatable.
Orthodontist installs the patient braces which are made after removing the
casts from the jaw. A full cause of correction takes 1.5-3 years during
which the patient periodically comes to the doctor for consultation.

The duration of treatment depends on the age of the person, the degree of
the disease and the type of braces. This method gives good results at
almost any age.

A periodontist deals with the treatment of periodontal disease – bone and
gum tissues supporting the teeth. Teeth and gums form a single system,
depend on each other and they can't be healthy separately.
A periodontist treats gum disease (gingivitis), oral mucosa (stomatitis), a
complication of gingivitis (periodontitis) and other similar problems.
The stages of treatment: mandatory rehabilitation, removal of calculus
and dental plaque, replacement of crowns and fillings, treatment of the
gums. Medical and restorative therapy aimed at the removal of
inflammation increases body resistance of the patient.
Common infection of teeth and gum causes a periodontal disease. The
main goal of the periodontist is to stop the inflammatory process by means
of medicinal methods, but in severe cases it is necessary to enlist the help
of a dental surgeon or a medical doctor.

Dental surgeon
Oral surgeon or maxillofacial surgeon performs the complex surgery for
correction of defects of the jaws and removal of teeth that cannot be
Often, it's a problem of "wisdom teeth" growing incorrectly and interfere
with the adjacent teeth. Surgical methods are used for the treatment of
periodontitis (cleaning the cavity between the gums and teeth, or
curettage), removal of the cyst or opening of the abscess.
Replacing of bone tissue may be necessary in the process of preparation
for the prosthesis. It is also provided by a dental surgeon. Another area of
competence is an aesthetic restoration of teeth by the method of

implantation, when the patient's gum is made up by with the use of the
In addition, oral and maxillofacial surgery deals with the treatment of
diseases not related to the teeth such as inflammation of the trigeminal
nerve, salivary glands, jaw joints and others.

Pediatric dentist
Pediatric dentist treats teeth of patients from the first tooth to the age of
17. This is a period of formation of dento-alveolar apparatus and the
doctor of this speciality has time to notice the first signs of abnormalities
in the formation of teeth and bite.
Untreated caries of deciduous teeth can cause many dental problems in
the future. In pediatric practice a conservative treatment is used.
Without good knowledge of age features of teeth development pediatric
dentist can't work properly. Knowledge of a child psychology helps to
work with a young patient who fears not only treatment, but also simple
In modern conditions the dental clinic has everything to make a visit to
the doctor painless. Treatment does not cause psychological trauma to the

Dental technician
A dental technician has a special medical education and deals with the
manufacture of dental prostheses and implants.

A dental technician is the right hand for the dentist-orthopedist, directly

translating designs into material. The doctor tells him all the extra
requirements – the type of material, color and so on.
The quality of prosthetics largely depends on knowledge and skills of
The knowledge of special pharmacology is absolutely necessary: drugs
and materials are constantly being updated and one should be able to work
with them.
It's necessary to master the x-ray, to know methods of diagnosis and
accurately select the best treatment option.
Dentistry is a high- tech branch of medicine with a modern range of
equipment and tools. The dentist's profession requires a high level of
development and constant training.
As a rule, experienced dentists with high qualification are not limited to
the narrow scope of their specialization. So, a dental therapist should
often cope with the responsibilities of a periodontist or podiatrist.
A very important point: good manipulative skills are necessary in addition
to the theory. Without exaggeration, the sealing and restoration of teeth
require a strong confident hand capable of delicate work. And the result
is obvious: dentists can see the fruits of their labors and a happy patient
every day.

Ask yourself:
1. Give a brief description of each dental profession.
2. Which of the dental professions would you chose?
3. What specialist treats gum diseases?

4What is the dental technician's sphere of activity?


Give English equivalents:

Медицинские специальности, обязанности врача, удаление зуба,

высокая квалификация врача, пломба, имплант, зубной техник, протез,
воспаление десны, восстановление зуба, безболезненное лечение,
слюнные железы, зубы мудрости.
What specialists would you visit if you have
a) a problem with your wisdom teeth?
b) inflammation of your gums?
c) tarter on your teeth?
d) caries in your teeth?
True or false?
1. A dental technician is the right hand for the pediatric dentist.
2. The duration of treatment doesn’t depend on the age of the patient and
the degree of damage.
3. The periodontist treats gum disease.
4. A dentist requires a strong confident hand as well as good theoretical
5. Salivary fluid contains antibacterial substances.
Practice the pronunciation of the following to moisture, saliva, to protect,

dry syndrome, acidic food, alkaline food, to allocate, pathogenic

microflora, patient, a disease, an illness, a surgeon, a ward nurse, an
Learn these words and use them in your own sentences.
Ask questions of all types to the following sentence:
Salivary fluid contains antibacterial substances.
Learn the following word combinations and use them in your own
to have a headache, a toothache, a stomachache, an earache, a heart
attack; to have pain in the backbone, in the neck, in the knee; to have a
bad cough, a sore throat, a high temperature, a running nose and so on.
Make up a short story" A visit of a sick friend" combining the given

Classroom activity
Substantiate the idea: "Modern dentists will never be out of work."

Give English equivalents: зубная эмаль зубной протез разрушение

зуба твердые ткани содержание кальция микротрещины в эмали
предотвращать разрушение зуба

Reading comprehension. Fill in the gaps. Use the words from the box.
Never medicine layer teeth change first differ
More because nature calcium ancient

Some facts about teeth.

The father of-------- Hippocrates called baby teeth dairy------ he was
convinced that the first------ of human teeth develops from milk, which
babies drink. It should be noted that the------ Greek physician was not as
naive as it seems at------ glance. Milk contains large amounts of-------,
which is necessary for normal growth of teeth – both baby and permanent.
Moreover, milk teeth do----- significantly from the constant – they are less
durable and have a thin------ of enamel, so their condition strongly
depends on the------- of child nutrition.

Classroom activities.
Fill in a case history of a patient questioning him. Dramatize the case story
in parts with your group mate.
1. What's your full name?
2. How old are you?
3 What's your occupation?
4. What are you complaining of?
5. When did you fall ill?
6. What were the first symptoms of the disease?
7. What diseases did you have in childhood?
8. Did you have any operations in adult life?
9. Does any of your next kin suffer from hereditary diseases?
10. Where does it hurt?
11. Where does the pain irradiate?

Topic vocabulary
Intergumentary tissue phosphorus endocrine respiratory particular
esophagus gallbladder dioxide cardiovascular peripheral.

Pre-reading activity
What body systems do you know?
Can body systems work independently?
What system supports the body?

Read the text and answer the questions given below.


The systems of the body are constantly adjusting to changes inside

and outside the body. Although each system has its own specialized
function, none operates without help from the others. The structure of
each system is closely related to its particular function.
Integumentary System. The integumentary system consists of the
skin, hair, nails, sweet glands and oil glands. The main purpose of the skin
is to envelope the body with a protective barrier between the organs inside
and the changing environment outside. Sweet glands in the skin help
regulate body temperature and eliminate wastes, nerve endings within the
skin make it sensitive to touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold. Among other
functions the skin is involved in the production of vitamin D.
Skeletal System. The skeletal system consists of bones, connective

tissue, membranes and joints. It supports the body and protects the organs,
provides a system of levers and a point of attachment for muscles that
enable the body to move, manufactures red blood cells and some white
blood cells in the bone marrow. Bone tissue also stores the body's main
supply of reserve calcium and phosphorus.
Muscular System. The muscular system consist of three different
types of muscles: skeletal, smooth and cardiac (heart). It also includes
tendons, the fibrous cords of connective tissue that attach muscles to
bones and the motor nerves that stimulate muscle contractions. Muscles
allow movements: help us to maintain a correct posture, to move blood,
food, urine and other materials through various parts of the body. Finally,
muscles produce much of our body heat.

Nervous System. The nervous system consists of the central nervous

system (the brain and spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system. It also
includes the sensory organs which provide vision, hearing and other
senses. The nervous system is the body's main control and regulating
system. It coordinates sensations from the sensory organs and instructions
for action to the muscles and glands, regulates most body activities.

Endocrine System. The endocrine system, the second major

regulating system in the body, works in close conjunction with the
nervous system. It is composed of ductless glands, each with a distinctive
function. Ductless glands are so called because they release their products
directly into the bloodstream without the use of a separate system of ducts
or vessels. The secretions of endocrine glands are called hormones.

Hormones regulate chemical reactions within cells (metabolism), grows

and development, stress and injury responses, reproduction and many
other critical functions.

Cardiovascular System. The cardiovascular system consists of the

heart, blood and blood vessels. The heart pumps blood through a complex
system of blood vessels (arteries, capillaries and veins). Blood transports
oxygen throughout the body and carbon dioxide to the lungs for removal,
distributes dissolved nutrients and hormones to cells and acts as a defense
against infections. It also helps maintain an even body temperature, a
stable metabolism and water balance.
Finally, it transports waste products to the kidneys and the lungs for
Lymphatic System. The lymphatic system is made up of glands
(including the spleen, tonsils and thymus gland) and a network of thin-
walled vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph. The lymphatic system
helps to defend the body against harmful microorganisms and tumor cells,
produces certain white blood cells that act as disease fighters, returns
excess fluid and proteins to the blood and is an important part of the
immune system which combats infections.

Respiratory System. The respiratory system is composed of the nose,

a system of airways including the pharynx, larynx, trachea, the lungs and
the muscles that help move air into and out of the body, the most important
of which is the diaphragm. The respiratory system is concerned with the
mechanics of breathing and also provides a mechanism for the exchange

of gases between blood and air. In a reverse process waste carbon dioxide
from the tissues is carried by the blood to the lungs where it is eventually
exhaled from the body into the air outside.

Digestive System. The digestive system includes the teeth, tongue,

salivary glands, esophagus (a tube leading from the mouth to the
stomach), stomach, small and large intestines, liver, gallbladder and
pancreas. The digestive system is compartmentalized with each part
adapted to a specific function. The overall function of the digestive system
is to break down large molecules of food physically and chemically until
they are small enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream from the small

Urinary System. The kidneys, their drainage tubes (ureters), the

urinary bladder and the urethra are the main parts of the urinary system.
This system produces and eliminates urine, it rids the body of wastes,
helps regulate blood pressure and composition and volume of blood. It
also helps to maintain the body's acid-base and water-salt balance. The
urinary system, not the digestive system, is the body's main avenue for
removing metabolic wastes produced by the cells of the body.
Ask yourself:
1.What is the difference between the digestive and the urinary
2.What are the main organs of the respiratory system?
3.What is the main function of the nervous system?
4.Which system is the body's main avenue of metabolic waste

5.What does the skeletal system do besides support the body?

Practice the pronunciation of the following words:
Respiratory digestive urinary stomach urethra trachea pancreas blood
carbon dioxide integumentary nervous environment immune

Give English equivalents:
Состоять из основные системы организма потовые железы
выведение отходов метаболизм ротовая полость часть
пищеварительной системы
True or false?
1. Body systems work independently.
2. Mouth cavity is a part of digestive system.
3. Blood transports waste products to the kidneys and the lungs for
4. Lymphatic system takes fluids and proteins from the blood.
5. Gallbladder is a part of respiratory system.

Ex. 4.
Learn the following word combinations and use them in your own
To maintain balance to break down molecules of food defense against

to regulate blood pressure exchange of gases harmful organisms
Describe briefly body systems and their functions.
Substantiate the idea:
Human body can't exist without functional systems.
Reading comprehension.
Fill in the gaps, use the following words.
Dead surgery last implants needs practice battle oldest human used.

Some facts about teeth.

Dentistry is one of the----- professions. Dentists were the first doctors who
successfully------ the organs from living or------- people for
transplantation. So the discovered------ in the ancient Egyptian pharaohs'
jaws are the------- teeth (probably of slaves or dead people). This------ was
carried out until the beginning of the ------ century. Historians suggest that
after the------ of Waterloo teeth of dead soldiers were supplied for the----
-- of dentists in many countries. Well, in our time the implantation is a
routine------ to correct an under bite.

Your project work.

Read the following dialogue, act it out with your group mates, think of
your own one.
--What's the trouble with you?
--I have both a headache and a toothache.

--Have you taken anything for your headache?

--I took aspirin.
--Let me examine your mouth. Oh, it's your wisdom tooth that troubles
you. I'll have to pull it out, I am afraid.

Unit 3.
Topic vocabulary
Alveolar jaw incisor canine premolar enamel process apex foramen gum
Pre-reading activity
1. Main parts of the tooth.
2. The names of the teeth.
3. Roots of the tooth.

Parts of the tooth.

All teeth, no matter what type they are, consist of the same three parts: a
root, embedded in a socket in the alveolar process of a jaw bone, a crown
projecting upward from the gum and a narrowed neck between the root
and crown, surrounded by the gum. The incisors, canines and premolars
have a single root, although the first upper premolar may have a double
root. The lower molars have two flattened roots and the upper molars have
three conical roots. At the apex of each root is the apical (root) foramen
which leads successively into the root canal and the root cavity.

Composition of teeth and gums.

Each tooth is composed of dentine, enamel, cement and pulp. The dentine

is the extremely sensitive yellowish portion surrounding the pulp cavity.

It forms the bulk of the tooth. The enamel is the insensitive white covering
of the crown. It is the hardest substance in the body. The cement is the
bonelike covering of the neck and the root. The pulp is the soft core of
connective tissue that contains the nerves and blood vessels of the tooth.
The gum is the firm connective tissue covered with mucous membrane
that surrounds the alveolar processes of the teeth. The gums are usually
attached to the enamel of the tooth somewhere along the crown, but the
gum line gradually recedes as we get older.
Ask yourself:
1. What is the root embedded in?
2. What is the hardest substance of the body?
3. What are gums attached to?
4. What is the gum covered with?
5. What is the cement?
6. What teeth have one root?

Give English equivalents:
Десна соединительная ткань корень зуба эмаль покрывать
альвеолярные отростки пульпа резцы моляры клыки дентин.
True or false?
1 .Each tooth has only one root.
2. The pulp is the soft core of connective tissue.
3. The dentine is extremely insensitive.

4. Gum line gradually recedes as we get older.

5. Tooth root is embedded in a socket in the alveolar process of a jaw
Practice the pronunciation of the following:
Canine incisor molar gum enamel sensitive dentin pulp cement
Make up sentences with these words.
Reading comprehension. Try to understand the text without a dictionary.
Do you know that:
The human teeth are a formation consisting of hard tissue. They are
designed for primary mechanical processing of food. Teeth are also
involved in the formation of speech sounds and are also an important part
of a wide smile. Some interesting facts about our teeth are presented to
your attention. Human teeth strength is comparable with the shark's teeth
strength. Strength of human teeth is largely due to the high content of
calcium (tooth calcium is about 99% of all calcium in the body). But that's
not all. Scientists' latest research have proved that the structure of enamel
in humans is the same as the sharks have. Enamel covering the tooth is
the strongest tissue in the human body and is composed of crystals of the
natural mineral hydroxyapatite, glued together with organic proteins. This
unique structure prevents the formation of micro cracks and causes the
resistance of the teeth to aggressive external influences. Why will dentists
never be out of work? The main problem of human teeth is that their tissue
is not able to recover. Therefore the destroyed tooth is at best treatable, at
worst it undergoes medical surgery(extraction) or replacement with the

Answer the following questions:
1. What are teeth designed for?
2. Why are human teeth so strong?
3. What covers human teeth?
4. What is the main problem of the teeth?

Look at the picture and inform your group mates on the tooth anatomy.

Continue the definition:

1. A crown is a-------. 1. The enamel is a--------.

2. A neck is a---------. 2. The dentine is a--------.

3. A gum is a-----------. 3. The cement is a--------.

4. The pulp is a ------. 4. The root is a--------

The mouth is an oval-shaped cavity situated at the beginning of the
alimentary canal. In the mouth there are the teeth, tongue, and alveolar
ridges, invested by the gum. The secretions of the parotid, submaxillary
and sublingual glands are poured into the mouth cavity and in it the food
is subjected to the processes of mastication and insalivation previous to
deglutition. The teeth are the prime organs of mastication, and are
implanted in the alveolar cavities.

A tooth is composed of four distinct structures:

1. The pulp occupying the chamber in crown.
2. The dentine which constitutes the bulk of the organ.
3. The enamel which forms the protection of the crown.
4. The cementum which covers the root.

The teeth of the first dentition are termed deciduous or temporary

The temporary teeth are replaced by the permanent teeth. The
anatomical divisions of a tooth are:
1. the crown or exposed part situated above the gum;
2. the root occupying the alveolar cavity of the socket;
3. the neck which is between the crown and the root.

The temporary teeth are twenty in number, ten in each jaw, namely:
four incisors, two canines and four molars.
The permanent teeth are thirty two in number, sixteen to each jaw,

namely: incisors - four, canines - two, premolars - four, molars - six. The
third or last molar is called the wisdom tooth.
The incisors occupy the anterior central part of each maxillary arch.
The function of this class of teeth is to cut the food.
The canine teeth are situated next to the incisors, two to each jaw.
These teeth are for tearing the food.
The premolars, four to each jaw, are next to the canine teeth. They
have two distinct cusps on their surfaces.
The molars occupy the posterior part of the alveolar arch and are six
on each jaw. The function of the premolars and molars is to grind the food
during mastication.

1. What sets of teeth do you know?

2. When do deciduous teeth erupt and how many of them are there on
each jaw?
3. How many permanent teeth are there on each jaw?
4. What part of the maxillary arch do the incisors occupy?
5. What teeth are situated next to the incisors?
6. What is the function of premolars and molars?

It is possible to say upper lip and lower lip.

Look at the picture and describe the mouth cavity. Practice the
pronunciation of the following: tonsil oropharynx palate
tongue oral cavity

Reading comprehension. Fill in the gaps:
approximately chew molars many change length age die

Some facts about teeth.

Does the elephant have teeth and how------ of them?

The elephant has only four teeth--molars (teeth for chewing) –their
minimal------ is 30 cm and they weigh -------- 4 kg. The formation of new
------- fully displaces the old teeth. During the lifetime the elephant's
molars------- six times. At the ------ of 70 the elephant's teeth start
destroying , the elephant can't ------- and subsequently many of the
elephants----- of hunger. The tusks never stop growing.

Your project work. Read the dialogue. Act it out with your group
A.--What's the trouble with you?
B.--Doctor, my teeth look nasty though I do my best to take care of them.
They are yellow, there is tartar on the incisors. I'd like to have my teeth
polished and whitened.
A.--Let me examine your mouth cavity. Well, I clearly see the problem.
I'd recommend you….
Think of the continuation. Give two or three varients.

Unit 4.
Topic vocabulary
Deciduous permanent incisor canine molar jaw crown arch vessels
nerves erupt hygiene complication treatment restore infectious antiseptic
substance heal
Pre-reading activity
Why do people call baby's teeth milk teeth?
When do permanent teeth erupt?
What types of teeth do you know?

There are two sets of teeth: the deciduous or milk teeth and
permanent ones. The deciduous teeth are 20 in number 5 on each side of
the upper and the lower jaw, namely: 2 incisors, 1 canine and 2 molars.
There are 32 adult or permanent teeth: 8 on each side above and below
namely: 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars and 3 molars.
Each tooth is divided into a crown above the level of the gum, a neck
surrounded by the gum, and a root or roots embedded in the jaw.
The crowns are chisel-shaped in incisor teeth, peg-shaped in canine
teeth, have two tubercles in premolar teeth; have several tubercles in
molar teeth. The upper teeth usually form a wider arch than the lower teeth
and therefore overlap them.
Each root tapers to a point. The roots of the incisors, canine,
premolar teeth are single. Each upper molar has three roots - two
lateral and one medial, each lower molar has two roots: anterior and
The bulk of each tooth is composed of an exceedingly hard
substance called dentine. The crown is covered with a thin layer of a still
harder substance called enamel. The root is covered with a modified bone
called cement.
In the interior of each tooth there is a cavity called the pulp cavity,
which contains vessels and nerves. The vessels and nerves enter the tooth
through a foramen at the tip of each root.
The first deciduous tooth to erupt is one of the incisors and it should
appear about six months after birth; all milk teeth should have appeared

by the end of the second year. The first permanent tooth to erupt is one of
the first molars and it should appear during the sixth year.
By the twelfth year all the permanent teeth should have erupted
except the third molar, which appears at the time between 17 and 30.

Ask yourself:
1. What do we call milk teeth?
2. What parts of a tooth do you know?
3. What is the first permanent tooth to erupt?
4. How do nerves and vessels enter the tooth?
5. What is the crown covered with?
6. What does the pulp contain?
7. What is the bulk of each tooth composed of?
Ex.1. Give English equivalents.

Постоянные зубы прорезываться верхние моляры нижние моляры

сосуды и нервы латеральный медиальный передний задний.

Ex.2. Translate into Russian:

1. Дышите глубже!
2. Откройте шире рот!
3. Не дышите!
4. Cплюньте!
5. Покажите язык!
6. Покажите, где болит.
Position of the teeth.
Read the text without a dictionary and answer the questions to the text.
The teeth are implanted in the borders of the upper and lower jaw
bones. The jaw bones are covered with a tissue known as the gum, which
encircles the lower portion of each tooth. Two sets of teeth continue
developing during life. The first set is the milk or baby teeth. These teeth
develop shortly after the seventh month usually and are lost during
childhood, when the second set of teeth or the permanent ones appear.
The teeth differ from each other both in form and in usage. The front
teeth, or the incisors, are sharp and serve for cutting and tearing. The back
teeth have large bases or crowns which are used for grinding and crushing
the food.
A tooth consists of three parts - the crown, the neck and the root.
The tooth itself is composed of a hard outer covering which surrounds the
central pulp cavity and has blood vessesl and a nerve. The outer covering
consists of a very firm hard substance, the enamel. This is the protective
covering of the teeth. Beneath there is dentine, a softer and less resistant
material than the enamel. When the enamel is broken the dentine soon

True or false?
1. Dentine is harder than enamel.
2. Dentin suffers if enamel is broken.
3. The teeth differ from each other in form both and usage.
4. A tooth consists of 5 parts.
5. The pulp is a protective covering of the tooth.

Ask yourself:
1. Where are the teeth embedded ?
2. What tissue covers the jaw bones?
3. How many sets of teeth are there during life?
4. What are they?
5. What is the function of the incisors?
6. What is the function of the molars?
7. What does a tooth consist of?
8. What dental tissues do you know?
Reading comprehension. Fill in the gaps, use the correct word from the
Most century tooth terms much buyer
Some facts about teeth.
How ----- does a human tooth cost? Most valuable ----- in history was
the famous tooth of physicist Isaac Newton. In the early nineteenth----- it
was purchased by one aristocrat for an amount that in ----- of the present

course is nearly forty thousand dollars. The happy----- placed the tooth of
the scientist in a gold ring. A tooth of Sir Isaac Newton is the -----
expensive tooth ever belonged to the great physics.
Read the text without a dictionary. Guess the meaning of the following
words: floss hygiene prevention complications regular tincture
proportion calendula chamomile symptoms healing herbs


In order not to find unpleasant symptoms and gum diseases in the mouth
it's necessary to produce a thorough cleaning of the oral cavity with the
help of professional products: toothpaste, brushes and floss. In addition it
is recommended to visit the dentist regularly.
Remember that proper hygiene and prevention of infectious processes
protect you from complications which will subsequently take a lot of time,
money and effort. Prevention and treatment of gum disease is performed
by means of a regular mouthwash.
You can use the mouthwash that can be found in excess on drugstore
shelves. Among them there are professional kinds of toothpaste –
"Sensodine Lacalut" – and analogs like" Colgate" or "Forest balsam".
The latter consists of healing herbs that have antiseptic and disinfecting
The use of the tinctures with calendula and chamomile is necessary only
with the manifestation of the first symptoms of gum disease, and the use
of medicines with antibiotic treatments is better to start only after the
dentist's recommendations.

Another preventive measure is the transition to a more healthy diet. Eating

fresh fruits and vegetables and reducing the proportion of soft flour and
fried foods, on the one hand, restores the natural balance of substances in
the body and prevents beriberi, on the other – solid food effectively cleans
teeth and gums preventing the building up of soft plaque.

Read the text and be ready to answer some questions

The mandible lies below the anterior part of the cranium and is the
skeleton of the lower part of the face. It has the body and a pair of flat,
broad rami, which stand up from the posterior part of the body.
Each ramus is surmounted by two processes: the anterior is named
the coronoid process, and the posterior is the condyloid one. The
condyloid process has an articular part called the head.
The right and left halves of the body of the mandible are united
together in the medial plane in front. Their junction is called the
symphysis menti. The halves of the mandible are joined together by
fibrous tissue at birth, but they are fused together into one bone during
the second year. Each half of the body of the mandible has an outer
and inner surface and an upper and a lower border. The surfaces
slope so that the lower border makes a wider arch than the upper border.
The upper pan is known to be called the alveolar part because it is
occupied by a row of alveoli, those are the sockets for the teeth. On each
side the sockets for the two incisors, the canine and two premolars are
single but for the three molars are double, for each mandibular molar has
two roots: anterior and posterior. The lower border is known to be the base
of the mandible. The outer surface is slightly convex, but has a depression
alongside the symphysis below the incisor teeth. The mental foramen is
seen on the outer surface of the mandible. The inner surface is convex and
concave at different parts. There is a shallow depression called the
submandibular fossa.
The mandibular foramen leads into a canal which runs in the
substance of the bone and carries the vessels and nerves for the teeth.
The mandible is the only bone of the face which has movement. The
temporamandibular joint is known to make a wide range of mandibular
motion. This joint consists of two joints on either side of the mandible,
which articulates with temporal bones on either side of the head. The

mandible serves as the attachment of the elevator muscles which consist

of the masseter, temporal and internal pterygoid muscles.

1. What is the mandible?

2. What parts does the mandible consist off
3. What part is called the alveolar?

Substantiate your idea:

How many times a day should people brush teeth?
When is it better to brush teeth? In the morning or in the evening?
Should people brush teeth after each meal or just use the proper
mouthwash ?

Project work

You are going to write an article for the faculty wallpaper. The topic is
Think it over and substantiate your idea,

Unit 5
Periodontal disease and periodontitis
Topic vocabulary
Pathology hereditary periodontium inflammation immune traumatic
Pre- reading activity.
1. What teeth disease do you know?
2. Have you ever experienced any of them?
3. How do you protect your teeth?

The causes of periodontal disease and periodontitis

Causes of periodontal disease have not yet been studied completely.
Periodontal disease often develops on the background of other
pathologies, e.g. hereditary predisposition, atherosclerosis, diabetes,
disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, hypovitaminosis, changes in
reactivity of the organism, etc. Malnutrition of the tissues surrounding a
tooth contributes to the problem a lot. It happens due to the weak blood
circulation in the zone of tissues surrounding teeth (atherosclerotic
changes of blood vessels).
Local factors, such as the effect of microorganisms on the periodontium,
can only burden the process.

Periodontitis can be a result of the action of pathogenic microorganisms

that accumulate in dental plaque and calculus, injury of the tooth, caries,
deficient tooth, replacement or restoration of the integrity of the tooth.
Violations of hygiene of the oral cavity, curvature of the teeth and

malocclusion, peculiarities of food, reducing overall immune reactivity of

the patient significantly increase the possibility of the development of
The main cause of gum disease is bacterial plaque which is a sticky,
colorless film that is constantly formed on the teeth. If plaque is not
removed, it hardens and forms a rough porous build-up called Tartar. With
the progression of the disease the toxins can lead to the destruction of
tissues supporting teeth. The space formed between a tooth and a gum is
called a periodontal pocket which is filled with ichor. The bone supporting
the teeth is exposed to constant destruction. Periodontitis can develop
after inflammation of the gums, gingivitis or other diseases.

Answer the questions to the text:

1. What are the main causes of periodontitis?
2. What increases the possibility of development of periodontitis?
3. What is a periodontal pocket?

Give English equivalents: восстановление целостности зуба
воспаление десны зубной камень периодонтозный карман
искривление зуба бактериальный налет
Ex. 2
Look at the picture and compare both parts of the picture, describe the

Reading comprehension. Read the text and answer the questions.
Do you know that:
Salivation starts not only from the delicious food. Our salivary
glands work continuously for 24 hours a day, seven days a week! During
an average day the oral cavity of the person allocates about two liters of
saliva. Thanks to this tireless work of the salivary glands tooth enamel is
preserved. In case of the so-called dry syndrome – disease occurring with
a sharp decrease in the function of the salivary glands, teeth can
completely break down in just two or three years.
Saliva not only moisturizes the surface of the teeth, but also
stabilizes acid-base balance. Increased salivation occurs when you receive
too acidic or too alkaline food – so the saliva protects the enamel of the
teeth. Moreover, salivary fluid contains antibacterial substances that
prevent the growth of pathogenic microflora, contributing to the
development of caries.
True or false?
1. Increased salivation occurs when you eat too sweet food.
2. Dry syndrome is very bad for teeth.

3. Salivary fluid contains harmful substances.

4. Saliva protects the enamel of the teeth.
5.Salivary glands work constantly.
Ex. 4.Match both parts of the proverb:
1. An apple a day a. next to godliness
2. The first wealth b. better than cure
3. Study sickness while c. keeps a doctor away.
4. Every patient carries her d. in a sound body
5. Health is better e. balm for every ill.
6. Prevention is f. is health.
7. Health is not valued g. or his doctor inside.
8.Cleanliness is h.mutually beget each
9. A sound mind i.than wealth.
10. Sleep is a healing j. till sickness
11. Health and cheerfulness k. you are well.
Laughter is the best medicine. Have you heard that 'laughter is the best
medicine'? No one's quite sure who said it, but it may come from this old
Bible saying : 'A merry heart does good like a medicine but broken
spirit dries the bones.' New studies prove that laughter really is the best
What can laughter do?
Different studies have shown that there are many health benefits from a
daily dose of laughter.

A laugh a day can …

calm the mind
improve your mood reduce stress and tension
relax the body
help to ease pain improve your immune system
exercise your heart and lungs
exercise and strengthen your back
lower blood pressure
help to lose weight.
What's more, your brain can't tell the difference between real and fake
laughter- so your body can benefit even if you have nothing to smile
about. So, doctors say, we should have a hearty, healthy laugh as often
as possible.


George Gordon Byron.
Your project work. Substantiate the idea given below, give your own
example proving it.

Do you know that

The most famous Chinese leader Mao Zedong never cleaned his
teeth as he considered the procedure to be a waste of his precious time.
To his mind to maintain the hygiene it was enough to use mouthwash and
as breath freshener great Mao used tea leaves. But the last Russian Tsar
Nicholas II, on the contrary, in this respect was particularly neat. He used
to make a replacement of his toothbrush at least twice a month and to
spend a huge amount of tooth powder. Just think of Barack Obama'
smile. Modern politician is simply obliged to monitor his teeth.

Ask yourself:
Would you like to follow Mao Zedong's example? Why not?
Why did Mao Zedong use tea leaves for rinsing his mouth?
Why are healthy teeth and fresh breath so important?
Your project work.
Learn the dialogue, think of your own one.
D. What's the matter?
A. I've got a toothache.
D. Really? How does in hurt?
A. It hurts a lot when I drink cold liquids. Do you think it needs to
be pulled?
D. No. I just need to replace the filling.
A. I'm a bit frightened. I hate pain.
D. Keep calm. I'll make an injection and you won't feel any

Additional reading. This text is a typical example of English humor.

I had had toothache for several days, but just hadn't enough courage to go
to the dentist. As a matter of fact I went twice, but just as I got on his
doorstep and was going to ring the bell, the toothache seemed to have
gone away, so I went home again. But at last I had to go back, and this
time I rang the bell and was shown into the waiting-room. There were a
number of magazines there, and I had just got into the middle of an
exciting story when the maid came in to say Mr. Puller was ready to see
me. I'll have to wait for the next toothache to finish that story! Well, I
went into the surgery and he told me to sit in a chair that he could move
up and down, backwards and forwards, and then he had a look at the inside
of my mouth. He put a little mirror on a long handle inside of my mouth
and poked around for a while, then he looked serious and said, "Yes, I'm

afraid we can't save that one, it will have to come out. It won't be necessary
to give you gas for that. I'll just give you an injection." So he filled a
syringe with a liquid, I felt a little prick on the gum and that was all. He
did this in two or three places and waited for a minute or so. My mouth
felt rather dead, but otherwise it was all right. Then he took an instrument,
got hold of my tooth, gave a twist (I could see and hear what he did, but I
couldn’t feel anything), then a quick pull, and the tooth was out and he
was saying, "Yes, it's all over. Spit in there and then wash your mouth out
with this." And he handed me a glass. "There's the tooth, a very nasty one.
He was just going to throw it away, but I said," May I have that tooth,
please?" "You can certainly have it if you want it," he said. "Well", I
replied, "it has worried me a good deal for the last week, and so now I am
going to put it on my dressing- table and watch it ache."

Ask yourself:

What phrases make you laugh?

How would you translate the doctor's family name?

Do you always have courage to visit the dentist?

One more story about the dentist and his patient. A friend of mine went to
a dentist –not a very good one –to have a tooth filled. The dentist got him
in the chair and started drilling away at the tooth; it was one right at the
back of his mouth. He went on and on for what seemed like hours. Then
he stopped for a minute or two and said, "Haven't you had this tooth filled
before?" No, said my friend and again the drilling went on. About another
hour by (at least it seemed like an hour) and again the dentist said," Are
you sure you haven’t had this tooth filled? "I've got a speck or two of
gold on the drill." "No, said my friend, "that’s not from my tooth; it must
be from my back collar- stud."

True or false
1.The dentist wasn't very experienced.
2.The patient's tooth was in the front of his mouth.

3.The dentist had some gold on his drill from the patient's crown.
4.The dentist didn’t drill long.
EX.3 Learn the following proverbs:
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
A raw onion a day keeps everyone else away.
A hammer a day keeps the doctor away
What Russian equivalent can you offer?
Ex 4.Fill in the gaps, read the text and make up a dialogue using it.
A very simple country ------ went to the doctor to tell that her husband
had a ------severe headache. The doctor said," I have so many patients
coming to------ me that I can't see your husband today. But do this:" Put
some------ in a bag, tie it round his head and let me know ------ he is
tomorrow." The next day the woman came----- and the doctor said,
"Well, how is your-------" "Oh ," she said," he's quite all right now; the--
----- has completely gone ; but the mice are dead."
Woman husband see how headache very ice
Ask yourself:
Have you ever read such funny stories in Russian or in English?
Do you like stories like that? Why?
Does humour help people to overcome disease?

Unit 6.
Topic vocabulary
Symptoms characteristic of periodontal disease and periodontitis.
Pre reading activity
1.The lack of hygiene can lead to teeth diseases.
2.Some teeth diseases do not cause pain at the initial stage.
3.It's easier to prevent diseases than to cure them.

In case of periodontal disease the pathological process is non-

inflammatory in nature and is manifested by the exposure of the tooth
neck due to the destruction of the tissues around the tooth. The teeth keep
long-lasting good fit (it is violated later when the tooth is laid bare over a
large area), there is minor dental plaque, a pale staining of the gums and
gingival pockets. But allocation of pus is absent. Patient has the sensitive
necks of the teeth, itching in the gums. Gradually a progressing disease
can lead to a tooth loss. Unfortunately periodontal disease tends to slow
development. At the initial stage periodontal disease does not cause pain.
The disease develops without symptoms, progressively destroying the
periodontium. Therefore, patients usually do not hurry to go to the doctor.

Periodontitis can be expressed differently depending on the stage and

often begins with the bleeding of gums. At this stage the process is
reversible and the periodontal ligament surrounding the tooth and
connecting it with the adjacent is not affected so that the chewing pressure
is evenly distributed throughout the dentition and avoids the overload of
periodontal tissues.

Without treatment the process penetrates deeper and destroys the

periodontal ligament, a periodontal pocket appears and forms the plaque
and stone, it stimulates further progression of the process. Periodontal
tissues (surrounding the tooth, gums and bone tissue) are destroyed and
the tooth begins to get loose, losing bone support in the jaw. At this stage
the changing of the position of teeth and their pathological mobility can
be observed. The appearance of gaps between them, the violation of
chewing function and traumatic articulation are increasing.
The initial period of the disease is characterized by itching and throbbing
in the gums, mobility of teeth, the feeling of discomfort when chewing,
bad breath. The progression of process makes the supporting apparatus of
the tooth get loose, increase tooth mobility, expose tooth neck and gain
increased sensitivity. The lack of adequate measures of therapy at this
stage leads to the loss of healthy teeth.

Answer the questions to the text:

1.What are the symptoms of periodontitis?
2.What destroys the periodontal ligament?
3.What stimulates further progression of the disease?
4.What causes pathological mobility of teeth?
5.At what stage the process is reversible?
6.Why do people lose the chance to cure their teeth?

Practice the pronunciation of the following:

Ligament sensitivity apparatus traumatic initial period support

Make up sentences with these words.
Give English equivalents: шейка зуба несвежее дыхание потеря зуба
подвижность зуба жевание чувствительность зуба проникать
стимулировать дискомфорт жевание

Reading comprehension.

Some facts about teeth.

What material is used for the manufacture of drill bits for a drill?
Tooth enamel is the hardest biological tissue therefore not every material
can defeat it. Drill bit is traditionally made of diamond. This is one of the
most resistant materials on the planet. The most ancient false teeth were
made of artificial materials also known for a long time. Most often animal
bones were used skillfully for this purpose. Such artificial teeth were
discovered in the jaws of the ancient Egyptians and Etruscans. Other
nations used products of durable turtle shells as prostheses. In those days
any material required a lot of art so only rich people could afford such

Ask yourself:
What's your opinion about ancient people? Were they skillful?

What fact impressed you most of all?

In what countries were ancient prosthesis found?

Discuss the problem with your group mates.

Additional reading.

Modern dentistry.

Dentistry is a medical discipline that studies the organs of the mouth,

their physiological and pathological status, as well as the prevention and
treatment of diseases of these organs. The sphere of dentistry includes not
only dental disease, but also the entire dentition and oral mucosa. Along
with treatment modern dentistry pays great attention to the aesthetic side
of the question, seeking the creation of a "perfect smile" for each patient.
Dentists pay particular attention to the proper care of the oral cavity as the
most effective method of prevention of dental diseases.
The treatment methods in dentistry include the following
professional areas: preventive dentistry (treatment of diseases of enamel
and canals), oral surgery (surgical treatment of diseases of the oral cavity),
prosthodontics (dental prosthetics), orthodontics (bite correction),
periodontics (treatment of gum disease and periodontal - surrounding the
tooth tissues), pediatric dentistry (treatment of dental diseases), including
anatomical and physiological peculiarities of children in different periods
of development).
In recent years dentistry has broadly developed new areas, such as
implantology and aesthetic dentistry. Dentistry covers a wide range of
diseases. It is the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of
the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis, cheilitis), teeth diseases
(caries, periodontitis, periodontitis, pericoronitis, pulpitis, enamel
hypoplasia, dental calculus), pathological processes in the maxillofacial
region (jaw cysts, oculoselective cellulitis and abscesses, dentition
defects), congenital malformations of the face (cleft palate and lip),
traumatic injuries of the teeth (luxation or fracture of the tooth), jaw,
tongue, lips, diseases of the salivary glands, etc.
Infection of the oral cavity serves as a hotbed for the spread of pathogens
throughout the body. The state of human health can be judged by the oral

condition in general. According to the Russian Association of dentists

87% of Russians are in need of the oral cavity sanitation which depending
on indications includes the treatment of caries and filling of defects,
removal of plaque, stone, roots and teeth, orthodontic and orthopedic
Today dentistry offers not only painless, safe and highly effective
treatment of various diseases of the oral cavity but also super modern
filling materials and tooth-preserving methods.
In extreme cases when it is necessary to eliminate the source of infection
in the mouth or in case of impossibility of recovery and restoration of the
tooth it can be pulled out. However, if the tooth could not be preserved,
highly strong and aesthetic prosthodontics materials will accurately
recreate the architecture of the tooth and the color of tooth enamel. In our
days healthy teeth and a beautiful smile is an essential attribute of well-
being and success of man in society.
The whole cosmetic dentistry works on the creation of a perfect
"Hollywood" smile. The scope of this area of dentistry includes aesthetic
restoration of teeth, whitening, size and shape improving - everything that
makes your smile irresistible and impeccable.
Today dentistry is one of the fastest growing medical sciences: new
high-tech methods and materials appear every year. However,
maintaining the health of the mouth depends not only on the dentist and
modern technology. Largely it is determined by the lifestyle of the patient.
Restriction of eating sweets, the exception of bad habits, high-quality
hygiene of the teeth and gums, preventive dental checkups will help to
keep teeth beautiful and healthy for years to come.

Answer the questions to the text.

1) What new areas has dentistry developed?
2) What does dentistry study?
3) What does oral cavity sanitation include?
4) What treatment does modern dentistry offer?
5) What can dentistry improve?
6) What is the health of the mouth cavity determined by?

Your project work

Read the following dialogue, reproduce it and think of your own one.

--What's the matter? You look very unhappy.

--Bad toothache. It's been hurting me all day.
--You'd better go and see your dentist, hadn’t you?
-- I'm seeing him tomorrow. I was unable to make an appointment with
him for today.
--How about trying to find another dentist who can see you today?
Shall I get the telephone book and do it for you?
--No, thank you. I'd rather you were not making such a fuss over me. I'd
rather wait until tomorrow. I prefer seeing my own dentist when it is
The next day the patient will get the appointment. Make up the

Unit 7. Dental diseases and their causes.

Topic vocabulary
Decay regardless of ailment accumulation emergence

Dental diseases and their causes.

Pre-reading activity
1. Teeth diseases don’t happen often in our time.

2. Which factors do you consider the most dangerous for your teeth?

3. Dental diseases affect only elderly people.

Diseases of the teeth and gums are a common ailment of our time. Dental
disease affects all, without exception, people regardless of gender, age,
lifestyle and occupation.
The health of teeth, gums and oral cavity depends on a huge number of
factors that includes the person's lifestyle and the effect of the
environment on his health. In varying degrees the following factors have
a direct impact on dental health.

Diet, the quality and nature of products affect the condition of the teeth.
Tooth enamel is very sensitive to too hot or too cold food and drinks,
excessively hard foods can damage the integrity of the tooth.
Violation of the rules of hygiene of the oral cavity and food leavings cause
bacteria to grow, precipitating the process of decay. Improper brushing
contributes to the accumulation of plaque and formation of calculus, etc.
Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity or in the nasopharynx can
aggravate existing dental problems or provoke the emergence of a new
one. In addition chronic infection weakens the protective properties of the
body, reducing the immune system.
Environmental factors
The quality of water used for cooking and consumption directly affects

the state of oral cavity and organism as a whole.

Neglecting of oral hygiene.
People neglecting hygienic procedures of the oral cavity after a meal face
the problem of tooth decay in 90% of cases. Insufficient or not systematic
tooth brushing and failure to use a floss contribute to the formation of
persistent plaque on the teeth which later turns into calculus and promotes
the loss of the tooth minerals.

Poor nutrition.

A strict diet with a low content of proteins and minerals, the absence of
dietary products containing calcium may cause changes in the qualitative
composition of saliva, insufficient or excessive salivation, disorders of the
microflora balance of the oral cavity, thus causing the destruction of the
hard tissues of the teeth.

Pathology of enamel.

The defective development of tooth tissues may lead to insufficient intake

of minerals from saliva into the enamel that prevents the normal
development, the formation and functioning of the tooth.
Signs of decay is a group of symptoms which can be revealed even with
the introspection:

The change of tooth enamel - darkening, acquisition of brownish or black


The pain manifested after brushing, flossing, chewing, etc.;

Sensitivity of tooth enamel for cold and hot foods and drinks;

Chronic bad breath, regardless of following the rules of hygiene;

All these symptoms are characterized by inflammation of the gums,
destruction of the connection between the gums and the body of the tooth
which can lead to the tooth loss.
It is recommended to consult a dentist regularly, follow his advice and
never neglect the rules of oral hygiene.

Main diseases of gums and teeth are periodontitis, periodontal disease,


gingivitis, caries and pulpitis.

Topic vocabulary
Periodontitis periodontal disease destruction mobility granulation
Pre-reading activity
1. Is periodontitis an inflammatory or a hereditary disease?
2. What are the symptoms of periodontitis?
3. What stages does the treatment of periodontitis consist of?

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the tissues surrounding the

teeth characterized by progressive destruction of the connections between
bone and root, increased tooth mobility until its complete loss.
Periodontitis has an infectious nature of occurrence. The infection
between the tooth and the gum gradually breaks the connection of the
tooth root with the bone, contributing to the increase of tooth mobility.
Over time the relationship between the root and bone weakens and a threat
of a tooth loss can follow.


It is not difficult to eliminate the pathogenic infection, but the

consequences of periodontitis are very serious. A fast recovery of soft
tissue starts after the elimination of infection, but not a recovery of the

ligament that holds the tooth root in the bone. The formed pocket is filled
with granular tissue which contributes to the emergence of pathological
mobility and the risk of a tooth loss. Thus the treatment of periodontitis
consists of two main stages: the elimination of the infection, the
restoration of bone tissue and ligaments that hold the tooth in the bone.

The treatment of periodontitis.

The treatment is complex, aimed at stabilizing of the pathological
process. Prescribed treatment improves blood circulation and
regeneration processes in the periodontium (massage of the gums,
gingival shower, darsonvalization, physiotherapy and other treatments.
The disease requires immediate attention of a dentist. Treatment of
periodontitis involves both non-surgical and surgical methods. The first
one is used in the early stages of the disease and its prevention. It involves
removing of plaque and Tartar (mechanical or ultrasonic) and polishing
the tooth surface with the subsequent treatment of the crown and root of
the tooth with special brushes and fluorine-containing protective paste.
There is a procedure of removing deep calculus which is called curettage:
the doctor removes deposits using special hooks, shovels, curettes (closed
curettage), or, if surgery is required, open curettage for cutting the gums.
Another method of surgical treatment is a patchwork method. The dentist
removes the upper part of the gums, cleans the roots of the teeth and puts
the flap into the place. The goal of surgical methods is to eliminate gum
pockets (a consequence of resorption of the bone) in order to regain the
stability of the tooth
After treatment of the periodontitis the patient should pay special
attention to hygiene procedures, monitor the condition of the teeth and
visit the dentist regularly. A doctor often recommends a special care of
teeth and gums with the use of specialized means for cleaning teeth and

oral hygiene.

It should be remembered that even a stopped inflammatory process may

develop again under adverse conditions.
Preventive measures are the hygiene of the mouth, teeth, gums; timely
visits to the dentist; systematic self-observation of the teeth health.

Ex.1 Give English equivalents:

потеря зуба стабильность зуба подвижность зуба выскабливание
гранула процесс регенерации костная ткань

Ex. 2.Practise the pronunciation of the following:

Periodontitis hygiene procedure curettage ultrasonic preventive
measures surgical method self- observation
Use the words and word combinations in the sentences of your own.

Your project work

Make up a dialogue basing on the text. Do you agree or disagree with
the forecast of a treatment? Use the following:

P. I wonder if you can help me.

D. Is it urgent?
P. Oh, yes. I've had that awful ache for ages.
D. Mm, that’s a difficult question. Let me see…
P. Doctor, I beg you, make an appointment as soon as possible.
D. What a nuisance! Unfortunately I've got so many patients today
.Let's put it this way. Phone me at 10, I hope there will be a short interval
between the patients.
P. Thank you, doctor.

Some facts about teeth.


How much does a human tooth cost? Most valuable tooth in history
was the famous tooth of physicist Isaac Newton. In the early nineteenth
century it was purchased by one aristocrat for an amount that in terms of
the present course is nearly forty thousand dollars. The happy buyer
placed the tooth of the scientist in a gold ring. A tooth of Sir Isaac Newton
is the most expensive tooth ever belonged to the great physics.

Ask yourself:
What's your opinion about rich people's caprice?
Isn't it better to send the tooth to the museum?
Reading comprehension.
Read the text without a dictionary, try to guess the meaning of the
unknown words.
Even if your teeth look healthy, it doesn't mean that gum disease does not
If there is any problem with the gums or teeth such as sensitivity, swelling,
pain, bleeding, etc., you should immediately ask the dentist for advice and
he will adequately appreciate the seriousness of the problem.
Only a dentist or a hygienist can determine the presence or absence of
periodontal disease. The essence of the research is to measure the
periodontal pockets (periodontitis) using a special probe. This method
allows the doctor to cure your gums quickly and painlessly, offer a
treatment plan to prevent further development of the disease, to develop
a special regime of self-care.
Ask yourself:
What problems require immediate treatment?
What may happen if people delay visiting a dentist?
What helps the dentist adequately appreciate the seriousness of the


Topic vocabulary
resorption, disruption, immunosuppression, fracture, recession,
exposure, impetus, bare inflammatory, gradual, circulatory

Pre-reading activity
1. Do you know the causes of periodontal disease?
2. Have you ever had any gum diseases?
3. How do you prevent gum diseases?

Periodontal disease is a serious disease denoting the last stage of gum

inflammation. It is often caused by infectious diseases, gastritis, stomach
ulcers or liver cirrhosis. The patient's teeth simply fall out and he can't
chew food.

People, not related to medicine, often confuse the concept of "periodontal

disease" and "periodontitis". The main symptom of periodontal disease is
the exposure of tooth roots. At present even young people suffer from a
sudden and transient development of periodontal disease.

Among other causes of this disease are the following:

Insufficient care of the oral cavity. In particular poor cleaning of teeth

resulting in plaque.

Unstable hormonal background: pregnancy, puberty, menopause.

A weak immune system caused by serious illness.

The presence of diseases affecting primarily the immune system: cancer,

HIV, diabetes.

Bad habits. It has long been known that smoking destroys gum tissue and
contributes to the development of dental periodontal disease.

Wrong way of life. Insufficient consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables

weakens the immune system. Internal organs do not receive enough
vitamins and minerals and begin to take them from the bone tissue of the

Long-term use of some medications reduce the normal flow of saliva.

Saliva protects the gums from external factors such as eating rough food.

How to recognize periodontal disease? The patient complains of

exposure of the necks of the teeth, presence of calculus, burning gums,

discomfort while eating.

Periodontal disease is not accompanied by pain, light pink gums are not
visually inflamed, so the patient often postpones a visit to the dentist.

If you want to understand how serious this disease is you should see the
final stage of periodontal disease in the photo. A terrifying sight!

There are 3 stages of periodontal disease:


Easy. The patient has no complaints, very rarely there is a reaction to cold
or hot food. The presence of periodontal disease can be established during
the examination by the dentist. The mild stage of the disease is best

Average. The roots of the teeth are exposed to an average of 4-6 mm. The
patient begins to feel burning and discomfort in the mouth, there is an
acute reaction to hot, cold or acidic foods.

Heavy. The roots of the teeth are exposed to 8-10 mm. Chewing food
causes severe pain.

Treatment of gums with periodontal disease.

First of all, treatment should be aimed at strengthening of bone tissue. So

the first stage of the fight against the disease is a change of diet: chocolate,
candy, sugary drinks, cookies, waffles, gingerbread should be excluded.
Solid carbohydrates create a favorable environment for the reproduction
of bacteria.

As often as possible people should eat low-fat boiled meat, fatty fish,
cottage cheese and any other sour-milk products. They have a lot of
protein that will help restore bone tissue. Don't forget about fresh
vegetables, fruits, berries and greens.

Change your toothbrush and choose a model with a soft comfortable

bristle. It will not cause mechanical trauma to the gums while brushing
your teeth. The paste should contain herbs.

You can undertake home treatment as additional remedy.

Recipe for strengthening bone tissue:


Take 20 g of myrrh, add 15 g of crushed mint and raspberry leaves. Dilute

80 g of wine alcohol and 25 g of vinegar into the mixture. Stir it and pour
it into a glass jar. Keep the mixture in dark place for 3 days. Rinse your
mouth twice a day using the mixture.

Modern methods of treatment of periodontal disease

Treatment of the disease will depend on the degree of problem, as well as

the number of missing teeth or those that should be removed. So first of
all you need to consult a dentist.

The doctor will conduct a visual examination, send the patient for x-rays.
The picture will give an idea of the degree of destruction of bone tissue
and inflammation, the depth of periodontal pockets. After the examination
a treatment plan is prescribed.

The next step is the removal of dental deposits above and below the gums.

The main reason for the inflammatory process in periodontal disease is

the presence of a large amount of plaque. Its formation is a consequence
of insufficient oral care. Therefore it is impossible to achieve effective
treatment if the root is not removed. The best way to treat calculus and
plaque in modern dentistry is to use ultrasound.

The next stage of elimination of periodontal disease is to start therapy

aimed at removing inflammation. As a rule, it lasts about 10 days. The
course of treatment includes mouthwash for antiseptic effect.

Algorithm: after breakfast brush your teeth thoroughly for 3-6 minutes.

Rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine (0.05%).

Dry the gums with a clean cotton swab.

Apply a special gel to the gums.

Do not eat for at least 2 hours, you can only drink clean water.

Such a step-by-step treatment is prescribed with a mild degree of the

disease. If the development of periodontal disease has reached its peak,
you will need to take antibiotics (7-10 days). The doctor may prescribe
pills or intramuscular injections.

Medical procedures in the treatment of periodontal disease

Very often the treatment of the disease involves a number of procedures.

First of all, splinting. It helps to stop further destruction of bone tissue, to

reduce tooth mobility, to stop the divergence of teeth.

The next procedure is often used in the fight against periodontal disease.
It means the use of prosthetics. It is possible if the patient has not yet lost
his teeth.

Another method of treatment of periodontal disease is surgery. As you

know, the disease provokes the formation of deep periodontal pockets.
They are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, and this fact in turn
only exacerbates the course of the disease. If the degree of development
of periodontal disease is severe pockets can reach a depth of 10 mm. Their
elimination will help to stop the development of periodontal disease.

Laser treatment of periodontal disease.

The procedure is prescribed and carried out by the physician after a

preliminary examination and x-ray. The laser light guide is inserted into
the periodontal pocket and the adhesion of tissues begins.

The method is considered one of the latest in modern dentistry. After the
procedure the oral cavity remains sterile and clean, so no infection can get
there. There are several types of rays, diode, neodymium, etc. The
physician prescribes the appropriate plan of treatment after a thorough
examination of the patient's mouth. If the stage of periodontal disease is
initial one procedure is enough, for medium and heavy stages 2-4 sessions
are necessary.

Prevention of periodontal disease

A regular visit to the dentist and maintaining the cleanliness of the oral
cavity are main conditions for preventing the development of periodontal
disease. Reviews of periodontal disease say that the one who qualitatively
cleans teeth twice a day and visits the dentist regularly, in principle, can
avoid the inflammation.

A few words finally.

The causes and treatment of periodontal disease should be determined by

the attending dentist. Patients should remember that identification of
disease and solving the problem by means of self-medication is quite
problematic. In addition, we should not forget that self-medication often
leads to severe complications.

An experienced dentist not only successfully cures periodontal disease,

but also informs patients about the rules of prevention of further
development of the disease.

Topic vocabulary resorption disruption immunosuppression fracture

exposure impetus bare inflammatory gradual circulatory
Pre-reading activity
1. Do you know the causes of periodontal disease?
2.Have you ever had any gum diseases?

3.How do you prevent gum diseases?

Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease of the periodontium.

The infection between the tooth and the gum gradually breaks the
connection of the tooth root with the bone and contributes to the increased
mobility of the tooth. Over time the connection between the root and the
bone is interrupted, the tooth dies and falls out. Periodontal disease can
affect perfectly healthy teeth.

Periodontal disease Photo

Periodontal disease is an incompletely studied disease. It is impossible to

say with certainty what may be the cause of its emergence – scientists can
only suggest factors that may contribute to the gradual resorption of the
gums and jaw bone.
Periodontal disease always runs on the background of circulatory
disorders in the soft tissues of oral cavity and the disruption of metabolic
processes in the body. This condition occurs in many diseases, but the

tissue and bone are destroyed only in some cases. Studies of dentists have
helped to identify several factors that are often present in people suffering
from periodontal disease: long-lasting immunosuppression; endocrine
disruption (failure in the process of the hormone production);
malocclusion; acute or chronic injury of the periodontal tissues (bruises,
fractures, wrong orthopedic and orthodontic constructions);violation of
the trophic(metabolic processes in the mucosa of the oral cavity); bad
habits (alcoholism, smoking); diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ;
neurological diseases; the lack of vitamins and minerals. Bacteria and
plaque are also present and play a
crucial role in the disease formation.
The process of development and course of the disease.
Periodontal disease begins suddenly and quickly. For a long time,
especially if there is a large number of deposits (plaque and calculus) in
the teeth, the patient may not notice the progressive decline of tissue.
Dental calculus is getting firm and slowly getting over the surface which
is exposed with the development of periodontal disease. People often
come to the dental office to remove the mineralized plaque and only after
a professional cleaning patients notice what state of periodontium they
have. The doctor notes the presence and degree of development of
periodontitis. The cause the pathological process is insufficient intake of
nutrients and vitamins through the blood vessels of the periodontium.
Consequently the rate of metabolism starts decreasing with the following
degradation (destruction) of bone tissue and recession (lowering) of the
gums. Periodontal disease can develop slowly over the years without
causing any inconvenience and is not becoming complicated by additional

Symptoms of periodontal disease.
Signs of periodontal disease depend on the stage of the process: the initial
stage will almost always go unnoticed. The symptoms are barely
noticeable even for the professional and the patient seldom sees any
changes. And yet, in periodontal tissues (bone tissue of the jaw and gums)
the pathological process has already started and the neck of the teeth
begins to bare. Radiographic studies are not informative. The first stage
is characterized by a slight recession (omission) of the gums. Tooth
sensitivity can occur from time to time. The teeth remain in place and
stand firmly in the holes. On the initial x-ray visible destructive changes
in bone may be seen. The second stage shows a significant exposure of
the necks. There are gaps between the teeth in the areas of recession,
visible shift of enamel into a hard cement substance that covers the roots
of teeth. A patient is concerned about hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity
of teeth). X-ray pattern is characterized by marked atrophic changes of
the alveolar process (the protrusion of the jaw in which the roots of the
teeth are fixed).

At the third stage the roots stand in the gums for more than a half. If an
interdental gap widens even further the patient may get a mobility of the
teeth. The patient is concerned about the discomfort when taking sour, hot
and cold food. X-ray findings show a decrease in height of the alveolar
bone by 1cm.
The fourth stage is considered to be extreme since it serves as an
indication for the extraction of teeth. The roots are two-thirds bare in their

length. The mobility and sensitivity of teeth interfere with speech and
eating. X-ray examination shows that the roots of teeth are held in bone
only with the tips. At all stages of the disease it is not manifested by
hyperemia and bleeding. Soft tissues are pink , parodontal pockets (the
area of the gums surrounding the neck of the tooth, but not attached to it)
are not expanded. Periodontal disease is almost always chronic in nature.
So called "acute form" is the symbol as the difference is only in the rapid
progression of the disease. Depending on the stage of the development of
periodontal disease the doctor prescribes treatment and decides whether
to keep the teeth or it is more expedient to resort them to orthopedic
treatment or even to dental surgery.
What can be confused with periodontal disease? In order to confidently
determine the presence of periodontal disease you should be aware of how
it differs from other dental diseases. Its symptoms overlap with clinical
manifestations of gingivitis and periodontitis.

Prevention of periodontal disease

Vitamins play a great role in the prevention of periodontal disease. These
products are widely represented on sale. These are "Centrum", "Multitab"
and others. But before buying any of these drugs, consult with your
doctor. It is possible that a common diet can help you to cope with the
infringements of a mineral exchange, because many micronutrients of the
products are important sources for the prevention of periodontal disease.
If your family is suffering from this disease remember the following
information. Copper contains in lentils, cancers, crabs, liver, wheat, bread,
tea, coffee, potatoes. It affects the body's absorption of iron involved in
hematopoiesis, it is important for immune reactions. Cottage cheese, sour
cream, soy, prunes, oatmeal, egg yolks, cheese, molasses, fruits and
vegetables promote the absorption of copper. Iron is found in beef, dark

meat poultry, especially turkeys, beans, buckwheat, liver, vegetables,

fruits. It provides a normal "couple" of red blood cells with oxygen to
transport it to the muscle tissues. Leeks, nuts, stewed vegetables, peas,
apples promote iron absoption. Products with a high content of calcium,
phosphorus and zinc, tea, coffee prevent the absoption of iron. Zinc is
found in beef, variety of cereals, crabs, oysters, egg yolks, cheese, and
beans. It affects the reproductive function and the formation of bone.
Patients should give up smoking, cut down eating sugar-containing
products and take regular care of mouth cavity. Recently for the treatment
of periodontal disease dentists have begun to use antioxidants (products,
rejuvenating all tissues) of animal origin. This opportunity came through
the establishment of the prophylactic drug "Corotenol M". This delicious
but the seasonal fish oil contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, F, beta-
carotene, unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 family and omega-6,
trace minerals and minerals - all essential not only for keeping your teeth
and gums in "shape" but also for preserving your overall health. It is also
recommended to use "Corotenol M": apply it daily on the gums with a
piece of cotton-gauze appliques from 20 to 30 minutes, a course - 1
add 2 - 3 drops of any toothpaste and do massage with a toothbrush
(preferably at bedtime), daily for a month.

Ask yourself:
1. Which doctor should you visit if you have a periodontal disease?
a) an orthopedist b) an orthodontist c) a periodontist d) a dental

2. What bad habits should people get rid of to save their teeth?
3. What vitamins and minerals should our diet contain?

Ex. 1.
Match the word and the definition
1. parodontitis a. inflammation of gums
2. periodontal disease b. a progressive destruction of bone or tooth
3. caries c. gum inflammation without destruction of the
4. gingivitis d. slow process in hard tissues of the tooth
5. pulpitis e.inflammatory reaction of the pulp

Ex. 2. Give English equivalents: хроническое заболевание прописать

лекарство быстрый прогресс заболевания клинические проявления
острая форма заболевания

True or false?
1. Radiorafic studies are very informative in case of periodontal disease.
2. Symptoms of periodontal disease overlap with those of caries.
3. The second stage shows a significant exposure of the necks.
4. In case of periodontal disease patients don’t feel any discomfort.
5. On the first stage the disease is manifested with gum bleeding.
According to the text which of the following is not true:
A) Dentist do not know factors causing periodontal disease.

B) No other tooth disease can be confused with periodontitis.

D) Periodontal disease can develop slowly for years.
C) Gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease have different signs.

A) Teeth should be taken constant care of.

B) People should cut down eating sugar and sweets.
D) Vitamins and minerals do not prevent from diseases of teeth.
C) Consultations with dentists and general practitioners help to avoid
most of teeth diseases.
What would be most useful in case of periodontal disease?
A) vitamin pills
B) healthy life style
C) giving up smoking
D) medical help

Reading comprehension. Read the text without a dictionary. Find out the
most interesting fact and discus it with your friends.

Facts about teeth.

1.Dentists existed in ancient Egypt. However, first graduates appeared

there only in 1699 - it was a limited edition of French medical college.
The removal of a damaged tooth for a long time remained an undesirable
procedure that was made only in the most extreme case.
2. Do you want to become lean and slender? Then listen to the
recommendations of dentists. Japanese experts came to the following

conclusion: people who brush their teeth three times a day seldom have
an over-weight. To prove that approximately 14,000 volunteers were
selected. What have scientists discovered? Fat people do not really seek
to take care of their oral cavity and they use a toothbrush at least once a
day. Brushing your teeth after meals reduces your appetite.
3. Human teeth have a direct connection with the memory. Experts cited
such arguments: each remved canine erases former memories without a
4.Dentists noticed a curious fact: people who do everything with the right
hand chew their food with teeth on the right side, and lefties chew food
on the left side. Observations were made of the oral cavity of identical
twins. It turned out that if one of the twins is missing any tooth, the other
will miss the same one.
5. It has been proved that regular eating of grapefruit helps to heal
inflammation of the gums. A group of scientists from Friedrich Schiller
University in Jena, Germany established that if you eat two fruits a day
you can get rid of bleeding gums and reduce the risk of inflammation of
the entire oral cavity. In addition, grapefruit regulates metabolism in the
body and helps to get rid of "excess" weight.
6. There are cases when kids are born with milk teeth which are already
placed in the lower jaw and have weak roots. This happens rarely – only
one episode for a few thousand children, most often it has a connection
with an illness. Historians have found indisputable facts that celebrities
such as Napoleon Bonaparte and Julius Caesar were born with milk teeth.
Ask yourself:
What information do you consider to be interesting?

Do you believe that brushing teeth helps to lose weight?

Do you know any curious facts about teeth?
What connection between canines and memory have scientists noticed?
Why does grapefruit help to lose weight?
What famous people were born with milk teeth?

Your project work.

A patient asks the dentist for help. Act out the dialogue between them.
Use the following expressions.
Patient: to begin with, I wonder if you could help me, besides that, and
on the top of that, the real problem is, what do you think of, perhaps I
should mention, plus the fact that.
Dentist: in case like that, this raises the problem, it looks like, my plan is,
not only that, what's more, for this reason, in my experience.

Unit 9.
Topic vocabulary:
intact get inflamed mucous membrane to affect suppuration to be
confused with
Pre-reading activity
1. Sometimes dental diseases have similar symptoms.
2. Most symptoms appear when the hygiene of the mouth cavity is
3. Dentists can help their patients even in the most difficult cases.

Gingivitis is an inflammatory gum disease that occurs when oral hygiene

is poor. In this case only the gums are affected. Unlike periodontal
disease, even in the most severe stage of gingivitis jaw bone remains intact
and the teeth are fixed. In periodontitis the gums are pale pink and look
healthy. With gingivitis the mucous membrane of the gums gets inflamed
and the patient experiences bleeding and redness. Periodontitis is often
confused with periodontal disease as in both cases there is the mobility of
the teeth. But periodontitis is an infectious inflammatory disease
accompanied by the deepening of periodontal pockets, redness, bleeding
and suppuration. With periodontal disease such signs are not observed.
How to treat gingivitis
Treatment of gingivitis involves several stages and is carried out by the
dentist. To cure gingivitis you need to remember three main rules of
An integrated approach. When treating any form of disease it is
necessary to use both local and general therapy. It is necessary to treat not
only the symptoms but also to eliminate the causes of disease.
Individual approach. Correctly chosen treatment must consider all
related factors of the disease, health status and immune system of the
Systematic approach. If the disease has passed into a chronic form, it is
necessary to use systematic treatment to bring it into a lasting remission.
Therapy differs depending on the form of the disease, but for the
treatment of any type of gingivitis you need to start with elimination of
infection in the oral cavity (caries treatment) and removal of hard dental
deposits. These procedures may only be performed by the dentist, you

should not attempt to remove teeth calculus at home by means of any

traditional methods. It may only injure the inflamed gums and aggravate
the pathological process.
Gingivitis is often the evidence of the decrease in the protective forces
of the body. Therefore, in addition to the elimination to the inflammatory
process the treatment should also be aimed at improving the general
protective functions of the organism. In this case the appointment of
immunomodulators is quite justified. These drugs stimulate the protective
forces of the oral mucosa.
Forecast for the treatment of gingivitis is favorable, but if it remains
untreated, the process can go into a deep form — development of
periodontal disease, in which the loss of teeth is possible.
Prevention of gingivitis.
For effective prevention of gingivitis people should brush teeth
regularly in the morning (after breakfast) and in the evening (before bed).
The most effective toothbrushes are medium hard brushes, as soft brushes
cleanse the teeth from plaque badly and hard brushes can injure the gums.
After each meal it is desirable to use dental floss to remove food debris
from interdental spaces or rinse your mouth with water carefully.
Timely (no less frequently than every 6 months) visits to the dentist
will minimize the risk of gingivitis. Dentists make a regular complete
cleaning of the teeth from plaque.

Ask yourself
The text deals mainly with:
A) making an appointment with a dentist
B) hereditary dental diseases
C) traditional or folk methods of treatment
D) difference between gingivitis and other diseases
Ex.1.Give English equivalents:
Своевременный визит щетки средней жесткости травмировать
десну сопутствующие факторы локальная и общая терапия
нагноение околозубного пространства
True or false?
1. Gingivitis has the same symptoms with periodontitis.
2. Methods of treatment of gingivitis coincide with those of
periodontal disease.
3. There is no difference between medical and traditional methods of
4. Gingivitis is the consequence of poor hygiene of mouth cavity.

Your project work.

Write an essay about the most spread dental diseases.
Make a brief research of their similar symptoms, peculiarities and
methods of treatment.

Reading comprehension.
Read the text without a dictionary, pay attention to
the recommendations about keeping a flawless smile.
Due to the fact that people communicate with each other every day their
appearance is very important in the modern world. In communication it
is extremely important to have thoroughly cleaned teeth and fresh breath
for a positive and friendly perception of a person by other people.
No doubt, it can be frustrating to communicate with a person who has
bad teeth and bad breath.
Taking care of the oral cavity is one of the main elements of a person's
general hygiene.
How to take care of teeth properly?
Who doesn't dream of a flawless smile? To maintain the health of your
teeth you need to take care of them regularly.
You should clean your teeth properly, more than once a day. At least in
the morning and in the evening right before going to bed. Better to brush
your teeth after a meal, food particles remain between the teeth and
damage them.
Rinsing mouth with special solutions is very useful. Today
manufacturers offer a large choice of mouthwash. They contain active
substances that can penetrate even into places which are hard to reach. If

it is not possible to buy it, you can make a primitive but effective
solution on your own. Just take a teaspoon of baking soda and dissolve it
in a glass of water.
To avoid unwanted deposits on the teeth dentists often advise to use
specially designed cleaning floss. Now market offers a large
assortment of remedies, as well as other means for the hygiene of the
mouth cavity. The best way is to clean the teeth with floss just before
For the proper care of teeth it is also important to have a good
How to choose a toothbrush.
The bristles of the toothbrush should consist of man-made fibers. The
head should be on a flexible stem so that the bristles could reach the
farthest corners of the mouth. The stiffness of the bristles should be
chosen individually depending on the condition of the gums.
Just remember that according to the generally accepted dentists'
recommendations, it is better to choose a brush with stiff bristles. But
over time, the bristles lose rigidity, become mushy and accumulate
harmful germs and bacteria. That’s why it is important to change your
toothbrush periodically. Doctors recommend to do it every three months.
How to choose toothpaste.
To make a choice let's look at the types of multiprocessing:
Treatment-and-prophylactic tooth brushes contain special medicinal
supplements, which can help you to get rid of some gum diseases.
The therapeutic toothpastes include special components which are aimed
to correct pathological processes in the oral cavity.

Hygiene toothbrushes are used for the removal of plaque and odor from
the mouth.
If you don't know which toothpaste to choose and do not trust
information from the Internet, you can apply this question to the dentist.
But remember, none of toothpastes will bring a perfect result without
prior professional teeth cleaning. It's almost impossible to cope with the
whitening- although there are some ways of whitening teeth at home.
The body must be provided with the necessary amounts of calcium and
fluorine for the teeth to grow strong and healthy.
You cannot fill the body with the right amount of them, if just to brush
teeth with toothpaste containing calcium and fluoride. You should
supply your teeth with what they need by keeping a proper diet. The
optimum time required for brushing your teeth takes about 5-7 minutes.
It's hard to believe, but some people still don't know that each family
member should have his own toothbrush.
Hygiene of the oral cavity.
The mouth is as important for man as eyes, ears and other body parts.
With mouth we speak, sing, eat and kiss. Mouth requires daily
inspection and maintenance. That’s why care of the oral cavity is an
important component of the complex daily hygiene of man.
If you find any place of redness of the mucous membrane or irritation of
the mouth, remember this is a sign of distress or disease.
Regular care of the oral cavity helps to prevent disease, the appearance
of bad breath, and in some cases it can even help improve digestion of
If you notice inflammation or cracks in the corners of the mouth, these

areas should be treated with special antibacterial and healing agents.

Lubricate the corners of the lips with nourishing creams or ointments on
prescription to avoid the appearance of cracks.
It is important to brush the cheeks and tongue, since they can
accumulate a large number of microbes. This action can be performed
with the back brush. Chewing gum is very popular , it is positioned as
useful care for the oral cavity, in reality the chewing gum has a very
harmful effect on teeth and gums.
Chewing gum can be useful only for the development of jaw muscle.
It is important to remember that certain foods and beverages have very
harmful effects on the mouth and teeth.
So regular consumption of sweets, including sugary drinks, contributes
to the rapid development of caries.
And eating spicy, salty and sour food as well as alcohol consumption
and smoking, has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the
mouth and contributes to the development of various diseases. Smoking
also causes great harm to the teeth, so you should get rid of this bad
Prevention of the development of oral diseases also includes a ban on
rapid change of hot and cold food, because it can cause the appearance
of microcracks on the tooth enamel and, as a consequence, caries in
these cracks.
Bad breath in the first place indicates problems with the stomach.
To prevent diseases of the gums and mouth you should visit the dentist
at least two times a year.
Due to excessive activity of the oral cavity in the course of the day, it

accumulates and reproduces a significant number of all kinds of

microorganisms and bacteria.
And proper care of the mouth and the implementation of the basic rules
of dental care will help to avoid problems with the oral cavity.
Esthetic Stomatology
Professional hygiene of mouth cavity is inseparable part of our cultural
life. It is very important for preventing disease and in the process of
treatment as well.
Professional teeth cleaning is one of the very important stages of mouth
cavity hygiene; it gives possibility to get rid of plaque and stones from,
under and over the gums.
Formation of plaque supports spreading microorganisms in the soft
tissues and emission of toxins which become the cause of gum diseases.
It is recommended to pay a visit to the dentist every 6 months. Dentist –
hygienist will carry out professional tooth cleaning, choose means of
hygiene and teach you how to brush teeth correctly.
Modern clinics have several methods of teeth hygiene cleaning:
with the help of ultrasonic – removal of stones from teeth surface;
method of “Air-Flow” – removal of soft and pigment plaque. The function
of the apparatus is based on water spurt, pressure and abrasion powder;
Also – brushes, toothpastes, dental floss (thread of tooth) and other
supporting materials are used;
The professional cleaning of mouth cavity is a painless procedure, and
dentists recommend to do it every 6 months. But the smoking patients are
recommended to do it every 3 months.
Caries is a very common disease. According to statistics, it can meet 90%

of the population, and sometimes more. The frequency of lesions has

enabled dentists to examine in detail all the stages of the flow of caries
and to develop the most acceptable from the point of view of medicine
and treatment methods.

Your project work.

You certainly take care of your teeth. Here are some recommendations
how to do it properly. Prioritize the following items according to your
own experience.
1.Clean your teeth after breakfast/ before breakfast/before and after.
2. Use a floss.
3. Rinse your teeth after each meal.
4. Use tooth sticks to clean the space between your teeth.
5. Chose a toothbrush with hard/medium/soft bristle.
6. Buy an electrical tooth brush.
7. Brushing your teeth move your toothbrush
8. Give up bad habits.
9. Don't forget to brush your teeth after last meal before bed time.
10. Timely visit your dentist.

UNIT 10 Caries.

Topic vocabulary:
healer carbohydrate destructive acids fluorine maxillofacial peculiarities
pathology hyperemic anesthesia solution concomitant appear
imperceptible spots
Pre-reading activity
1.People all over the world suffer from caries.
2.Consumption of sweets is one of the causes of caries but not the only
3.Proper hygiene of the mouth cavity can significantly improve the

Perhaps caries can be considered to be the most common dental disease
in varying degrees of development occurring in more than 75% of the
population. Only a specialist can clearly define the reasons for the
development of caries as it is associated with many individual
peculiarities of the patient: lifestyle, age, presence of concomitant dental
diseases and other pathologies, diet, habits, etc. Earlier it was believed
that tooth decay may be caused by insufficient oral hygiene. It is still the
basic but not the only reason. Children are often said that eating many
sweets can cause tooth decay however without the presence of dental
diseases it seldom occurs.
Causes of cariogenic tooth infections.
Today there are more than one thousand theories of dental caries. They
do not exclude, but rather complement each other. In ancient times dental
caries was called castaeda. The healers of that time claimed that the
enamel is destroyed by small worms.
Modern dentistry considers that the problem is connected with the

streptococci which accumulate on the tooth enamel in the form of a white

plaque and hard dental deposits. When eating, especially carbohydrate a
chemical reaction takes place. As a result, a lot of acids including lactic is
produced. It all contributes to the revitalization of streptococci destructive
impact on enamel. A simple oral hygiene can help to deal with such
No less important cause of deep caries is the lack of vitamins and minerals
good for teeth, in particular the decrease of them in food and in drinking
water. For example fluorine, vitamins A and C. The lack of the latter can
cause periodontal disease. Severe diseases of internal organs and systems
can also affect the strength of the dental tissues. Their course reduces the
resistance of both enamel and the whole body to aggressive factors.
Another important factor is heredity. The disease itself is not inherited,
but the predisposition to it occurs very often. The causes of it are
connected with the breach not only in the anatomy of the tooth crown, but
also in the structure of the enamel and in structure of the maxillofacial
region. Individual metabolic processes in the body can complicate the
There are several forms of tooth destruction according to the location of
carious cavities:
1. Lateral cervical caries.
The lesion is localized in the cervical area of the tooth, often on the
vestibular surface. The cavity may be partially closed with gum, which is
slightly hyperemic due to the close location of the pathological focus.
Does it hurt to treat cervical caries? Yes, indeed it is treated fairly painful,
as it is a very sensitive area. Here is a very thin layer of enamel and dentin,

respectively, close to the pulp and its nerve fibers. Therefore, all
manipulations are carried out under local anesthesia.
2. Contact caries
This is a defeat between the teeth. The patient does not notice it for a long
time and only when the cavity becomes large, food starts to stuck there
and an unpleasant mouth odor appears. Treatment it is quite complex, it
requires removing a large amount of healthy tissue to access the
pathological focus.
3. Fissure caries
This is a damage of hard tissues of tooth in the natural folds on the
chewing surfaces.
4. Cirvical caries
Strikes a tooth in the neck around the crown. It's dangerous because it can
cause the fracture of the entire crown.
Forms of caries according to the depth of the lesions and their treatment.
• Primary caries — is the first form of destruction of the hard tissues of
the tooth.
This is not a defect, it is characterized by a change of color of the enamel
and the appearance of spots of various sizes on the enamel surface. The
complaints of the patients relate only to a cosmetic flaw. The patient is
particularly getting concerned when he is shown caries of his front teeth.

Treatment of caries at this stage can be carried out without drilling. To get
rid of white spots on the tooth dentists recommend to use different
remineralizing solutions. Their ingridients are fluoride, calcium
gluconate, calcium glycerophosphate and other healing elements which

are able to strengthen the enamel. These solutions are used for external
remedy in the form of applications on the teeth.
For the treatment of caries inside dentists assign the same drugs in form
of tablets and solutions which should be used with vitamins and essential
acids. It is recommended to change the diet. Dairy products, especially
hard cheeses, cottage cheese, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits should
prevail in the diet.
• Superficial caries is a defect band extending only within enamel.
Cavity surface damage is shallow and isn’t very different from the healthy
enamel in color. It has an oval or round shape with clear boundaries.
The patient complains of cosmetic defect, minor scarring of the soft
tissues about the edges of the cavity. But it may be in the case if the cavity
is located from the vestibular side or on the chewing surfaces of the
molars. The patient may experience discomfort from sweet or very cold
This defect is subjected to dissection. The dentist has to create the
conditions for better filling fixation by drilling. Besides, it is necessary to
remove the affected enamel. Affected areas are defined by special stains.
The dentist paints the part of enamel that has pathological changes.
Further treatment of superficial caries is the imposition of the restorative
material. The material is necessarily selected according to the color,
applied in layers and each layer is subjected to the glare of special lamps.
After hardening the seal is polished, the dentist eliminates the surplus
that prevents the closing of the jaws.
• Middle caries — extends to all layers of enamel, crossed by the enamel-
dentinal border and affects the superficial layers of dentin.

The defect is deeper, besides the cosmetic deffects, there are complaints
of food getting stuck in the cavity. Patients prove that in the past the defect
was much smaller and it almost didn't bother them.
In this state of preparation drilling can not be avoided either. As the
enamel and dentin of carious cavity are changed in color, the dentist's task
is to remove all the pigmented areas. It is important for the prevention of
recurrence of caries in the future. Such a process may develop if the
affected areas of hard tissues are left or due to the poor quality of filling
materials, the micro cracks of the enamel, as well as the peculiar structure
of the tooth.
After a thorough preparation of the cavity the dentist begins to overlay the
seal. Today dentists use modern materials that do not require installation,
so-called lining. They are non-toxic, come in a great chemical bond with
natural tissues, providing them with high adhesion.
• Deep caries — is a deep abdominal defect, extending to all layers of
enamel and dentin.
The proximity of the defect with the pulp of the tooth irritates it. Hot,
sour, sweet, cold food affects the sensitivity of the pulp, the pain slowly
subsides after it is removed.
The complexity of the treatment of caries in deep lesions is connected
with pain response and the presence of proximity of the pulp.
The filling consists of three stages. First, at the bottom of the cavity the
treatment pasta is applied. It allows the dentist to remove the irritation of
the pulp and partially restore the dentin. Then the insulating lining and the
permanent seal are installed.

Ask yourself:
1.What are the main causes of caries?
2.Why is the treatment of caries so painful?
3.How many stages does the filling consist of?
4.What discomfort does the patient experience when he has caries?

Ex.1.Give Russian equivalents:

современная пломба пульпа зуба жалоба пациента сверление
кариозного зуба лечение кариеса длительный процесс правильный
выбор цвета пломбы
патологические изменения восстановление целостности зуба боль

Ex.2.Practise the pronunciation of the following:

Pulp proximity lesion subside apply neglected avoided drilling

Ex.3.Substatiate the idea of the following text.

Stages of caries treatment.
For a long time people living with a ruined teeth, ask themselves whether
it is possible to cure tooth decay? This question is of course rhetorical.

Today's dentistry has reached unbelievable heights. It became possible to

restore even a completely toothless jaw, bright and beautiful dental arch,
not to mention the treatment of caries.
Ex.4. Rearange the order of the staments:
The sequence of manipulations for the treatment cariogenic process
function as follows:
1. Cleansing of the tooth surface from plaque and removal of sediments.
It is carried out by means of ultrasound, a special nozzle with a cleansing
and polishing brush.
2. Selection the colour of material for stoppings the same as the color of
natural teeth tissues. It is carried out under natural light. Selection is
carried out of all colors at least twice.
3. The manipulation with anesthesia. Injectable anesthesia is carried out
carefully according to the type of infiltration. It's an injection into the
projection of the apex of the causative tooth. In this case the anesthetic
blocks the sensitivity of nerve fibers of the pulp, directly at the entrance
of the tooth. Sometimes anaesthesia in the form of applications or aerosol
is used additionally.
4. Treatment of the oral cavity, removal of pathologically changed tissues
of the tooth and creating the conditions for better fixation of the filling
material. A drill or a laser can be applied.
5. Isolation of the cavity from saliva, with antiseptic and drying.
6. Imposition of medical, insulating material and production of permanent
seal. The execution sequence for this phase depends on the depth of
destruction of the tooth. After polishing the filling the dentist covers it
with special protective materials for temporary isolation from oral fluid.

Your project work.

Act out the dialogue between a professor and his students. Add your own
What happens if the teeth are in bad condition and are not treated?
Teeth should be treated, even if you don't want to do it.
The best prevention of dental diseases is the proper care of your teeth and
mouth. In addition to toothbrush it is recommended to use dental floss.
People are afraid of drilling. Dental instruments frighten them.
They shouldn't. Drilling is carried out under local anesthesia. Dentists try
not to
cause pain.
Student: Sometimes the affected cavity is very deep.
Treatment of caries on the more advanced stages requires preparation of
the affected cavity and further sealing. If the patient has an average degree
of neglected dental caries, the doctors prepare the tooth with an insulating
gasket (it is used to prevent the infection of the soft tissues). After that,
the dentist carries out the filling. When the filling of cavities is on an
advanced stage, the doctor makes a painkilling injection, as the soft tissue
of the tooth contains nerve fibers.
Student: When does the dentist have to put a permanent filling?

If the dentist suspects the presence of infection in the tissues of the tooth,
he usually sets up temporary fillings. After 1-2 weeks the patient should
return to see him. In the absence of pain or any discomfort in the area of
the temporary filling the dentist carries out the temporary filling and puts
a permanent one.
Continue the dialogue.

Unit 11. Pulpitis.

Topic vocabulary

Lesions inflammation trauma vascular throbbing adjacent areas

Pre- reading activity

1.What dental diseases have you or your relatives experienced?

2.Can you differ acute and chronic forms of dental diseases?

2. Can any dental disease be withdrawn by pain relievers?


Pulpitis is an inflammatory disease of the soft tissues of the tooth that has
the infectious nature. It is the most common consequence of untimely or
substandard treatment of carious lesions characterized by a sharp pain and
a sharp reaction to the temperature conditions.
Pulpitis is not so much a disease as the consequence of improper treatment
of dental diseases or the absence of treatment as such. The mechanism of
the disease is simple: the destruction of hard tissues of the tooth can reach
the root pulp. Micro-organisms and their metabolic products begin to
penetrate into vascular bundle located in the center of the tooth. The
ingress of pathogenic agents is accompanied by sharp pain, a long-time
reaction to cold or hot - this is the inflammation.
In addition to caries, pulpitis can be caused by trauma of the tooth, the
loss or crack of the tooth or its crown. The symptoms of pulpitis are
various and depend on the stage of the disease. There are acute and
chronic forms of the disease. Acute pulpitis is characterized by recurrent
pain in the tooth, appearing suddenly and disappearing independently.
Most often the pain is manifested in the evening and at night. At the initial
stages of the disease pulpitis may not bother the patient, however over
time the attacks of pain become more frequent and intensive, the pain
becomes throbbing in nature. Sometimes the pain radiates to the jaw, ear,

adjacent areas. It can cause a migraine attack or headache. In the future

the pain becomes unbearable, painful and it can't be withdrawn by

Chronic pulpitis is manifested a bit differently. The disease in the chronic

form is felt in all thermal changes, painful symptoms arise with the
changing of temperature, for example at the transition from cold to warm
and vice versa, the use of very cold or very hot food. Treatment of pulpitis
involves the removal of the pulp, placing the seals on the damaged tooth.
Untreated pulpitis may develop several complications and consequences.
The most common include: periodontitis, periostitis; osteomyelitis, etc.

Ask yourself:
1.What is the mechanism of the pulpitis?

2.Where does the pain radiates?

3.What does the treatment of pulpitis involves?

Give English equivalents:

Последующее осложнение распространенное заболевание


радиирущая боль приступ мигрени последствие неправильного

лечения проявляться возникать приступы острой боли

Practice the pronunciation of the following:
Consequence untreated osteomyelitis unbearable throbbing adjacent
Removal damaged trauma transition complication inflammatory
Use the words in the sentences of your own.
True or false?

1.Pulpitis can cause a severe pain that can't be withdrawn by


3. Pulpitis can be confused with other dental diseases.

4. Pulpitis is treated with antibiotics.

5. Pulpitis is the consequence of wrong dentation.

Reading comprehension. Read the text without a dictionary, share your

opinion with your friends.
Some facts about teeth.

1. During a long-term practice dentists have encountered such cases when

the x-ray film of the child doesn’t show even the rudiments of the
permanent incisors. In such situations there is no replacement of milk
teeth and the child does not have permanent teeth up to his advanced age.
2. Unimaginable, but it is a confirmed fact –today in Japan not beautiful
teeth, but rather the curves are popular with young people! Modern
Japanese women, having beautiful straight teeth, are ready to spend a lot

of money just to give their teeth an irregular shape. They called it "AIBO".
Japanese fashionistas believe that if a person has a mouth full of ugly
teeth, he or she is modern, stylish, very fashionable and, most importantly,
3. It's common knowledge that tooth enamel is the hardest and durable
tissue in the human body. Therefore, the teeth are stored for centuries
without succumbing to the effects of chemicals, various liquids and high
temperatures. Archaeologists exploring the strata of the earth, often find
well-preserved chewing items of ancient humans and Neanderthals.
4.Scientists have noticed a curious fact: people who do everything with
the right hand, chew their food with teeth on the right side of the jaw, and
lefties chew food on the left side. Observations of the oral cavity of
identical twins were made in China. It turned out that if one of the twins
misses any tooth, the second will miss the same one.
5. It turns out that managers of the top echelon, 40-year-old ladies and
housewives are afraid of dental treatment most of all. Modern kids aren’t
afraid of dental treatment at all.
6. It has been proved that a grapefruit a day can help to heal
inflammation of the gum. In addition, grapefruit regulates metabolism in
the body and can help you to get rid of the «excess» weight.

Your project work: Sum up the material. Write a report on your
in reading and understanding of practical texts. Share your
opinion with your group- mates.


Learn the dialogues and act them out with your group-mates.
Dialogue 1
Dentist: So what's the trouble, Mr. Jones?
Patient: I have two fillings which are loose. They are both in the lower
Dentist: Make yourself comfortable in the chair. Let me have a look.
Open your
mouth wide. That's it. Yes, these fillings are going to drop out very soon.
And they
both need replacement by crowns. And I'm afraid that endodontic
treatment will be
necessary too.
Patient: What does «endodontic treatment» mean?
Dentist: It is treatment of diseases of the dental pulp and periapical
Patient: Is it painful?
Dentist: I am going to make you an injection and you won't feel
anything. Do you
have allergy to any anesthetics?
Patient: No, I don't. But I have accelerated heart beating after injections.
By the way, is endodontic treatment expensive? The matter is that my
health insurance certificate covers only part of my expenses. And I'm
rather hard up at the moment. Of course, I understand that good health is
above wealth, but still, you know I am going to get a new well-paid job
next month and then, of course…
Dentist: Well, I must admit that endodontic treatment is rather
expensive, but in your case it is the only way to save your teeth! And as
for the crowns they are much more expensive. I am afraid it will cost
you around 500 dollars altogether.
Patient: Actually, both these teeth are not painful at the moment. How
long can it
wait, do you think?
Dentist: Well, the sooner the better, of course. I can't guarantee that they
become painful by the next week. So I strongly recommend you to do it
as soon as
Patient: Thank you very much, doctor. I'll try to follow your advice.

Dialogue 2
Nell: Hello, is that you, Bert? Nell is here. I'm so glad I've found you in.
Bert: Hello, Nell. How are you?
N.: Fine. Listen, Bert. I'm bursting with news. Just imagine: yesterday I
had the first real patient of my own.
B.: You don't say! Who was it?
N.: A nice old man with a lot of teeth to be pulled out. It's such
wonderful practice
for me!
B.: Are you quite sure that some of his teeth couldn't be filled?
N.: None of them! I sent him to have his teeth X-rayed, so it's all right.
B.: How did you manage to get such a marvellous patient, I wonder?
N.: He came with a bad toothache. It had been bothering him for a day
or two
B.: Were there no other dentists in the surgery?
N.: No, I was the only one. It was Sunday.
B.: Poor old thing! I hope you didn't try to pull out all his teeth at once,
did you?
N.: Don't be silly. I just chose the easiest one to begin with.
B.: I see... And how did you get along?
N.: Wonderfully. I tested his blood pressure and gave him a couple of
though he said that my smile worked better than any injection.
B.: Oh, he did, did he? And he didn't have heart attack after the tooth
was taken out? It would have been natural for an old man.
N.: No, he just felt a bit sick and giddy. I gave him a tonic and told him
to stay in bed for a while and take his temperature.
B.: Perhaps I’d better drop in and check his heart? I’m on sick leave
now and can do it at any time.
N.: You needn’t. I’ll let you know. But I do hope he won’t. The day
after tomorrow he’s coming again.
B.: Are you sure he’s not going to make an appointment with some other
N.: I don’t think he will. When he was leaving he said he looked
forward to having
all his teeth pulled out and he would keep them all as souvenirs to
remember me by.

B.: Well, I wish you good luck. Hope to hear from you soon. Bye for
now, Nell.
.: Good-bye, Bert. I’ll let you know how things are going on.


Instruments used for the treatment of various disorders and

diseases of the oral cavity can be divided into several large
1. for the examination of the oral cavity;
2. for the treatment of teeth;
3. for the removal of dental deposits;
4. for prosthetics;
5. for tooth extraction.

Dental instruments are used for therapeutic treatment and surgery

as well as for orthopedic manipulations.

This set of tools is basic and universally used by all dentists. It is

designed for the examination of the patient's oral cavity in order to
preliminary determinate the existing problems. In addition to the
diagnostic purpose the set for inspection is actively used in the
treatment, prosthetics and even for removal of teeth.

Dentists use mirrors, cotton pliers, explorers. Forceps are used

for extractions of teeth.

A dental mirror has a long detachable handle and a magnifying

effect which produces an enlarged image. It is also used for
determination of the pain by tapping with it on the tooth.

Cotton pliers with a thin working part enable dentists to

manipulate with small objects and handle even unattainable
cavities including those on the back surface of the teeth.

An explorer is a tool whose working part may have different

shapes or bent at an angle. Probes or explores can be straight,
angled, sickle or bayonet-shaped.
A probe reveals the depth and width of a periodontal or gingival
pocket , tweezers help to determine the degree of the mobility of
the tooth.

For successful surgery dentists should use dental forceps. Their

form and design should correspond to the anatomical features of
the teeth to be removed.
There are
universal forceps for removal any item from the front part of the
upper jaw, beak-shaped forceps for removal teeth with strong
coronal part and so on.

For the orthopedic manipulations dentists use impression spoons,

dental braces, ligature and an optragate.
The kit for inspection or a tray of instruments contains 1 –a
mirror; 2 – forceps, 3 –an angled probe; 4 –a straight probe or an
explorer . Using such a simple set dentists detect defects on the
surface of the teeth and diagnose dental diseases for more than a
hundred years: the breadth, depth, density of the walls and degree
of pain. The probe reveals the presence of gingival pockets,
tweezers - the degree of mobility of the teeth. Dental mirror with
its long handle is used for magnifying defects and cavities in

All these methods of diagnosis may seem primitive nowadays, but

dentists still rely on them in their manipulations. Nurses assist
dentists at a high professional level.
Ask yourself

1.What instruments do dentists use?

2.What is each dental instrument used for?
3.What instrument is used for dental surgery?

Exercise 1

Give English equivalents

Стоматологические инструменты зеркало пинцет зонд

хирургические щипцы манипулировать увеличительный
эффект диагностировать глубина парадонтозный карман
удаление зуба

Exercise 2

Practice the pronunciation of the following

Mirror forceps manipulate magnifying effect diagnose removal

Exercise 3 Ask questions to the sentence

For successful surgery dentists use forceps with the design

corresponding to the anatomical features of the teeth

Reading comprehension
Fill in the gaps using the following: killed punishment health
hundred medical used took colonies public fight affected

Middle Ages

Man tried to protect------- during the Middle Ages. Certain

important health methods were ---- during this period. Epidemics
of diphtheria, typhoid, fever, leprosy, influenza , bubonic plague
and other diseases------millions of lives.
Leprosy was spread for --------of years. This disease was not
controlled by ------means. Poor lepers lived in special -------, away
from other people. This was a very important advance in ------
health during this period. During the Middle Ages plaque --------
many millions of people in Europe. In 1348"BLACK DEATH"
struck Britain: nobody knew how to ---------with this disease.
Doctors advised people to run away from the------areas.
Everybody agreed that plaque was god's------- for man's sins.

Your project work

Name a set of medical solutions you can see on the dentist's table.

Class room activities. Read the text and answer the questions.

Many folk cures which have been around for centuries may be
more therapeutic than previously suspected. A case in point is that
of penicillin. Alexander Fleming
Did not just randomly choose cheese molds to study when he
discovered this very important bacteria-killing substance. Moldy
cheese was frequently given to patients as a remedy for illness at
one time. Fleming just isolated what it was about the cheese which
cured the patients.
In parts of South America a powder obtained from grinding sugar
cane is used for healing infections in wounds and ulcers. This
usage may date back to pre-Columbian times. Experiments carried
out on several hundred patients indicate that ordinary sugar in
high concentrations is lethal to bacteria. Its suction effect
eliminates dead cells, and it generates a glasslike layer which
protects the wound and ensures healing.
Another example of folk medicine which scientists are
investigating is that of Arab fishermen who rub their wounds with
a venomous catfish to quicken healing. This catfish excretes a
gellike slime which scientists have found to contain antibiotics, a
coagulant that directs production of a gluelike material that aids
It is hoped that by documenting these folk remedies and
experimenting to see if results are indeed beneficial, an analysis of
the substance can be made, and synthetic substance can be
developed for human consumption.

This passage is mainly about

A. using folk medicines in place of modern medicines

B. antibiotics in the field of medicine
C. the validity of folk remedies and their use for advances in
modern medicine

D. isolating antibiotics in cheese, sugar and slime

It can be interfered from the passage that Alexander Fleming

A. discovered moldy cheese

B. isolated infectious patients
C. suspected medicinal properties of mold
D. enjoyed eating cheese

According to the passage,

A. bacteria feed on sugar

B. sugar kills unhealthy cells
C. glass is formed from sugar
D. sugar promotes healing

The gellike substance which promotes healing comes from

A. catfish bodies
B. Arab fishermen
C. coagulants
D. catfish venom

Which one of the following is NOT an important quality of the

catfish slime?
A. It prohibits inflammation.
B. It fights bacteria.
C. It stops bleeding.
D. It produces mold.

Supplement 1. Word building.

1. If you want to learn to understand texts oriented at your

profession its necessary to know main ways of word building.

1. Prefixes.
Prefix Meaning Example
ante before anterior
Anti against antibiotics
Auto- self autoimmune
Bi two bilingual
Con-,com-,co-, together with cognate
Cog-,col-,cor- against contraception
di-,dif-,dis separate divide
en-,em put into embrace
ex- out, from extract
extra- beyond extra uterine
in-,im not impartial
infra- below infrared
Inter- between, among interfere
intra- within intramural
mal- bad malnutrition
micro- small microscope
mis- wrong misunderstand
mono- one monogamy
multi- many multicultural
non- not nonentity
ob-,oc-,of-,ops against obstruct
out- surpass outstanding
over- excessive overconfident
para- beside paramedic
per- through permeate
poly- many polyvitamins
post- after posttraumatic
pre- before premedication
preter- more than preternatural
re- back, again regain

retro- backward retroactive

se- apart sequential
semi- half semirigid
sub-, suc-, suf-, sug- under sublingual
, sup-,sur
super- over superman
trans- across transmute
ultra- beyond ultrasound
un- not uncertain

2. Suffix that forms a noun.

acy,-cy state or quality accuracy
age activity drainage
ance,-ence action assistance
ate state magistrate
ation resulting state stavation
eer person concerned volunteer
er,-or person who does doctor, astronemer
ful an amount handful
ia illness phobia hysteria
ide namesof elements dioxide
in,-ine names of substances gelatin
ing activity operating
ion action examination
ism attitude, condition idealism, alcoholism
ist occupation dentist
ity ity purity
state or condition state or condition
purity purity
ment result development
state or condition illness ness

3. Suffix that forms a verb

ate put in a state isolate
ed past tense walked
en become strengthen
er action wander
ify cause simplify
ize cause epitomize

4. Suffix that forms an adjective

able, -ible worthy valuable
al,-ial,-ical quality criminal
ant,-ent kind of agent woolen, golden
en material Japanese
ese origin
ful having, giving Ic quality heroic
ive,-ative having quality of attractive
less without helpless сhildlike like
having the qualities
ly having the qualities friendly
ous,-eous,-ious having the qualities serious,virtuous
y full of bony

Recommendations for students.

Reading practical texts is not an easy task. You should review

passive voice.

Texts on medicine contain Passive voice. The table given below

will help you to understand the text better.

Grammar Table

Passive voice Be+ Ved/3

Simple Progressive perfect

be(am,are,is)+Ved/3 be+being+Ved/3 have/has+been+Ved/3

The patient is The patient is being The patient has been

examined. examined. examined.

Больной осмотрен. осматривают. Больного только что

be(was,were)+Ved/3 be+being+Ved/3 had+been+Ved/3

The patient was The patient was The patient had been
examined. being examined. examined.
Больного Больного Больного осмотрели. (к
осмотрели. осматривали. определенному
моменту в прошлом)

Shall,will+be+Ved/3 shall/will+have+been+
The patient will be
The patient will have
Больного осмотрят. been examined.
Больного осмотрят. (к

моменту в будущем)


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Шуваева В.А. Английский язык: Учебно-методическое

пособие для практических занятий. Ч.П.- Самара НОУ ВПО
«Самарский медицинский институт» РеаВиз. 2010 34с.


Unit 1. Medical professions 4

Unit 2. Body systems. 13
Unit 3. Parts of the tooth. 19
Unit 4. Types of teeth. 27
Unit 5. Periodontal disease and periodontitis 35
Unit 6. Symptoms characteristic of periodontal
disease and periodontitis. 43
Unit 7. Dental diseases and their causes. 49
Unit 8. Periodontal disease. 55
Unit 9. Gingivitis. 58
Unit 10. Caries. 71
Unit 11.Pulpitis. 81
Unit 12.Dental instruments 90
Supplement 1. 101
Grammar table. 104
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Belova E.V., Gokzhaev M.B., German K.E.


Publishing House “Granica” Moscow 2022., 107 р.

Подписано в печать 24.11.2022 г. Формат 60х84/16. Бумага тип.

Усл. печ. л. 97,6. Уч.-изд. л. 96,9. Тираж 500 экз. Заказ № 1530
ISBN 978-5-9933-0419-9
Оригинал-макет подготовлен в «Издательский дом «Граница»
Москва, ул. 1905 года, д. 7, стр. 1
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