Bảng từ vựng C1-C2 (Phần 1)

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Từ Cấp độ Phiên âm Nghĩa Ví dụ

Fancy! C2 /ˈfæn.si/ An expression of - Fancy seeing

surprise you here!
- Fancy that! (=
How surprising)
Starry-eyed (adj) /ˌstɑː.riˈaɪd/ If you are starry- It's easy to be
eyed, you have a starry-eyed
lot of thoughts and about a place
opinions that are you've never
unreasonably been to.
positive, so you do
not understand
things as they
really are (Lãng
mạn, không thực
tế, mơ mộng hão
Tactful (adj) C2 /ˈtækt.fəl/ Careful not to say Mentioning his
or do anything that baldness wasn't
could upset very tactful.
someone (Khéo xử,
lịch thiệp)
Down-to-earth C1 /ˌdaʊn.tuːˈɝːθ/ Practical, She's a down-to-
(adj) reasonable, and earth woman
friendly (Thực tế) with no
Neatly (adv) C1 /ˈniːt.li/ In a tidy way (Gọn His clothes are
= be in apple-pie gàng, ngăn nắp) all neatly folded
order in their drawers.
Revenue C1 /ˈrev.ə.nuː/ The income that a Government
government or revenues fell
company receives dramatically.
regularly (Thu
nhập, lợi tức, ngân
khố quốc gia)
Down the drain C2 If work or money If the factory
is or goes down thecloses, that will
drain, it is spoiled
be a million
or wasted (Lãng dollars' worth of
phí, phí phạm) investment
down the drain.
Demonstration C1 /ˌdem.ən The act of showing Let me give you
(n) ˈstreɪ.ʃən/ someone how to do a demonstration
 Give something, or how of how the
demonstration of something works camera works.
sth (Sự thể hiện, sự
chứng minh, sự
thuyết minh)
Make a start on C2 The act of We need to
beginning to do sth make a start on
(Bắt đầu làm gì) (preparing) the
brochure next
From start to C1 Including all of The whole party
finish something, from was a disaster
the beginning to from start to
the end (Từ đầu finish.
đến cuối)
For a start C1 - First, or as the - We'll take
first in a set of names and
something (Điều phone numbers
đầu tiên, cái đầu for a start, then
tiên) later on we can
get more details.

- This book is
- Used when giving better than her
a first example of last one. For a
something (Lấy ví start, it's shorter.
dụ đầu tiên cho cái
Shallow (adj) C2 /ˈʃæl.oʊ/ Not showing He's physically
serious or careful attractive, but
thought (Nông cạn, shallow.
hời hợt)
Short-sighted C2 /ˌʃɔːrtˈsaɪ.t̬ ɪd/ - A short-sighted
(adj) person can only
clearly see objects
that are close to
them (Cận thị)

- Not thinking
enough about how
- It’s very short-
an action will
sighted of the
affect the future
government not
(Thiển cận) to invest in
Tenderness (n) C2 /ˈten.dɚ.nəs/ The quality of She treated the
being gentle, children with
loving, or kind (Sự great tenderness.
dịu dàng, nhân hậu,
âu yếm)
Awe (n) C2 /ɑː/ A feeling of great You can't help
 Cấu trúc: respect sometimes but stand in awe
Stand/be in awe mixed with fear or of (= respect
of: To admire surprise (Sự kính greatly and fear
someone or nể, kính phục) slightly)
something powerful people.
Set (adj) C1 /set/ - Ready and - Shall we go
prepared (Đã sửa now - is
soạn trước, sẵn everyone set?

C2 - Always the same, - My father has

never changing very set
(Kiên quyết, không opinions/views
thay đổi) on the matter.
Hectic (adj) C1 /ˈhek.tɪk/ Full of activity, or- A hectic
very busy and fast schedule/lifestyl
- A hectic
- The area has
become a haven
for people tired
of the hectic
pace of city life.
Have your hands C2 To be so busy that I'd love to help
full you do not have but I've got my
time to do anything hands full
else organizing the
school play.
Resent (v) C2 /rɪˈzent/ To feel angry He resents
because you have having to
been forced to explain his work
accept someone or to other people.
something that you
do not like (Bực
tức, phẫn nộ,
không bằng lòng)
Bear a To look a lot like She bore a
resemblance someone else resemblance to
her aunt
Long for sth/long C2 /lɑːŋ/ To want something - She longed to
to do sth very much (Rất see him again.
muốn thứ gì) - I’m longing for
news of him.
Go through the C2 To rise to a very Prices have gone
roof high level (Quá through the roof.
cao, quá đắt đỏ)
Sedentary (adj) C2 /ˈsed.ən.ter.i/ Involving little - A sedentary
exercise or job/occupation
physical activity - Marilyn leads a
(Ngồi nhiều, ở một more sedentary
chỗ, ít vận động) lifestyle now
that she works at
Do wonders for To cause That new guy is
something/someo improvement or great – he’s
ne have a very good done wonders
effect (Có tác dụng for the company.
lớn/kì diệu)
Sweat it out To do hard I like to sweat it
physical exercise out in the gym
for a couple of
hours every day.
Be on good, To have a good, Are you on good
friendly, etc. friendly, etc. terms with your
terms (with sb)s relationship with boss?
someone (Có mối
quan hệ tốt với ai)
Trauma (n) C2 /ˈtrɑː.mə/ Severe and - The trauma of
lasting marriage
emotional breakdown
shock and - He had
pain caused psychotherapy
by an to help him deal
extremely with his
upsetting childhood
experience, or traumas.
a case of such
thương, tổn
thương về
tâm lý)
Not sleep a wink C2 To not sleep at all I didn’t sleep a
(Không ngủ chút wink last night
nào) with all that
Exemplify (v) C2 /ɪɡˈzem.plə.faɪ/ To be or give a This painting
typical example of perfectly
something (Minh exemplifies the
họa bằng thí dụ, naturalistic style
làm thí dụ cho) which was so
popular at the
Pick one’s brains To ask someone I was picking
who knows a lot Simon’s brains
about a subject for about which
information or their computer to buy.
opinion (Hỏi ai đó
để thu nhập thêm
thông tin, biết thêm
thông tin)
Soft spot (n) C2 /ˈsɑːft ˌspɑːt/ To feel that you She'd always
 Have a soft like someone very had a soft spot
spot for sb much (Rất mực for her younger
yêu thương ai) nephew.
Setback (n) C1 /ˈset.bæk/ Something that - Sally had been
happens that delays recovering well
or prevents a from her
process from operation, but
developing (Sự thất yesterday she
bại, sự giảm sút) experienced/suff
ered a setback.
- There has been
a slight/
setback in our
Weaken (v) C1 /ˈwiː.kən/ To (cause to) We know that
become less strong, prolonged
powerful, exposure to
determined, or vibration can
effective (Làm cho weaken aircraft
yếu đi, làm cho yếu components.
Fair (adj) C2 /feər/ Quite large (Lớn, We’ve had a fair
nhiều) amount of rain
this week.
Widespread C1 /ˌwaɪdˈspred/ Existing or The campaign
happening in many has received
places and/or widespread
among many support.
people (Lan rộng,
trải rộng, phổ biến)
A conflict of C2 A situation in I need to declare
interest which someone a conflict of
cannot make a fair interest here -
decision because one of the
they will be candidates for
affected by the the job is a
result (Xung đột lợi friend of mine.
Leave your/its C2 To have an effect The experience
mark on sb/sth that changes had left its mark
someone or on her
something, usually
in a bad way [Có
ảnh hưởng, tác
động đáng kể
(Thường là ảnh
hưởng xấu)]
All and sundry Everyone (Mọi - I don’t want all
= One and all người) and sundry
knowing about
our problems
- The news of
his resignation
came as a
surprise to one
and all.
Resignation C2 /ˌrez.ɪɡˈneɪ.ʃən/ The act of telling - There have
 Handed your employer that been calls for his
in/gave in/sent in you are leaving resignation.
one's resignation your job (Sự từ - I handed
(Nộp đơn từ chức) in/gave in/sent
chức, nộp đơn xin in my
nghỉ việc) resignation this
Take something C2 If you take Don't take it to
to heart criticism or advice heart - he was
to heart, you think only joking
about it seriously, about your hair.
often because it
upsets you (Để
bụng, để trong
Deceased (adj) C2 /dɪˈsiːst/ Dead (Mất) The recently
Member of
Subsequent (adj) C1 /ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt/ Happening after The book
something else discusses his
(Đến sau, theo sau) illness and
resignation from
Sober (adj) C2 /ˈsoʊ.bɚ/ - Not drunk or - Are you sober
affected by alcohol enough to drive,
(Tỉnh táo, không Jim?
say rượu)

- Serious and calm - In fact the

(Điềm tĩnh, điềm whole wedding
đạm) was a sober
affair – no
dancing, just
people standing
around in groups
chatting politely.

- Clothes or
colours that are
sober are plain and
not bright (Nhã
nhặn, không lòe
Corresponding C2 /ˌkɔːr.ə Similar to, Company losses
(adj) ˈspɑːn.dɪŋ/ connected with, or were 50 percent
caused by worse than in
something else the
(Tương ứng, đúng corresponding
với) period last year.
Repetition (n) C2 /ˌrep.əˈtɪʃ.ən/ The act of doing or His books are
saying something full of repetition.
again (Sự nhắc lại,
sự lặp lại)
Formula (n) C1 /ˈfɔːr.mjə.lə/ A standard or There's no
accepted way of magic formula
doing or making for success.
something (Thể
thức, cách thức)
Asset (n) C1 /ˈæs.et/ - A useful or - He’ll be a great
valuable quality, asset to the
skill, or person team.
(Vốn quý, vật có - Her eyes are
ích) her best asset

- Something - A company’s
valuable belonging assets can
to a person or consist of cash,
organization that investments,
can be used for the specialist
payment of debts knowledge, or
(Của cải, tài sản copyright
thuộc quyền sở hữu material.
của một người
hoặc một công ty)
Exhaust (v) C1 /ɪɡˈzɑːst/ To make someone The long
extremely tired journey
(Làm kiệt quệ, làm exhausted the
mệt mỏi) children.
Exhaust (n) C1 /ɪɡˈzɑːst/ The waste gas from Car exhaust is
an engine, the main reason
especially a car's, for the city's
or the pipe the gas pollution.
flows through
(Khói xe)
Be out of the C2 To be an event that A trip to New
question cannot possibly Zealand is out of
happen (Không the question this
thể, không thực tế) year.
Advocate (v) C2 /ˈæd.və.keɪt/ To publicly support She advocates
or suggest an idea, taking a more
development, or long-term view.
way of doing
something (Tán
thành, ủng hộ)
Endeavour (v) C1 /enˈdev.ɚ/ To try to do Engineers are
= Attemp to V something (Cố endeavouring to
gắng, nỗ lực làm locate the source
gì) of the problem.
Fundamental C2 /ˌfʌn.də Forming the base, It's one of the
(adj) ˈmen.t̬ əl/ from which fundamental
everything else differences
develops (Cơ bản, between men
cơ sở, chủ yếu) and women.
Gripping (adj) C1 /ˈɡrɪp.ɪŋ/ Something that is I found the book
gripping is so so gripping that
interesting or I couldn’t put it
exciting that it down.
holds your
completely (Hấp
dẫn, thú vị)
Nostalgic (adj) C2 /nɒsˈtæl.dʒə/ Feeling happy and We’ll take a
also slightly sad nostalgic look at
when you think the musical hits
about things that of the 60s.
happened in the
past (Hoài niệm,
hoài cổ)
Relieve (v) C2 /rɪˈliːv/ To make an She was given a
unpleasant feeling, shot of
such as pain or morphine to
worry, less strong relieve the pain.
(Làm dịu đi)
Look up C1 To become better I hope things
(Trở nên tốt hơn) will start to look
up in the new
Look over C2 To quickly I had a few
something examine something minutes before
(Soát bài, kiểm tra the meeting to
cái gì) look over what
he’d written.
Derive something C1 To get something The institute
from something from something derives all its
else (Lấy thứ gì đó money from
từ một thứ khác) foreign
Route (n) C2 /ruːt/ A method of A college
achieving education is
something (Cách often the best
thức để đạt được route to a good
thứ gì) job
Drift apart C2 If two people drift
apart, they
gradually become
less friendly and
their relationship
ends. (Dần trở nên
xa cách, không còn
gắn bó)
Mainstream (adj) C2 /ˈmeɪn.striːm/ Considered normal, This is the
and having or director’s first
using ideas, beliefs, mainstream
etc. that are Hollywood film.
accepted by most
people (Xu hướng,
xu thế chủ đạo)
Hostile (adj) C1 /ˈhɑː.stəl/ Unfriendly and not - A hostile
liking something crowd
(Thù địch, không - The president
thân thiện) had a hostile
reception in
Ohio this
Put one’s foot C2 To use your When she
down authority to stop started
something borrowing my
happening (Áp clothes without
dụng các chính asking, I had to
sách cứng rắn) put my foot
Be an effort C2 To be difficult, I’m exhausted
tiring, or boring to all the time, and
do something. everything is a
real effort.
Regard (n) C1 /rɪˈɡɑːrd/ Respect or - The company
admiration for holds her in high
someone or regard.
something (Kính - He has no
trọng, tôn trọng) regard for other
people’s feeling.
On the verge (of) C2 If you are on the - On the verge
verge of something of
or come to the collapse/success
verge of /tears/death/disa
something, you are ster/war
very close to - Her husband’s
experiencing it violent and
(Rất gần với điều abusive
gì, trên bờ vực của) behaviour drove
her to the verge
of despair.
Be the envy of sb C2 To be liked and Her hair is the
wanted by a lot of envy of the
people (Người/đồ office.
vật khiến người
khác ngưỡng mộ,
ghen tị)
Be at the mercy C2 To be in a situation Poor people are
of sb/sth where someone or increasingly at
something has the mercy of
complete power money-lenders.
over you (Ở thế
phụ thuộc, phó mặc
cho ai/cái gì định
Plead (v) C2 /pliːd/ - To make an - He was on his
urgent, emotional knees, pleading
statement or for
request for mercy/forgivene
something (Cầu ss.
xin, nài nỉ)

- To make a - The defendant

statement of what pleaded not
you believe to be guilty/innocent
true, especially in to robbery with
support of violence.
something or
someone or when
someone has been
accused in a law
court (Bào chữa,
biện hộ)

- To say something
- She left early,
as an excuse or
explanation (Lấy
pressure of
Move on C1 - To leave the place I’ve lived in this
where you are town long
staying and go enough – it’s
somewhere else time to move on.
(Rời đi)

- To start a new - I’d done the

activity (Bắt đầu same job for
một hoạt động mới, years and felt it
bắt đầu một điều gì was time to
đó mới) move on.
Crack (sb) up C2 To suddenly laugh I took one look
a lot, or to make at her and
someone suddenly cracked up.
laugh a lot (Đột
nhiên cười hoặc
làm cho ai đó cười
sảng khóai)
Poetic (adj) C2 /poʊˈet̬ .ɪk/ Like or relating to The story is
poetry or poets (Có written in richly
chất thơ, đầy thi vị, poetic language.
nên thơ)
Profoundly (adv) C2 /prəˈfaʊnd.li/ Deeply or We are all
extremely (Một profoundly
cách sâu sắc, hết grateful for your
sức) help and
Jump to C2 To guess the facts Don't jump to
conclusions about a situation conclusions!
without having Perhaps it was
enough his daughter he
information (Đưa was dancing
ra kết luận, quyết with.
định trước khi có
đủ thông tin)
Notable (adj) C1 /ˈnoʊ.t̬ ə.bəl/ Important and This attractive
deserving attention, building is
because of being particularly
very good or notable for its
interesting (Có woodland
tiếng, trứ danh, setting.
đáng chú ý)
Intriguing (adj) C2 /ɪnˈtriː.ɡɪŋ/ Very interesting - An intriguing
because of being possibility/quest
unusual or ion
mysterious (Hấp - She has a
dẫn, gợi sự thích really intriguing
thú, tò mò) personality.
Be prone to C2 Likely to show a He was prone to
sth/do sth particular depression even
characteristic, as a teenager.
usually a negative
one, or to be
affected by
something bad,
such as damage or
an illness (Yếu
đuối, không có khả
năng tự vệ)
Indication (n) C1 /ˌɪn.dəˈkeɪ.ʃən/ A sign that There are few
something exists, is indications (that)
true, or is likely to the economy is
happen (Sự biểu on an upswing.
thị, sự biểu lộ, dấu
Vague (adj) C1 /veɪɡ/ - Not clearly - I do have a
expressed, known, vague memory
described, or of meeting her
decided [Mơ hồ, lờ many years ago.
mờ, mập mờ,
không rõ ràng
(Cách hiểu, sự
nhận thức)]

- A vague person is - Their report is

not able to think studiously/delib
clearly, or gives an erately vague on
impression of not future economic
thinking clearly in prospects.
order to hide their
real thoughts (Lơ
đãng, không quyết
đoán, không chắc
chắn – người)
Strive (v) C2 /straɪv/ To try very hard to In her writing
 Strive for do something or to she strove for a
make something balance between
happen, especially innovation and
for a long time or familiar prose
against difficulties forms.
(Cố gắng cật lực,
phấn đấu)
Innovation (n) C1 /ˌɪn.əˈveɪ.ʃən/ (The use of) a new …the latest
idea or method (Sự innovations in
đổi mới, sự cách computer
tân) technology
Derive from C1 To come from The English
something something (Xuất word "olive" is
phát từ, bắt nguồn derived from the
từ) Latin word
Relish (v) C2 /ˈrel.ɪʃ/ To like or enjoy I always relish a
something (Hứng challenge.
thú, say mê, thích
Relish (n) C2 /ˈrel.ɪʃ/ The enjoyment you She ate her cake
get from doing slowly and with
something (Cảm relish.
giác thích thú có
được khi làm điều
gì đó)
Determine (v) C1 /dɪˈtɝː.mɪn/ To control or The number of
influence staff we can take
something directly, on will be
or to decide what determined by
will happen (Xác how much
định, quyết định) money we're
allowed to
Recollect (v) C2 /ˌrek.əˈlekt/ To remember As far as I can
something (Nhớ recollect, his
lại, hồi tưởng lại) name is Edward.
Adverse (adj) C2 /ædˈvɝːs/ Having a negative So far the drug
or harmful effect is thought not to
on something (Có have any
hại, bất lợi) adverse effects.
Curb (v) C2 /kɝːb/ To control or limit The government
something that is should act to
not wanted (Hạn curb tax evasion.
chế, kìm lại)
Fragrant (adj) C2 /ˈfreɪ.ɡrəns/ A sweet or pleasant ...the delicate
smell (Thơm phức, fragrance of
thơm ngát) roses
Wholeheartedly C2 /ˌhoʊl In a way that is I hear what you
(adv) ˈhɑːr.t̬ ɪd.li/ completely say and I
enthusiastic and wholeheartedly
without any doubt agree.
(Toàn tâm toàn ý)
Sentimental (adj) C2 /ˌsen.t̬ ə A sentimental Why be
ˈmen.t̬ əl/ person is strongly sentimental
influenced by about that old
emotional feelings, coat? There's no
especially about point in keeping
happy memories of it just because
past events or you were
relationships with wearing it when
other people, rather you first met
than by careful me.
thought and
judgment based on
facts (Ủy mị, đa
Bump into C1 To meet someone We bumped into
somebody you know when Amy when we
you have not were in town
planned to meet last week.
them (Tình cờ gặp
Linger (v) C2 /ˈlɪŋ.ɡɚ/ To take a long time - After the play
to leave or had finished, we
disappear (Nấn ná, lingered for a
chần chừ, nán lại) while in the bar
hoping to catch
sight of the
- The smell from
the fire still
lingered days
Exclusively (adv) C1 /ɪkˈskluː.sɪv.li/ Only (Duy nhất) - This offer is
exclusively to
our established
- ...an
female audience
Diminish (v) C1 /dɪˈmɪn.ɪʃ/ To reduce or be I don't want to
reduced in size or diminish her
importance (Hạ achievements,
bớt, giảm bớt, thu but she did have
nhỏ) a lot of help.
Compile (v) C1 /kəmˈpaɪl/ To collect We're compiling
information from some facts and
different places and figures for a
arrange it in a documentary on
book, report, or list the subject.
(Biên soạn, sưu tập
tài liệu)
Hospitable (adj) C1 /hɒsˈpɪt.ə.bəl/ Friendly and The villagers
welcoming to were very
guests and visitors hospitable
(Mến khách, hiếu to/towards
khách) anyone who
passed through.
Timid (adj) C2 /ˈtɪm.ɪd/ Shy and nervous; Kieran is a timid
without much child.
confidence; easily
frightened (Nhút
Reassure (v) C1 /ˌriː.əˈʃʊr/ To comfort - I was nervous
someone and stop on my first day
them from at college, but I
worrying (Trấn an) was reassured to
see some
friendly faces.
- He reassured
me (that) my
cheque would
arrive soon.
Splendid (adj) C1 /ˈsplen.dɪd/ Excellent, or - You look
beautiful and splendid in that
impressive (Lộng outfit.
lẫy, tráng lệ, rất - We had
đẹp) splendid food/a
Resolution (v) C2 /ˌrez.əˈluː.ʃən/ A promise to I made a
 Make a yourself to do or to resolution to
resolution to V not do something give up
(Tự hứa) chocolate.
Obsolete (adj) C1 /ˌɒb.səlˈiːt/ Not in use any Gas lamps
more, having been became obsolete
replaced by when electric
something newer lighting was
and better or more invented.
fashionable (Cổ
xưa, quá hạn, lỗi
Youngster (n) = C1 /ˈjʌŋ.stɚ/ A young person, The scheme is
Young people usually an older for youngsters
child (Người trẻ, between the
thanh niên) ages of ten and
Motivate (v) C1 /ˈmoʊ.t̬ ə.veɪt/ To make someone Teaching is all
want to do about motivating
something well people to learn.
(Thúc đẩy, động
viên = Encourage)
Exclude (v) C1 /ɪkˈskluːd/ To prevent - Women are
someone or still excluded
something from from the club.
entering a place or - Tom has been
taking part in an excluded from
activity (Ngăn school (= he is
chặn, loại trừ, not allowed to
đuổi) go to school) for
bad behaviour.
Put in/make an To go to an event, I felt like I had
appearance but only for a short to put in an
time because you appearance at
do not really want the staff party,
to be there (Đi đến but I only stayed
sự kiện chỉ trong for an hour.
thời gian ngắn vì
không thực sự
Enhance (v) C1 /ɪnˈhæns/ To improve the These scandals
quality, amount, or will not enhance
strength of the
something (Thúc organization's
đẩy, làm tăng) reputation.
Sadden (v) C2 /ˈsæd.ən/ To make someone It saddens me to
sad (Làm cho ai think that we'll
buồn) never see her
Integral (adj) C1 /ˈɪn.t̬ ə.ɡrəl/ Necessary and He's an integral
 Play an important as a part part of the team
integral part of a whole (= and we can't do
(Đóng một vai trò Necessary = without him.
quan trọng) Important: Quan
trọng, cần thiết)
Spouse (n) C2 /spaʊs/ A person's husband In 60 percent of
or wife (Bạn đời, the households
vợ/chồng) surveyed both
spouses went
out to work.

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