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MCQs for bio

Digestive system
1. Certain food containing _ is soluble in water. Sucrose
2. _ is a muscular tube which starts with mouth and ends at the anus. Alimentary canal
3. Alimentary canal is _ meters long. 9
4. _ large digestive glands and _different salivary glands. 2,3
5. Mouth or the _ is the space where the food is chewed. Oral cavity
6. The lips help in _. Speaking, closing mouth, closing mouth
7. The muscular tongue helps in _. Manipulating food while chewing and mixing with saliva,
8. The teeth help in _ and also add to _. Speaking, facial beauty
9. An adult normally has _ teeth. 32
10. Incisors are the _ teeth. 4 front
11. Incisors are used for_. Biting and cutting
12. Incisors have cutting edge that are broad and sharp like a chisel.
13. Canines are one on each side of the _.incisor
14. Canines are _ and _ for _the food. Conical, sharply pointed, holding and tearing
15. Premolars are _ on each side in each jaw next to _. 2, canines
16. Premolar is also known as _. Bicuspid
17. Premolars help in _the food. grinding and crushing
18. Molars are the last _ teeth on each side in each jaw. 3
19. They help in _ and _ the food. Grinding and crushing
20. Human or mammalian teeth are called _and teeth of lizards and frogs are know as _.
21. In humans,the temporary of _ teeth starts growing when the child is about _ months old and are
completed when he is about _ yrs. 20,7-8,2
22. The permanent teeth are completed at the age of _yrs. 12
23. The part exposed above the gum is called _. Crown
24. The part embedded in a cup like socket of the jaw bone is _.root
25. The _ is a slight constriction between the root and the crown. Neck
26. The hardest substance on the body is the_. Ivory/teeth
27. Enamel is also known as _. ivory
28. _ covers the crown. Enamel
29. _ forms the bulk of the tooth. Dentine
30. Dentine has minute canals through which run the strands of cytoplasm of the cells in _.pulp
31. _is located just in the front of and beneath each ear. Parotid gland
32. _ lying close to the inner side of the jaws on each side. Submadibular glands
33. _ below the tongue. Sublingual glands
34. We can produce about _ of saliva everyday. 1000-1500ml
35. Saliva contains an enzyme called _. Salivary amylase/ptyalin
36. The enzyme called _ converts starch into maltose. Salivary amylase
37. The back part of the roof of the mouth cavity is called_. Soft palate
38. _ helps in the lubrication of the small intestine. Goblet cells
39. Drugs are absorbed in the _. Mouth and large intestine
40. Amylopsin digests leftover starch into maltose.
41. Trypsin acts on the remaining proteins and polypeptides to produce smaller and amino acids.
42. Steapsin acts on the emulsified fats to split them into fatty acids and glycerol.
43. Most of the water reabsorbtion takes place in the _. large intestine
44. _in the large intestine temporarily stores undigested food and wastes. Rectum
45. Arrangement of human teeth: I,C,PM,M
46. _ has no significant activity during the digestive activity. large intestine
47. Most of the digested food is absorbed in_. small intestine
48. Assimilation is the conversion of the absorbed digested food into body material.
49. The chemical digestion process in initiated in the _.oral cavity
50. _is not the function of the liver.i)secretion of digestive juices,ii)<synthesis of insulin>,iii)food
51. _is replaced by permanent teeth. Temporary milk teeth
52. _ prevents the flow of the food back into the oesophagus from the stomach. Cardiac sphincter
53. Insulin and glucagon are secreted by _.exocrine portion of the pancreas
54. Between the mouth and the stomach, the partially digested food passes through _.gullet
55. The enzymes not present in the pancreatic juice are





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